Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1562: Aggressive

Fortunately, Lin Mengya's ability to accept is not just a little bit.

Xi Fang was also smoked by the thick **** gas, but now it has calmed down a lot.

When I recalled the scene just before, she still felt a little discomfort in her stomach, but more, she was shocked and angry.

现在 She now knows just how **** the fragmentation is.

The corpse was already drowned by the bright red, and the ground was full of flesh and blood and stumps.

I know, only when people are struggling hard, will there be such misery.

I can imagine how much pain this person suffered when he died.

It happened on her site.

Wu Qinghu wiped his mouth and laughed at himself.

In the end, I lived in a comfortable life for too long. At the beginning, how many miserable situations he had seen, he had already developed a heart of stone.

I do not want to see the beauty of spring flowers and autumn moons, but for such a scene, the ability to bear a lot of weakness.

However, it also stirred up the anger he hid in his heart.

"Girl, it seems that the other party has some means. You can be sure, did the Mu family do it?"

Lin Lin Mengya knows, so does Qinghu.

Not to mention murder, he is definitely a master of this.

And he also thought of one thing, Mu family is a master of 傀儡, as 傀儡, you must have something to control.

的 Who can make such a proficient person besides the Mu family?

Gao Linmengya looked at the window that was blocked immediately. There was no way to collect the corpse, and she still wanted to find the remaining evidence on the corpse.

But she also had a decision on who the killer was.

"It must be the Mu family. If only a few serious crickets are coming today, maybe there is a suspicion of being stolen. However, this must be the secret of the Mu family. If this secret has been leaked In that case, the Mu family's uncle was afraid that it would not be so famous. "

I want to say this is the time when the palace family and Mu family are in friction.

This Mu family came out to be the first to be suspected.

I have a little bit of a head, and I won't use mystery.

Maybe Mu Mu's family is playing the opposite way.

Next, it depends on how Mu family will react.

"Miss Su, my ancestors have requested."

The steward knew her true identity, but in front of outsiders, she still had to do what she had to do.

Zhe Lin Mengya adjusted her sleeves and took the fox out to the front yard.

But at this moment, it is the main hall where the palace family used to treat guests.

才 As soon as she entered the door, she felt the tension in the atmosphere.

In the hall, in addition to Zengzu and a few brothers, there were many outsiders.

She didn't think about it, so she stood outside.

I tried my best to eliminate my sense of existence, to silently examine everything in the hall.

Zeng Zengzu's face is always indifferent and indifferent, while the other three brothers have different looks.

The third brother is okay on the surface, but he is also tense, trying to endure what he is trying to endure.

Brother Wuwu looked cold, always looking hostile to the outsider.

He is the fourth brother, almost the same as his great ancestor.

I just had a little prudence.

Facing the "guests" of a few elder brothers, they seemed much more arrogant.

He is headed by a handsome man with a very cold look.

The so-called Xiangyouxinsheng, this person's temperament is also mostly cunning and wicked.

But he is very distinguished in his clothes, and his movements are elegant and elegant. Obviously, he is of excellent origin.

Although he was sitting there, he was silently looking at the palace family, but Lin Mengya could see that he was the head of the group.

"Our ancestors, although our Mu family is not as powerful as your palace family, but it is also one of the top ten families. The second grandfather of your house even killed our little brother. Shall we explain it? "

He spoke, a mediocre middle-aged man.

注意到 She noticed that before this man spoke, he exchanged a look with the cold male.

I want to come, but also get that person's advice.

And their identity, she also knew.

My great ancestor looked at them, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

Alas, it was not his old man who spoke.

"An explanation will definitely come."

Now that the older brother is not in the second brother, naturally the older brother is the leader.

But he obviously has no patience with Mu family.

"However, it is only after the truth has been found out that there is a decision. Rest assured that not only your Mu family, but our palace family, also feel that this matter cannot be good."

The third brother's tone is appropriate.

Don't look at the palace family now a little weak, but people come to the door to ask, if they are too weak, wouldn't they admit that this is the fault of the second brother?

After the man heard the words of his third brother, his face suddenly changed, and he looked angry.

"Listening to the third master, it seems that we have plainly slandered the second grandfather in your government? At that time, a lot of people looked at it. Is it possible that you still want to deny it? The palace family also learned to bully?"

"What did you say? Some kind of you say it again!"

The five palaces of the palace are affected by the palace, people are like buckets, just a little bit.

At this moment, he stared at his eyes and wanted to fight with others.

But the man retreated, and retorted.

"What? Your second grandfather killed my little boy. Is this the fifth grandfather to die? Or, if today I am Mu Chengtian and died in your hands, my younger owner will definitely get us a fair return. ! "

Brother No. 5 clenched his fists and clenched his teeth, apparently trying to restrain himself.

Brother No. 4 frowned, knowing his own affairs, and immediately stepped forward, holding his brother No. 5.

"It ’s really scary to see me like this. The ancestors of the palace, even if your palace family is dead, but the children and grandchildren are afraid that they are far worse than before. Now, I ’m afraid that today, my Mu family will not come to ask for a fair thing. "

What Mu Chengtian said is not good, you have to poke to the heart of Gongwu sentence by sentence.

I saw a pair of eyes of Gong Wu, who was red with anger.

The cheekbone section pinched "creak" and couldn't hold it.

The Mu family still sneered at him, as if they were not afraid of death at all.

"Fifth brother, calm down and restrain yourself!"

Kuimiya 4 realized something was wrong, but at this time, what is more important is how to stop him.

But Gongwu at this time had been stunned by anger, and the last long string of senses broke instantly.

"what did you say?"

Hit him word by word, step by step towards Mu Chengtian.

He was full of murderous spirit, even Gong Shi felt intractable, but he was not allowed to stop Wudi.

Because he knows that once the younger brother runs away, the consequences are disastrous.

"Everyone says that blue is better than blue because of blue. I think this is not appropriate in the palace."

Xiu Muchengtian seemed to intentionally anger Gongwu, and when he looked at Gongwu's fist, he was about to hit it.

Noisy, but a slightly hoarse woman's voice sounded.

"The Mu family really is a good tutor. They all say that the dead are respected. Besides, can the sages of the palace family ridicule like this? I do n’t think it ’s like asking for an explanation. Yes, even if the two armies call the battle, is that all right? "

That sound broke the atmosphere in the front hall.

He, especially Gong Wu, apparently did not respond to Gong Shi's urgent whispers, but at the moment, he was choked by the words of the woman.

"Master Five, it is wrong for people to stigmatize the deceased. But if you want to learn, you can't use the house rules of the palace?"

A slender figure slowly walked to Gongwu's presence.

Xi Bai's slender hand, without paying much effort, took Gong Wu's fist that was enough to kill people and brought it back.


As if awake at first, Gongwu looked at her with remorse.

He actually remembered what happened just now, but at that time, it was just a wicked fire, and he lost his mind for a moment.

But now, the fire has disappeared without a trace.

And he also realized afterwards that if he smashed this punch, it would be more unclear to Mu's account.

Geng glanced at her gratefully, Gongwu turned around, curled up his hem, and knelt before Zengzu.

"It was Miya Yu's impulse. She almost made a big mistake and asked Zengzu to punish him."

At this time, Zengzu's eyes also appeared a little relaxed.

I thought for a while before saying.

"If you are wrong, I will naturally punish you. But my man in the house is not bullied by everyone. If we remember correctly, the two Erlangs in my house are equal in age to the Mu family. But I do n’t want them. After Yingnian's early death, the juniors still have to be ridiculed. "

The remarks made by the ancestors of the palace palace are extremely important.

He Mucheng stared at God. He thought that when these words were spoken, the palace family would be filled with indignation.

If Gongwu dares to do it then, the young owner will have a reason to do it.

I didn't want to, but a woman easily destroyed the great opportunity.

He was unwilling to look at him, his expression flickered.

"Even if the deceased is the most respected, but they have taught offspring and grandchildren, it is the palace family's! It's the palace ancestors, don't be partial, the wicked will sue first!"

Who is that great ancestor? Are these juniors able to shake.

His great ancestor's expression sank, but his gaze turned to the cold youth.

"Mr. Mu ’s family owner, I ’m also a palace ancestor. Even if your father is here today, you have to be polite to me. It seems that your family ’s tutoring is stronger than thirty years ago. A lot. "

Xi Mu Yucheng slowly got up with a smile on his face.

"Young Master!"

But Na Chengmu shuddered, and a little fear appeared in his eyes.

With a crackling sound, when Mu Yucheng raised his right hand, he didn't have to work hard, but Mu Chengtian, who was standing in front of him, flew out instantly.

"咣 当", the man hit the door frame severely, and fell instantly.

After rolling for several laps, he stopped.

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