Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1556: Farewell to the past

"Okay, let's get rid of everything."

There was something weird in the third brother's look, which dispelled the crowd.

Lin Lin Mengya also intentionally fell behind and whispered a few words to Gong San.

"You and the fourth child did not arrange this out. What should I do now? Zengzu said he would expel the fourth child."

She glanced at the front, followed by her great brother, Zengzu, who was unhurried, with a bit of helplessness in her tone.

"Don't you listen to Zengzu? If this is done by the elder brother, he will be expelled from the palace."

Sannomiya seemed to have a sense of consciousness, and looked at her with a few questions.

Lin Lin Mengya poked her lips and said quietly.

看来 "It seems that the old fox in our house still has unique vision."

恰 "Old Fox" Just then, turned his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

Gao Linmengya immediately revealed a cute smile, which made Zengzu stop staring at her.

I can support a large family. If I had no strength, I would have been swallowed up by others.

In this matter, maybe they all underestimated this treasure at home.

I soon went to the inner courtyard of the old house.

Here no one dared to watch.

What's more, there are ancestors of the palace family here, and people are not even curious to look around.

Brother Yi and Liang Qing sent Liang Yi to the room, and they were waiting in the outside hall.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

She has been standing in the corner, but from the moment she entered the house, she knew the vision of Zengzu and never left her.

For a long time, no one spoke.

"Should you give me an explanation?"

The majestic voice hides a trace of anger.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Zengzu was really angry this time.

She sighed, knowing that she was afraid she couldn't get over this time.

He said nothing and knelt before the great ancestor.

"It's all my fault. Ask your great ancestors to punish him."

Xun Gong San and Gong Si also knelt down immediately, and the words they spoke were exactly the same.

"I don't care about my little sister, I asked for it."

My old ancestor was on top, and looking at the children I loved the most, there was a little helplessness in my heart.

"I know that you are all grown up, and you have your own plans for doing things long ago. But you shouldn't have to, you should make fun of the reputation of the palace family. You know, today ’s things will make people outside , How to say our palace family? "

Obviously Zeng Zeng was really angry. She knew that Zeng ancestor's most important thing in life was the reputation of the palace.

Even when it was a tragedy, the palace family did not do anything contrary to the family precepts.

Who knows, now she has made the palace family a joke in the mouth of others.

How can Zengzeng be angry?

曾 "Zengzu, I know that this matter does not affect our family very well. However, I must do this and ask Zengzu to punish him."

She didn't want to do that either, but the situation was aggressive.

"You-唉, the child is too old to be human. I can't control what you want to do. Hopefully, you can deal with the palace family."

Xun Zengzu's tone was full of worries.

On this, she just felt more sorry.

"Okay, the ground is cold, you girl, be careful, let's get up."

After all, Zengzu still hurt her.

Zhe Lin Mengya got up immediately, and smiled sweetly before the great ancestor.

The third palace and the fourth palace saw this, and they were relieved.

As soon as he wanted to get up, Zeng Zu said coldly.

"You kneel for me! She can be arrogant when she is young, do you? Have you forgotten what I usually teach you? Since you forgot it, remember it for me today!"

区别 This differential treatment almost made the two brothers laugh and cry.

After glanced at each other, they had to give in.

I ca n’t help it, who makes Gong Ya the treasure of the family, and they are just the grass that nobody wants?

Lin Lin Mengya knew that her great ancestor was angry, and hurriedly said a few sweet and unrewardable good words, and widened her mind.

Where does Qiang Gongfeng know? Yaer is begging her two brothers.

Anyway, he was angry, and training was also training.

After all, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat, not to mention that the youngest and the fourth are not like children who have no sense of doing things.

They were able to play around with Yaer, apparently they realized something.

Alas, how could he really punish them?

"Okay, get up. Deduct your three-month monthly money as a punishment. After reading, you dare not come here again."

"Thank you great ancestor."

The two men immediately got up and looked at the little girl beside Zengzu who had no loss at all.

Who is the child who picked it up?

Tong Mingming they were only "accomplices", but were deducted from their monthly money.

The real "mastermind", but tea and cakes in a leisurely look.

Alas, sometimes they really feel like, how good would it be if they were a girl?

Fortunately, they knew better than anyone that Yaer did this just to clear the way.

The fourth house stared thoughtfully at the door. Inside, a doctor had followed in to check the situation.

Suddenly, Miyazo was frowning slightly, as if he had infinite trouble.

Soon, the elder brother's figure appeared in front of them.

"Brother, how's it going?"

Lin Lin Mengya greeted him, and sure enough, in the eyes of his elder brother, he found a bit of deep emotion.

He is like pain, and like relief.

She knows that this is the most painful struggle of each relationship.

But after that, it was the sea and the sky that were forgotten by the rivers and lakes.

Big Brother Biao is really real and said goodbye to the past.

"It's nothing, Liang Yi, she is pregnant. Coupled with overwork, and the emotion is too excited, she will faint. Now the doctor has prescribed some medicine for her, and I have also asked her to call her husband's house. Go. She's fine, don't worry. "

Brother Yi's eyes were already calm.

Zhe Lin Mengya glanced at it carefully, and the heart hanging in the height finally fell down.

To be honest, in this plan, the only thing she felt was volatile was the elder brother's feelings for Liang Yi.

Although she knows, her elder brother will never have any disagreement about Liang Yi who is already married.

如今 But now, it's really a real relief.

如此 "So, then I can rest assured. By the elder brother, did you make Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue look good?"

Wu Gongbin nodded and gave her a reassuring look.

Of course she trusts her elder brother, so what she needs to do next is how to dig out the person hiding behind the mother and daughter of the Liang family.

Xie Gongbin walked straight to Zengzu and explained the situation again.

Zeng Zeng did not blame his elder brother very much. Obviously, Zeng Zou was even clearer than her about the idea between him and Miss Liang.

行 "Okay, now that you've watched it away, I'm relieved. But Gong Bin, you should also think about your life-long events."

Zeng Zengzu looked at his elder brother with pity.

What happened at the beginning, how much tortuousness and helplessness in it, has no meaning to them today.

She Liangyi has married as a mistress, and his elder brother will find the right person in the future.

Suddenly, she missed the guy who made her worry.

Until now she didn't know how lucky she was. The person she loved not only happened to love her, but the two had known each other for a long time and would never be separated in this life.

突然 She suddenly wanted to see that person, and her gaze involuntarily swept out of the window, but what she didn't expect was that the lavender figure was really getting closer.

She rubbed her eyes and stared in surprise at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Did he put a listener in his heart?

然 Otherwise, how could it really appear!

I watched him approaching step by step, Lin Mengya froze in place, the corner of her mouth involuntarily, stirred up a splendid and sweet arc.

The man walked on the light and let her heart bloom for a while.

"I'm coming."

I seem to understand her voice, or perhaps understand the expectations in her eyes.

The corner of his mouth didn't move, but she just heard the three words he only said to himself.

He's here, he's really here!

Yun Tian knew how much effort it took her to control herself and didn't rush to hug him tightly.

They stared at each other. No matter they were across the mountains or the sea, their eyes would only reflect each other.

The third palace and the fourth palace also saw Long Tianyu, but they had different expressions.

Hei Palace knows his identity. Although he doesn't dare to offend, he always has no good face.

He is Miyazo, but he knows some rumors in the college.

What's more, Mr. Su Yan, who has an extraordinary history, still made him feel a little bit more interested in rebuilding Luo Yuezhai for his younger sister.

He actually thought about it. If this girl really likes it, she might be a good husband.

Therefore, he is more polite to Su Yan.

"Mr. Su Yan, why are you here?"

Sannomiya San welcomed him, his tone was still mild.

Chen Long Tianyu took his eyes back and fell on the man in front of him.

"Mrs. Liang's affairs is so big that the college is already a horrible one. I'm here, but I want to see where I can help."

"Thank you very much for Mr. Su Yan's concern. This is the housework of our palace family. No outsider is required to intervene."

The impertinent tone of Shigemiya Shi makes the atmosphere stiff.

Sannomiya turned around and glanced at him reproachfully.

He didn't know why the younger brother who wouldn't speak loud to anyone, always targeted this Mr. Su Yan.

Seeing this, Hagimiya had to turn around to feel sullen.

Sannomiya shook his head and immediately apologized to Long Tianyu.

"Mr. Su Yan is strange, my fourth brother is just unhappy. If there is any neglect, I will accompany you."

Chen Long Tianyu didn't care much about the attitude of others, not to mention that he came here just for his woman.

"It doesn't matter."

Seeing his generosity, Gong San's heart became more and more uncomfortable. After all, he still kept him.

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