Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1557: Intolerable

梁 After Liang Yi woke up, things finally came to an end.

In Liang Qing's mouth, they also learned the truth of the matter.

On that day, it was indeed Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue who were planning to design the fourth brother.

They first called someone in the name of Liang Qing, then changed the wine of the fourth brother, and left the table intentionally to get rid of the suspicion.

As for the stuff added in the elder brother's wine, it is naturally some aphrodisiac medicine.

It is because of this that Liang Yi was so excited.

As for the reason, it was later that Liang Qing became familiar with Lin Mengya and only revealed some.

It turned out that Liang Yi was also an elder brother who did not marry at first, knowing that his mother had ordered him a marriage, and she would not eat or drink.

He didn't want Mrs. Liang to be so cruel, she used medicine to make her daughter lose her innocence.

This is the back, the elder brother has nothing to do with Liang Yi.

After listening, Lin Mengya only booed.

Even if that Liang Yi has a tough temper? In the end, it is not in the hands of his closest relatives.

So she treats Liang Yi with more pity.

After all, Liang Yi's life was ruined.

Even more different in the past, the dinner of the palace family today, the atmosphere seemed extra dull.

Zhe Lin Mengya had anticipated that after such a thing happened today, the rumors outside would be boiling.

But the four brothers of the party did not care.

She was actually a little curious. When she proposed this plan, her four brothers volunteered to brag about it.

I do not know how he thinks, but the gentle and gentle gentleman Ying Bairuyu, but once became a mean and shameless romantic encounter.

Although the truth has been revealed, it still has some influence after all.

But she looked at her brother as if she didn't worry about it at all.

It's strange, why are they all weird?

They were eating in silence, and there was a loud noise outside the door.

After a short while, I saw Gong Wu running in like a gust of wind, with rage on his face.

哪里 "Where are those two bitches? I will tell them today, the character of our male family!"

She screamed aloud in her heart, didn't she say that Brother Wu has been in trouble for a few days, isn't she at home?

怎么 Why did he come back early and knew about it.

You know, my elder brother was almost fooled.

I later suffered a lot of grievances, so I felt deeply disgusted with this matter.

She got up immediately and wanted to explain to her elder brother,

But Miyago, who is angry, has nothing to do with talking and doing things.

He pinched her wrist and said loudly.

"Where is man? Where is man?"

"Master Five, calm down!"

An outsider was present, she couldn't reveal her identity, and immediately hinted with her eyes.

Unfortunately, Gongwu's brain obviously didn't follow him back.

"How am I calm? Tell me, where are those two bitches? I have to strike them with a sword!"

Hagiya Gou's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and that incident was one of the shame in his life.

Gao Linmengya frowned slightly. Of course, she knew that Wu Brother was a master of martial arts, and where her thin wrists could stand his strength.

As soon as she wanted to cry, the hand that held her wrist was loosened suddenly.

What followed was a familiar big hand that covered her slightly painful area.

"Does it hurt?"

Long Yiyu knocked out the hands of others, Long Tianyu's eyes were dark, and he carefully rubbed her wrists for her.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and whispered.

"I'm fine, don't be angry."

自然 She naturally knows the temper of her own man, but just now, the elder brother was just excited for a moment.

She didn't want to see her family and performed a full martial arts show.

Five of Hagiya felt a pain in his arm and could not help but release his hand.

He waited until he could clearly see the person in front of him, and finally there was a vent in his anger.

"who are you?"

Wu Gong asked coldly, but Long Tianyu, who was unhappy at the time, kept his little woman behind him.

"You can't control it."

"Is that so? Just ask my sword, don't worry about it!"


Xiaolong Tianyu snorted coldly, his body was tight, apparently he had already opened his posture.

Lin Mengya only felt a tightness in her chest for a while. What is so special about this?

什么 What are they doing?

He also ignored other things, and hurriedly stood between the two, comforting him.

"Stop! Everyone is their own"

"It was his first move!"

It is clear that the fifth palace has lost his mind and is now an indiscriminate attack.

She understands this feeling, in fact, there is nowhere to spit, and it is unlucky to meet anyone.

But this person must not be Long Tianyu.

Otherwise, brother Wu could only be violent.

"What can you do?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was also drawn out of anger, especially when her eyes were exposed on her white and white wrists, after the red marks that disturbed her eyes, her eyes darkened.

He never wanted to leave any marks on her, but the man hurt her as soon as he came up.

He doesn't care what the other person's identity is, and those who dare to hurt her owe lessons.

Squinting to see the two guys going to fight again, Lin Mengya only felt that the first two were bigger.

Things are messy enough, they are still messing up here.

"You all shut up for me! You, sit back to your place honestly! Come, come with me!"

The volcano finally erupted, and she put her hands on her hips and pointed at the garlic with one hand.

Squinting to see her angry, the two men were awake instead.

Even if we still can't match each other, no one dares to mention this matter.

In my opinion, she was quite deterrent.

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at Gong Wuyi and sat back gracefully to his place.

Gong Wu also snorted coldly and followed her reluctantly.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't bother to care about him, and brought people directly to his great ancestor.

如何 What happened to Zengzu's old man can see clearly.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived in front of the great ancestor, Gongwu liked to mention that the great ancestor had "disgusted eyes".

"One or two, bolder, more and more do not put home rules in your eyes, right?"

The only thing that happened was that this little five was indiscriminate.

Wu Suyan can also stand up and make no mistake.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt that it was time to teach her five brothers.

I immediately put on my wrists, Lin Mengya's tears were very pitiful.

"Look, great ancestor, I've been hurt by my elder brother."

As soon as the red marks appeared, the atmosphere on the entire dining table changed.

With a cold look, Xun shot at Gongwu.

Now, everyone has only two words about what happened to him!

"I know it wrong, and ask your great ancestor to punish him."

Hagiya Wu dropped his head, and after a brief vent, he finally calmed down.

Lin Lin Mengya carefully observed for a while, then suddenly spoke.

"Brother Wu, have you been getting angry for no reason lately?"

In fact, the five sons of the palace family, although the youngest brother is the youngest, and his temper is a bit rampant, but it is not so incongruous.

Especially just now, if it wasn't for Long Tianyu's timely shot, she had no doubt that her wrist might be cut off.

"Yes, younger, I'm really sorry, I"

Hei Gongwu looked at the consequences, and couldn't help feeling guilty.

Fortunately, at this time, the servants in the house were already sent out by the elder brother. Only their family was left in the dining room, and she had no taboos.

曾 "Zengzu Mo is angry, I think the fifth brother may be a bit wrong, I will check it first."

My great ancestor heard her say that, of course, was an answer.

I saw that she was the pulse again and checked the others, and after a while tinkering, her face eased slightly.

"Brother Wu, you martial arts, I'm afraid you can no longer practice."

Who knows, as soon as she opened her mouth, the frowns on the floor were wrinkled.

This is even more the case for Wu Gongwu. He is like a martial artist like his second brother.

Sui Wen heard her say that the anger suddenly burst into flames.

"Why can't I practice? You don't know how to do martial arts at all, what do you know?"

He looked at the elder brother in front of him, Lin Mengya had no fear at all.

"Look, what do you look like now? Go on, you must be crazy!"

的 Her voice was clear and cold, and her hand took the opportunity to poke him somewhere in the chest.


Kou Gongwu immediately uttered a painful cry, seemingly unbearable. She covered her poke with her hands, her face was pale, and a thin layer of sweat came from her forehead.

"Fifth child!"

Xi Gongbin immediately rushed forward and helped his brother.

The agonizing and severe pain also made Gongwu awake instantly.

He looked at the little girl in front of him stupidly, but a huge wave was set in his heart.

怎么 How can he say that kind of thing to little girl?

"Little sister, me"

"Well, I don't blame you. It's not your fault, you've been sent down."

It wasn't until she saw Gong Wu's pain so bad that she was completely sure.

My understanding of You is naturally extraordinary.

No matter whether it is the blessing of Qing Zheng's spectrum or her encounter in Lieyun, she has her own unique opinion on you.

Now, she is also regarded as a master of half art.

But the palace side was silent for a moment.

Especially Gong Wu, staring at her in stun.

"I, I was sent off? How can this be, I obviously don't feel anything, do you feel wrong?"

Squinting at Gong Wu, he was in a hurry, and Lin Mengya immediately stretched out **** as a warning.

The severe pain of Xi Fangcai can make Gongwu study well. Although he can affect him, the pain is obviously more real.

Immediately, the voice fell again.

"I can't feel wrong, you are a little bit special. Recently, have you felt more irritable, no matter what, you have no patience, want to get angry all the time. Especially when you are practicing? "

越 The more she said, the heavier Miyago's look became.

In the end, he was already anxious and worried.

If it wasn't for the younger sister's reminder, he didn't really pay attention to it.

I now think of it, but it is a layer of cold sweat on the back.

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