Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1558: See the moon

Xi Gongbin frowned, with a bit of luck in his tone.

"If it wasn't for the determination of the fifth child, I am afraid that he is already in the dark."

First was designed by the fourth old man, and now is the fifth old man conspired by others.

These things are aimed at the palace family, but they are so meticulous that it is hard to prevent.

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened a lot.

They knew that someone would be jealous of their own home, but they did not expect that it was so silent, they almost broke into two people.

"Sister, what do you say about this?"

In the crisis, the first thing Gong Bin thought of was the one who supported the palace family.

Everyone's eyes turned to her, Lin Mengya lowered her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

They are all waiting quietly, even though they are anxious, but the palace family has gone through the wind and waves for so many years.

To be self-defeating is tantamount to self-destruction.

No one knows what kind of brainstorm she is going through.

I contacted the former cause and effect, starting from myself to Beiling, it turned out that the plot had begun.

Suddenly she disturbed this game by accident, it should be destined for heaven.

She seems to have thought of something extremely interesting, and she unconsciously smiled slightly.

Wu Gongwu looked at her, and another heart burst into his heart.

"Sister, when is this time, why don't you know what to worry about?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head and calmed her with a soft voice,

别 "Don't worry, in fact, from the beginning to the present, I have accidentally hit each other by accident, which has a lot of trouble with them. Now I think about it, I don't know if they are unlucky or I am very lucky."

Several people in the palace family were not sure what she meant, but Long Tianyu had a little more appreciation in her eyes.

In some aspects, some people have the unique advantage of taking advantage of their innate advantages.

For example, the woman he put on his apex.

No matter what the circumstances, she will always make the right choice.

"Ya'er, what you said"

Zeng Zengzu was confused, and asked in doubt.

Lin Lin Mengya sorted out her thoughts, and said bluntly.

"When I first returned to Beiling, I found a group of patrolmen who were under the banner of the palace family and fooled by outsiders. Later, when I tracked down, I found the master behind the scenes and the top of the palace family. It ’s related. Now they want to come. Whether it is true or not, they actually came to your great ancestor. ”

Looking for roots, everything must happen with motivation.

Now I think about it carefully. If the incident happened, no matter who actually did it, the final arbitration in the absence of her owner was obviously only the great ancestor.

If the matter is not handled well, the palace family will fall apart.

At that time, the great ancestor would become the sinner of the palace.

"Second, when we first entered the city, we happened to meet a big brother's" fiancee "."

Wu Gongbin frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

I was obviously thinking about when I had a fiancee.

The four brothers had delicate thoughts and said as if they remembered something.

"Is that a while ago, the one who wanted to come to your house" visit "your Ms. Pei?"

刚刚 As soon as he mentioned it, the elder brother's face immediately became a little ugly.

"Marriage contract? When did I have a marriage contract with her?"

Moreover, that Miss Pei was very flamboyant.

The first time he came to the door, he slaped the doorkeeper's house slaves, so he found a reason to drive people out of non-Yecheng, and for various reasons, even the gate did not let her in.

Why is there a marriage contract now?

He touched his beard, and he touched the origin of this Miss Pei.

Suddenly, with a pop, Zengzu patted his forehead vigorously.

"Boss, I remember! Twenty years ago, before your father left, he did have a friend named Pei. At that time, that man had saved your father's life. Later, your father gave it to others. A jade pendant made a wish to others. In the future, no matter what reason the other party put forward, he would agree. Then Miss Pei, did you bring jade pendant? "

的 It is no wonder that the great ancestors did not remember the past for more than 20 years.

I heard that my elder brother heard blue and white.

He did know what his father meant, hoping that they would know what to do.

But marry a woman like that

He began to think, if he is betrayed, how likely is he to be thundered?

"I didn't see it, but it was no coincidence that Miss Pei could find it at this time, right?"

Hei Gongsi quietly changed the subject, and he now understands why the young girl said so.

"According to the younger sister, the patrol incident was directed at your great ancestor, and Miss Pei's incident was directed at your eldest brother. I and the fifth brother were also conspired by others. In the college, it happened again That kind of thing is really not small by the people behind the scenes. "

Brother No. 4 was able to see the matter so clearly and completely, as she expected.

Everything used to be like a string of beads, which outlines a big hand that wants to crush the palace.

If she did not come back at this time, if she did not consistently play cards according to common sense, then this hand, I am afraid that it has long pinched the house's throat.

At this moment, the elder brother was shocked, his eyes widened, and it took a long time before he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the slightly excited third brother, but soon, the third brother's memory showed a relieved look.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

He smiled at her and said.

"I haven't heard from him for so many years. I thought he had died a long time ago. But I didn't want to be a while ago, and suddenly someone told me that I found someone who looks similar to me and went in and out of non-Yecheng. Now I want to come. Come here. "

Once he pulled out a head, it seemed like a mess, and there was a clear context.

"Yes, what about the second child?"

Su Zengzu suddenly thought of a vital question, and her conspiracy was now unearthed by her.

I can say that the person hidden in the dark knows them very well.

An enemy like this can only be described as "terrible".

"Yes, the second brother he acted the most impulsively. And there is nothing other than martial arts in his heart, I'm afraid."

The words of Sannomiya Sannomiya are like dropping a bombshell.

He even stunned Lin Mengya's heart.

I shouldn't!

According to the elder brother's temperament, he should be the most easily detonated dangerous goods of the palace family.

Why is it so calm?

Bad, it must be something she ignored!

"Big brother, do you know where the second brother is now?"

Xie Gongbin's heart was also eager.

"There have been too many people these days. I'm afraid that someone will take the opportunity to cause trouble, so let your second brother take someone to patrol all parts of the city.

快 "Quick! Let the second brother come back immediately! And, no matter what happens, the second brother can't do anything!"

The fame of Eriya Wuwu is enough to cause many evils.

The other party is so aware of the weaknesses of the palace family that it is difficult to guarantee that the second brother will not be fooled.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Brother knows how important the matter is, and turns around and leaves.

Others have no time to take care of themselves, all of them are worried about Miyaji.

I put my hand on my lap, wrapped in a large, warm, dry hand.

She looked up and saw Long Tianyu next to her.

"do not worry."

Even if he didn't speak, she seemed to hear his comfort.

Nine Dragons Tianyu looked at her, and gently raised an eyebrow.

That is, everything means what he means.

He was really magical, with a little anxiety lingering in his heart, all of a sudden he was appeased by him.

Even if the sky falls, she won't change her face.

Things, there will always be a solution.

Have she ever been afraid of Lin Mengya?

I watched her restore her calmness, and Long Tianyu's hand never recovered.

Hold his five fingers, entangled with her, never separated for a moment.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not take the opportunity to return her hand, but was firm, holding him together.

知道 She knows that the current timing is not too good, but she still feels that some things can't be dragged on.

曾 "Zengzu, I have something to tell you."

She cleared her throat, and prepared to entangle the hands of the two, frankly in the eyes of everyone.

"what happened?"


刚 As soon as she was about to speak, she could hear a horrified shout from outside.

"Not good! Not good! Second master killed!"


The entire palace family was shocked by the whole news.

I, especially my great ancestor, were dazzled.

The five palaces have a strong temper and a strong temper.

I walked out in three steps and two steps, and caught the neck collar of the man who reported the letter.

"Tell me more clearly, who the **** did my second brother kill?"

I was so frightened that I was so speechless.

He was so anxious that he raised his palm and wanted to give him a few slaps.

I was stopped by Long Tianyu.

"Master Five, don't make any more mess. I ask you, what is going on?"

I glanced at Gong Wuyi, don't look at him being controlled by her now, but because of Lin Mengya's physical reason, almost all of them have a natural fear of her.

Now she was really angry, and even if she was even more powerful, she would have to pinch her tail.

Piggyback Palace was frightened and could not help but feel a little scared.

She looked at the man's eyes faint and trembled, and knew that she was scared.

He knocked several acupoints in his hand, and the man trembled violently, exhaling a deep breath.

"My second master, killed someone outside. I saw the man's head and rolled into the crowd. With his eyes still open, he wouldn't stare, so scary!"

Killing? Or is it in the public?

Gao Linmengya was vigilant. The second elder brother was thick and thin, no matter how angry he was, at most it was a half-dead thing, how could he cut off someone's head so violently?

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