Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1582: Jiang Yi rebellion

"I'm fine, just because I had too many dreams last night and I didn't sleep well."

She said with a smile, in the eyes of the elder brother's concern, he took people into the carriage.

The horse-drawn carriage was sent by Long Tianyu, and she was quickly taken to a quiet alley.

小姐 "Miss followed this path and came to an end."

After the horse-drawn carriage lowered its voice, he ordered the carriage to leave quickly.

She glanced at the slightly dim alley, but she did not know where Long Tianyu came from and found such a hidden place.

Twenty-three people walked forward, but she faintly heard, and it seemed that there was a woman's coquettish laughter.

Alas, there is more than one.

But fortunately, no one else saw it. She went to the end and saw a small wooden door that was half open.

"Master, be careful!"

Wu Baisu whispered a warning and blocked her behind her.

She nodded, but there was no danger in coming here.

I walked through the door, and there was nothing special in it.

Yi Yi changed the gloom seen in the small alley, which was neat and bright, and looked like an ordinary residential courtyard.

"Miss, you are here, please come with the younger."

But she did not expect that the person who came to meet her was actually the moody Jiang Yi.

"Where is Your Highness?"

This time, Jiang Yi smiled, just like he saw in Wen Yuge.

"His Royal Highness hasn't arrived yet, so I asked the younger to wait for you here."

Speaking, she said she was curious about Jiang Yi.

But it is also limited to curiosity. After all, this is Long Tianyu's people. She is not good at asking too much.

Jiang Yi led her and went directly to the living room.

Gao Linmengya looked around deliberately, the air seemed to be filled with a touch of fat powder.

Aren't there women here?

"Miss, please use tea."

易 Jiang Yi still accompanies her with a smile, and seems to be very familiar with it.

The atmosphere was a little awkward. She didn't speak, and Jiang Yi didn't speak.

This is not the way to go, Lin Mengya cleared her throat and just wanted to raise a word, she heard Jiang Yi say.

"His Royal Highness should be coming soon. If the lady is bored, why not accompany you for a walk?"

不必 "No, it's just that I'm a little curious. Where is this place?"

Xu Wenyan, Jiang Yi showed a playful smile.

"Did Miss Yi know, what's the place here?"

I do not know why, she always felt that Jiang Yi had something to say.

And she faintly felt that Jiang Yi seemed to be a little targeted at her.

After thinking about it, she didn't offend the other party, did she?

Where does this come from?

"Can't guess, since this is the place you are looking for, it must be a very safe place."

She said with a smile, but if it is better than emotional management, if she does not want to, then her true emotions will not be leaked.

Jiang Yi looked at her for a moment, then looked away.

"It's no wonder that Miss comes from a wealthy family and naturally knows nothing about these things."

Hit him and know her true identity?

But since it is a hidden pile buried by Long Tianyu in non-Yecheng, it is not a big deal to know.

"Birthplace does not mean anything, there is a sequence of smells, and a specialization in the arts. Even your Highness, you cannot be proficient in everything. I have nothing that I don't understand, and I won't be shameful."

Seeing her so easy to admit her shortcomings, she was not even angry, Jiang Yi raised an eyebrow.

"Miss said, it seems that the lady still has to be superior, Jiang Yigan admired. As for what is this place?"

Jiang Yi deliberately sold a key and seemed to be thinking about how to say it.

After a short while, he spat a word gently.

"Where can someone like me be rolling?"

Lin Lin Mengya watched his expression of self-deprecating expression, and once she knew in her heart, she immediately understood the three-pointer.

Here is the dark kiln hiding in the non-leaf city.

Min heart raised a little coldness, like Jiang Yi.

Tong Ming knew the rules of the palace family, but here she gave Yang Feng Yin.

No wonder, from the beginning to the moment, the man looked completely without her.

I was in trouble for a long time because I wanted to see her jokes long ago.

"So, boss Jiang really does business."

She didn't rush to question, but just pretended to be completely okay, and said something nonchalantly.

Jiang Yi shook his head, but never looked away from her.

"The son of a prostitute will naturally only do the business of a prostitute. You can't make a big business casually than you, Miss. I can only make this dirty money."

The more I listened to it, she felt that it was not a taste.

It seems that Jiang Yi deliberately found her fault, but what was the cause, and she was confused again.

She pressed her anger, her face still smiling as ever.

"I don't think that the flesh business comes dirty. It's plain, but it's just selling the body as a cost. What others say and others care about nothing. They sell cabbage and radish. Boss Jiang sells Zi Rongmei. The color, in my opinion, is the same. "

Her seemingly casual remarks made Jiang Yi's face anger gradually.

"Miss said, it's really light. And yes, only people like you don't care about us. Because you simply don't realize the pain of those who are struggling in hell!"

He said that, it was close to the accusation.

No matter how good her temper is, she is said to have no reaction.

Xu converged the smile on her face. She seriously looked at Jiang Yi seriously.

"Zi Fei Yu knows the joy of fish, and you are not me, how do you know that I do not know your pain? Jiang Yi, you are too arrogant."

She said lightly, but Jiang Yi suddenly burst out laughing.

Wu Junlang's features even began to distort, but those eyes were still staring at her brilliantly.

"You are interesting, but a pity."

Jiang Yi took a step forward, Bai Su coldly protected her behind her.

I ca n’t bear each other, but I do n’t care.

"Miss Gong, you shouldn't have existed, so if you can die in my hands, shouldn't it be too late?"

Jiang Yi is insane, but unfortunately Lin Mengya has been very calm, and now she does not even raise her eyelids.

She took a sip of tea, and let the fragrant fragrance, with a bit of bitter water, slide down the tip of her tongue.

"I said, are you all sick?"

"Miss Gong, if you have anything, you can go down and say it."

Jiang Yiliang showed the dagger in his hand. The sharp weapon seemed to take her life with only a little force.

Xi Baisu rushed forward and got into a fight with Jiang Yi.

I did not expect that although Jiang Yi's martial arts were not much higher than Bai Su's, he was tricky and even killed him.

Finally, Bai Su stabbed out with a sword. Jiang Yi actually did not dodge, but received a sword from her.

同时 But at the same time, he also found a chance and turned to Lin Mengya for a while.

There was a bang, and the dagger penetrated into the body.

What a pity, it wasn't Lin Mengya who was injured.

She sat there frostily, frowning, watching the blood dripping in the tea bowl.

Are there any problems with this group of people?


Jiang Yi widened his eyes and looked at the man in purple who suddenly appeared in front of her.

The man's martial arts is much higher than him.

I just stood there, exuding an extreme chill.

After glancing at Jiang Yi, the man's cold voice sounded.

"Girl, do you want to die?"

Lin Lin Mengya regretted the cup of tea a little, and then she looked up and looked at Jiang Yi who failed.

"Live alive, after all, I want to know, what do you think?"

Hearing what she said, Jiang Yi understood it.

The dagger was not inserted into the heart, but directly into his shoulder.

But he can guarantee that from then on, his right hand can no longer be moved.

呵 "Oh, you want to kill or kill, Miss please give me a happy."

He closed his eyes and seemed to confess his fate.

But Lin Mengya sneered and said.

"Why should I give you a good luck? And, do you know where you failed compared to your predecessors?"

Jiang Yi didn't talk, as if he didn't care about life or death at all.

"You want to kill me, but you want to control him. But you know? In this world, he is the one who is the least willing to hurt me. Do you think he will keep the danger by my side?"

Jiang Yi suddenly opened her eyes and looked into her eyes, for the first time there was a little panic.

"I do not understand what you said."

"You can't understand, but I can tell you. No matter who is behind you, if you want to cooperate with any of us, please ask me honestly. If you want to play this kind of evil trick, you should Did I just hang out? "

In fact, from the moment she entered the door, she felt the surroundings, and the voices of those who usually secretly protected her gradually disappeared.

It is absolutely impossible for them to leave unless Long Tianyu is beside her.

Alas, there is only one answer.

They are more alert than usual, which indicates that the enemy is approaching.

However, she did not see anyone except Jiang Yi.

So who is the enemy, the answer is coming.

I just have one point. Compared with Qinghu, they are slightly slower.

I have already solved people with Qinghu, and they have no need to appear.

But she is sure that there is no longer any dangerous person besides Jiang Yi.

"It seems that I still underestimated the lady."

Jiang Yi's face turned paler.

Stubbornly holding back the coldness of pain and blood loss, he still maintained his false smile.

"It's not that you despise me, but those people who are too underestimating your highness. Do you really think that if you get rid of me, can you control your highness? Who are you, and you want to be his master? Your good days will come to an end. "

I said it was impossible to not be angry.

She used to feel that under Long Tianyu's men, there were many people who were dissatisfied with her.

Zuo Zuo just felt that Long Tianyu paid too much attention to her, and those people felt that he was an obstacle on his way to dominate the king.

Huh! Shit!

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