Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1583: Check for poison

This is simply putting the cart before the horse!

The reason why she and Long Tianyu have come to this step is because they want to give each other a safe life.

What ambitious plan is not in their plan.

It is because they have not forgotten their original intentions that they can stick to their own limits and not be deceived by their desires.

But with the expansion of power, many people thought that he could get his yellow robe up and put his own dreams on Long Tianyu's body.

Wu Ke Long Tianyu cares about her so much that she always takes her first.

What's more, what the guy did secretly, she didn't know something.

He is also because of this, the dissatisfied radicals under his control will think that he loves beauty and loves rivers and mountains.

I just for some reason, Long Tianyu has not cut them off.

当然 Of course she knows the mind of her own man, so no one can dare to believe it except Long Tianyu.

"Oh, you don't understand."

Strangling to death, Jiang Yi was still talking hard.

Lin Lin Mengya was too lazy to talk with him anymore, and to deal with such stubborn people, the debate was not half useless.

"Gong Ya, if you really love him, leave him. After he succeeds in dominance, wouldn't it be better if you stay with him?"

Squinting at the failure of the assassination, Jiang Yi could not help telling her the truth.

But did not expect, Lin Mengya sneered and reached out and slapped him.

"Achieve the domineering? Believe it or not, he dared to change his heart today, and tomorrow I will uproot his foundation. It's really a tiger who doesn't show his might. You treat me as a poor, helpless little cute."

易 Jiang Yi was stunned by her unusual response.

哪里 Where does he know that they think that only the woman who is evil is the most important person.

And about her, Long Tianyu kept them secret.

Even up to now, they still mistakenly believe that Gong Ya is just a daughter of the Qiang family.

If they know that the culprit that has caused the mess in the country now is the woman in front of them, I'm afraid they will definitely regret the decision they made.

"Miya, you will ruin him, you will absolutely! If you know, he"

"Jiang Yi, you are too disappointed."

Chen Long Tianyu froze with a face, and came to them before Jiang Yi spoke.

At first glance at him, Jiang Yi's face seemed pale again.

He stared at Long Tianyu and looked, with fear in his eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't care about Jiang Yi's words either, just turned around and looked at Long Tianyu angrily.

"This is yours, you handle it yourself. But, I need a satisfactory result."

This fact is too aggrieved.

She doesn't know what Long Tianyu thinks, and why his men think she is just a big breasted vase.

Wu Mingming, she did a lot of things herself.

"Don't be mad at me, okay?"

Xiao Long Tianyu grabbed her wrist and begged softly.

Lin Lin Mengya shook off and threw down a sentence.

"I want to see the results, I will go and see Qingrou's body."

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't dare to stay because she looked bad.

I immediately took her to her, but the visible line was always affectionate, watching her go away angrily.

"I told you long ago that she is not a person who will be blinded."

Wu Qinghu was a little behind, and his voice was cold.

Nine Dragons Tianyu retracted his sight, except for her, he would not reveal flaws in front of anyone.

"I know, thank you."

After Qing Qinghu glanced at Jiang Yi, his tone was also impatient.

"I never did it for you. Today I broke his arm and it's already giving you face. The other day, it's not that simple."

After I finished speaking, Qinghu caught up.

Nine Dragons Tianyu blocked all emotions.

He stepped slowly into the living room.

Jiang Yi dropped his head and shivered.

"I said earlier that no one should hurt her."

Suddenly the sound seemed to come out of hell.

With the killing intention of Huangquan's water, the cold wind was as cold as the wind on the bridge of the Heihe River.

Jiang Yi didn't dare to talk back, and even forgiveness forgot.

Chen Long Tianyu squatted in front of Jiang Yi, looking at his eyes as if looking at a mass of nothingness.

也许 "Maybe, it's time to teach you a little lesson."

Jiang Yi raised his head sharply, and saw the fear for the first time in his eyes.

Unfortunately, he has already lost his last chance

"Miss, it's all here."

The people brought by Xun Long Tianyu did not dare to slacken Lin Mengya half.

Looking at his bad face, everyone also became cautiously, for fear that it would upset the aunt and grandmother.

I didn't speak, Lin Mengya just nodded at the lead person, and then went to the room.

As soon as I opened the door, a cold air came to my face.

When I entered the room, I found that there were ice cubes in the four corners of the inside.

Bianfeiyecheng's summer is not difficult, but the rate of decay of corpses has accelerated a lot due to the season.

Even so, the ice in that tank has also lost more than half.

At first glance, he knew that the other party had taken care.

The anger in Gao Linmengya's heart dropped a little.

In fact, she was not so angry, just because Long Tianyu must have something to hide from her.

It is right to give each other a private space, and it is also possible to keep each other's secrets.

But she couldn't bear the secret he had hidden more and more. It had something to do with her, but she didn't say anything.

Why is that dead guy so secretly concealed?

"Sister Ya, are you okay?"

Xi Baisu and Qinghu both followed silently, and within a few people, Axiu was a little more lively.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her worries, and could not help but alleviate her look.

"I'm fine, let's get started."

She is a public-private person. After doing a little psychological building for herself, she turned around and worked with Axiu to do the business.

Wu Qingrou's dagger was still there. Except that she now closed her eyes peacefully and lay there, the others were the same as those she saw last night.

"Axiu, please help me see, is there any kind of bug in Qingrou's body like my elder brother?"

If it is poison, it will never escape the detection of Shennong system.

But 蛊 is not the same. She still prefers to let A Xiu, a "professional", do it.

"it is good."

Xi Axiu used to be a very daring girl, so she was not afraid of corpses.

I just had a special test method. First, I used a dagger to make a shallow opening on Qingrou's forehead, neck, wrists and ankles.

After a while, I dripped a drop of my fingertip blood on my mouth.

Several people stared at the reaction on the wound together, but for a long while, they still found nothing.

"That Ya sister"

Wu Axiu thought for a while and looked at her with some embarrassment.


"Can you quit first? It won't take long, just a moment."

She looked at Axiu in confusion, and the latter smiled embarrassedly.

"With your presence, my little purple is afraid to move."

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little awkward.

怎么 Why did she forget that with her big killer, even the king of A Xi's body did not dare to move, let alone other 蛊

"Well then, let me go out first and let Bai Su stay here with you."

She shook her head helplessly, how does this feel?

There are always some, lonely masters, right?

But she still followed Qinghu and retreated together.

Soon, there was cheer from Axiu. Then, Xiu was so happy that he called them in.

"Sister Ya, the uncle on Gongwu's body really came out of Qingrou!"

I heard the news, but Lin Mengya was not happy.

I was even more confused.

You can be clear, Qingrou is still a complete body

In the room, Qingrou's body was still the same as before, but there were many creeping little bugs in the wound.

After Lin Mengya came in, all those things suddenly stopped.

But Axiu collected some of them a long time ago, and Lin Mengya also saw this, and the source of madness of Wu Brother.

它们 "They, are they so afraid of me?"

She's a little speechless.

If this thing is so persuasive, the fifth brother should not be crazy.

A Xiu laughed and explained to her.

"These are not grown up, naturally they don't have that much power. But I don't think something is right. It is said that the concubine on Master Gongwu has matured. But now I look at Qingrou. Look. "

I'm right, that's the problem.

If the cricket on Qingrou matures, or is becoming mature, then the power on Gongwu will have such great power.

But now, it's turned around.

I'm afraid that this shows that the cricket on Qingrou's body is just the same as that of Wu Brother.

"Axiu, this kind of 蛊, really can only rely on that?"

Xi Axiu thought about it and said.

"There is no absolute thing in the world. This kind of niece was used by the niece to control his love. Therefore, it will be used in that way. After all, no matter how powerful the niece is, it can't be easily taken advantage of. .Since the man has the body of the niece, he should be held accountable. "

Lin Mengya knows this, the nieces over Lieyun Kingdom are all dare to love and hate.

不 Isn't that the case for Xiaoyu's mother?

那 "So, what else do you think can be used to make people stunned?"

A Xiu thought seriously before he said seriously.

"To put it bluntly, this kind of trance can spread through that kind of thing, which means that it can exist in the essence of human blood. In addition to the intersection of yin and yang, if the four masters have touched the essence of others, May be stunned. "

With this in mind, Lin Mengya did not expect it.

"Brother Wu is a master of martial arts. These days, I heard that he often consults with people. You also know that people like them are generally carefree, even if they are bleeding, they don't care. But in this way, There are too many goals. And most of them are family members, or their relatives. This makes it a bit difficult for us to find out. "

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