Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1585: Cracks appear

Axiu touched his forehead, a pair of big eyes, and constantly looked back and forth between them.

The two men were neatly dressed, especially Sister Ya, and there were no signs of crying on their faces.

I could not help but let go of a hanging heart, but fortunately, elegant people like Sister Ya, naturally will not be as rude as others.

She spit out her tongue, and she quickly shook her sister's arms to coquettishly.

"Oh, I am clearly looking forward to your two centuries getting together and regenerating your precious son!"

Lin Lin Mengya lightly nodded her little head, but no longer circled in this matter.

"There should be nothing for us here, let's go first."

Xun Long Tian Yu's sight has been on her.

I now hear her say, and there is no reason to leave her.

I just nodded and watched them leave.

I walked out of the dark alley and they saw the carriage waiting there.

"No, I want to walk around and be breathable. If you are not assured, just follow suit."

After speaking, she took the lead.

The driver was very obedient, and they were behind them not far and near.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not let go of them at all, and kept looking around the street, and finally took Bai Su and A Xiu into a tea house.

I chose a position near the window, and the man immediately brought a pot of tea.

She took a sip, pouted, and said.

"Bai Su, Axiu, you can help me buy some candied snacks or something. Just drinking tea, I think my mouth will be boring."

Given her usual performance on the way, the two did not think much.

梦 Lin Mengya had a habit of eating sweets, especially after she encountered something, because she always used her brain, so she needed sweets to supplement it.

A lot of things have happened recently. They usually prepare for her.

"Okay, then I'll buy it with Sister Bai Su, and the lady will be here waiting for us!"

Axiu said playfully, she took Bai Su's hand, and ran quickly outside.

I leaned against the window, she looked at the two sisters outside, always with a smile on her face.

"sit down."

Tong Qinghu sat beside her, her eyes never left her.

"How much do you know about his affairs?"

Lin Lin Mengya still looked out the window, as if discussing with him, but some trivial matters.

She Qinghu shook her head with a bitter smile, and finally turned her head, but gently squeezed his chin.

"You have such a beautiful face, it is really not suitable for such a bitter expression. If you can say it, you can't say it, I won't force you."

挑 Tip her fingertips softly, she said softly.

For such Lin Mengya, Qinghu has already lost any resistance.

Moreover, she was already the master of his life, and the only motive for him to survive.

"I only know that he is planning a major event that has something to do with Xiancheng. And it has a great impact on you."


挑 She raised her eyes, thoughtfully.

"Long Tianyu's identity is not simple, and he also intentionally guarded me."

Qing Qinghu could not help but laugh at himself.

He is really embarrassed. Not only does Long Tianyu want to guard him, but even the girl no longer trusts him completely?

别 "Don't think about it, you and I have no secrets in this world. Although I am angry, I have not been stunned."

He seems to have seen through his concerns, and Lin Mengya calmed and soothed.

"Do you really blame me?"

"What's your fault? He knows you won't hide from me, so he guards you. If I don't believe you anymore, what do you do?"

She smiled and lifted away the deepest anxiety that Qinghu hides.

Qing Qinghu felt a little strange. The girl today seems to have something more than in the past, but at the same time, there is something that disappears.

"If he succeeds, what is the chance of against Xiancheng?"

She tilted her head, Bai Su and A Xiu had gone a long way.

Looking at the big bags in their hands, she knew that the children would be very happy today.

"I'm not very clear about this, in fact, from the beginning to the present, his purpose is only your safety. Others, he doesn't care."

Xiaolong Tianyu, Qinghu in his heart, silently chanting the name, almost gritted his teeth.

Who let him be her heart, and Qinghu also knows that her biggest vision is only to wish her a smooth life and joy.

"I know, Qinghu you said, am I asking for trouble? I know he's doing it for me, but why am I so disappointed?"

Her perfect mask, a little crack.

She also allowed herself to enjoy this moment of weakness only in front of Qinghu.

Wu Qinghu raised an eyebrow, and he never knew anything about love.

In the future, I will never understand.

Because he no longer has extra enthusiasm, to create a new soul.

In this life, his only soul already belongs to the girl in front of him.

His mutilation has never been fulfilled, and only in her hands can he get a moment of joy.

"Girl, if you really want to know, you shouldn't ask me."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Qinghu, and for the first time showed a helpless smile.

"I know, I know. But there is a fundamental problem between us, he is hiding, I am avoiding. We have to be honest once, but neither I nor him want to completely let go of my burden. Do you know? I used to I thought that loving someone means trusting him wholeheartedly. But I now find that I am wrong. The basis of trust comes from understanding each other. We two have never met each other frankly. What about trust? "

In fact, this truth is very simple, just like she firmly believes that Long Tianyu will never derail.

That's because she saw his self-discipline and his responsibility, so she had trust.

There is no way for a person to fully trust the unknown.

He is like a person who wants to fully trust his partner to be able to reach the falling self because he sees the hand extended by his partner.

Now, she was like someone who had blindfolded herself on the cliff.

No matter how many guarantees she has, she can't help but take her own steps.

"I really don't understand your business. If it's not the two of you to solve it yourself, it doesn't make sense for anyone to come. I just want to know what I can do for you."

Wu Qinghu looked at her deeply, her eyes full of pity and tolerance.

Lin Lin Mengya closed her eyes tiredly and rubbed her brows.

"I'm tired, and I have a lot of things to deal with recently. After all, I can't be a blind person. As for other things, I will carefully consider them."

Qinghu is still a bit uneasy, but for Lin Mengya, the current choice is already her limit.

I reached out and stroked her hair gently.

"I will always be there for you, no matter what kind of help you need."

She exhaled gently, and when she opened her eyes, the fatigue had disappeared.

"I know, so in the future, don't hide it anymore. You are my most important brother, my brother."

Wu Qinghu was a little surprised, and he couldn't help raising a touch.

Suddenly a person suddenly has a family member who is more precise than the **** of blood.

His firefly suddenly lighted up in the world that was suffering.

"Girl, you say so, I'm very happy."

She seems to have been accustomed to hiding around her, and now she is so generously acknowledged. He feels like a wandering soul and instantly finds a place of rest.

In my heart, it was stuffed.

Only those who have experienced bumps in the journey can understand the sweetness and stability of stability.

"It ’s good to be happy. You have done too much for me over the years. However, it is not because I am moved, but because you are my brother in my heart, that ’s why I enjoy what you do to me Okay, so would I be a little too capricious? "

She tilted her head, she seemed slightly distressed.

But Qinghu, she treasured her fingers, earning one's own palm.

"It was you who discovered me first and saved me."

He was buried in the quagmire for the rest of his life, and he was assimilated with maggots, his body covered with stinky blood.

I was her, like a beam of sunshine, which gave him the motivation to climb out of the quagmire.

"It's so numb, oh, I can't take it anymore."

She was serious for half a second, and the next moment, she became what she was before.

Wu Qinghu gave her a white look, retracted his hand, and sat in a chair dragging Erlang's legs charmingly.

"I don't understand appreciation."

It is normal for them to dislike each other.

I happened to be at that moment when the two girls came back and looked at a person who suddenly appeared, but they were not surprised at all.

"Everything is bought, shall we go home now?"

A Xiuyang showed the various paper bags and lotus leaf bags in Yang's hands, and she was as happy as winning the big prize.

Sure enough, as long as a woman spends a lot of money, happiness and happiness will return.

"No, you let the carriage behind you take things home first, let's go to another place."


Wu Axiu asked curiously, while Lin Mengya glanced at Qinghu.

"Wen Yufang."

I came here again, and a few people became familiar with it.

This time they didn't change their men's clothes, nor did they enter through the gate.

The janitor in the backyard also recognized several of them and let them in smoothly.

So when Liu Qianrong just finished performing, returned to the room and saw a few of them, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Miss, why are you here today? By the way, did you see the boss? He went out yesterday and never came back. The boss is not here today and the new tricks in the building are gone. Sisters, almost smashed the signboard. "

Qiu Liuqianrong is also strange.

Seeing them, I naturally turned into an approachable face.

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