"Oh? But I think there are a lot of guests today, and you are good at using this emergency."

虽然 Although she came in through the back door, she could see the situation more or less clearly.

She seems to be more lively tonight than the "Moon Palace Wonderland" she saw that night.

I am also here. This is a place for fun and pleasure, it is so cold and cold, as if it does n’t eat the fireworks on the earth. It is done once or twice, and the interest is lost.

I have to say that Jiang Yi's method is pretty clever.

But it is not easy to find someone who can replace him.

Qian Liu Qianrong is a good seed, but whether she can take over this big stand depends on her own good fortune.

"Miss can break me."

Qianliu Qianrong showed a sloppy smile. Compared with the coldness in front of the guests, or a variety of styles, now this modest Liu Qianrong is much more real.

Lin Lin Mengya said with a smile.

"Do n’t be humble, Girl Liu, then I will transfer it to the family's hands. I do n’t know what you plan to do next."

Tamarix Qianrong showed a bitter smile, her eyes darkened.

"I've already become a low-ranking member, what can I expect? It's better to take advantage of my youth and beauty and earn enough silver money to live in the future.

Qiu Liuqianrong's choice was in her expectation.

女子 A woman like this will never be willing to pin her own happiness on those romantic benefactors.

So, she needs to draw it over more.

"This year, money is not so profitable. You make it for others, and always take the least part. Better, be your own boss."

Qiu Liuqianrong looked at her, but shook her head helplessly.

"Where do I have so much capital? Besides, where is there any business, it is faster to get money than here. Besides, I have no power and power, and a weak woman can only be bullied. At least in the building, They look at the boss and don't dare to do anything to me. "

如果 "If I said, let Wen Yuge take care of you?"

Speaking of her words, Liu Qianrong was surprised.

Squinting his eyes, Liu Qianrong's lips quickly opened and closed, but after a moment, she just squeezed out a word.

"Miss, you mean it's impossible! Wen Yuge is the hard work of the boss, and there is a lot of support behind him. You know that Wen Yuge's account is one night's income, which is the monthly income of those restaurants outside. This is the biggest gold cave in Yecheng, and fools will sell it! "

Of course, she knew that.

Jiang Yi is a master of managing here, but if there is no accident, he will never return here.

In accordance with Long Tianyu's behavior style, the best way for a den known by the traitor is to thoroughly discard it and replace it with a new one.

And in order not to attract the attention of others, in a short period of time, he will never touch the relevant industry again.

So Wen Yuge is very likely to be sold.

At that time, I would be entrenched.

"It's useless to say more now, I'm bothering you to pay more attention to the movement here for me. If anyone wants to sell, you can set up this store for me."

柳倩蓉 is a little embarrassed.

再 No matter how stupid she knows, the attitude of the boss that day has shown that the lady in front of her and the strange guest may be inextricably linked with the forces behind Wen Yuge.

But now, this lady has to buy Wen Yuge by her hand.

Ain't it

I swallowed her throat, which was difficult to accept for a while.

I spent so long in this kind of place, she has learned to be cautious.

"Thank you Miss for her trust, but Qian Rong is incompetent and incompetent, she really cannot take this responsibility. Miss, please please others."

Although saving money is easy to make, you also have to enjoy it.

She knows the game between these grown-ups too much. She is just a **** and can be easily abandoned.

When she arrives, she will be waiting for her.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her face and had already guessed seven or eight points.

She really appreciates Liu Qianrong more and more. Under the impact of this luckier thing than winning the lottery, Liu Qianrong can still keep calm.

I have to say that Liu Qianrong is really a cautious person.

Caution is good. Only smart people know prudence, and only prudent people understand scoring.

"Lady Liu, I know what you are worried about."

She said softly and softly, and said to Liu Qianrong.

"Who is Wen Yuge, you don't have to guess, it must be a big man. But now, this big man doesn't need Wen Yuge anymore. You're right, here is indeed Jinjindoujin, no matter how much money. For some, it doesn't have any appeal. I think you should understand what I mean. "

Qian Liuqianrong's face was slightly pale.

If she can, she really doesn't want to get involved in the affairs of these big men.

"I'll be honest, Wen Yuge was sold, and there will be countless people who want to take over. Except for me, the interests of the girls in the building cannot be guaranteed. Jiang Yi does not force you, does not mean that others do not force you .Hey, you should know better than me. "

歪 She tilted her head, and she spoke truthfully, but she struck Liu Qianrong's deepest sorrow.

I'm right.

Qian Liu Qianrong knows that because of her luck, she can meet a good boss like Jiang Yi.

Even though he is moody, those guests dare not mess up with him.

But if it's a different person.

I was afraid that they would fall into a deeper mire.

Qianliu Qianrong bit her lip, she still wanted a final struggle.

"I don't think so. The reason why Wen Yuge is different is because the tactics here are different from the outside. If the new boss wants to make money, it is the best way to stay the same."

"Girl Liu is so smart that she naturally can't kill chickens and eggs. But how many smart people like Miss can have? Girl Liu, rather than letting herself be controlled by others, take the initiative to control her own destiny. Knowing that she cannot escape People use it as a tool to make money, but at least you should let yourself find a better host, don't you? "

Qiu Liuqianrong found that she seemed unable to refute.

People like them are like duckweeds on the water. They have no roots and no concerns, they can only follow the waves.

小姐 This lady makes sense, but she still can't believe it easily.

"Can I take the liberty to ask," Miss, what is sacred? "

If she has to die for life, then at least she needs to know who her employer is.

Otherwise, it would be a fool to avoid death.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled slightly, her eyes full of admiration.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that whether it is the backing behind Jiang Yi or the overlord in the city, it does not pose any danger to me."

Yan Liu Qianrong jumped.

Who is behind Jiang Yi? She has no clue, but it is obviously worth noting the hegemony in Yecheng. It is like a palace in the sky.

With a gurgling noise, she swallowed a sharp spit.

A little more awe in the sight of the woman in front of me.

"Miss, can Qian Rong take it seriously?"

Suddenly, Liu Qianrong's heart burst into an impulse.

Even though the woman in front of her eyes is ordinary in appearance, she can always exude a sense of confidence and nobility from her body.

He is not the children of the family, leaning against the pride and edicts emanating from the family.

She is the calm and calm of the person who has the power. She has indeed seen such a person, but all of them have been fighting for half a life and have gone through the storm.

But the girl in front of her looks almost as old as herself.

Another possibility that I had never thought of was sprouting in her heart, and was about to move.

"It's your business to take it seriously. Girl Liu, I'll give you a chance. It's your own business if you catch it. Don't come when you have a chance, I don't think you will let me down."

She stopped by this and won't reveal any more.

Life is a fight, and a man starts with a fertilized egg and shows his aggressive nature.

Being alive is a process of robbing resources.

者 Those who have the ability can take all the world into their possession and own it.

At this point, she should be clear to no one else.

"Can I think about it again?"

The heart of Tamarix Qianrong was torn apart in half.

The two sides kept on a tug-of-war, and the situation was very stalemate. For a moment, there was no difference between winning and losing.

当然 "Of course you can think about it again, Jiang Yi should not come back these days. There may be new people in the building to clean up the mess, but if Jiang Yi has the ability, I don't know."

She smiled intentionally, and Liu Qianrong no longer insisted.

如果 "If, if there is something in the building, where do I go to find the girl?"

Lin Lin Mengya thought for a while and whispered to the fox who was always by her side.

The latter went out, and soon brought a little girl from below.

"Her name is Lian Bi, and she will take care of you starting today."

Qinghu spoke faintly, and even Bi immediately bowed deeply and said respectfully.

"Lian Bi knows."

Seeing this scene, Qian Liu Qianrong couldn't help but be slightly surprised,

Obviously, Lian Bi is the lady's person.

In my opinion, this lady has already laid her own manpower here.

The balance in my heart tilted again.

She's a bit distressed. Now, the more this lady is exposed, the harder it is for her to resist her heart.

"Thank you for your attention."

不 "No rush, I'm a businessman. I hate losing money when doing business. You will be a very satisfying commodity. For this reason, I can accept whatever investment you make."

She raised her eyebrows, speaking frankly and lucidly.

But Liu Qianrong found some sadness, how could she, just because of this lady, have no disgusting thoughts?

Probably because the light emanating from this young lady is the new hope she is looking for!

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