Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1587: Mu family conditions

I bid farewell to Liu Qianrong, and Lin Mengya took someone to stroll around Qingrou's room.

The clue is not found. Since the person wants to die, I'm afraid that he has already been fully prepared.

I just have a new discovery for her little lucky star Axiu.

"Wait a minute, Sister Ya!"

After they searched for no fruit, they just wanted to leave, but Axiu frowned, and walked to Qingrou's bed.

"what happened?"

She was a little confused, but it didn't take long before she saw Axiu and found a small wooden box under the bed.

Axiu opened immediately, and it was actually a piece of fat that had been dried out.

She dug out a little bit of dry cream with a little force, and put it under the nose and sniffed.

"I know how the cricket on Qingrou came from. It turned out that it was because of this cricket, it had already fallen into the fat. By then, as long as Qingrou uses these fats, it will definitely be slapped!"

She raised her eyebrows and took the box of fat from Axiu's hand.

Generally, the lipstick is placed in a paper box, but Qingrou can be regarded as Wen Yuge's popular ya trick, so the things used are naturally different from others.

The chewing gum is peach-flavored, but Qingrou's body has the fragrance of jasmine, which is in line with her Yazi's design.

Peach is peachy, but very common.

General women will use this taste, so many ladies will feel rustic and don't buy it.

I don't think Qingrou bought this fat by herself.

Also, on the box, there are the words "Yanzhizhai".

Qiyan Zhizhai is one of the best rouge squares in non-Yecheng city.

Because most of the things they produce are brightly colored, they are very much loved by the women in the blue house.

Those who like to have fun, also like to use these things to please themselves.

I can send Qingrou this thing, but also let her use it, obviously not ordinary people, it must be a relationship, someone who is very close to her.

Lin Lin Mengya fiddled with the small box in her hand, and she already had a general direction.

"Clear Fox, find someone to check. Those who buy this must have been deceived as injustices. I think those who sell things should also have some impression."

The man must be trying to please Qingrou, but disdain the true intention to understand her.

So I went to Yanzhizhai.

Generally, people like this will be particularly generous.

For convenience, I almost went straight to the most expensive one when I entered the store.

I lost my mind, so the price became the only measure.

The man's tender affection for Qingrou is just staying on the surface.

With such a small gain, her mood is slightly better.

I brought people back to the palace house, and as soon as she entered the house, she was sent by the great ancestors to the past.

As soon as I entered the door, she felt the atmosphere, something a little bit wrong.

I wonder, what happened to the second brother?

"Great ancestor."

She first gave a good-will greeting to Zeng Zu, the latter still showed a kind of affection, but in addition to the affection, there were some faint bruises.

She asked her three brothers and four brothers with their eyes, but the faces of the two were not very good-looking.

"What's wrong?"

忐忑 In her heart, she also expected countless possibilities.

But nothing is related to the truth.

"Yaer, come and sit with your great ancestor."

My great ancestor looked at her kindly, but with deep protection in his eyes.

I was like a hen protecting her own chicks, and I can't wait to put her under her wings to feel relieved.

曾 "Zengzu, what is wrong with you?"

She asked again, at this time, the elder brother opened his mouth ugly.

"The elder brother spoke today, saying that the Mu family had designated you to pass."

"Why do I?"

If she is Gongya, everything can be explained barely.

But she is Su Mei now!

"The Mu family agreed to our request, so that the palace family can make a thorough investigation and then give them a satisfactory answer. However, they need a guarantee."

越 The more she listens the more confused, what guarantee?

"Before they asked for the second elder brother to be held in their house, he was rejected by the elder brother. Unexpectedly, Mu Yucheng actually spoke in person and asked you to replace the second elder brother. Say yes, you are not a palace person, even if it has passed, The Mu family will never target you. If you have restrictions, you will not be afraid of our family to play tricks. "

Brother Si's expression became more and more ugly.

Lin Lin Mengya also understands why the family has such an attitude.

She thought about it carefully, although it was still not clear why Mu Yucheng offered to let her change her second brother.

But at present, she is not dangerous.

"What did that big brother say?"

At that time, only the older brother knew.

So she wants to hear his opinions first.

Kusugiya's face sank, and those gentle eyes were full of firmness.

"Brother said, no matter what, he will not put you in danger. After Mu Yucheng put forward, he has used you to refute the past. But Mu Yucheng did not know where to hear that you After being the righteous daughter adopted by the palace family, she also said that her brother was fooling the Mu family. In short, the two sides broke up.

Zhe Lin Mengya can probably guess and inform Mu Yucheng who the person is.

They were so fast at Xun Gong Tu. I'm afraid that Mu Yucheng put forward this condition, and their shackles are indispensable, right?

After all, the enemy of the enemy is his own friend.

This law is right.

Their common goal is the house of the palace.

"I know, the family definitely don't want me to go. But what the family doesn't want is Gong Ya, not Su Mei."

Brother San was anxious to hear her say this.

"Little girl, no matter what your name is, you are the closest girl in our hearts!"

一 As soon as she heard it, she knew that the third brother had misunderstood his meaning, and quickly explained.

"I'm not saying you, I mean, I used to be a hostage as Su Mei. The danger is much smaller than Gong Ya."

She has her own plan. In any case, she must keep her second brother.

In fact, Mu Yucheng is very clear, no matter if the murderer is Gong Er, but as long as this is planted on the Gong family, the benefits that the Mu family can get will be countless.

Although Qiangbi's life can be used as evidence, there are too many variables, so the Mu family still has a little more initiative in this matter than the palace family.

That's why they made such a condition.

"No! No matter that, as long as it might hurt you, we can't agree."

The third brother's expression was eager, and his attitude was as firm as ever.

知道 She knew that the two brothers didn't want to hide from her because the situation might have reached a certain stage.

She may be Mu Yucheng threatening her elder brother, or there may be others.

But she knew that they didn't want to force her to make a choice.

He didn't want to hide from her. They regarded her as the head of the family and the backbone of her.

"Look at the elder brother, how do you deal with it. But can you be so honest when I pass by?"

She blinked playfully, with a hint in her words.

"I'm afraid of their Mu family, they have the fate, but they're dead!"

The expressions of the third palace and the fourth palace have slightly complicated changes.

They almost forgot that their little girl's talent for causing trouble is almost peaking.

She went to Longdu casually, and let the always respectful Emperor and the Emperor, almost noisy.

He went to the temple again, and heard that he almost shook the sacred mountain.

Nowadays, the Mu family wants the little girl to be held hostage

The two looked at each other, and a touch of sympathy rose in their hearts.

If it really doesn't work, let the younger girl go, just say it well in advance, and let the younger girl show mercy.

"This matter, let's talk about it later. Yaer is more powerful, after all, is a girl. If there is something, you big men still have to rely on Yaer to come forward, I see the palace family, and it is over."

Where does Zeng Zengzu know her true face.

Even if I knew it, it was done by others. His well-behaved great-granddaughter was involved innocently.

The third house and the second house shook his head and shook his head. In this family, the one who hurts most and loves the most spoiled little girl is the great ancestor.

"Yes, yes, great ancestors were right. Great confections I brought back today, did you taste them?"

She sticks to her great ancestor's legs, and her sweet mouth coaxes her.

After a while of work, Gong Qianfeng smiled with cracked lips, boasting that his own baby was good, and by the way dug a glance at the two "unscrupulous" stinks.

The one in the third palace and the fourth palace is not a taste.

怎么 What should I do if there is a little girl who is too good at selling adorable things?

What else can I do? Envy, envy and hate!

But when Lin Mengya smiled and turned her head, she called two "brothers" sweetly.

They don't know the northeast, southwest or northwest of the cloud.

怎么 How can there be such a beautiful existence in the world?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the three men who always kept "love" eyes, and could not help frowning secretly.

After the death, the "daughter control" gene of the men in the palace family is really more powerful.

甚至 She even thought that if she would dominate the king in the future, the first corresponding and faithful dog legs would be Zengzu and her brothers.

But what can she do?

Is she wrong?

Hold tight for half a second, she was beaten.

主人 "Master, this should be the scarcity of things. Regardless of whether you are mainly a female, the effect should be similar."

She's dark.

Damn system, what a peep at her mind!

In his heart, he compared the **** fiercely, and he heard Xiaoyao continue to say.

"Master, when your mood fluctuates, the small medicine will be automatically activated. This is also to detect your physical condition and make a stress response. If you do n’t need this feature, I ’m sorry this feature ca n’t be turned off , This is how the system protects you. "

Auntie eggs! Hands are better than middle fingers!

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