Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1588: Undercurrent

Late at night, Lin Mengya returned to the room.

She keenly felt the presence of another person, her face changed slightly in the darkness.

But after the candle ignited, he disappeared into the invisible.

怎么 "Why come back so late?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu sat at the table, her dark eyes reflected the light and shade with the beating of the candlelight.

Lin Lin Mengya sat opposite him and sighed lightly.

"It's not because of the Mu family. Mu Yucheng asked me to be held hostage. Should you also receive the news?"

He nodded, his expression seemed to slow down.

"You don't have to worry, the Mu family will promise to let the palace family re-investigate the palace merchant's injuries."

She knows that he can do it.

The large non-Yecheng city may seem like a palace, but in fact, it is unknown who is in the hands of it.

She looked at the man in front of her, holding her chin with her hands, her eyes focused.

She is still the familiar and beautiful Wu Shuang she is familiar with, and her eyebrows and lines are not familiar to her.

No matter in which way, he is the other half of her perfect fit.

At this point, she knew it would never change.

But in life, there is never only love but no other.

"looking at what?"

He likes to be so absorbed in her attention.

He reached out his hand and he touched her delicate face.

The woman who struck him was like a lush rose.

Amami is already extremely beautiful, but it is inadvertently spreading out of her world.

Sure enough, he admired her increasingly powerful.

But also because of this, the more I want to get her the most attention.

看 "Look at you, people often say that beauty is in the bones, and after seeing you, I think this sentence makes more sense."

His smile grew deeper, but the anxiety deep in his heart was like a bamboo shoot after the rain, and no one could control the sharp angle.

"For me, whether it is bone or skin, your mark is engraved."

She almost wanted to sigh.

Because of this, she couldn't bear the concealment he had for himself.

"I know, here it is" She pointed to his head, and then moved to his chest. "It's still here, it's just me."

This is her recognition of him.

No matter what will happen in the future, their minds will probably not change.

At this point, they have already reached a consensus in the meditation.

Chen Long Tianyu reached out and pulled the person gently into his arms.

Suddenly he couldn't stand any more distance between them.

"It's late, we should rest."

After he hugged her and smelled the faint scent of medicine on her, the restless heart calmed down slightly.

She is always his only remedy, but it is also a poison that can hurt him.

Ye Sheng is her, and death is her too.


Resting in his arms, Lin Mengya closed her eyes.

He left the man to hold himself up and hide between the bedding.

A hot, spread from the heart.

She tightly embraced Long Tianyu's neck, relying on his instinct, rubbing his face in his chest.

"Don't make trouble!"

A low warning came from overhead.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head, and her eyes were watery, so touching.

Nine Dragons Tianyu couldn't hold back, a long kiss tenderly penetrated the bone.

He rolled into the quilt as he wished, but was accidentally trapped by Long Tianyu with his arm in his chest.

She bit her lip. Why didn't this dead man take the next step?

"欸, you"

"I'm going crazy, but not now!"

He yelled, her body was hot, and she was dizzy.

But when she heard him, she raised her lips secretly.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it later. However, men still don't talk too hard, lest they be bad for your body."

"Don't even think about who it is!"

For a moment, she completely lost her position.

"I mean, go to the Master tomorrow and prescribe a few medicines for your fire, after all 唔"

Lips were taken again, until she was dizzy and released with both hands, Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed and pushed people away.

"Long Tianyu!"

The latter looked dissatisfied, but still stared at her.

"It's better to be full than to be hungry. That's what you said. It's bad for your health if you break it."

Lin Lin Mengya said nothing again.

He jumped out of bed and washed his hands with a sigh of sigh, then rushed up and bit the guy a bite.

"How did you get so bad! Hmm? I don't think it's a medicine for amnesia, it's a medicine for you!"

She poke his chest vigorously, a sound of accusations.

The latter wrapped her in her arms again, as if she was trying to coax a furry cub.

乖 "Good, you're not honest anymore, I'm afraid you have to"

"Don't think about it, sleep!"

Yi rolled over and ended the "business communication" between their husband and wife.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't care about holding her in her arms, feeling a little calmness of her breath, and finally turned into peace and long.

The smile on his face was a bit bitter.

They all know that something has happened, but for a moment, none of them can be recovered.

给 Give him a little more time, that day, it will be almost

Playful for a long time, Lin Mengya, who is used to getting up early today, is a little bit unconscious.

Xiaolong Tianyu is still the same as in the past. When it comes at night, it will leave at dawn.

She's used to this too.

As soon as I finished washing, I saw that a girl ring hurried over.

"Miss Su, Miss, something bad!"

The eager voice was sharp and thin, so I shouted all the way, I don't know how many people attracted the attention.

Xi Axiu greeted out immediately, greeted the girl ring.

"Early in the morning, what are you shouting here, don't you know my lady, do you hate being noisy?

Externally, Lin Mengya gave herself a clear positioning.

Also, it's the one that has a bad reputation and is particularly prone to offend people.

Sometimes, this kind of person design will bring her many conveniences.

Coupled with Zengzu's intentional cooperation with a few elder brothers, those uninformed people in the palace now basically have to tremble to clean her yard.

Noisy like this, either something really happened, or she just wanted to get her attention.

"Yes, it's the slave's fault. But girl Gao, something really big happened outside, and it still has something to do with Miss Su. Slave, slave is anxious for a while, please ask girl for understanding."

Wu Axiu is a real face, so Lin Mengya simply asked her to call her a high surname.

Now everyone knows that if you want to see Su Mei, you have to pass this tall girl.

Therefore, the descendants of the palace family also recognized her appearance.

Axiu now looks at the girl ring in front of her. This person always feels strange to her. It doesn't look like the people in the house who often come and go.

In my heart, there was a doubt.

"If you have anything, you can tell me, I will go back to my husband."

Suddenly the girl was surprised and immediately lowered her head.

"Yes, yes, they are all sloppy. Please ask the girl to tell Mr. Su. Miss Gong went to the ancestor to ask for Mr. Su, hoping to go to Mu's house instead of the sire. I ask the gentleman to persuade me. "

Axiu frowned. Why didn't they know about this?

"You wait here first, I'll go back to sir."

He turned and walked back into the room.

"Don't go."

The voices they spoke just now are not small, Lin Mengya could have heard them clearly.

As soon as Axiu came in, she had an answer.

"But if Lin Mengwu really wants to go to Mu's place for you, I'm afraid she will take the opportunity to become a nobleman in the palace. At that time, in a sense, the palace family will have no reason to expel her."

I heard that Lin Mengya just smiled indifferently.

"You look at Lin Mengwu too high. If she is really so kind, she will go to Mu's house for me. Believe it or not, I ate the table."

"But I don't think that person is telling a lie."

Lin Lin Mengya drank the last porridge gracefully, wiped her mouth, and turned her eyes to the outside.

"This can only confirm that the Mu family and the palace slaughtered them in a collusion. Lin Mengwu, who is selfish and vicious, is quite afraid of death. If she can come up with this condition, she must have pinpointed the matter and won't Threatens her life. "

After Axiu's brow frowns and tightens after listening, she also thinks about it.

那 "So, what should we do?"

"Wait, wait and see what happens."

She sat firmly in the yard. Unless she was sent by a great ancestor, she wouldn't fall into that puppet.

的 The girl ring outside waited a little, and she couldn't help complaining about Su Mei's unreasonable lifting.

"Mr. Su, please persuade me!"

She shouted loudly, but now there was no one who responded.

Ji Yahuan yelled a few more throats, and when she saw that she didn't care, she thought of it and wanted to break into it.

She has an idea in her heart. How can she say that she also works for the real lady of the palace? How can an alien lady take her?

She didn't want to, she was blocked by two girl rings before she got close to the door.

The two girls are Sakurako and Peach. Today, they are Lin Mengya's two housekeepers.

When they are not at home, these two girls are watching the room.

She Yingzi has long seen Lin Mengwu displeased, where will give her people a chance.

Geng stared and shoved the man out.

"What's the matter?" This is the gentleman's house, so you won't be allowed to come here! "

Ye Nahuan didn't know them well, thinking that they were all from the palace family, and they were more brave.

"I want to see sir, you all give me up! This palace family, it will be up to my lady to take care of it later. I advise you, let me know!"

Sakurako sneered, relying on the number of people, blocking people out.

"Both of us are gentlemen, and the husband is the owner. If you want to be acquainted with you, it must be you! If your husband does not let in, even if your lady is here, you have to wait outside!"


Jiuhuan was anxious, and she was about to drag Sakurako.

Sakurako was clever and turned her head to give her a loud mouth.

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