Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1592: Mu Family History

I saw Su Xi's arms stretched out and drew a big circle. Lin Mengya felt that this little cute was really flattering.

"The most particular thing about doing business is to fish a long line of fish. Now the silver we give up is nothing compared with the return."

In fact, it is too simple to deal with Lin Mengwu's mother and daughter. They always think that they are smart people. When they do many things, they will leave a handle and catch a child.

She was accurate, but she was hiding behind them.

Lin Lin Mengwu can pose as her biological sister, which is not easy.

Although the palace palace is arrogant, but he is not stupid.

There must be something she didn't know.

With this, she can thoroughly root out Lin Mengwu and Guan Qing.

"I still think that the lady is thoughtful, right. Didn't the lady make me secretly stare at the people in Miss Wu's yard before? I found that they often deal with people from Tu ’s side. Moreover, they often carry some personal information. Goods. I knocked on them when they were not paying attention. Those things were taken seriously by Miss Dance. They must be very valuable if you want to come. "

The advantage of Su Suxi is that he was a young boy who was not too eye-catching, so it was very suitable to listen to some news in the house.

"Have you seen it, what is it?"

Su Suxi shook her head, looking a little annoyed.

她们 "They are alert, and the room is watched almost every moment. So Miss, Su Xi is useless."

She pinched Su Xi's little head and comforted the little guy.

"You did a good job, and then continue to help me stare at them. Remember, no matter what the people in her yard say or do, you have to go through your mind three times. Once you find anything wrong, Sue in time. "

"Yes, Su Xi knows!"

I didn't blame him for seeing the lady, Su Xi immediately became excited as she was beaten with chicken blood.

Zhe Lin Meng Wu entered the house with a purpose, and with that mother and daughter's personality, they could not hold their troops.

On the side of the Mu family, there are probably ** they are going to make a decision.

这 Before that, she must ensure that they can't make any moths.

After only one night, Lin Mengwu sent news again.

She even went to find her great ancestor, and pleaded with great tears, promised them to go hostage to Mu family together.

The Mu Mu family repeatedly pressured at this time, and the rumors in non-Yecheng gradually turned in a direction that was not good for the palace family.

If I continue to procrastinate, I am afraid that this pot of dirty water will not clean up my brother.

I took advantage of the children's lunch break, and she also went to the great ancestor's yard.

His great ancestor looked a little tired, his palms and hands were full of meat. He loved Ya'er, but he was also worried about the palace merchant.

曾 In these days, Zengzu must have been upset.

"You came."

Seeing her, Zengzu sighed quietly.

Gao Linmengya knew that in fact Zengzu knew everything, but she just couldn't bear it.

曾 "Zengzu, Mu family, you should do it."


"I know you are worried about my safety. There are wolves and tigers. Once I enter the palace, Lin Mengwu will definitely join forces with the Mu family. By then, my situation will be dangerous."

This is why Zengzu was really worried.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled without worry.

"Zeng ancestors knew how to deal with it, how could I know that I have no way to drive tigers and wolves?"

Her smile was shallow, but she spoke with the general general's confidence.

My great ancestor shook his head with a bitter smile, and said that the oldest in their family was the second and the bravest was the fifth.

其实 But in fact, they are slightly inferior to Gong Yalai.

"The child is old, and I should let you decide for yourself. If you want to go, then go. But there is only one, you must ensure that you come back safely."

The great ancestor spoke with a choke, with deep self-blame in his eyes.

He is still incompetent. If he has half the natural talents of his homeowner, he will not even be able to protect his children.

Again, he felt a deep sense of weakness.

Zhe Lin Mengya stepped forward, and firmly held Zengzu's hand.

"If you don't enter the tiger's hole, you won't be able to get a tiger. There is no better candidate for this matter than me. Zengzu rest assured that my life is long and **** will not accept it. In the past, I was 100 times more dangerous than this. Carry it intact, let alone a Mu family. "

Seeing her persistence like this, Zengzu was not good at continuing to say anything.

丫 This girl has a very bad temper, like the master carved in a mold.

"It's nothing. The women in our house are like this. The Mu family's affairs will be arranged as soon as possible. But you must be careful, girl, Mu family is no better than the other family. This family, do everything To do bad things. "

She nodded. What kind of methods the Mu family had, she was regarded as a tutor.

Even if this time, Mu's face won't target her, but there must be various small movements in the back.

When that happens, it depends on how she responds.

Xun Zengzu also ordered her for a long time, and told a lot about Mu family.

Some things can only be known by their generation.

After hearing this, she had a not-so-obvious understanding of Mu's family.

For example, the Mu family started from a cadaver.

It is said that the origin of Mu Jiashu was evolved because of this.

Until now, the Mu family's tactics have long been fantastic.

I was said to have once had a homeowner who was so vicious that he tried to make puppets with living people.

The perverted rebellion led to revenge from many enemies.

What I didn't expect was that all the enemies killed were the strangers who the owner made himself.

He said that his appearance, shape, and even his voice could be exactly the same as himself.

Also, it has extremely strong attack power.

Later, the owner of the Mu family was desperate and tried to use the royal family at that time to make the puppet.

This time, it can be regarded as horse honeycomb.

He was not only attacked by the imperial clan at that time, but also by some of the clan. He had long thought of his unpleasant people.

In this way, the ghost owner died in chaos.

But his martial arts passed down.

Originally, after that war, the Mu family was already at the end of the crossbow.

Xun, but fifty years ago, a genius of Xunshu suddenly appeared.

The genius and great ancestor they have never seen, only know that his talent is a little higher than that of the inventor, the inventor.

Moreover, he only used slaves as raw materials for 傀儡, and had never touched people in the family.

You know, slaves are just like Chinese cabbage on the ground when they are in the country.

What's more, the puppets he refined were actually sold publicly.

There are martial arts that are indestructible, and there are forces that can engage in farming. There are even beauties who are dedicated to lethargy.

In short, the Mu family has made its mark again.

In just a few decades, he has been among the top ten families.

But the history of Mu's family has a smell of blood.

As a result, other homeowners are good friends with the Mu family.

The Mu family is accustomed to being alone, their own temperament is more gloomy, and the means are more and more severe.

This is one of the reasons why this matter can be so tricky.

The Mu family did not have a bottom line when they acted. If they were followed, the palace family must deal with it carefully.

Soon, the result of the discussion between the great ancestors at home was announced in public.

The third brother and the fourth brother are naturally fiercely opposed.

What a pity, she has decided, unless the two of them tied her up, otherwise she would never give up.

For such a result, the two brothers could only smile bitterly.

But it still makes people pass the news to the elder brother.

On the second day, the Mu family sent a sedan chair early in the morning.

She did not expect Mu Jia to come so fast, so she could only keep Bai Su at home, and also passed the news to Long Tianyu.

Xi Axiu took the parcel and followed the sedan chair.

Each other their faces were calm and heavy, Lin Mengwu's side seemed a little too eager.

"Mr. Su Mei, when we arrive at Mu's house, we have to watch and help each other and take care of each other."

She was too lazy to see Lin Mengwu acting, nodded indifferently, and fell off the car curtain.

"Hum! See how long you can be proud"

Qi Lin Mengwu cursed fiercely and yelled a bit of venom over her eyes.

She exchanged a look with her mother who was accompanying her.

Soon, Su Mei will kneel on the ground for mercy.

It's not far from the palace house to Mu's house. Because Mu's family came from a long distance, they just rented a courtyard as a temporary foothold.

As the sedan approached, the smell of herbs sent in the air, making the Shennong system somewhat active.

In fact, she had smelled Mu Mucheng's body before.

No matter whether it is a living person or another person, in order to maintain the normal operation of the person, soaking and applying medicine is the simplest and most tedious method.

Especially the human body 傀儡, she did not know what method the other party used, she could erase the self-consciousness and maintain the normal body function.

She didn't have a close contact before, but now, she seems to be a great opportunity.

"Mr. Su, Miss Wu, we are here."

Outside the sedan chair, the Mu family responsible for sending them to the **** said with a sneer.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that they had sent him a fat sheep to be slaughtered in their eyes.

I sorted out my clothes and walked out of the sedan elegantly and calmly.

Oncoming were two martial arts guarding the door.

After looking at her for a few more times, Wu Zhen, the person named Mu Zhen couldn't help showing a little surprised look.

This martial art is made by the young master himself.

Whether it is appearance or action, it is almost the same as ordinary people.

Isn't it even found out by a lady?

"Mr. Su, please."

Mu Zhen also has a little more alert for Su Mei.

After recovering his gaze, Lin Mengya nodded and stepped into the house in front of her.

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