Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1593: First arrived at Mu family

刚 As soon as they entered the door, they saw the people in the Mu family who stopped their work and stared at them fiercely.

Lin Lin Mengya is okay with A Xiu, but Lin Mengwu can't help but wince and grab Shangguan Qing's hand.

Yu Guang, of Mu Zhen, never left the four women behind him.

Even if he knew the intention of the young master, the performance of the four women behind him was really different.

No wonder, the young master insisted that Su Mei be the hostage.

Finally, facing the eyes of those people, they passed smoothly through the front yard.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I entered the inner courtyard, I was blocked.

"Mu Zhen, who are they?"

She appeared in front of Lin Mengya, a pretty girl.

The young girl is only a teenager, she is cute and touching, and her face is innocent.

But Lin Mengya can see at a glance that the girl is a beautiful scorpion who can kill people.

I saw behind the girl, followed by two identical twin girls, apparently her personal maids.

At this moment, the girl was looking at them with curiosity.

Wu Muzhen said respectfully to the girl.

"If you return to Miss Table, these four are the young masters, who were specially invited from the palace. Recently, I want to stay in our house temporarily."

Miss Biao?

Lin Lin Mengya passed Mu Yucheng's information in her mind.

I heard that his mother's maiden house was extremely strong, so when Mu Yucheng was competing for the position of heir, he used many forces from his ancestor's side.

In my opinion, this cousin is not so simple.

She looked at each other without moving, at the same time.

When the two were in a secret contest, she heard Lin Mengwu behind her and said very intimately.

"It turns out that you are Miss Song. It's a long-awaited name. I saw it today, and it's really extraordinary. Miss Song, in the Xia Gong Mai, I will be disturbing in the future."

I was interrupted by Lin Mengwu, and the two men looked back at the same time.

Song Songlin concealed her boredom and smiled sweetly, more like a pure and harmless ignorant girl.

"Where is Ms. Gong, I'm just a guest. In the future, we will be together. Naturally, we must get along well. Mu Zhen, don't neglect two people. Two people, I still have something, I won't lose it. They are two, and they will have the opportunity to chat with me over tea. "

Lin Mengya nodded, her attitude seemed aloof.

She was Lin Mengwu by her side, a familiar look.

I watched Song Liner disappear, and Lin Mengwu made a look of embarrassment.

"Sir, it's not the dancer who talks loudly. This Miss Song is innocent and cute. Why do you have a face? No wonder, Mr. Born in Shuxiang Mendi, I don't understand this kind of communication between Miss Family. See how I do it. "

What are you looking at her?

I don't know where Lin Mengwu comes from.

Lin Lin Mengya was too lazy to care for her and went straight into the inner courtyard.

"Sir, I'm all here for you, don't take it for granted."

Lin Mengwu's attitude became even more rude when he walked out of the palace house, or determined that Su Mei could not return to the palace house with patience.

Lin Mengya didn't take it seriously. This is the Mu family. Even if Gong Tu colluded with the Mu family, it wasn't Lin Mengwu who decided.

I soon arrived in the parlor's living room.

The sandalwood was burning inside, and the spirit was condensed.

But Lin Mengya only thought it was ridiculous. Here is Shura hell. Where can this pure and elegant sandalwood be tolerated?

Mu Mucheng, really is a person without fear.

In short, he's a lunatic.

I do n’t have any common sense to treat lunatics.

"The two sit for a while, and I'll go and tell the young owner."

刚刚 As soon as they were sitting, someone sent tea.

The tea on the tea is a normal girl ring, but the look is trembling, a little daunting.

Obviously, life was not so good when he was on a business trip at Mu's house.

After a while, footsteps came from outside.

"Mr. Su, Miss Wu, my young master is here."

Wu Muzhen's voice rang again, and Lin Mengya tightened all her nerves.

She stood up and saluted gracefully towards Mu Yucheng.

"Sit down."

Wu Qing's cold sound quality is inexplicably reminiscent of the glacier of the lunar month.

It seems that everything will be frozen by him.

I talk to him as much as walking on thin ice.

A little careless, he will be buried in his coldness.

I just want to send it up intentionally.

"Thank you Mu Mu."

The soft and sweet voice, at this moment, feels tired like cooled lard.

Gao Lin Mengya sighed in the heart of the other's self-death, but her face remained calm.

She also hopes that they can bite the dog's hair, but apparently, Mu Yucheng did not give her this opportunity.

"About Mr. Su Mei, I think it's all clear, right? Then I will stop talking nonsense. I invite you to come here and hope to urge the palace family to find out the truth earlier. Here, I must No embarrassment, Mr. Sumy. "

The explanations that were sloppy and sloppy also made Lin Mengya understand her situation again.

"Yes, I know everything."

She didn't try to talk to Mu Yucheng any more. Even, she hoped that since this time, Mu Yucheng's direct contact and communication with her, the less the better.

This man has a taste of death.

And she is a person full of hope for life, so, how far to hide.

"Just be clear."

Xi Mu Yucheng's sight has never left Su Mei.

也 There are many people he has met, but very few people make him feel unpredictable.

The former Miss Gongjia once met him once.

Even though everyone thought that she was just a vase at that time, he still saw a wave of waves hidden in that person.

现在 Now Su Mei makes him feel the same.

No wonder, after the disappearance, Gong Ya asked her to guard the palace home.

But it is unknown whether she has that ability.

"If the young master is fine, can Su Mei step down?"

She asked indifferently, Mu Yucheng nodded to answer.

After walking away from Mu Yucheng step by step, she took a sigh of relief in her heart.

Just now, she almost thought she was going to be seen through.

Mumu Yucheng has extraordinary insight.

In front of him, Daoxing's slightly worse, will certainly be seen through.

But fortunately, with the Shennong system, she can control her facial expressions and even breathe.

What should I haven't found?

I calmed my heart a little, and under the guidance of Mu Zhen, she came to a quiet cross-courtyard.

"This is the small courtyard where Mr. Su Mei is staying temporarily. There will be two women outside the door to wait for your assignment. If you are not here, you can let them tell me."

She glanced at it okay, not shabby.

The two women must be here to look at themselves.

But since she came to be held hostage, she didn't want to have a good life.

"So, I will work for you."

She took Axiu and walked in first.

Lin Mengwu was always black behind her, but after seeing the yard she lived in, she had a little joy.

Such a shabby yard must be Mu Yucheng trying to embarrass Su Mei.

I ca n’t be more different than myself, after all, the news from Uncle Tu sent people said that they had colluded with Mu family.

那 "What about us?"

She questioned Mu Zhen politely, but the latter looked at them coldly and pointed to the front.

"Since you are the lady of the palace family, naturally you can't neglect. Come with me, please."

Gao Linmengwu was so proud of glances that he glanced at Su Mei's small courtyard and followed Mu Zhen away.

The environment in the cross-courtyard is okay, and the surroundings are quiet. There are some wild flowers in the yard.

Axiu carefully searched inside and out, and determined that there was nothing inside, and then began to arrange.

They don't bring much, most of them clothes and supplies.

The room was fairly spacious and tidy, which was good for a hostage.

"I thought they were going to lock us up."

Axiu finished packing, pinching her shoulders, and whispering by the way.

"This is the style of the big family, these big family, the surface effort is still to be home."

But inside, it was filthy to the extreme.

Soon there were two wives who looked very smart outside.

"Mr. Su, young people will be responsible for serving outside in the future. The Mu family has many rules. If there is nothing, please don't go out casually to avoid small ones."

Hey the two women, they are not polite at all.

A Xiugang just wanted to return, but she was stopped by her.

"I know."

I saw that the two women were so innocent, but Sister Ya, who had always been extremely aggressive, had "turned off" at this time, and A Xiu was somewhat surprised.

"What are you anxious with them, they always come."

These two are not even a piece.

If she is angry now, then she is wasting her time.

She closed her eyes and raised her head, and counted the time, big brother and them, it should be here.

I wish I could take the second brother smoothly.

In Mu Xiaocheng's study, Mu Yucheng is dealing with family affairs.

With a "Bangdang" sound, the door was pushed open.

Song Liner pursed her mouth and walked to him in dissatisfaction.

"Cousin, you are too much!"

Xi Mu Yucheng heard the words, but just raised her eyes and looked at her indifferently.

"what happened?"

"You still ask me what's wrong, I ask you, why do you want me to live with that idiot?"

When she brought it up, she was furious.

蠢 That idiot has the name and identity of the palace family, and has not yet been officially recognized by the palace family, who knows where the wild species came from.

Uncle did not expect, but his cousin arranged her into a yard with herself.

Isn't this sincere, is it going to make her eyes suffer?

"Liner, pay attention to your words."

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