Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1594: Visit both

Xu's attitude towards Song Lin'er and Mu Yucheng is as indifferent to others.

He was born in a place like Mu's. Those feelings that could affect his judgment were abandoned by him as early as when he was born.

In the Mu family, only those who survive will be qualified to control the lives of others.

He managed to climb to where he is today, and will never give anyone else a chance.

Song Liner glanced at her mouth, put away the anger on her face, and turned a little disdainful.

"Cousin, I know your thoughts on the palace family. Who makes them so eye-catching, but that palace dance is not worth your thoughts. You might as well touch the bottom of that plum It's through. "

Wu Song family has its own source.

But Song Lin'er was not a peaceful person.

Xi Mu Yucheng looked at her lightly for a day, then continued to look at the stationery and the ledger on the table.

"The news came from Longdu, Gongya disappeared."

Song Lin'er eyes widened immediately.

"How is this possible? Isn't Gong Ya in the hands of those people? Although she hasn't been shown, she has caused a lot of blood and rain."

Xi Mu Yucheng finished reading the last page, and put everything together.

"So, her disappearance was either the hands of the palace family and His Royal Highness Xi, or it was taken away by more powerful people."

Mu Yucheng's eyes were deep. As long as he didn't say anything, no one could see it.

Even though Song Lin'er grew up with him, she couldn't see the cousin's mind anyway.

Fortunately, she has her strengths.

"Even though she was rescued by someone from the palace or His Royal Highness, she is now a living target, and the palace family refuses to let her appear. But if she is not rescued, her situation will be Worrying. No wonder you value palace dance so much. No wonder she is better at dealing with that unlucky Miya.

Song Liner's face, with a mockery of the woman.

Do you really think you can become a phoenix when you climb the branches?

I didn't even see if she had a few pounds or two, and even her sister couldn't compare at all, and I was so embarrassed to think about it.

Sure enough, it was stupid and greedy.

"She'll leave it to you, and don't allow Sumei to move, you know?"

Mu Yu's expressionless command.

Song Liner's personality, in fact, compared to him, so much more fierce.

The person she was following was afraid that she might die.

Xu Wenyan said, Song Liner's lips curled, revealing a sweet smile.

"Cousin won't fancy her, right?"

Xi Mu Yucheng turned his head, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"Women? I have no interest yet."

I spit out my tongue, and Song Liner was sometimes skeptical. My cousin wouldn't have any hidden problems?

Why isn't there even a waiter for so many years?

Studies, knocking suddenly at the door.

"what's up?"

Xi Mu Yucheng has his rules. No one can come in without the exception of Song Liner's occasional intrusion into the study.

Xu Muzhen looked across the door, respectfully looking back.

"It's the fourth master of the palace family. He hopes to see Mr. Su Mei."

Four young men in the palace?

Hemu Yucheng felt a little strange. Now, shouldn't he follow Gong Bin and take the palace merchant back?

I want to know that the palace merchant was previously detained by the Mu family.

These days, I have suffered a lot in the dark.

Ran Gong was so anxious about his brother that he went to see Su Mei.

"Go and bring Samui over."


As Mu Zhen works, naturally, everything must conform to the mind of the young owner.

After a short while of effort, Lin Mengya was taken and returned by Mu Zhen, who was brought to the former parlor.

"There is work."

Her attitude is still elegant and peaceful, but after seeing the two people sitting there, her heart turned into a small wave.

But she quickly suppressed it and did not let Mu Zhen see any flaws.

"Four sons, Mr. Su Yan, I don't know why you two are here."

In addition to her four brothers, what made her feel particularly surprised was Long Tianyu after disguising herself.

The four eyes are opposite, and there are obviously thousands of feelings, but they can only touch them lightly, and then open them separately.

She only saw the deep worry in his eyes, and even though she knew it could not be hidden from him, she still did not expect that the man had come in person.

I can't help but feel a little sorry.

But many of them are practical.

This is his trust in her, and she feels that she has the ability to solve Mu's problems.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that guy will definitely find a way to save himself, instead of being so calm, put on his disguised identity and come to "visit the prison" with his fourth brother.

"I'm here to see if you are not used to anything. I brought something here, and you should use it first. This is no better than our home. There are some things that don't bother others."

The fourth palace is the famous Wenrunruyu. Although these words are a bit harsh, he said with a slight concern.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your attention, what about Mr. Su Yan?"

"The dean said that you can stay here with peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about everything. Students and I will take care of you. If anyone dares to bully you, come to me. No one is afraid to move.

Hehe, this overbearing president Fan Er, only wearing a small vest, are not afraid of being laughed to death, right?

"Where did Mr. Su Yan say, this is the Mu family. They invited us as a guest. Where would they bully me?"

歪 She tilted her head, with a little playfulness in her eyes.

Xiaolong Tianyu doesn't know where this girl actually has a somewhat playful mentality.

Alas, she didn't know that she was worried.

I sometimes feel that she is not as stupid as before, at least, she can be safe and well-behaved, hidden behind him, and never see anyone.

"That's good, I don't know if you are a palace person, in the future, you must be my person!"

The fourth house was a little speechless.

Are they in the enemy camp? So why is this person even more unscrupulous?

He could not help but say a little angry.

"Su Mei is in the genealogy of our family, naturally it is our family!"

Chen Long Tianyu squinted his eyes and looked at him with a disdainful hum.

"It is now, but it will be difficult to say in the future."

"Two, I don't think it's too early. I should also make good arrangements when I first arrive at Mu's house. I think it would be better for the two to go back?

I used my eyes to condemn the naive behavior of the two guys. In this way, it is estimated that the family's face will be lost to both of them.

I don't know which one is wrong, every four elder brothers always have to say a few words to Yu to be normal.

I do n’t even see where this is and what occasion?

A pair of childish ghosts!

也是 "Also, then we won't bother. Su Xi, bring things to Mr .."

Wu Suxi immediately came up with two large packages. Although the little guy tried to be calm, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

He looked at her with a restless expression, but still resisted, and handed the package to Axiu.

既然 "Now that things have been delivered, let's go back first."

In my gaze, with stark perseverance.

Lin Lin Mengya is the same, but she can only smile and send them away.

"You, be careful."

Xun Gongsi instructed with a voice that only the two of them could hear, Lin Mengya could only nod, but Long Tianyu stood up and embraced her slim waist.

The familiar breath came to her face, and she thought he would grit her teeth and say a few words, but he didn't want to, he just fell in his ears and said two words.

"Don't be afraid."

Be attentive, completely settled down.

I'm right. With him, she doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

"I know."

He nodded and she reluctantly pushed away his arms.

Squinting as the three men left, her gaze returned.

"Let's go, we will go back."

At the door, Mu Zhen still stood there like a pillar.

I just had everything just now, I'm afraid that everything has fallen into his eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya came out, but stood by his side.

"Mr. Mu, have you seen it before?"

"I don't know if Miss ---"

"Tell what you see to your young master. Save it, he bet the wrong treasure."

Wu Muzhen was shocked. Did she guess the true purpose of the young master to invite her?

But he just nodded and didn't keep asking.

Lin Lin Mengya and A Xiu returned to the hospital with Mu Zhen under the guidance of Mu Zhen.

知道 She knows that the four brothers came today to give Mu Yucheng a signal.

The only person who really cares about the palace family is her.

Then all the deals that he and Gong Tu have reached now have the opportunity to choose again.

I just don't know how Mu Yucheng will choose.

On the other side, it was learned that Lin Mengwu, who had come to the palace but did not meet the previous one, was crazy and vented his dissatisfaction in the room.

"Slut! Slut! Slut!"

She smashed all the porcelain in the house.

But especially, he was not addicted, and his red eyes were full of crazy hate.

I'm all that bitch!

If it wasn't for the slut's intentional obstruction, Miyaji will certainly come to see himself!

But now she is a joke.

Damn bitch, **** it!

呦 "Hey, what's wrong with Miss Wu? You think I have something bad in this yard, so you want to throw it for me? Then I really want to thank Miss Wu well."

Xu came with a few displeased voices, and Shangguan Qing immediately pulled his daughter's sleeve.

The latter reluctantly suppressed the anger, and instead put on a not so ugly smile.

"Miss Song said what it was, but I was a little clumsy, so I broke a few tea bowls. In the future, I must pay Miss Song as much as I can."

Song Linlin did not tear through her, just bypassed the fragments, sat at the table, and looked at the angry palace dance with a smile.

"I heard that the four young masters of your family just came. Why didn't you see Miss Wu?"

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