Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1597: Unknown plant

As soon as he said this, Lin Mengya blushed on the surface, but she was actually laughing at the other person.

It's so easy to hook up, no wonder it will be counted by Song Liner.

"You! You admit it! Mu Zhen, you all heard just now. She already had my mind, but now she is stolen and gained. I see how you can deny it! I will go back and tell my ancestors to expel you from the palace. ! "

She shouted at Mu Zhen, and the latter listened to it without fail.

In my heart, I was scornful that the two women were extremely brainless, but at this time, things gradually became clear.

After clearing his throat, he stood between the two.

"Miss Mai, this matter is very important, you still go with me to meet our young master."

Qi Lin Mengwu stared at him fiercely, shouting impatiently.

"Why did I meet him? And you, one by one, want to slander me? I tell you, I hate it, but your poison is not me!"

I watched Lin Mengwu threaten everyone with shame and anger, and Lin Mengya pressed harder.

"Did you say that it wasn't you that got down? Isn't it you? This poison, but it was found in your yard, isn't you, and who will it be? Palace dance, I will never give up on this matter, just wait. Be driven out by the palace family! "

Her word by word, hit the key to Lin Mengwu.

Lin Mengwu was also in a hurry, and when his head was hot, he shouted angrily.

"It's not me! It's Song Lin's! Everything she does, it's her life!"

This remark made Lin Mengya's face even more disdainful.

"If you want to frame someone, you have to find someone suspect? I don't know Miss Song and I don't know each other, how can she want to harm me? Are you afraid that the dog jumped off the wall, go, go with me to see the young master, I Let the entire fiefdoms know how your palace dance is so cruel and rid of aliens! "

She said that she was going to pull Lin Mengwu's hand.

But the latter was really crazy, and shot her hand in a panic, angrily shouting.

"It's her! Anyone who makes you unclear with the man she likes, she likes Su Yan, so she wants to get rid of you!"

Suddenly, Lin Mengya paused for a moment.

Then shook his head incredibly desperately.

"Impossible! Miss Song has never seen Su Yan at all, how could she--"

"You fool! Gong Shi and Su Yan came to see you that day, and Song Lin'er just happened to pass by. I think Mu Zhen should know."

Anxious to set aside her suspected Lin Mengwu, she did not know at all. In this way, her situation was really dangerous.

How could a ruthless person like Song Liner easily let her go?

Lin Lin Mengya deliberately made a look of surprise, then turned to Mu Zhen.

"Mr. Mu, what she said is true?"

Wu Muzhen recalled it a bit, indeed, when he sent the two out that day, he just caught up with Miss Piao and returned.

At that time, Master Gongsi said hello to Miss Table for politeness.

Did it be then

But not, how can you act as a lady with a character, how can you act because of a man who has only met once?

I just thought about that wayward look, but it was quite possible.

这个 "Here, Miss Watch really did meet Mr. Su Yan that day."

其他 As for the others, Mu Zhen did not intend to disclose.

Gao Linmengya took a step back and looked a little bit of a lord.

"But, how did Miss Song know my relationship with Su Yan?"

She said almost to herself, and Lin Mengwu heard her words, her eyes flickered, and she felt a little guilty.

Lin Lin Mengya saw it immediately, and said angrily immediately.

"Is that right, right? You want to use Miss Song's hand to remove me, so you encourage her to poison me! Speaking of it, you are the culprit! Gong Wu I used to see you as the owner and sister , Tolerate you everywhere, now it looks like I'm wrong after all. Starting today, you and I are at odds! "

Her accusations made Lin Mengwu's face slightly changed.

"Don't spit people in blood! Whoever does this thing has nothing to do with me. You don't want to use this to suppress me!"

"I fight with you!"

He said, Lin Mengya rushed up.

Suddenly, two people scuffled into a ball, and the sound of screams and screams continued.

Although Lin Mengwu has an advantage in terms of number of people, Lin Mengya and Axiu are fully acquainted with each other.

After waiting for Mu Zhen to force them to pull them apart, Lin Mengwu's small face almost told her to grab flowers.

Looking back at Lin Mengya, it was just that her hair was a little messy, and her clothes were a little bit embarrassed.

"Ah! Sumei, I want your life!"

Zhe Lin Mengwu stumbled upon her own face in the mirror and screamed and scolded.

What a pity Lin Mengya was afraid of her, and said with a cold snoring.

"The life you want, next life! Palace dance, I will never let you go!"

Then she was forcibly returned to the hospital by Mu Zhen's people.

When she reached the yard, she wept and pretended to be bitter and bitter, and drove everyone out of the house.

After the gate was closed, she immediately stopped crying, just like her face changed. Where was tears in her eyes?

Tong Axiu gave her a thumbs up at her, and the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be controlled.

She just saw clearly, just now, Sister Ya struck the woman without knowing how many feet, and then she helped Lin Mengwu's body by deliberately helping her, and she could get many bruises.

She looked angry at the shameless woman, and now she was a bit angry.

"Sister Ya, what shall we do next?"

The two men lowered their voices to discuss together, but Lin Mengya twisted her fingertips.

There was a trace of blood on it that she had deliberately scratched, and there was a bit of doubt in her heart.

"Sister Ya, what are you thinking?"

Wu Axiu thought she was immersed in the joy of victory, and gently pushed her.

Zhe Lin Mengya reacted immediately, beckoning gently, and biting her ear with Axiu.

"I suspect, Lin Mengwu has also been shot."

A Xiu was stunned, then shook his head.

"If this is the case, then Xiaozi should have changed something. But, it just didn't respond at all. Is it because you feel wrong?"

Indeed, Xiaozi may have a greater say in the detection of tritium.

But when I saw Lin Mengwu just now, the system once reminded me.

Xun said that Lin Mengwu's body seemed to have unknown substances.

That's why she looked for a chance and got some samples from scratching Lin Mengwu.

But the systematic data analysis is a bit strange.

There was indeed more material in Zhe Lin Mengwu's body, but it was not the mysterious material she found on the holy mountain.

Pupae are some kind of unknown but very active plant cells.

The system has already given sample analysis, but it is impossible to detect the source and species of the plant, so it is impossible to simulate the impact of this plant on the human body.

Since it was not poisonous, she had to guess in other ways.

现在 But now, Axiu said it was not 蛊.

What is this, then?

Why didn't she feel the rest of Mu's body?

"Whatever it is, Lin Mengwu also blame it! But I didn't expect that Song Liner had a good opinion of her brother-in-law! How could she be so shameless? Knowing that her brother-in-law has a sweetheart, she is still entangled like this!"

After saying that, Axiu's face went dark.

Isn't she shameless like this at first, did she have to like Xiaoyu?

Lin Lin Mengya returned to God, and immediately understood.

I reached out and gently patted Axiu's small face, when this girl became so sensitive.

"Well, you are not the same as her. Besides, only Lin Mengwu, a fool, will believe Song Liner's nonsense."

She has seen Song Lin's side, she is a very clever girl who can hide herself.

怎么 How can such a person do something to himself because of this?

I'm afraid this is just a reason to hide people's eyes.

"But here is the Mu family, and Song Liner is also a Miss of the Mu family. If she wants to do something to you, I'm afraid we will be passive."

Wu Axiu said all worried, but Lin Mengya, but did not care at all.

"Do you think that a clever person like Song Liner will leave such a handle on our hands? Look at it, Mu family will be lively soon."

No matter who wants to disturb the muddy Mu family's water, but as long as she is there, she can touch the muddy water to fish.

At this time, among Sitai College.

Long Tianyu, who is processing official business, has received secret reports from his men.

I glanced at the secret newspaper carefully, Long Tianyu smiled slightly.

The above details how Lin Mengya went to find trouble with Lin Mengwu, how she quarreled with Lin Mengwu, and finally how she beat each other.

In short, his wife did not suffer.

何 "What, how can your Highness be happy?"

The sound of Qi Qing's voice came, and Xue Hua's face was so proud that he appeared in front of him.

"It's nothing."

Smile, disappeared instantly.

Xun Long Tian Yu pressed the secret report to the bottom. If there were rare treasures, no one would show them.

Xue Hua secretly poked his lips. Who doesn't know that His Royal Highness can care so much? Only the treasure of the palace family 疙瘩.

Alas, he didn't ask for that boring.

Instead, he pulled out a lightly ingenious box from his sleeve.

"Someone asked me to give it to you."

The box is very delicate, but Long Tianyu has no interest in it and has no intention of opening it halfway.

He turned to pick up the unfinished business on the table without even glancing at it.

Xue Hua sighed helplessly and kindly opened it for him.

A very extravagant, short knife inlaid with precious stones appeared in front of him.

呵 "Oh, it's really a good thing. Your Highness, I'm a little bit tempted."

Xue Hua pulled out a short knife, and immediately felt the chill.

But Long Tianyu was too lazy to look at it. In his eyes, these things have nothing to do with scrap iron.

"My Highness, even if you reject others, don't you be so ruthless?"

Xue Hua was helpless.

But I was more helpless than His Highness.

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