Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1598: Confrontation

Xue Hua pushed the box to Long Tianyu's eyes.

The latter looked slightly cold, and there was a slight discomfort in his deep eyes.

"Subordinates know your mind for the lady, man, it is inevitable to play in the field. Besides, it ’s nothing more than just collecting something, right?"

"Are you tempting me?"

A long, utterly indifferent sentence from Xun Long Tianyu shocked Xue Hua.

The smile on his face, as if suddenly frozen, seemed stiff and scared.

He shook his head, afraid to go halfway.

"Take it back, I don't want to see anything more in front of me. I will never marry anyone except her."

In the words, there was a sense of chill.

Those people chose to cooperate with him, but all the time, they all wanted to get closer to him, and then find opportunities to control him.

The beauty is not useful to him at all.

He already has a bright moon, since then, thousands of stars can no longer see him.

Xue Hua didn't dare to persuade him, but just accepted the gift for him.

He was very adaptable, and now he smiled again.

"Oh, it's a pity for the beauty. However, it seems that the lady is in some trouble. Should we help?"

As soon as he mentioned his sweetheart, Long Tianyu's eyebrows softened.

The contents of Yu Xin had already been printed in his mind, and he really felt a bit pity that he couldn't see her style with his own eyes.

"No, she can fix it."

For no reason, she will not send herself to the tiger's mouth.

This girl must have found something.

Whatever it is, let her go out to toss and toss, power should be at ease.

Xue Hua remembered the "merit" of the lady, and she had a little more glee in her eyes.

也是 "Also, there is only one difficult family in the Mu family. The others are not afraid of being Miss's opponent. Your Highness, please be assured, I will let people pay close attention to his actions. Try not to let him disturb the Miss."

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, thinking that he was satisfied with his arrangement.

"He is in deep contact with him. Don't be alarmed if it is not necessary."


He didn't want to restrain Yaer, so he would give her the greatest degree of freedom within his ability.

At this time Lin Mengya, who was at Mu's house, did not know that her every move was already under the surveillance and protection of others.

Early in the morning, after she was full, she took Axiu to Mu Yucheng's study.

Yesterday, a "fight" with Lin Mengwu laid the foundation for her name as a vixen.

Now, even the servants of the Mu family are disgusted and afraid of her.

Even Mu Zhen could not help being a little more polite to her.

Huh, don't think she's not powerful, just treat her as a soft and adorable baby.

"Please Mr. Su, please wait for a while, my family has a few heads of household, and there are some important things to deal with."

Wu Muzhen was served tea, said respectfully.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded a little, and accidentally saw the outside, rushing over a touch of emerald green.

"Mr. Mu, it's not good, it's not good! My lady, I'm fighting with Miss Gong! Come and see!"

The girl in the green clothes is Song Liner's personal maid.

I now have a ring of chaos and panic.

Wu Muzhen was suddenly shocked. What happened?

Isn't usually a good-looking ladylike girl, why today, one or two are like shrews.

He took a vague glance at Su Mei, who was so full of thoughts, and see, what kind of atmosphere did this bring?

"Please wait for Mr. Su, I'll take a look"

Hearing words, before I finished speaking, I heard a sharp cry in the yard.

"Song Liner, ask your dog slave to take it away! If you dare touch a hair of Miss Ben, I will kill your family!"

Win, it seems that Lin Mengwu is not good.

A group of people watched as the noise came around, but the only ones who were really embarrassed were Lin Mengwu and her followers.

Song Liner was well-groomed, that is, the skirt was a little wrinkled, and some places were dirty.

But that pretty face was cold and stern, and there was a faint killer.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her, and then she took her eyes off and continued to drink tea and watch opera.

That expression is by no means a woman raised in a deep boudoir.

The Mu family is also not simple.

"Noisy? Who made you so unruly!"

Wu Muzhen greeted him, and a pair of cold eyes swept over, which made those guys converge a lot.

Qi Lin Mengwu caught the opportunity and cried instantly into a landslide.

你们 "You guys, your Mu family is too bullying! Where is Mu Yucheng, today, I must let him give me an account! If you bully me so much, aren't you afraid of the palace family's anger?"

I now know that moving out of the palace family to oppress others. When I conspired with Song Lin'er to poison her, why didn't I think that if this happened, how much damage would the palace family be?

So Lin Mengya now chooses to watch and watch the show.

Unfortunately, there are always people who want to drag her off.

"Hmm! But it's just a wild road that can't stand on the table. Mr. Su Mei, you are a serious lady who has met the palace lady. If I were you, I wouldn't mingle with this kind of person."

Song Liner said this, listening to her was too high, I was afraid to fall into Lin Mengwu's ears, it was provocative.

Qi Lin Mengwu had been crazy about the identity of the palace family.

Now one or two don't put her in the eyes, how can I not make her angry.

I haven't waited for Lin Mengya to speak. Lin Mengwu's side is already so angry.

"You, you"

In the scarlet eyes, the venom of jealousy surged.

她 Before she was about to lose her mind, Shang Guanqing, who was also scratched and embarrassed, was forced to hold Lin Mengwu.

"Miss, no matter what others say, don't lose your value!"

He said, winking at Lin Mengwu.

The latter reluctantly endured it for a long time, and then he reluctantly closed his mouth.

I glanced at both of them fiercely, as if trying to swallow them.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't take the matter seriously, and thought back carefully to what happened just now.

Song Liner was clearly prepared, and she always wanted to pull herself off.

In my opinion, she and Lin Mengwu are both calculated.

"The young owner is here!"

Outside the knock gate, the people who were attracted by these excitement suddenly shouted.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to the door.

Xi Mu Yucheng's face was cold and seemingly no different, but Lin Mengya could feel the anger emanating from him.

After all, this time it was too ugly.

Xi Mu Yucheng walked in, his eyes rolling around among the three.

He was aware of the consequences before and after. He was involved in this kind of thing, but was disturbed and quiet.

When Lin Lin Mengwu saw Mu Yucheng, she was so angry that her face was so angry that she burst into tears, and she cried so much that Pear was raining, and she was pathetic.

"Please master the young master of the palace dance!"

Out of nowhere, she took that ridiculous name, and she always bite extremely clearly.

I seem to want to use this to put a mark on my life, and turn the fake into the real.

Xi Mu Yucheng didn't speak, just sat on the main seat, listening to Lin Mengwu's sobbing.

"Mu Zhen, what's going on?"

He squeezed his eyebrows and was upset.

Wu Muzhen immediately came forward and explained the cause and effect in three or two sentences.

However, in the case of Lin Mengya's poisoning, he became particularly cautious about the speculation of the killer.

Zhe Lin Mengya couldn't help but glance at Mu Zhen, and being Mu Yucheng's confidant didn't seem easy.

"I have been investigated by Mr. Su Mei for being poisoned. Since both of you are suspicious, you should wait for the final result and what will happen?"

Sting her, I heard the discomfort in Mu Yucheng's tone.

He also heard that this man wanted to gag her mouth.

Song Liner gave a lip, probably because her cousin was the master, so her attitude was a bit more petulant than Lin Mengwu.

"Cousin, don't you doubt that the person who poisoned me is me? Not to mention that I don't know Mr. Su Mei, even if I knew, I wouldn't use such a stupid method."

He said, Song Liner also glanced at Lin Mengwu.

Qi Lin Mengwu exploded immediately, regardless of her delicate performance, and went straight back.

"I have a family with Su Mei, and besides, you are not on check and you are so fond of other people's talents. Women's hearts, submarine needles, who knows if you are confused for a while, and anxious to remove them! "

The two of them were both pregnant with each other, and they refused to admit that they wanted to plant it on each other's head.

He looked at him and was going to make a noise, but he put her victim aside.

Lin Lin Mengya watched their dog biting the dog and sneered into the bottom of her heart.

"Young master, no matter who the killer is, the victim will be me. Since I am a guest from your government, now something has happened in your government, should the young master not shy away from responsibility?"

Her eyebrows were still slightly sick, and she wouldn't look too emaciated, but a little pale and weak.

In other words, she looks particularly bully now.

Xi Mu Yucheng also thought about this issue when he wanted to come, and said now.

"This matter is indeed our negligence, and my Mu family will be responsible for it. Mr. Su Mei, as long as he keeps his body healthy, he will leave it to Mu Zhen."

But she provoked a sneer, and instantly, that delicate and deceived woman added a bit of sharpness like a blade.

"I remember that the reason why I would be here is because our second master has suspected that you have killed your Mu family by mistake. At that time, the master of the Mu family went to the palace to personally ask for the result. Mei Ke didn't dare to forget. But now, I finally managed to pick up a life from the King of Yan, and the master of the family underplayed it so lightly. Is the life of your Mu family fatal?

She asked coldly, and those eyes flashed mockingly.

She Mu Yucheng was a little bit dissatisfied by her. Didn't he say he would give her an explanation?

女人 This woman, I really do not know how to advance!

"I have already said, my Mu family will definitely find out."

"How to find out? I only ask the young owner, am I poisoned in Mu's house?"

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