She Mu Yucheng's face tightened slightly.

"It is true that the Mu family did not take good care of it. But it is unknown whether the poisoned person is my Mu family."

Lin Lin Mengya was not scared by his cold face, but she could not say that she knew who the killer was.

But today's things can't be so easy for her to let Mu's family mingle.

"Who the murderer is, even the younger owner ca n’t say for sure, the Mu family is also suspected. Perhaps someone wanted to take revenge on the Mu family ’s tragic death, so I was implicated. The truth is very important Does the young owner think that if he throws me a dry truth in a few days, will he be able to make up for me? If so, I do n’t have to continue to make trouble in the Mu family. As long as a few days, the palace family will send you Is n’t it really murderous? Lest I worry about my life all the time. ”

A bit of mockery in her words made Mu Yucheng's heart cold.

Even if it was Song Liner, he did not dare to be in front of him, so aggressive, let him explain.

Wuyin's face became thinly angry, and even Lin Mengwu felt it. She could not help but wince and looked at Su Mei gloatably.

The cowardly but fragile woman dared to look at him without fear.

"Here is the Mu family, naturally it is up to me."

"Even though the Mu family is right, I'm not from the Mu family. Owner, let's put away your imposing manner. If you scare me, it won't be so easy to be good. "

She said softly and gently, but she stood up solidly with Mu Yucheng.

"Sumei, you seem to have forgotten your identity."

Lin Lin Mengya laughed at herself, ignoring his threat automatically.

"I'm just a proton placed in you, but at the same time, I also represent the face of the palace family. Master, I hope you think twice."

She tilted her head. The more relaxed she was, the tighter her heart became.

Actually, she didn't care about the final result at all. The reason why she would acquiesce to this incident was to be able to gain a bargain in Mu Yucheng.

But it is clear that Mu Yucheng's persistently ruthless style is afraid that she cannot bear her provocation.

His thin lips were clenched, and his pale, slender fingers were gently pinching in the air.

No one knew what he was thinking, but Lin Mengya felt it clearly, the vigorous killing entangled in herself.

I almost turned back and forth when the gate was closed.

呵 "Oh, I don't care what the attitude of the palace family is."

Desolately spit out a truth.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was slightly numb, but she stared at the strong pressure and continued.

"You don't care, but this is non-Yecheng. Maybe you can stop you here. But if the Gongjia starts a war with the Mu family, the loss is definitely not unilateral. The young master knows how to choose. "

Mu Mucheng stopped talking.

He looked at her with a smile and a cold look, as if to penetrate her.

She didn't like it very much, as if she was staring at a beast hiding in the night.

A little city, she will be swallowed with fangs and claws, blurred with flesh and blood.

"It's true that I don't want to go to war with the palace family. But no one knows this except the Mu family."

Her face changed slightly. It seems that the Mu family is preparing to kill.

After a short while, she smiled and shook her head again.

"The wall has ears. Does the owner really think that there is no airtight wall in the world?"

"In Mu's family, there will be no disobedient people."

Zhe Lin Mengya watched Mu Yucheng's eyes become cold, her attitude was still so firm.

"Unfortunately, heaven has spirit, and earth has spirit. Even if no one speaks, can heaven and earth listen to the young master?"

Lu Mu Yucheng's heart quickly passed a hint of thought.

到底 In the end, it is non-Yecheng, which is the base camp of the palace family for 100 years.

Even though his men are very strict.

But here, after all, it is not Mu's territory.

"Mr. Su is very courageous, but the thing I hate most is the kind of smart woman."

She, is this on Mu Yucheng's death list?

Lin Lin Mengya raised her lips and smiled lightly.

"It's annoying to be clever, but it's not a good thing to think of yourself. The young master knows the righteousness and admires it."

For the first time, Mu Mucheng compromised on a woman.

No, not for the first time.

He never forgets that he lost his face on Gongya in the auction house.

In my opinion, the palace family was destined to become his prey.

Only blood can wash away his shame!

"Say, what compensation do you want?"

Gao Linmengya knew that she had won the game by herself.

But in the future, I am afraid that Mu Yucheng will kill her more seriously.

"I hope the young master can promise me to let me go out every two days. And here, don't treat me as a prisoner. I know the rules, I won't trespass anywhere. Nor will I give The owner is in trouble. "

Her request made Mu Yucheng sneer.

放 "Let you out? Su Mei, don't you think I dare not kill you?"

There was a faint smell in the air.

The Shennong system has already responded, but Lin Mengya can only be more calm.

"The young master misunderstood what I meant. I wo n’t go back to the palace. I may not even see anyone in the palace. During the time I went out, the people in the Mu family could keep watching me. You can kill me at any time. I just feel that I'm not feeling well these days. I just want to go out and relax. "

She put on an indifferent look, and her tone was not so urgent.

Mu Mucheng looked at her suspiciously, as if thinking about the truth in her words.

"If you're worried that I can't keep my promise, then you don't have to keep me locked up here. I also believe that with the protection of a few homeowners, no one dares to move me."

She didn't stubbornly insist, but made a concession in time.

Seeing her dispensable attitude, Mu Yucheng's preparedness was a little less.

"I will consider this. Mu Zhen will arrange for you a few good people to protect your safety. Such things will never happen in the future."

"Then I would like to thank the host for taking the trouble. I am a bit tired and want to leave first."

Squinting as her master and servant were about to leave, she had been expecting Mu Yucheng to kill her Lin Mengwu by hand, but suddenly rushed out and grabbed her wrist.

"Sumei, don't want to leave."

Xi Axiu pulled Lin Mengwu's hand subconsciously, but was pushed aside by the person beside Lin Mengwu.

"Bangdang", Axiu hit the door frame.

Lin Mengya's brow frowned slightly, and she dared to do something to her. Lin Mengwu was really prosperous.

"Miss Mai, please let go."

"I still think it's strange. Why did Song Liner come to provoke me? Now I want to understand. It turned out that the two of you worked together to make a suit for me! Today you don't want to leave so easily, you explained it to me, poison How are you wronged me! "

Looking at Lin Mengwu's proud face, Lin Mengya was a little speechless.

How low is the IQ to be able to make up such a plot?

Lin Lin Mengya opened Lin Mengwu's hand expressionlessly. If she could, she really wanted to openly rumor that the goods were definitely not her sister.

Their family, there is no such low-level inheritance.

"Miss Wu, what nonsense is spoken by Qingtian day."

"I was dismantled and guilty, didn't I?"

Qi Lin Mengwu felt more and more that she had grasped the truth of the matter, and she looked as if she had dominated the world at this moment.

How do you say, this IQ is anxious!

"Young master, you don't know yet. When you asked her to come by name, she was greedy for fear of death, and said she wouldn't come. Finally, it was because I said that she would come with her. She was so To do this is to get you to agree to her leaving. You just want to escape to the palace, right? "

She didn't want to answer, for fear of revealing the fact that the other party had no brains when she spoke.

On the other side, Song Liner seemed to panic and rushed to tear Lin Mengwu away.

"What are you talking about? Is it possible, will I help outsiders?"

Qi Lin Mengwu squinted her eyes and glanced at Song Liner in disdain.

"Speaking of it, aren't you also an outsider at Mu's? Ms. Table, it's nice to say. I also want to ask you, since Mu's family is so kind to you, why do you want to join Su Mei? Is it possible, you Now that you've made the discussion, are you bigger and smaller? If so, then it's really 'sisters'!'

This brightly fabricated and messed up, but really gave Lin Mengya to Leide Waijiaolinen.

But Song Liner flushed a face at this time, but she did not return.

"You! You are too much!"

Lame, Song Liner turned around and ran away?

Qin Linmengya suddenly asked the question mark, what happened?

"Look, I was hit! Young master, is this the truth?" It is clear that they are writing and acting for themselves. They almost fool you and me! "

Xi Mu Yucheng's brow frowned slightly, and looking at Song Liner's eyes was a little complicated.

But Lin Mengya can't tolerate the other's forced brain supplement. Sometimes she really wonders if it was because Lin Mengwu was too boring in her mother's womb.

"Miss Mai, let's open the skylight to speak brightly. It is no longer true that there is a grudge between you and me, but now you are tearing up with me in front of the young master, where do you put the face of the palace?"

Lin Lin Mengwu snorted and said scornfully.

"Gong family? Do you think you belong to the family tree, do you really belong to the family?"

Slightly, she broke away from Lin Mengwu's hand.

"You can shame, but I can't. Miss Wu, did you actually do this? It's really not determined now. But what you say and do here, I will tell you the truth. I'm afraid you don't know Well, besides being the watchdog of the homeowner, I'm still the owner's eye. "

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