Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1600: Deliberately

She lowered her voice and looked at Lin Mengwu in disdain.

It seems that the life and death of the other party are in her hands.

For a moment, the jealousy in Lin Mengwu's heart rolled like a giant wave.

"Miss Mai, if you understand, you will have less thoughts in the future. Gongjia, you are not short of food."

She raised her lips and smiled indifferently.

As if the other party was in her eyes, she was just a clown.

Gao Linmengwu completely hated Su Mei. The original arrogance, which was slightly superior, was now stepped on by Su Mei.

"Sumei, how dare you!"

"What do I dare? Fortunately, this is at Mu's house. If I were elsewhere, I would have kicked you out!"

He turned his head, Lin Mengya nodded slightly at Mu Yucheng.

"Sorry, let the young owner see a lot of jokes, Su Mei goes first."

带着 She took Axiu, straightened her waist, and disappeared step by step in the eyes of those people.

"Young Master, my Miss is also tired."

Shang Shangqing grabbed Lin Mengwu's hand desperately, for fear that her daughter would be confused at this time and do something stupid.

Qiu Muyu City still looked cold and frosty, looking at those women, and faintly disappeared in his sight.

I'm really stupid.

He leaned back slightly, relaxed and leaned on the chair.

In the end, I was a woman's house, always thinking that I was smart, but in the end, it was just a group of wastes that did not succeed.

He Palace House, he will be pinched in his hands sooner or later.

Gao Lin Mengya and Axiu are not fast, and Axiu looks back while walking.

Seeing her like this, Lin Mengya could not help but shake her head slightly and grabbed her sleeve.

别 "Don't watch, they won't catch up, don't worry."

Axu sighed, and her thin shoulders fell slightly.

A pair of big eyes are even more worried.

"Sister Ya, we're here to stay, I'm afraid it will be even harder. Only now, you really shouldn't be impulsive"

A Xiu's voice is getting lower and lower.

In fact, in her mind, Sister Ya has always been a smart and intelligent being.

Why did you encounter the Mu family's affairs, and then you couldn't hold back one after another?

Lin Lin Mengya smiled. This little girl still likes to put everything on her face.

Qi Xianbai's finger poked A Xiu Guangjie's delicate forehead, knowing that there was no one left or right, she said with a low voice.

"If I don't make a reckless appearance, how can people let go of me?"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately understood.

She looked nervously from side to side, then lay on her ear.

"Don't you, sister Ya, eat pigs and tigers? But, aren't we here to take hostages?"

She's a little helpless.

This girl is really clever when she is clever.

But when he was confused, he was a little fool.

"Why am I hostage?"

"Naturally, it's for the second master's business."

"Why can't the matter of the two masters be resolved?"

"Yes, I see! You mean, you have to be a bell person to solve the bell, right?"

Wu Axiu suddenly realized that she finally understood her hard work.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, turned around and looked around before continuing.

"The Mu family died so strangely, but if Mu Yucheng really only wanted to avenge his people, he would never come to revenge the palace family first, but would use all means to punish the murderer severely. But you can also When they arrived, the second brother locked them up, but they were unharmed. Moreover, Mu Yucheng also offered me to be held hostage in exchange for the opportunity of a palace investigation. Don't you think that something is wrong? "

Wu Axiu thought for a while, and thought she was quite reasonable.

所以 "So, you want to take this opportunity to let Mu Yucheng relax your vigilance. In this way, you can find their convictions against the second master, right?"

"Well, but this is just one of them. Let's go back. Soon, Mu Yucheng will have a result."

Looking at the mysterious appearance of her god, Axiu only felt itchy.

Wu Qiao's face was full of curious expectations. She always felt that there were so many things hidden in Sister Ya's heart.

Zhe Lin Mengya expected that they had just returned to the hospital and it was not long before Mu Zhen came to talk.

Xi Mu Yucheng has promised her conditions, but going outside, once every five days.

And every time you go out, you must not exceed two hours, and you have to accompany the Mu family all the time.

There were two more women outside the courtyard, but these two were much better than the two before.

I just felt that Lin Mengya felt that these two were armed.

She had dinner at night and tentatively wanted to go for a walk. The two people not only did not stop, but also left a housekeeper, and the other followed her not too far.

No matter where she went, she didn't say a word.

It seems to him that Mu Yucheng let her walk around in the house.

Because it is a temporary residence yard, it is actually not large.

But the subordinates of the Mu family are very disciplined. In these days, she can feel that the concept of hierarchy of the Mu family is very strong.

And those people are all trembling, lest they will do something wrong.

For these people, she didn't care so well.

He was one of them who poisoned her.

Even though they are not doing evil now, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not do anything to her in the future.

After walking around for a while, they returned to the hospital again.

A Xiu politely blocked the two mother-in-laws from the door. After closing the doors and windows, the two were chatting softly while washing.

"Is there anything unusual, Miss?"

Lin Lin Mengya took over the cloth towel that Xiu handed over and wiped her hands.

Within the system, the topographic map of the Mu family has been basically constructed.

几个 And several places she was concerned about were also marked out.

"The Mu family is very strange. I heard that their 傀儡 is inseparable no matter where they are. But in the yard, I haven't seen any medicinal materials for making 傀儡."

In fact, there is not much to discover in the Shennong system.

Apart from bits and pieces, she found nothing else.

Whether it is human or material, if you want to maintain normal operation, you usually need maintenance.

This is the same as oiling the machine. If you want to make 傀儡 durable and easy to use, you must maintain it and run in.

But strangely, there are no medicinal herbs here.

Is she guessing the Mu family's method of making 傀儡?

"Sister Ya is skeptical and framed the second master. Is it related to 傀儡?"

"It's very likely. Both the older brother and the older brother asked someone who was present secretly and carefully. They unanimously saw that the second brother had cut off the man's head. But at one point, the broken head It didn't fly, but dropped directly to the ground. "

The second brother has great strength.

When she was in Longdu, she heard about her brother fighting with a vicious wolf in her youth.

According to rumors, the evil wolf was so tall that he was one person tall, but his second brother, born with divine power, was severed by his head.

Brother Er's expertise was a long sword. With such strength, the blood of the wolf's head was three feet high. At that time, the second brother had the name of Shura.

But human heads are more vulnerable than wild animals?

The second brother's martial arts were several times higher than before, how could that person's head hang down on the ground?

I guess it is because of this that he will distract the second brother and let the Mu family catch it.

In other words, he did not anticipate this situation.

"This is indeed a bit unreasonable. But now the Mu family insisted that the second master killed him. There is nothing we can do. Besides, who can be in front of the second master, God is unaware of it. , Kill that person? "

This is the problem.

She came to Mu's house for two things.

First, naturally, it is to find out what happened on that day, and it is fair for the second brother.

Second, I use this as a breakthrough.

Since these days, those clear plots against the five brothers and great ancestors in the family have been almost silent, covering the palace family.

She thinks that these things can't happen with so many coincidences that they happen in about the same time.

These things must be related.

But here, the only one who jumped out and pointed out the conflict with the palace family was the Mu family.

In this case, she can only go from Mu's house and touch all the way, she won't believe it and can't find out why.

"Ordinary people can't do it, but the Mu family can."

They have 傀儡 傀儡, and the deadly life-threatening silk.

In this way, it seems that the Mu family staged a good show of thieves calling and catching thieves.

"But the Mu family must have processed all the evidence neatly. How can we check it?"

Tong Axiu was worried. This was easy to say, but there was a feeling of helplessness.

"Any evidence can be annihilated, but the only thing is that they have no way to destroy it for the time being."

"What Sister Ya said was--the body?"

She nodded.

Even though Mu Yucheng is speculative, other people in the Mu family may not know the truth.

Someone really felt that Mu's family was tragically dead in the hands of his second brother, and he wanted to be fair.

Therefore, in order to arouse the resentment of Mu's family, the body could not be buried for the time being.

I want to come to Mu's house to have the skills to control people. It is too easy to save a corpse without rot.

"How, however, is it possible for the Mu family to let us see the corpse?"

Who knows, Lin Mengya blinked at the other person.

"Who said, we're going to watch?"

"But you weren't"

既然 "Since they won't let us watch, then we change to another one, and we can watch as we please."

Suddenly anxious, emerged from A Xiu's heart.

She couldn't help but swallowed nervously, wouldn't it be what she thought?

On the second day, when the four young masters after Yi Rong met with Sister Ya in the teahouse, A Xiu knew that his worry had become a reality.

Because her sister Ya, who is not afraid of the sky, really wants to steal the body!

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