Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1601: Steal a beam

"Have you been out, did you go well?"

Even though Yi Rong is Yi Rong, Gong Si is also a scholar's dress, but it is a little less expensive and more elegant.

He smiled and asked her condition with concern.

Lin Mengya, who was finally out of Mu's family, finally felt a little relaxed.

A few minutes ago, she strolled into a tailor's shop "inadvertently" while strolling.

了 After getting a ready-made garment in the photo, I went inside to change clothes.

For a few minutes, she appeared again before the Mu family sent her to watch her.

I just don't know anyone. After they left, the other one, with A Xiu who changed her face, came to meet the four brothers who agreed to the tea house before coming.

This was an appointment they had made secretly before, even if the poisoning did not happen, she still had to find a chance to go out.

I didn't want Lin Mengwu to make such a fuss, she just took advantage of the situation and made good use of it.

"Of course it is smooth, or the four brothers have arranged it well. We will go to the tailor's shop and transfer in a while, and there will be no mistakes."

多 The people she deliberately did not stay at Mu's house are more dangling. Only in this way can the other party remember less of her characteristics.

In addition, the person who impersonated her was professionally trained, so you must not be afraid to help.

那就 "Well, there's nothing difficult for you over Mu's side?"

"No, at least Mu Yucheng is still watching. I deliberately revealed something in front of him, presumably he is still thinking about who to cooperate with."

If Mu Yucheng really chooses to cooperate with Gong Tu, then the day of poisoning, the results will be completely different.

Mu Mucheng is an extremely cunning opponent, and his interest is the first factor he considers.

"Mu Yucheng has always been like this, let him go first."

I wondered what I thought of, and the elder brother's face showed a rather profound smile.

"What's the second brother now?"

I heard her ask, but her fourth brother sighed sighfully.

"Second brother, he has suffered a lot of grievances and injustices, and it is time for me to lose heart. I originally wanted to hide things at home, but Zengzu said, this time there is something wrong with second brother. If it is not for him Hands with people, then Mu's family will not lie on him. Now, everything is clear to the second brother, he has locked himself in the door of the room for several days. I'm really afraid this will continue, The second brother will get a heart attack. "

She understands what Zengzu meant. In fact, Zengzu also hoped that his second brother could change his violent temper.

"No, you don't think the second brother is a rough man, but he is transparent. And now there is something that I need the second brother to do."

"what's up?"

"I hope my second brother can help me and steal the body of the Mu family."

Brother No. 4's brows jumped and looked into her eyes with a little more suspicion.

"I know that you also suspect that the Mu family directed and performed it, but now the Mu family is biting it tightly. How confident are you? In case the Mu family is alarmed, aren't we all done?"

She certainly knows the pros and cons, but the more she does, the more she has to take risks.

"If the second brother's matter is not resolved as soon as possible, I am afraid that more things will be delayed. The students are already over there at the college. Soon, the completion ceremony will be held. At that time, the palace family will have to pay, but not It's just the simple things that have lost their reputation. "

Brother No. 4 also understood that this matter could not be dragged on.

"Okay, what do you think, just say."

"Actually, it's simple"

In the box of the tea house, they arranged all the plans properly.

After the discussion, the fourth brother left first.

I went to the tailor's shop again and left in the name of clothes.

Hesitated her speed very quickly, without revealing any flaws, so the people of Mu family have never been suspicious.

When she returned to Mu's house, she plunged into the inter-courtyard without even having dinner, making her look extremely tired.

It's a pity that someone can't see her so chic, but she wants to disturb her quietness.

"Mr. Sumei, Miss Wu wants to see you."

She was lying on the bed, and after listening to the news from the mother-in-law, she smiled badly.

Now Lin Mengwu can't stand half the stimulus.

She deliberately shook her back and deliberately revealed richness in front of her people.

Look, this man is looking for her.

I winked at Axiu, who immediately understood and said loudly outside.

"Our husband is tired and we are not going to see you."

"Sume, come out for me!"

Obviously, Lin Mengwu was furious.

Now she was almost under house arrest in disguise by Mu Yucheng, but the **** was free to enter and leave Mu's house without saying that she was still so happy.

Stinging her, she couldn't swallow this breath, she had to teach Su Mei a lesson.

Wu Axiu got her intent and said arrogantly.

"Miss Wu, let's go back. My husband doesn't want to see you, lest he be poisoned and ruin the good years."

Qi Lin Mengwu was almost furious.

She still faintly heard that the two little **** actually laughed a few times.

They must be laughing at her, Lin Mengwu, who was burning in anger, pushed away the two concierges, and darted in.

"Sumei, don't go too far!"

With a "Bang Dang" sound, the door was kicked open.

Lin Lin Mengya saw Lin Mengwu, whose expression was almost distorted, and showed a little mockery.

"Wild roads just can't get on the table, but here is the Mu family, so you can't spread the wild."

"What about the Mu family? You don't really think that Mu Yucheng will protect you?"

On the table, there are piles of new clothes and hair accessories that are too late to be packed.

Those are the best good things, even some, which cannot be booked by Lin Mengwu.

Now, these things are actually placed in front of a little lady, how can she be angry?

"The young owner will naturally protect me, I can represent the owner of the palace family. Are you finally?"

不 She looked at Lin Mengwu in disdain, and the latter felt more and more insulted.

"You, I killed you little bitch!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mengwu rushed over to her without everyone expecting it.

He was like an enraged bull with red eyes, and the man's hands clenched his teeth to her neck.

"You're crazy!"

Gao Lin Mengya's eyes glared, and the response was slow for half a beat. Seeing that the hand was about to hit her neck.

She leaned back subconsciously, but because of too much force, the whole person turned over.

"Bang Dang" sounded, and even the person fell to the ground with the chair, and Lin Mengwu slammed the air, didn't stand still, and the whole person flew to her bed.

As soon as Lin Mengya "grumped", she got up and ran out, running while running.

"Killed! Killed! Help! Help!"

But the people brought by Lin Mengwu blocked the door.

Gao Linmengya rushed straight to the past, and those people reached out to stop subconsciously, but she was not flexible enough, and immediately caused a personal upset.

"Catch her! Give me her life today!"

Qi Lin Mengwu is already crazy, waving his sharp five fingers, his voice is harsh and sharp.

These people reacted immediately, but Lin Mengya was like a beast that had always been barbarous.

"Waste! A bunch of waste!"

Gao Linmengwu was screaming with anger, and those people became more messy because of her urging.

But their number has the upper hand after all.

After a while, Lin Mengya's advantage disappeared.

In the narrow room, the group caught up with her all of a sudden, grabbing her limbs in all directions.

Lin Lin Mengwu came over with a smile and reached out to give her a slap

I didn't want to, but Lin Mengya took the opportunity to bite her hand fiercely.

"Ah! Bitch, you dare to bite me!"

Qi Lin Mengwu screamed in pain, and her other hand was about to wave up.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed immediately and spit in disdain.

"Bite you? If you dare to touch me, I will swallow you alive!"

I looked at her so crazy now, but Lin Mengwu laughed angrily.

She suddenly took out a dagger flashing cold light and stabbed into Lin Mengya's chest.

"Bitch! Let's die!"

The dagger was sharp, and she was about to pierce her chest.

Yu Lin Mengwu's face was already covered with cold smiles.

"Ding", the dagger was broken in the middle, the tip of life-threatening was bombarded, and immersed himself in another person's chest.

"Little, Miss"

Lin Lin Mengya felt that a pair grabbed her hands and suddenly let go.

She turned her head and looked at it, and saw the dazzling red, spreading on the man's chest.


Just now the men were aggressive and fled away as accomplices.

For a moment, she and Lin Mengwu were relatively calm.

"Gong Wu, I should have warned you. Here is the Mu family."

Qi Qing's cold voice sounded, Lin Mengwu trembled, his hands had become two halves of a dagger, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

She took a few steps back, her hands and feet suddenly softened, and she sat paralyzed on the ground.

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes turned, and she screamed anxiously.

"Oh my God"

Then, the whole person was paralyzed in the arms of A Xiu, and looked like the rest of his life after the disaster.

"I killed, no, I didn't kill, it was you, you killed!"

The blood smashed, extinguishing Lin Mengwu's urge.

She murmured to herself, but finally found her goal and looked straight at Mu Yucheng.

The latter seems to be really angry. The eyes, which are not like living people, are a little more gloomy at this moment.

Lin Lin Mengya slaps herself fiercely, forcing a few tears, turning her head to cry.

"Young Master, is this your protection for me? I and I will almost die in her hands. No, Mu Family can't stay, Young Master, please send me out of Mu Family, even if you let me It's all right on the street. Here, I'm really scared. "

She choked, her body seemed to be shaking, and she looked extremely terrified.

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