Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1603: System counterattack

"Sorry, I'm late. Tell me, how do you feel now?"

There is Long Tianyu, she seems more at ease.

Leaning against his chest, Lin Mengya drew her nose, and the anxiety in her heart disappeared.

"I can't control my body, but I can be sure that I'm not poisoned and there are no lesions in all parts of the body. Do you know what happened to me?"

Chen Long Tianyu was silent, but he was still cautious, laying her flat and lying on the bed.

Only then Lin Mengya discovered that the current Long Tianyu seems to be a little different from usual.

Tatar is still that person, but it seems to be a bit more indifferent than usual.

But those black eyes were as gentle as ever to themselves.

雅 "Ya'er, if I said, I can't tell you why your body condition is, would you blame me?"

Sting his words with a trace of regret that made her tremble.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the lover in front of her, and the emotions in her heart were a little dim.

Is he disappointed, angry, helpless, sad?

Anyway, she couldn't figure it out, but only forced all of them in the corner of her heart.

"Am I still saved?"

She escaped and didn't want to answer this question which might hurt two people.

Chen Long Tianyu stared into her eyes, and seemed to want an answer from her eyes.

But he, as always, compromised for her.

"It's all right, you'll be fine after tonight."

The atmosphere stiffened again.

Even Lin Mengya didn't know what to say, she was afraid she would blurt out, just to find the question of the truth of the matter.

But she knew that he would not answer himself.

The "rustling" sound in the ears again occupied her attention, and Lin Mengya suddenly felt that her tail spine had a strange feeling.

There seems to be something in the cricket, climbing from there, itching, pain, and weirdness.

I kept staring at her Long Tianyu and noticed her strangeness at this moment. She immediately held her hand and asked gently.

"are you OK?"

还 "Yeah, okay, but what is it? Is there a bug crawling on me?"

In the eyes of Chen Longtianyu, there is no longer just peace.

Xuan's distress filled those deep eyes, and he clenched her hands even harder, but his voice was depressing pain.

"No matter what happens, you are my only love."

"What time is it, Long Tianyu, what happened to me?"

Sting his words, panic her heart.

For a moment, all kinds of speculation and possible consequences poured into her mind.

Can't make it happen, is she really paralyzed?

As soon as she thought that the rest of her life might become a wasteful person, Lin Mengya's emotions gradually became out of control.

"You will be fine, I will never let you be fine. Yaer, listen carefully. If you feel something crawling over your head, don't panic, I will help you. But before you do Endure some pain. "

She saw his struggle, his pain, and seemed to be anxious that the person who suffered was just like him.

But at this moment, something more weird happened.

感 The foreign body sensation rising from the tailbone gradually spread to the brain.

Suddenly, the Shennong system issued an alarm.

注意 "Attention! Attention! The host is being compromised!"

的 The loud sound that only she can hear, in a blink of an eye, keeps her consciousness in the most awake state.

似乎 She seems to feel that there is something she wants to invade her brain.

The annoying voice in his ears gradually increased.

She can barely hear the outside voice.

"Yaer, Yaer!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu felt something wrong, but no matter how she shouted, Lin Mengya always frowned and her eyes narrowed, but her teeth were bitten tightly together.

How could this be?

Even if that thing took Ya'er's body smoothly, she shouldn't look like this.

I must be somewhere, something went wrong!

Chen Long Tianyu watched the woman on the bed closely, and after thinking again and again, his eyes showed firmness.

No matter what, he won't hurt Ya'er.

Even if it was the pain she had to go through, he would find a way to bear it for her.

At this moment, Lin Mengya's consciousness has completely fallen into the system.

The function of Shennong system is actually very powerful, but she doesn't need much at present, which leads to many functions, she has not developed.

For example, now Xiaoyao appeared in front of her again, but this time, she was wearing Yinglang's straight military uniform.

Zhe Lin Mengya is a little speechless. Will this artificial intelligence have a disguise?

Obviously, this is the one in front of me.

"Master, Commander, the system is facing invasion, is it fully meeting the enemy?"

Lin Lin Mengya, listening to this inexplicable title, only felt a little stuffy in her heart, and wanted to drag the medicine out for a beat.

But obviously, she has more important things to do.

"What the **** is this? What is the invasion?"

Xiaoyao pushed the gold-framed eyes on the bridge of his nose and took out a book in his hand.

If she read correctly, the title of the book should be "Basic Operational Command Plan."

Who can tell her if artificial intelligence will affect her?

入侵 "Invaders are an extremely rare neurotoxin that can paralyze the human brain without damaging the brain. Judging by the current level of technology in the next 50 years, this neurotoxin cannot be copied at all."

Neurotoxin? And it is the existence of modern technology that cannot be copied.

No wonder, this time the system did not even notice in advance.

"But why does the system fight back?"

In fact, she has not figured out the mechanism of Shennong system in her body.

According to her understanding of the system, the Shennong system and her brain consciousness are two separate wholes.

Without her consciousness, the system could not make contact with his brain.

At the same time, if her consciousness authorizes the system, then the system can control the function of a certain part of the brain.

保护 And protecting her brain is one of the default functions of the system.

Xiaoyao pushed the glasses again and continued to explain with a bland voice.

"The brain is like a very precise instrument to the human body. The system can only function if the brain is safely transported. But this neurotoxin can paralyze the brain and the system will be damaged, and Is to stop running. In other words, the brain is the master of the kingdom of the body, the toxin is the invader, and the system follows me to protect your army. "

Suddenly, she finally understood.

"I can see, what is the specific situation?"

With the systematic guarantee, she still felt a bit uneasy.

Xiao Xiaoya waved her hand and immediately appeared in front of her in a virtual picture in front of her.

"The red arrow represents the neurotoxin, and the golden arrow represents the counterattack of the system."

She nodded, the red arrow on the picture was fierce, and the gold arrow was very flexible.

The battle was so stalemate that no one would back down.

To be honest, she felt strange.

After all, no one wants to turn their heads into a battlefield filled with smoke.

"But my body, shouldn't any toxins work?"

This is the first time she has encountered a poison that her body can't dissolve.

自然 She is naturally clear that there are people outside the sky.

In the end, it was her intention.

But did not expect, Xiaoyao denied her idea.

"In fact, this neurotoxin still cannot survive in your body, but it is generated in a special way. Before they enter the body, they are wrapped in a hard shell. This shell can to some extent , To protect these toxins. And these things will slowly release toxicity in your body. It is also because your body is first exposed to these toxins and will not be poisoned in time. "

I heard Xiaoyao's explanation, and then she let down a heart quietly.

Now, she didn't know if she should be grateful.

I would n’t have Shennong's system, I'm afraid she would be poisoned by toxins now.

According to Xiaoyao's explanation, in order to protect her safety, her consciousness is temporarily sheltered in the system.

The rustling sound was due to the presence of toxins, so she temporarily closed her perception of the outside world.

Wu Xiaoyao is still deployed to fight toxins, and she can only browse through the vast books of smoke in the system temporarily.

She deliberately avoided everything with Long Tianyu, and even she didn't know what kind of attitude she would have towards him this time when she was awake.

She was a little confused, flipping through the information stored in the system at will.

She flipped open a page randomly, and just wanted to review the text above, but saw the text, but now it was distorted.

Lin Lin Mengya was very surprised. You must know that these texts are scanned images. Unless there is a problem with the system, there will be no changes.

She opened the other books immediately, but they were exactly the same as before.

Here is the system, there is no dazzling problem.

She looked at the writing again carefully, and sure enough, those words were distorted like little babies.

Then, under her gaze, she quickly changed and reassembled into new words.

"Small medicine!"

She screamed subconsciously, and the artificial intelligence appeared immediately, asking in a rigid way.

"Master, what are your instructions?"

"How can this change? Is it possible, is there a problem with the system?"

She pointed to the changed book and asked in surprise.

Xiao Xiaoya picked it up immediately, and after a careful look, a rather human-like doubt appeared on the virtual face.

"The system is now free of any abnormalities, and there are no problems with this scanned data, except that there is an error in the interpretation function. Wait a minute, I will check it myself."

After saying that, Xiaoyao stood upright, but after a while, Xiaoyao spoke again.

"Master, it is caused by the upgrade of the interpretation function of the system. After all scanned documents are stored in the system, there will be an interpretation function to determine whether the above information is incorrect. Because the system is upgraded and expanded, the interpretation function has also been upgraded. Shown above is the hidden content after interpretation. "

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