She never dreamed that the system still had such a function.

I took the scanned picture that became the new content, and she turned to the page of her name, but she accidentally saw the three words of "Zheng Zheng".

In the beginning, this book caused her a lot of trouble and helped her a lot.

But gradually with the expansion of her horizons and related knowledge, Qingzheng spectrum also showed its limitations.

Since this time, she has not paid much attention to it.

Is it because of this that you haven't noticed new changes?

Until now, she had no thoughts, carefully reading the new content above.

It's strange. The text above looks like Chinese but not like it.

She barely recognized for a long time before she recognized a few words.

"Unlimited time"

五个 These five words were recognized by her for a long while.

Besides that, she doesn't know any other words.

"Small medicine, can the system continue to interpret it?"

Xiao Yao nodded and replied.

"If the system continues to upgrade, then the interpretation function will continue to upgrade, and there may be more information."

When I heard Xiaoyao's explanation, Lin Mengya was surprised, and she felt a little strange.

Wu Qingzheng's spectrum is indeed the text and information here, and there are many things that do not exist in modern society.

But the system was brought back from another time and space, but why, the interpretation system built in the system can interpret the information left on the green zheng spectrum?

She thought for a long time and couldn't understand. She asked Xiaoyao, and the other person was beyond the scope of artificial intelligence.

I thought about it, she could only take this matter to the bottom of her heart for a while.

Hope this is a blessing and not a curse.

报告 "Report to the Commander-in-Chief that the battle has won in stages! All the toxins have been repelled, and the small medicine has successfully guarded your brain."

She was a little speechless and wanted to vomit, but she didn't know how to vomit because there were too many pits.

I thought about it, let's forget it.

阶段 "phased? Will these toxins make a comeback?"

Xiao Xiaoya closed the book and stared at her very seriously.

虽然 "Although antibodies have been produced in your body, if you take this neurotoxin again next time, your body will also have an abnormal response. So, the advice given by small medicine is to stop eating."

觉得 She felt that in front of Xiaoyao, she always had the urge to lay on the ground and splash and roll.

Forget it, what else can you care about with an artificial intelligence?

"Now, I'm safe, right?"

Xiaoyao nodded, his hand in the void, and opened a virtual door.

"The alarm has been removed and you can take control of your body at any time."

She looked at the door, she knew that once she went out, she would face Long Tianyu.

Continue to escape, or just showdown, after a moment of hesitation, she had a decision in her heart.

"Okay, so be it."

Xiaoyao didn't know the meaning of her words, only to see that she seemed to have made some kind of decision, resolutely decided, and stepped out of the safe space of the system.

The dizziness made her a little difficult to adapt.

This is an inevitable reaction after returning to the brain from a safe space. The human body is like an instrument, the brain is the command center, and the consciousness is the commander.

Soon, the discomfort subsided, and she opened her eyes, but suddenly she met her deep eyes.

She understood the struggles, perseverance and pain, but she chose not to open her eyes.

"Wake up? Is there any discomfort?"

Her evasion, shocked Long Tianyu's heart.

The kind of fear that was about to lose her, a little bit of penetration, let his heart gradually poured into the cold sadness.

Zhe Lin Mengya sat up, he wanted to help, but she flickered away gently.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

She said lightly, but in a tone, it seemed to be comforting an ordinary friend.

Stinging on her face, Long Tianyu couldn't find a way to be half shy and affectionate.

Mind, like a big hole, except her, there is nothing to fill the void in that place.


He said only one word and didn't know how to proceed.

What are you saying?

Is He saying that he is involuntary or that everything he does is for her?

He knows her cleverer than anyone, how can she not understand these truths?

But he can't give the answer she wants.

我 "I'm alright, although that thing is terrible, but it is not against my body. Now, it can't continue to attack me."

She doesn't know how pale she has just been after a disaster.

Chen Long Tianyu just wanted to hold her in his arms and take good care of it, but in the end, his raised arm fell down gently.

His look was dim.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

He is still hiding.

Lin Mengya heard a cracking sound in a part of her chest.

"Can I know, what is this thing?"

She turned her head, staring seriously into his eyes.

In love, she is not always a stubborn and powerful person. For some things, she can actually choose to give in.

But only she knows that every self-deception will make her harder.

"I'm not very clear about this thing, only I know it is related to some very important issues."

This words, like a sharp blade, cut open her heart stiffly.

Zhe Lin Mengya's eyes gradually became cold, her hands clasped her shoulders, as if it were extremely cold, and it seemed that there was nothing left between her and her helplessness.

"I almost died, do you know?"

Emotions began to get out of control.

She could not wait to get into his heart to see how much he had concealed himself.

Xun Long Tianyu felt that the uneasiness in her eyes hurt his heart, and even he did not realize that his hands were shaking.

"I won't let you have any surprises, Yaer, me"

"Enough! I don't want to hear any more excuses from you!"

She covered her ears violently, and her eyes were red.

"Long Tianyu, I said a long time ago, I do n’t need others to make my own claim for me! What you do n’t want me to know, I do n’t find out, but I have always believed in you. But I just found out that you You've been using my trust in you, you've been running a bureau with me at the center! "

She couldn't hold back anymore, and roared low.

I have always been working hard to strengthen her strength, only to one day be able to protect the people she cares about.

But now, the fact has slapped her hard.

Look, she thinks that the vast sky is just the fantasy he used to protect herself.

So her efforts and sufferings have become a joke.

If so, how good is she willing to be a little woman hiding behind him?

"I understand that I can give my life for you!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was a little panicked.

He imagined many possibilities, but it happened. After the truth was ripped apart, the cold wind of Ling Ling hit his weakness.

It made him helpless, but terrified.

"I can do it too! Long Tianyu, why don't you believe me? Why don't you believe that I have the ability to protect myself, and I can also be a tree to protect you from the wind and rain? But everything you do now is negating Me, makes me feel like an unknown canary. Is it ridiculous when you see my efforts? "

"Yaer, I don't, I just worry about you!"

担心 "Worry about me? So you control everything, want me to be a 傀儡, let me be in the drum for your whole life, live a life of peace and joy that you gave me, right?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was speechless.

In fact, no matter what excuse he was looking for, it is undeniable that Yaer was right.

"Ya'er, you don't know what kind of crisis you are facing. I know that you are independent, self-improving, and intelligent. I know all this, and I never consider you as a puppet. You are everything to me It's my life, so I can't let you have any accidents. "

He tried to grab her hand, trying to convey the boiling love in his heart through the touch of the skin.

But Lin Mengya was like crazy, she desperately let go of his hand.

Why, the person she loves the most can't understand her mood?

"So you blindfolded my eyes so that I couldn't see the darkness, trapped me in your arms, broke my freedom? Long Tianyu, you never realized that our love should be right Wait, I should be equal to you. You always use my condescending arrogance to display everything about me. But have you ever really asked my opinion, is all this what I want, is it what I want ? "

Love has never been unilaterally controlled.

Chen Long Tianyu loves her, so does she.

He can sacrifice for her without hesitation, and so can she.

But he never gave himself such a chance, isn't it a kind of arrogance?

A kind of look down on the weak?

Nine Dragons Tianyu couldn't argue, and at the same time, a fire broke out in his heart.

Her questioning, her perplexity, became a sharp blade that cut him down.

He grabbed Lin Mengya's hand violently, and his eyes were full of injuries.

"Ya'er, you can't doubt me like this! Even if I hide from you, but for my good and for our future, you can't leave me alone and let me sink into darkness, I will never You are not allowed to do this! "

This remark made the sadness in her heart even more.

"For me? Whatever you do is for me, but have you ever thought about it, do I need it? Long Tianyu, do you love me or the one you made up in your heart? phantom?"

This sentence made Long Tianyu stunned.

The sound of "Boom" in his brain shook the ground.

He stared at the woman in front of him in dismay, how could she, how could he question his true heart?

"Retract! Take what you just said!"

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