Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1605: Rain and sunny

He yelled like a beast, and his hands became more and more miserable.

But Lin Mengya stubbornly stared at him. At this moment, she didn't want to step back, and didn't want to lose.

"Retract! Mengya, this sentence cannot be said, do you know?"

Worry, crumbling.

Nine Dragons Tianyu at this time, just felt that he was already in trouble.

He looked at her almost pleadingly, and the sadness in her eyes pierced her heart with pantothenic acid.

But she was even more saddened by his reaction.

"How long do you still deceive yourself like this? Neither you nor you now have tried to walk into my world. Do you really know me? Do you really know, how do I think?

She was almost desperate, word by word, tearing down their love.

Chen Long Tianyu let go of her hand weakly, looking at the red marks on the fair-skinned wrist, and a bit of guilt poured into his heart.

Is she leaving? Are you going to abandon yourself?

The idea that I just had had already made him feel pained.

In the bottom of his heart, there was a deliberately suppressed yin and black ink covering his heart.

She must never leave?

Even if she makes her hate her all her life, he will trap her beside her.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at his flickering look, her heart as a mirror.

After all, she was still reluctant.

She reached out her hand and gently supported his face.

"I didn't want to run away, this heart can't hold anyone else except you."

The shadow in Chen Longtianyu's eyes gradually faded away, but his clenched lips revealed his tension and anxiety.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed, this is no wonder anyone.

They are lovers for the first time, stumbled in love, suffering.

She seems to be clear, but she is in it, and she cannot see the whole picture.

梦 "Mengya, I will try hard."

He said almost eagerly, his eyes were completely sincere.

Maybe she's right.

All the time, he thought about how to give her own love, but he forgot, she also had her own appeal.

"Now, let's work together, okay?"

Zhe Lin Mengya gently pressed his forehead against him, softening her tone.

He was as powerful as God in her eyes.

So his occasional fragility made her even more distressed.

Love is a matter of two people, she cannot be so selfish and let him chase alone.

I have to go hand in hand so that they can go to the end.

好 "Okay, you can't leave me, and I will never let you go."

He held her hands tightly again, a trace of depressive madness, passing through his eyes, so that Lin Mengya could not even notice.

"Before that, I have one more thing to tell you."

She was sitting critically, intending to tell him about her previous situation in a way that he could understand.

Nine Dragons Tianyu could not help but feel a little nervous, his slender five fingers intertwined with her, as if only in this way, he was not afraid of her running away.

Breathed slightly, she intended to start from the beginning.

She gave an overview of how she was born from her mother, the relic of the master behind, and the things that her soul traversed.

However, through this period, she changed a little bit, only saying that she had been in a dream for more than ten years because of fate society.

Xiao Long Tianyu heard it, but didn't speak for a long time.

"Do n’t you think it ’s strange? In fact, I also know that no one will believe these things when they are said. I mentioned a few things to you before, but I did n’t even believe myself, so I did n’t talk to you.”

She thought Long Tianyu was scared.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly evoked a strange smile, and then laughed out loud, as if letting go of some burdens.

Lin Lin Mengya is a bit square.

This person, won't you scare yourself?

She patted his handsome face, and called him a few times.

"All right? Long Tianyu, what happened to you?"

没 "No, it's nothing. I just think that there is a fate between us."

He slammed her into his arms, put his chin on her shoulder, but a smile of contentment appeared on his face.

I hold her in my arms, and I just want to hold her for a lifetime.

"I'm telling you business, what do you mean?"

She shoved his shoulders with a little dissatisfaction, and said that the two would work hard together?

This guy, is there no word for words?

This time, Long Tianyu did not intend to hide her.

"Yaer, I'm really happy. It's just that I don't know it myself."

After seeing her eye circles red immediately, and showing her injured expression, Long Tianyu comforted immediately.

"No, this is really not something I deliberately kept from you! I only know that some people say that my fate is destined, and this life must be guarded by a destined person. This destined person must be a lifetime People! Yaer, that's you! "

I have two lives?

Isn't it? Although her life was only a short period of twenty years, it can be considered a beginning and an end.

"If feudal superstition is necessary, wouldn't you like me if I weren't such a person?"

She pursed her lips, quite dissatisfied.

But Long Tianyu kissed her cheek again and again and said flatteringly.

当然 "Of course not! But in fact if you are not a lifetime, I and you may not have the chance to be together."

Well, that makes sense.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her head proudly and said with contempt.

也是 "Also, if it wasn't for this silly lady, how could you have picked up such a big bargain! Huh, would you have married a young talented man already, okay, where else could you pick up a leak!"

"Okay, well, it's my deep sense of Fuze that makes such a wonderful lady!"

"Count your little acquaintance!"

Xiao Long Tianyu held her hand with a smile, and gently dropped a kiss, only feeling warm inside.

雅 "Ya'er, the reason why I didn't tell you about the poison you just had, is that this matter is related to the lives of many people. Do you know why did the ancient Wei State move the country?"

She shook her head. In fact, she had consulted the classics in this regard.

But it is strange that most of the classics about the reasons for the migration of the ancient patriarchy ended with a myth.

In fact, the mystery of Gu Weiguo has never been revealed.

"That's because a strange disease appeared in Gu Weiguo. In order to avoid disaster, they first moved here, and then they hid under the ground. No one knows what the strange disease was, and how to cure it. But after For thousands of years, those who have escaped a calamity have learned to control this strange disease so much. Everything you have experienced just now is everything they have now. "

Could it be said that the strange disease is the consequence of the neurotoxin?

"However, this kind of strange disease will at most cause people with quadriplegic paralysis. The others should not respond. What do they want to be a wasteful person?"

Chen Long Tianyu sighed and said that he was extremely irritable.

"That's why it's even more frightening. Before that, whether it was me or the master, many people had been lurking to Xiancheng. But not only did they lose contact, but if they met again, they would change their tempers , Like another person. We found a few of these people, and in them we found this kind of thing. But the others knew nothing. "

Lin Lin Mengya's brow tightened.

既然 "In that case, where did the Mu family come from? Could it be that the Mu family colluded with Xiancheng? But why don't you stop me and let me drink that poison?"

Chen Longyu's complexion became a little complicated.

He knows that if you want to explain these things, then there is some inside information that must be made known to her.

I barely suppressed the urge to isolate all dangers from her sight, and even so, he hesitated for too long.

Xu sighed softly, Lin Mengya stretched out her slender fingers and gently smoothed his brows.

"Even if you want to keep me in the greenhouse, you should let me see the storms outside. In this way, I will not blindly yearn for freedom outside, right?"

Some things she doesn't need to participate in, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

In fact, she can avoid danger only by knowing where the cliff is.

Otherwise, it was like a headless flies, and in the end, it was itself.

Chen Long Tianyu gently held her hand in her palm, half-knelt in front of her, and looked at her.

"The Mu family did collude with Xiancheng, but they were hidden very deeply. If I hadn't learned of the poison in advance, I would never have guessed it. The reason why I would let you drink this poison, It ’s really about giving you a chance to enter the fairy city. "

She jumped in her heart and entered Xiancheng?

Nine Dragons Tianyu, what exactly did you plan?

"Ya'er, since we have to work together, I should trust you, and at the same time you should trust me. Some things ca n’t really be said, at least not now. But I give you a choice, if you really want to know, I will tell you without reservation. "

Sting her heart, because of his promise, she jumped extremely hard.

The truth is at your fingertips. She believes that as long as she asks herself, he will never hide it.

After a long struggle of thoughts, Lin Mengya sighed.

不 "Don't ask, now that you have given me the right to choose, that is I choose to let you hide me. Thank you, I feel your respect for me."

Nine Dragons Tian Yu was relieved.

He kept his head down and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Thank you, Yaer."

"Long Tianyu, in fact, I have never been a cynical person. I will also consider the advantages and disadvantages, things that should not be known, I can not ask, but you must not be too arbitrary and ask me."

In fact, she doesn't want much, besides a respect, a trust.

"I know, you can rest assured that in the future, when it comes to both of us, I will ask you first, OK?"

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