Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1612: Tiaohu Lishan

"I saved the person and I found the place. I also spent so much money. Do you think I'm the kind of person who will lose money?"

She raised her eyebrow, and smiled deeply.

Qinghu is naturally clear, although after the girl returned, rarely mentions the matter of Yanxia Mountain, but he can receive secret reports from Yanxia Mountain every month.

There are hidden stakes left by her, everything is in her grasp.

Now, it's time to enable it.

"It is indeed the truth, and their lives are not very good when it comes to it. Since the palace family cut off the supply, the group of people are sitting on the mountain. They will kill each other soon."

Wu Qinghu smiled disdainfully. It seemed that he would not be surprised at all in this kind of scene where people eat people.

In his mind, man's life is the result of a battle with everything in the world.

The weak can only be crushed into soil.

He will admire Lin Mengya, and then willingly surrender to her, and devote her life and loyalty to her, because she is still cunning as a fox and fierce as a wolf even in a difficult situation.

I was in front of her, and seemed to be able to hold her back.

No one can truly surrender her, but gradually, sinking into her charm is difficult to extricate herself.

There was not much male and female feelings in the hot eyes.

I was full of pride, appreciation and curiosity.

He wants to know what this woman can do.

Can the world fall into her jade hands as much as possible?

And he is willing to be her helper, to be her eternal lieutenant is enough.

"What is the skill to kill each other? It is a great country to defend the country. If you have enough ambitions, longing for expansion is the best choice. However, let them feel it well and feel isolated."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that she was a bit cold-blooded to do this herself.

But in troubled times, if there is not enough ability to protect themselves, then waiting for them will be the most tragic fate.

Here, there is no peach blossom source, and no utopia.

If you want to win, you must be a ghost, and use all means to break through the storm.

"You don't have to worry about these things, I know how to tune them."

Wu Qinghu raised his eyebrows, with a charming face, but with a bad smile on his face.

Lin Lin Mengya covered her lips and gave a fake cough.

"It's okay to do things, but you need to master the scale."

In the final analysis, they are just a group of normal people, afraid that they can not stand the evil devil training of Qinghu.

"I know."

When the two of them were standing in the yard and talking, they suddenly heard outside, and the sound of drunken roar and slamming the door came.

"Open the door! I want to go in, uncle!"

The man's mouth was vague, but his strength was used a lot.

Qi Qinghu suddenly changed his face, and glanced at the closed door coldly, hiding his intention in his tone.

"Did anyone dare to make trouble?"

Lin Lin Mengya seemed to have not heard, and did not care at all.

"Living here, experiencing these things can be considered reasonable. You don't take any action, so as not to attract the attention of the people."

The drunkards outside were soon persuaded away.

There are no young chicks to be trained in the courtyard. Externally, this courtyard is only for the other party's debris.

But some people probably don't believe it easily.

With the first temptation, there will soon be a second.

"Okay, I will protect you in secret. You have to be careful about everything. Liu Qianrong needs to observe again, he, I'm not at ease."

Qi Qinghu's alertness is much stronger than her.

I can say that apart from her, Qinghu never trusted anyone at all.

However, Lin Mengya did not think that this was a bad thing.

I nodded and signaled that the other party would be careful, and the figure of Qinghu was also hidden in the night.

She sat quietly in the yard, listening to the excitement in front.

Except for the drunkard, she never encountered anyone to make troubles and temptations that night.

She has some small accidents. I don't know if the opponent is too cautious or Liu Qianrong's defense is too strict, which caused those people to have no chance to start.

But her original intention was not to hide like this.

She needs a chance, a chance to see their great ancestors and understand the truth.

During the day, Liu Qianrong appeared again in front of her.

But this time, she was worried.

"What happened?"

At this time, Lin Mengya was writing in the room.

When I saw this picture of Liu Qianrong, I thought something had happened.

"People from the Gong family came to me just now and said they were going to invite me to some banquet in the house with some girls."

Zhe Lin Mengya dipped in some ink again, and the beautiful row of fly heads in lower case, but not written in poetry and song.

"Did the tiger leave the mountain? This is a good way. When you come back and find that I'm gone, why can't they."

Liu Qianrong looked helpless when she looked at the plot that was immediately broken down.

She tried every means last night to block the waves of people who came to investigate.

I did not want to, they actually played this method.

In the end, she is still very light-hearted, don't look at the building and still have the final say, but those VIPs, she still can't afford to offend.

"How about I find a place and hide you for a day?"

This is the best way that Liu Qianrong can come up with. They can't confront the palace now, they can only choose to hide.

But unexpectedly, she shook her head and denied Liu Qianrong's proposal.

"Where can Tibetan hide? Believe it or not, I walked out of Wen Yuge on my front foot, and someone on the back foot knew where I was. When you return, that's already the dust settled."

"But what should I do? I don't worry about the other people in the building. I also thought about taking you with me and pretending to be my girl ring. But who knows, the person from the palace family, right Wen Yuge is very familiar. Not only did I designate a few people, but also said that the guests who came that night were all noble guests of the palace, so let us be careful. I am afraid that there will be your enemies in it. In case you recognize it Isn't that a sheep in a tiger's mouth? "

The things written by Xu finally came to an end. Lin Mengya closed her pen and squeezed her brows.

It is true that Liu Qianrong and their ranks are also ancient public figures.

Even if she can be easy to accommodate, she will eventually show flaws.

And, the idea they can think of, can't those people in the palace family think of it?

I must go through the layers of investigation, and it will be difficult for me to mix up.

But if she was persuaded to be difficult, it was not her style.

"Trouble you to help me prepare my clothes, and then I will say that I am a new girl in the building, and I will take you for a long time."

Qian Liu Qianrong did not expect that the other party would actually choose to take a risk.

I could not help but persuade slightly.

"I know you are in a hurry and want to take this opportunity to get in the house of the palace. But this matter is too dangerous. I think we should give up this idea, let's have other ways."

"Qian Rong, you should have heard a saying," Wealth and wealth are in danger. Since they want to get paid at the bottom of the pot, that's the best way to do it. Even if I hide, I can't escape it for a while, I can't hide it forever. But rest assured, Whether this matter succeeds or not, I will not affect you and the girl in the building. "

Qiu Liuqianrong looked at each other disapproving, thinking and thinking, still persuading.

"I'm not afraid of getting involved, but I can't guarantee your safety. Sir, can't you think about it again?"

She knows that Liu Qianrong is worried about herself.

I walked around the desk, took the other's hand, and said softly.

"I know your heart, but this time, I have a reason to do so. Besides, I think that even if we have escaped this time, they will press harder. It is better to completely dispel their thoughts and let 'Sumei' disappeared under their noses. "

Her eyes were shining, apparently she had an idea.

Qiu Liuqianrong stopped talking, and finally, she could only sigh gently.

"It's nothing, right is to sacrifice the gentleman. Sir, rest assured, I will do what you tell me. If you need any help, just speak up."

说 "Speaking of which, I really want one more thing to ask you for help. Do you know anyone who has learned the truth without a storyteller in Yecheng?"

Mr. Storytelling?

柳倩蓉 stunned her, but she did not expect that she would make this request.

"There are a few gardens in Yecheng that are good. I know all the people inside, but I don't know what book Mr. wants to listen to?"

Gao Linmengya turned around, folded what she just wrote into a boxy one, and then gave it to Liu Qianrong.

"Trouble you to help me, and turn this story into a book. Then, let the storyteller say in the garden, the more wonderful the better, each person, every day, I will give a reward of twelve silver. Once this book is If it spreads, add it to fifty-two. "

Qiu Liuqianrong solemnly took over. To know such a price, for those storytellers, it is already a sky-high price.

She didn't look at it and didn't ask anything else, but she agreed quickly.

"Sir, is there anything else I can help you with?"

"It's gone for the time being, by the way, has the family member who came to ask you to ask you, who are the guests?"

Qiu Liuqianrong shook her head, and a little discomfort appeared on her face. She wanted to come, but the palace man didn't leave her a good impression.

"The man was very arrogant. I heard the sisters in the building said that he had been there a few times and wanted to pretend to be a grandfather without money. This time, he was able to catch it. It sounds irritating. "

It should be the people brought by Gong Tu, and the people who want to be the East's palace are either Lin Mengwu or Gong Tu.

"Rest assured, such a person can't grow up. OK, you go to rest first, build up your energy. When the day comes to the feast, I will avenge you."

Qiu Liuqianrong smiled brightly instantly, with a lively and beautiful face.

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