Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1613: Innocent involved

"Then I thanked Mr. first."

Zhe Lin Mengya waved her hand, and Liu Qianrong believed her, so she agreed to such a risky behavior.

As for what will happen on the day of the banquet, it depends on the palace to slaughter them, and what kind of tricks will be given to her.

Under the arrangement of Liu Qianrong, there is a newly listed girl in Wen Yuge, but in the past few days, she has become very popular.

But because Liu Qianrong's protection to her is extremely strict, and in Wen Yuge, as long as the girl does not want to, no one can force the girl to pick up the guests.

I was so curious that many guests were attracted, but I didn't get a response, so she even got the girl's worth to a sky-high price.

Ye Ke always did not reveal the mystery of this girl. The outside world only knew that the girl danced very beautifully, and her figure was also good.

I was looking forward to it, and when I wanted to see nobody's face, Liu Qianrong took the flamboyant girl to the palace house for a feast.

The three or five top coupe appeared at the gate of the palace house. Today, almost everyone in Yecheng knows that Wen Yuge, who has never bought anyone's account, is the first beautiful Liu Qianrong. He actually brought a few other beautiful women to the palace house. The feast.

Even though countless people are envious, the status of the palace family in non-Yecheng is detached. If Liu Qianrong wants to continue doing business, she must find a way to get the support of the palace family.

刚 As soon as they arrived at the door, they invited their servants that day, waiting for them with a bad smile.

"Several girls are here. If we come a little later, it will delay our grandfather."

When the man looked for the strangeness of the yin and yang, Liu Qianrong knew that it was still early, and there would be no delay at all, but she had to bow her head under the eaves, and she could only squeeze out a faint smile and said gracefully.

"It's our fault. I don't know where to feast tonight?"

I looked at her so calmly and calmly, the resentment in that person's heart grew deeper.

Is n’t that just plaything? How dare you give him a show?

I raised my eyelids and looked at the beautiful women in disdain.

"Our palace is not as unruly as your house. Waiting here, I have to ask the master first."

Xu made it clear that Liu Qianrong could not breathe with him.

Soon afterwards, a lot of passers-by were watched outside the palace.

Someone knew their identities, and started to point and point, with a slight disdain for them.

"Oh, are these little **** of Wen Yuge? Wherever you have money, go wherever you want to be, and what kind of strength do you have? Finally, you haven't climbed into the house of big people? Well, don't look at what kind of virtue you have, Do n’t be afraid to get dirty! ”

The slender, sharp voice penetrated into everyone's ear.

In the Wenyu Pavilion, which one of them is not the stars?

I am so humiliated now, how can a few girls be willing.

Although they couldn't scold others on the street, they finally glared angrily.

Who knows, but scolded even more joyfully.

"It's just a group of prostitutes / girls, dare to stare at the old lady? If you weren't the flirtatious ones, how could the old lady be slain by that sword! Sooner or later, you will be left in the hands of the old lady, so that you will know and seduce people. The man's end! "

The swearing vixen talked more and more vigorously, spit Mo Xingzi across the waist, the words became more and more unpleasant.

"Sister Qianrong, let's go!"

One of them had a stronger temper, and couldn't help it. She pulled her hand and said angrily.

Qiu Liuqianrong doesn't know where they are. Although these girls usually welcome them, they also have self-esteem and self-love. They are only forced to make a living to run this business.

I did not expect that today I was actually insulted by such a street, and my heart was really miserable.

Alas, there is nothing they can do.

"Wait a second, Zi Yan, don't worry."

Her gentle consolation, with a little regret in her eyes.

Xi Ziyan was almost brought into the industry by one hand. Between the two, she was more like a sister.

Xu Wenyan said that Zi Yan was still reluctant to embarrass her.

I was just secretly red under the eyes, biting on her lips, and her eyes were full of grievances.

"I heard them say they said we were prostitutes and bitches"

They heard such awful words in the building.

I can today, but a different kind of heart.

Qiu Liuqianrong was so distressed that she clapped her hands and looked at the other girls behind her.

Everyone is laughing and laughing, I'm afraid it's in my heart that I've been crying for a long time.

"We love to say what we say, even if we are outside. Some people may not be cleaner than us."

The women who scolded them most were a group of women.

These women do not interact with them in the usual days, but now they use the most vicious words to insult them for those unfounded crimes.

Is really difficult to understand.

Among the crowd watching the crowd, some of them didn't seem too big to see the excitement, but now they started to coax.

Xun's spouse who took the lead in scolding was also provoked into anger, and was actually tempted, and with a somber face, she wanted to go to Wen Yuge.

Pouting in his mouth, cursing uncleanly.

"Xiao Sao hoof, I make you restless and seduce you guys, today I will scratch your little face and see how you can hook up with another man!"

The grandmother had a very strong physique, and her fingernails were sharp, so she knew that she was a good fight.

If Wen Yuge's girl really falls into her hands, I'm afraid it will be a big loss.

Looking at her just a few steps away, the crowd was still coaxing.

I saw the mother-in-law's sneer and stretched out her hand to catch a thin young girl.

At this moment, a slender hand suddenly pulled away the little girl.

The fat mother-in-law's hand was lost, and before she responded, she felt someone kicked her ass.

She only used her full strength to find out where she can now react. Following her own strength, people flew to the ground all at once.

"噗通" sound, very solid.

It wasn't easy to fall, all the fat mother-in-law had peeled off the skin with her face, and the blood that had leaked out had also stained the soil on the ground, and suddenly a big flower face came out.

His clothes were also dirty, and his hair was loose. He was holding his arm and was crying.

"Oh my god, Xiao Sao hit someone!"

The mother-in-law was crying and grabbing the ground. She lay on the ground and started to cry.

The girls at Wenyuge gathered together, no matter what their faces were, but they felt really happy.

But just now things happened too fast, and no one could see which one worked.

And besides those flower maids, the girls are all wearing similar clothes, and now they are together again, it is impossible to tell who is who.

"Deserve it!"

Tong Ziyan vomited her tongue and had to, she was quite relieved at this moment.

The crowd watching the crowd also regarded her as being cheerful, and no one would come forward and pull her.

Qiu Liuqianrong looked at each other, but it was not a taste.

She was also a woman, and when she saw the fat mother-in-law's encounter, she felt hate and helplessness.

女人 In this world, women are always embarrassing women.

"You lose me! Smelly bitch, you don't want to deny it!"

The fat mother-in-law cried for a while, and found that she could not cause the pity of others, and then continued the fierce threat.

Qiu Liuqianrong frowned. She didn't want to cause any trouble, but things went against her. Someone embarrassed them.

"This lady, we have never met you. You have insulted us so much, we have given up. You also saw it just now. It was your fault that you accidentally fell, and it is not our business. Please, please, don't continue to mess around. Go on. "

The obese mother-in-law listened to her, but cursed with a sneer.

"Shameless scam! If you didn't seduce my man, how could I be looked down upon? You just pushed me and wounded me like this, you have to pay me two silver!"

Qian Liu Qianrong thinks the woman in front of her is simply unreasonable.

But the ultimate person was hurt in front of them, and she wanted to be calm and just asked a question.

"How much do you want, you say?"

"Sister Qianrong!"

Wu Ziyan stopped immediately, this had nothing to do with them at all, right?

I didn't expect that the fat mother-in-law rolled her eyes and said very proudly.

"Over the years, there is a lot of silver on you that killed Qiandao. I am the most reasonable person. As long as you lose me 1,000 yuan, I will let you go! Otherwise, I will report Let the government to cure your sickness! "

Thousand and two?

Ziyan was going to be laughed at by her. Just like that fat mother-in-law, I was afraid that their men would smash the pot and sell iron.

He made it clear that he was here.

Qian Liuqianrong had a cold face, and this man was really greedy.

"We don't have one thousand and two, not to mention who you are with. If you disagree, take care of your husband. I only have a couple of pieces of silver here. Take it and grab some medicine to eat. Right. "

But when the fat mother-in-law heard it, she exploded.

"Listen! This little scammer has admitted that it is you who cheated my family's money! You returned me a thousand or two, shameless fox spirit!"

The fat mother-in-law continued to abuse, and Liu Qianrong clenched her fist secretly.

She wasn't a patience to swallow her, but now she doesn't want extravagance, but who made her meet such a person.

I endured for a long time, when she almost did not hold back, but heard a voice, came coldly.

"Well, you can earn those three gourds from your useless litter, for fear that you won't even be able to meet our girl Liu. I think you are so hot, no wonder your man likes to go into the kiln Run. Hey, he is willing to spend money on other women, you do n’t need it for others, it seems that you are not as good as sister Yao. ”

It's not that slow or slow, but it makes people feel extra worried.

Especially the fat mother-in-law was so angry that a carp throbbed and bounced off the ground.

"What did you say? You tell me again!"

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