Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1626: Blood disorders

Speaking of business, she immediately told her great ancestors about their illness and told the teacher one by one.

When she saw the teacher's frowning more and more, she knew that the teacher would also feel strange about this matter.

Bali Rui thought for a moment, and suddenly walked to his bookshelf.

He kept rummaging inside, and finally, in the corner, found a book that looked a bit dated.

"Come and see."

She was a little surprised. Couldn't there be any relevant information here?

I glanced over and saw that on one of the pages of the old book, there was an old thing that was unknown.

In a certain winter, an outbreak occurred in a small village in a certain place.

The spread of this epidemic is extremely fast. Within a few days, almost everyone in the village became ill.

Strangely enough, another village, a few miles away from the village, was safe and sound.

In the village, those who marry from outside are also spared.

But after this incident, the name of the village is almost dead.

Later, a doctor went there to verify the incident, and only one was found, probably because of something wrong with the bloodline of the family, which led to the incident.

你 "Look, are the symptoms recorded above similar to those of the palace family?"

She turned over and over again and again, and said that when those people got sick, they all went into a coma first, and finally died of exhaustion.

There are some speculations on the reason above, it was said to be a nightmare, so it is difficult to be sober.

It seems to me that the cause of those people's illness at that time may not be verified.

"So, it's really because of the special blood of the palace family. But this only records that the family has been extinct because of this, but there is no cure."

Her urgency, Barry Rui can understand.

The student who loved him was very affectionate, and naturally he wouldn't watch the family members die of illness.

So he will do his best.

"No, you overlooked one of the details. It also said that the next village has no influence. The two villages live next to each other. Do you think they will not marry? And you have also come into contact with those who can Something that caused the family members to get sick, and I ask you, is there any abnormality in your body? "

She shook her head, but then suddenly her eyes widened, as if she thought of something.

"Gong Ping, who is responsible for taking care of the great ancestors and their descendants, is also a serious family blood. If that thing is only because it has an impact on the blood of the family, then he should be affected too!"

Bari Rui raised an eyebrow. It seems that the head of his student finally found his calmness.

"That's the reason, your body is a bit special, so you can probably ignore the effect of this drug on you. But others don't, so I think that although it is a condition that is triggered by blood, there should be other reasons in."

"However, the great ancestors used to be very prepared for Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu. Besides the people in the house, many people were focused on their great ancestors. Now they want to eat in their great ancestors. It's difficult to get some hands and feet, not to mention the old days. Unless, unless the great ancestors were voluntary? "

She thought about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible.

However, it is impossible for the great ancestors to predict in advance that there will be something in Lin Mengwu's hands that can make them sick.

It seems that the truth of the matter can only be learned after the great ancestors are awake.

"I can't help you with those intriguing things, but if you want to heal the palace family, I can help you as a teacher."

哪里 Where can Bai Lirui be willing to embarrass his lover, though he knows nothing about it, he also takes the matter down.

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart warmed, she took the teacher's arm and thanked him softly.

"Thank you teacher, sure enough, I can't leave the teacher's shelter, or the teacher hurts me the most, and I will be filial to you in the future."

Helplessly nodded the forehead of the old student, this girl, always changing ways, want him to run around like this old bone.

"Okay, I'll suffice if you're angry."

"I don't have any. I am the most respected teacher."

"You haven't? You're not mad for the teacher, it's a measure for the teacher!"

Squinting at the teacher and staring at him again, she immediately asked for help.

"Okay, is your measure big, can your prime minister support the boat, can you do it?"

After Bai Bairui gave her a glance, she continued her business.

"No matter what we think, but since it is to heal the sick and save people, then at least, let me see it for myself."

She nodded, and took out the handkerchief that stood still.

"I almost forgot, this is what I found at the palace house. I saw Shangguan Qing spilling this thing on their pillows of great ancestors, teacher, have you ever seen that?"

并不 There is not much powder on her handkerchief. Fortunately, after she returned, she packed it in a box with some residue on it.

Bairui picked it up, and after checking it over and over again, finally dipped a little powder, put it under the nose and sniffed, and finally touched his tongue.

"Teacher, be careful!"

Shangguan Qing used to hurt people, she was naturally a bit worried.

But the teacher's eyes showed a little doubt.

"This thing seems to be some kind of burnt ash."

For this, Xiaoyao has also been identified before.

But if it ’s just grass and trees, why should Shangguan Qing sprinkle it on their great ancestors, and it looks like Shangguan Qing is also a baby.

不过 "But there is something else in it."

Teacher Yun's words surprised her secretly.

You know, the results of the small drug analysis are already the most detailed.

"Does the teacher know, what is it?"

But the teacher frowned, thinking for a long time, and finally hesitated.

"My master, once told me. The most poisonous thing in the world is not the poison that can harm human bodies, but the hopelessness that kills people's hearts."

I looked at the teacher and seemed to be remembering the past, Lin Mengya didn't bother, listening quietly.

"I remember those years before the death of Master Xian. One day, he brought something from the outside, and Master said, this thing is called" Hope ". I asked Master what this thing was useful for, but Master shook his head I didn't say anything. Finally, I was trained to be able to discern this thing. I also said how far I must meet and how far to hide when I encountered it later. Once I touched this thing, it will make people become human. No man, no ghost, the most vicious thing is that it can completely destroy the human heart, it is the most vicious poison in the world. I asked him what the poison is, how poisonous it is, and what kind of reaction the poisoned person will have, but Master refuses to say. You brought it today, and I thought about it for a long time before I thought about it. "

Hopeless, the name sounded like an unbearable feeling of suffocation.

"But why can't I feel its toxicity? Teacher, has my master said that, how can this poison be solved?"

Teacher Yun heard the words, but sighed, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"It happens, I am just like you. Although you can recognize this thing, but it is not poisonous at all. But Master also mentioned that this poison, if you want to dissolve, you must rely on the strength of the human heart."

"Human heart? No, what medicine introduction is made with human heart? That's not true, I can't do it!"

I watched her shook her head repeatedly and refused to fight, and Bai Lirui almost laughed.

I slammed her little head, always cranky, hardly in her eyes. Is his master the kind of quack doctor who can talk nonsense?

"Lord, let me say what is your point? My master means that this thing must be solved by the patient's own strength. If you do this again, be careful I clean up the portal!"

After Lin Lin Mengya was threatened, she held her head honestly and did not dare to continue her business.

According to the teacher, in other words, can the effect caused by this thing be self-healing?

突然 She suddenly thought that maybe the effect of this thing was temporary.

Because if the great ancestors can make them comatose forever, then Shangguan Qing, why bother to make up for it secretly?

After clarifying her thoughts, she felt suddenly open.

Before, because she had too many things, and it was about the life and death of her family, she ignored many details.

"Hey, thank you teacher, I have figured out many things."

If the poison is phased and can recover on its own, then the family is definitely fine.

The family of the Kunimiya can have nothing, but the courage and determination hidden in their bones will never be lost.

"Well, even if you say so, you can't take it lightly. With my master's ingenuity, I still can't guess the poisonous toxicity. Besides, it's hard to say if Lin Meng dances them, will there be a trick. In case you rashly Act, kill your great ancestors their lives. "

"I know, the teacher is assured. Now that I have a direction, it will not turn around like a headless fly. The most important thing now is to understand that apart from this poison, Lin Mengwu kept up with Guan Qingzai What measures did Zengzu have in place? In this way, I will arrange it and find a way for the teacher to see it with your own eyes. "

Bai Lirui nodded slightly, this girl, once an idea, is more decisive than a man.

"You go, if there is anything, just send someone here to find me. I heard about you, there is always a lot of people in Wen Yuge. If you are not used to living, move here. Although I have no peerless martial arts, most people still cannot easily enter my yard. "

看着 She looked at the worry in the teacher's eyes and couldn't help feeling her chest warm.

"I know, my teacher is the best, poisonous Saint! If you go out, you have to scare those young people!"

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