Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1627: Sky Scandal

"Just know what you are doing. Be careful when you are acting outside. I have to be cautious. I have given you some medicine and you are holding yourself."

Looking at an old father-like teacher, Lin Mengya had to obediently accept what the teacher had prepared for her.

In the night, she slipped out of the medical hall with A Xiu through the back door again.

In the wooden box in my hand, various kinds of poisons are hard to find on the market.

I exaggeratedly said that she was going out of this box for fear that no one in the whole city could stop her.

As a poison doctor, the teacher should be considered a big deal, right?

Xu quietly returned to Wen Yuge for resettlement. At dawn, Liu Qianrong hurried over.

"Sir, do you know that the Ma family and the palace family are about to marry!"

Marriage? Who is connected to whom?

Soon after, Liu Qianrong's words shook her completely.

"At the banquet last night, the young master of the Ma family said personally that he was the owner of the palace, and he wanted to marry him! Now, everyone who is not Yecheng should know."

"噗 ——"

Lin Lin Mengya only drank a cup of tea and sprayed out half a cup instantly.

"Who is going to marry him? If he is like him, if he is too much, right? No, this is too outrageous? I, our homeowner already have a heart, where is he?

Yuliu Qianrong also had a bad impression of Ma Beichen, who is a master of pleasure and pleasure.

She is for Sumei and also for the same woman, so she has a good impression on the owner of the palace.

If you really married such a person, I'm afraid you will be sad day and night, right?

"This should be true, and it's spread all over now. Some people say that because the housekeeper is out, it is not convenient to take care of the family, so he was asked to take care of one or two. Some people also said that Ma Beichen had been obsessed with the housekeeper. This is the anger and anger. In short, Ma Beichen blows the ceiling. "

Damn Ma Beichen!

Lin Lin Mengya secretly gritted her teeth. In fact, the Ma family and the Cheng family went to make trouble last night. This was what she discussed with the two owners.

In addition to making it difficult for Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu to find allies, the purpose is to frighten others and tell them that the palace family has a horse family and a Cheng family to protect. It is not easy to divide up.

Who knows that Ma Beichen's guy is talking rashly behind her.

It's over, she's going to have countless more gossips.

Xiaolong Tianyu was very stingy on this kind of problem.

不是 She didn't feel it, even when Qinghu was closer to her, the guy's eyes immediately became cannibalistic.

What's more, it was this unscheduled marriage contract.

马 北辰! Sooner or later, she'll find him a shrew and see if he dares to run the train with his mouth full!

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Qiu Liuqianrong thinks, the gentleman, the expression at this moment seems a little too rich.

I gritted my teeth for a while, then sighed again.

Difficulty cannot be achieved--

She looked at the gentleman carefully, and there was something not so good in her mind.

"Actually, Mr. Magong is not completely uncomfortable, isn't it? Although he likes the homeowner, but you also said that the homeowner already has his heart? If the homeowner doesn't want to marry, who can force him? She's getting married. If you like Magong, you might as well. "

"I like him? I won't like him until I die!"

Lin Lin Mengya blew her hair, denying loudly.

Liu Qianrong, who was yelled at by her for the first time, immediately answered, did she guess wrong.

Isn't Mr. Wu so excited because she likes Ma Beichen, and Ma Beichen likes the house owner?

"Sorry, I didn't yell at you intentionally. This **** will make me mess!"

Zhe Lin Mengya said resentfully that she has limited conditions now, and she cannot come forward to clarify.

I'm really sick, why should that **** do that?

Yan Liu Qianrong shook her head immediately.

"It's okay, but I don't think it's a bad thing. Now Gong Tu and Gong Wu are in the limelight, and you are framed by them again and kicked out of the house. I think if he can be the house owner's fiance, , Some things are easier to handle. "

That's right, but she couldn't stand it, and her name was associated with that lower body perpetual motion.

"Forget it, I need him for the time being, I will not care about him."

After waiting, she must let Ma Beichen understand that no one is cheap, he can take it!

Qiu Liuqianrong was a little confused, how could Mr.'s response be so great.

The suffocation was breathless, and Lin Mengya calmed down.

"Please help me keep an eye on things over the palace house."

"Okay, sir, don't worry."

嗯 "Well, there is one more thing. You can help me find a few reliable and clean people."

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

She lowered her voice.

"The ancestor of the palace family and several young masters are indeed ill. I slipped in and looked at Axiu and found that they are unattended now and only one Gong Ping is available around him. It is good for him to care for himself Now, six men, where can he care? "

I heard her say this, but Liu Qianrong hesitated for a moment.

After hesitated, he asked a little hesitantly.

"Is the five young masters in the palace family all sick?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded helplessly, but of all the older brothers, there was a sober one, Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu, how could you set off any storm?

"I mean Gong Bin, Master Gongjia, how is his condition?"

"I don't know if it was because the young master took charge of the family. His condition is the worst among several people."

I'm afraid it's because the elder brother poses the greatest threat to Gong Tu.

Even if he is an old and weak great ancestor, the situation is better than that of his older brother.

The two **** guys, sooner or later she will come back for revenge!


She looked at Liu Qianrong, why is this person so strange today?

"what happened?"

"No, nothing. Sir means, how many people to take care of them secretly?"


Yan Liu Qianrong thought about it.

"It's not difficult to find someone. The hard part is how to reassure Gong Tu. After all, now the palace family, but they have the final say."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her lips, her smile was cold.

"It doesn't have to worry about us. They had such a big foreign appearance yesterday, and now they must be thinking about how to recover it. And everyone can see that the ancestors of the palace are really sick. Huh, I am afraid now, what they think should be How did they rely on their ancestors to restore their faces? "

"You mean, they will take the opportunity to take care of their ancestors and do a show for everyone?"

She tilted her head, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

"Isn't this the best chance? Wouldn't you like grandma to help the grandmother cross the road?"

Liu Qianrong, who had not attended elementary school, naturally did not understand her meaning.

But she only knew what the other party meant.

"I see, sir, rest assured, I will find the person you need right away."

"Okay, I will find a way to arrange it."

Yan Liu Qianrong went to do this immediately, but on her side, she was thinking about how to let the teacher get in and take the pulse.

After thinking about it, I found that the most convenient method was to go to Ma Beichen for help.

Alas, the **** of that guy made her very angry.

I decided to ignore the guy, but I didn't expect it to be her best choice at the moment.

After Lin Mengya weighed some gains and losses, she silently gave herself a slap in her heart, really fragrant.

Now Gong Tu is too diligent to take care of himself.

After dressing up with Axiu Qiao, she pretended to be the person responsible for purchasing in Wen Yuge and then slipped out.

On the street, there were discussions about what happened last night. Some said that Gong Tu and Gong Wu couldn't do anything about it, and some said that Ma's son was infatuated and domineering.

In short, it made her want to yell at the sky, that **** is a nonsense, I love Long Tianyu!

But obviously, that condition is not met at all.

She could only stand on the street full of gossip, and walked to the yard where the Ma family lived temporarily.

"Sister Ya, your expression is a bit scary."

I stood outside the door, and Axiu said carefully.

If it's not Yi Rong's relationship, she thinks that the expression of Sister Ya is probably a hundred times worse than now.

Even though nothing can be seen on the face, the coldness of Sister Ya's body has already made people have an urge to retreat.

Zhe Lin Mengya heard the words and could only exhale deeply.

She is not angry, she will be able to get it back sooner or later.

After doing enough psychological construction, she went to call the door,


The gatehouse opened the door and immediately saw an impatient expression when they saw the girls dressed as maids.

"Don't I tell you all? The son-in-law hasn't seen guests these days, especially the female guests. If your lady wants to see our son-in-law, it's better to wait honestly. In case it ruins my son's good marriage Can you afford it? "

Marriage is a ghost!

Zhe Lin Mengya finally managed to suppress the anger, swept again.

"I want to see your young master!"

"Why do you, I do not know how to lift me up, my son said, no guest! Walk around, don't make trouble here!"

Lin Mengya sneered and threw out a jade pendant when she looked at the other side.

"You can see clearly, your son, are you sure you don't see me?"

His Majesty just glanced at it casually, and the eyes fixed immediately.

Be obedient, isn't that the pattern on the top that the son told them a few days ago, belongs to Miss Gongjia?

Cold sweat, it flowed down instantly.

The son-in-law had been instructed in secret. After seeing this thing, he must be careful, and it is best to boast the son-in-law perfectly.

刚刚 But just now, he seemed to say something extraordinary.

"If this doesn't work, then we can only say goodbye."

She put up Yu Pei and wanted to leave.

But where did the man dare to let people go, immediately licked his smile and chased after him.

"Girl, girl, no, Grandma, it's a small mistake, it's a small child who doesn't know Taishan. Grandma, you stay, you must stay!"

Lin Lin Mengya looked silently at her subordinates, and felt Ma Beichen in her heart.

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