Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1632: Future bitch

Hey man, always like to treat that kind of submissive woman as plaything.

But she is different. She is the proudest rose under the scorching sun. She is the one who can stand with her Highness!

But before that, she still needs a few helpers.

Ji Jinyao thoughtfully looked in the other direction of the college, with a sneer of disdain, slowly spreading from the corner of his lips.

Here, there is no shortage of idiots.

After Xun and the teacher decided to go to the palace for a diagnosis, Lin Mengya and Qinghu returned to Wen Yuge again.

Because of the events of the past few days, Wen Yuge has been more or less affected.

After all, they were afraid that the palace family would be angry at Wen Yuge.

But it is very rare that the palace has no reaction at all, and here is everything as usual, Ye Ye Sheng Song never stops.

哪里 Where are they clear? Now Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu are too busy taking care of themselves.

After they have done everything, new troubles will come.

As long as she is there, they don't want to stop.

"Sir, can I come in?"

Today Liu Qianrong has become the real boss of Wen Yuge, so now she will not show people easily.

After Qiang got her permission, Liu Qianrong opened the door and stood respectfully and said in front of her.

"I have made arrangements for the things you explained earlier."

Lin Lin Mengya remembered that she asked Liu Qianrong to find some suitable girls.

I didn't expect the opponent's hands and feet to be sharp, so I found it so quickly.

"What is the character and personality? Can it be used?"

"Mr. please, rest assured, they are all innocent and pure girls. And they are all foreigners without any relatives here. Now it seems that they are faithful and reliable."

Zhe Lin Mengya reassured for the time being, indeed, without the temptation of external forces, they would not easily betray themselves.

"I'm assured that you are doing things, these people, you take the time to send them to the house of Ma Beichen and Ma Gongzi. Needless to say, he will know what to do.


She had already finished her business, but she saw that Liu Qianrong looked like she wanted to stop talking.

"What else?"

Qian Liu Qianrong quickly shook his head subconsciously to deny it, but nodded again, looking a little hesitant.

It is difficult to make a fuss. Is it the palace family or who is making trouble?

"If you have something to say, but it doesn't matter, you and I are already friends. I will never sit by and ignore your business."

Lin Lin Mengya thought it was because the matter was too troublesome that Liu Qianrong was so embarrassed.

But did not expect, this man suddenly, kneeling in front of her.

She stunned for a moment and quickly started to help.

But Ke Qianrong gently pushed away, raised her head and said to her preciously.

"I think, I want to go with them to go to the palace to take care of those young masters. I know this is a little difficult, but Qian Rong wants to ask my husband to promise me!"

She frowned and raised her. She never dreamed that Liu Qianrong said to herself, and it turned out to be this matter.

She has no intention to oppose, after all, those people are no better than Liu Qianrong, either in ability or in friendship.

But everything has its cause, and she wants to know why Liu Qianrong did it.

"You get up first, I thought how difficult it was. You tell me the reason first, and then I'll arrange it, okay?"

I didn't expect that Liu Qianrong shook her head.

"That's it, I can't tell you. I and I have my own problems. And I assure you that I will do my best to protect the family of the palace. Please, you've accomplished me!"

I have talked about this, Lin Mengya is not really asking.

After all, Liu Qianrong and her are not purely subordinate relationships.

However, Liu Qianrong once entrusted her to go to the palace to return things, and now she is going to take care of her family.

This matter, she always thought it was not that simple.

If Xun refused, Liu Qianrong wouldn't give up, and if she thought of other ways, she would exceed her expectations.

I thought about it, but she didn't agree immediately.

"You allow me to think about it. You also know that my relationship with the palace family is not ordinary. The young lady is not here. Ask me to take good care of the palace family. I am not distrusting you. I just have to be more careful. ? "

Qiu Liuqianrong nodded with disappointment, but she was a smart person and naturally knew the other side's consideration.

In particular, it is still in the situation that several young masters and their ancestors are sick.

"I'm waiting for your news, please rest assured, if you don't let me go, I won't go."

I heard Liu Qianrong personally broke her worry, but Lin Mengya felt a little embarrassed.

In the end, it was the heart of her villain.

"Thank you for being considerate of me, so let me consider tomorrow morning. I will definitely give you an answer."

Qiu Liuqianrong was relieved immediately, after thanking her, she quit her room.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the silhouette of the counter-attack on the door and window, and gradually walked away, sighing softly.

"Clear Fox, you said Liu Qianrong, why did you take the initiative to ask the house to go to the palace?"

He who had been hiding in the room came out of the shadows.

He chuckled, glanced at the door inadvertently, and said playfully.

"Not for revenge or for revenge."

She glanced at the other person, this man's eyes were always so poisonous.

But she felt that Liu Qianrong didn't seem to be going against their great ancestors.

Only before, Liu Qianrong's intentional or unintentional attitude was to avoid the palace family.

Now suddenly changed, why?

"Yes, Liu Qianrong's past, what can you find?"

For the people around her, Lin Mengya must be informed.

Qing Qinghu sat in front of her, holding her chin in a stunned posture, and shouted.

"I heard that she and her mother came from a large family. About ten years ago, as the mother moved to a small village. Their mother and daughter had a very severe population. Over the years, no one has found them. Years ago, her mother died, and then she came here and took the initiative to come to her door and became Wen Yuge's top card. "

This experience is nothing strange, but in the end, there is still a doubt in her heart.

She was confused by Qing Fox's look on her face, her mouth whine unconsciously, and her small face was bulging, cute and very cute. Reached out her finger and poked her cheek gently.


She gave the other side a glance, but Qinghu smiled more happily and poked her harder.

She did not dodge for a few moments, but could only glared at the other side, warning in her mouth.

"I can tell you, if you let me pierce this mask, I will take your skin off and make it again!"

面具 This mask is not ordinary, it is taken from a precious fish in the sea.

Plus the teacher's unique secrets, so the hand feels very close to real skin.

As a result, Qinghu got addicted to Qinghu.

"Okay, how old are you and playing this boring trick. Let's go, what do you think of?"

She rolled her eyes, but did not hide.

After waiting for Qinghu to poke enough, the talent said quietly.

"Girl, have you never thought about it, could she and her mother be the evils created by the palace family?"

"Do you mean, she is a illegitimate daughter of the palace family? This is impossible. If she is really a woman of the palace family, then she would have been welcomed back to the palace family. Does it still require me to work hard? "

She rolled her eyes and found Qinghu's statement too unreliable.

But the clear fox was paralyzed in front of her, her eyes flashing with cold light.

"For all these years, the palace family could not have a girl. Is there any way to guarantee that they only have boys?"

Actually, she also considered it before.

But it may be because of the special health of the palace family.

Especially this time, the great ancestors of their great ancestors were actually caused by blood, which made her even more sure that the physique of the palace family was different from ordinary people.

However, Liu Qianrong's performance gave her another guess.

"Maybe, what she wants to report is not kindness or resentment, but‘ fate ’.”

Qing Qinghu's eyes rolled around and she understood what she meant.

呵 "Oh, you're right. But if that's the case, what are you going to do?"

I really want it to be like she guessed, but Liu Qianrong must fly away.

"I like her very much, if she can be my uncle, it is a beautiful thing."


Looking at her little bad figure who calculated others, Qinghu could not help poking at her white forehead.

I'm afraid it's Liu Qianrong, who has to do a lifetime job for her little girl.

"I am doing good deeds, don't come out and look at me as a traitor!"

She wanted to make a clear explanation, but it made Qinghu laugh more ridiculously.

Lin Lin Mengya was too lazy to care about her, thinking in her heart what she would say to Liu Qianrong tomorrow.

She also doesn't know which elder brother is bound to Liu Qianrong.

Otherwise, let Liu Qianrong try?

Anyway, most people do n’t want it.

Hey, would she tell us a little bit about her brother's condition?

My first time looking for my sister-in-law, she was a little nervous.

Fortunately, Axiu returned, interrupting the road of the matchmaker she wanted more and more.

One afternoon was enough for A Xiu to understand the situation of the lady clearly.

先生 The lady's name is Jin Yao. I didn't expect that, like Bai Su, she was a trainee.

In the college, the hanging name is to teach students to ride and shoot.

As for her relationship with Long Tianyu, it was really introduced by Long Tianyu, but he didn't show up in person, and was always assisted by someone.

However, he did not come out to deny his identity as a "fiancee."

In this case, this man is indeed the dead man who got in.

Well, when she was still alive, he dared to spread scandals with others!

一 Her complexion, just when she wanted to find someone to settle accounts, she heard Axiu, and said timidly.

"However, it seems that you and Ma Beichen have made a public noise"

With a bang, a swell of anger, I was pierced by this sentence.

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