Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1633: Come to your door

Hey, it seems a little awkward.

But she was indeed innocent, but always felt as if she was not so straightforward.

But she felt really panicked.

"Forget it, I'll let him go for the time being, do you have any other news?"

A Xiu inspected the situation and knew that Sister Ya was temporarily unprepared to come to her for accountability, and laughed inwardly.

哪里 I wonder where she is, this is their little hobby.

The reason why Sister Wu Ya relaxed so easily is simply because Sister Ya didn't care about the rumor at all.

I just want to take the opportunity to play with her unsmiling brother-in-law.

"Others are nothing, except the people in the academy have a slight criticism of this Mr. Jin. It is difficult to serve her because she has a big temper and a big frame. In the academy, besides having contact with His Royal Highness, others are not at all Not in your eyes. "

In this case, the character of this man is very proud.

But such a person should not be regarded by Yu. It will never be used by him, but Jin Yao did indeed enter the college that he borrowed.

It seemed to me that there was something she didn't know.

She raised her eyes and looked at Qinghu.

Xi Fangcai still looked at the comfortable person, and was staring a little at her.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I'm on your side, if I know something, can I tell you in advance?"

Seeing his busy loyalty, Lin Mengya sniffed.

"You worked with him to lie to me? Is that enough? Forget it, I will let you go for the time being."

Wu Qinghu immediately pleased and smiled at her, but when the smile was not collected, she could hear her say quietly.

"Why don't you pretend to be a woman and go undercover? I always think that this Jin Yao is not that simple."

Qi Qinghu's face shuddered, this girl must be intentional!

As soon as Xun wanted to continue struggling, a loud knock came from outside.

"I'll open the door!"

Qing Qinghu wiped his feet with oil, opened the door, and went to the beam of the house, hiding it.

Lin Lin Mengya slurred a few words in her abdomen, and soon she adjusted her expression to welcome her.

I came in, and it was Liu Qianrong who was newly promoted.

The appearance is average, but the communication wrist is very smooth and superb. It is a good hand to welcome and adjust the relationship between the girls in the building.

At the same time, besides Liu Qianrong and her maid, the other person was the only one who could enter this small courtyard.

But, now, her face is a little bit wrong.

"Have met Mr."

嗯 "Well, girl Tourmaline is looking for me?"

Tourmaline does not come often, and every time he comes, he is also ordered to Liu Qianrong.

Tourmaline smiled softly and said softly.

"The tourmaline should not have disturbed Mr., but something happened in the front yard. Sister Qian Rong said, if you are convenient, I hope you can go to the front yard."

Even though the words are euphemistic, the meaning that can be conveyed is clear.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, in fact she is not unable to go.

"I'm fine, but Qian Rong is looking for me. Why don't you come here? You know, I'm not very convenient to go out and meet people."

After going through the things at the palace, no one dared to come in and take her.

Lin Mengya also changed her previous low-key approach, allowing Liu Qianrong to let go of the wind, and she admitted brightly that she was in Wen Yuge.

Because the palace family planted it, no one dared to come in openly to take someone.

Tourmaline froze his lips with embarrassment, and said it after considering it.

"It's not a big deal, but there is a guest in the front yard who wants to see you in person. Sister Qian Rong has done a good job with her, and that person has to see her. Sister Qian Rong can't help her Before sending me over to ask you. If you don't want to meet, I'll just send her away. "

If you can send it so well, why would Liu Qianrong ask tourmaline to invite her?

After all, she can't make Liu Qianrong so embarrassed, and she has made up her mind to let Liu Qianrong go to the palace house. In case of any accident, it is not good.

"Who are the guests? But from the palace or Mu family?"

Tourmaline shook his head with a strange look on his face.

"No, it is a female guest. She said that she is Mr. Su Yan's fiancee."

Frowning, Lin Mengya was a little surprised.

She didn't come to see what the other party was doing, but Jin Yao actually came to the door.

If so, could she not see her?

"Well then, I'll see you wherever you go. But, I'm worthless, can anyone see me?"

I heard her say so, while tourmaline was relieved, she felt a little curious.

I can only say, is Mr. Su Mei and Mr. Su Yan a pair?

Why did you suddenly have a fiancee again?

"Mr. Nai mean--"

"Someone in ancient times turned into a poem in seven steps, and today I have seven steps to give birth to a lotus. Go tell her. I am not a girl in this building, but if I meet her here, I will become a person in this building. In this way, my living expenses are very expensive! "

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her teeth, a small sample, think carefully, dare to show it in front of her?

Tourmaline's thoughts are clear, and a little bit understands.

"I see, sir, just say, how to grow lotus in seven steps, I'll do it right away."

Lin Lin Mengya beckoned with a smile.

"Come here with ears"

She has a plan to fight back against Jin Yao. Outside, Liu Qianrong, who is dealing with Jin Yao, has a lot of anger in her heart.

Although I say that opening a door to do business, they are all wealthy.

Although they say they are doing business by leaning on the door to laugh, but few people hit people but not face, so few people say so boldly and straightforwardly that they come out to sell.

The person in front of him could not shake his face when he came up, the people around him were even more educated, and they always thought that they were dirty here.

No matter how dirty they are, they don't reach out to others for money.

However, they are only relying on the wealth of their parents, there is nothing to look at.

So although she had to entertain with pressure, she was not very warm.

I yelled, the maid slammed the tea cup on the table.

He backhanded and gave the tea girl a mouth.

"How do you do things? This tea is so hot. If you burn our lady, ten of your cheap lives are not enough!"

The servant girl was fierce and gave her little glance at the beaten girl.

The flower girls around me couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help dragging the little girl back to fight back.

"What's so great, if you think we won't serve others, go down alone."

As soon as the maid heard it, he stared at the flower lady.

"It's just a **** who waits, you dare to talk to me like that!"

But where the flower mother was afraid of her, she laughed at the moment.

"What's wrong with the sister-in-law who waits for someone? The man in the city, holding the money to let the old lady wait for you. Unlike you, nobody wants to wait for Bai!"

"I rip your mouth!"

The servant girl was going to hit someone when she came up, and the other girls who were watching immediately stopped, and the scene looked confused.

At this moment, Liu Qianrong coughed.

"Stay back for me, who taught you, so unruly? People are guests when they come, and I apologize to them."

要 If this is something else, I am afraid that the aggrieved person will feel angry.

But the girls in Wen Yuge, but they are all the people on the field.

At the moment, the flower mother who scolded the maid was said first.

"Oh, Sister Qianrong is right. I shouldn't talk nonsense, can't control my broken mouth. It also broke our Wen Yuge's rules. It is really uneducated and vulgar. This female guest, I'll pay you for your crime. Don't bother with me, and don't reward our mouth. This face, but the guy we eat. If I break you, I'm afraid you can't afford it. "

The flower girl was so yin and yang that it was so damaging that the maid's face was red and white.

Qianliu Qianrong winked at him, and the talking flower lady twisted the water snake waist immediately and went back.

I looked back, she said with a little apology.

"Let the guests laugh, our girl is used to nature, you don't care about him."

Xi Jinyao was unhappy, she couldn't hear it anywhere, Liu Qianrong was defending that little bitch.

Had she been at home, she would have dealt with that **** woman long ago.

I do n’t think she ’s here today, but there is something more important.

"Anyway, it is also my people who are not sensible. It is no wonder that they do not see here on weekdays. After all, this is not a serious person. It is inevitable that it will be a bit unsuitable."

Two people went back and forth and hit each other.

Qiang Liu Qianrong worked hard, and naturally did not reveal any discomfort.

"Yes, thank you for your forgiveness. Come, give your guests a pot of Qionghua wine."

This wine, but in Yecheng, are rare rare products.

But against, but did not appreciate it, just urged expressionlessly.

"You don't have to drink wine. I came here today to see Mr. Su Mei. Why hasn't she come yet?"

I am very polite.

Yan Liu Qianrong heard the words, his eyes flashed and said.

"Sir, it's just the VIP here. It's very busy on weekdays. Even I rarely see it. Want to come out, can't I get away for a while?"

"Hmm! Is there anything else I can't get out of in the blue house, isn't I busy picking up customers?"

侍 The maid didn't take advantage, and her mouth was even more vicious.

Qiu Liuqianrong had a cold heart, and she was very upset when she was described as her friend.

I really think that Wen Yuge is where they can scatter wildly?

When Xun was thinking of her being soft and hard, she saw the tourmaline with a smile and answered the hall.

He seems to have arranged otherwise.

"This distinguished guest, my husband said that although the visitor is a guest, she is busy with business and she can't get away."

Before she finished speaking, she was robbed by An maid.

"You shouldn't refuse our lady because of something she has!"

Xi Bixi immediately laughed and continued.

"This girl is right, but my husband has a different temperament. If you must see it, there is a way."

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