Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1638: Interrogation

Presumably, no one likes being told that he is ill. When the manager's face changes, he will scold them both.

He didn't want the divine doctor, just snorted coldly, and said yin and yang strangely.

"In the past few days, you must not sleep well at night."

With a word, the expression on the manager's face froze slightly.

After the **** doctor looked up and down casually again, there was a bit of ridicule in his tone.

"You've lost so much, and you're not afraid that you won't be able to get up someday. When you were young, you didn't do much wrong. When you get older, you will find it sooner or later."

He said this in an obscure way.

But the steward understood the meaning, and could not help but murmur.

Although he has been alive and well for a hundred days in recent years, once he got his gimmick, he was a bit weak. Instead, he was teased by the mother-in-law all day.

He couldn't help but swallow a spit of water, and he took a little bit to please him.

"Old **** doctor, I didn't know Tarzan before, and I was offended. Please don't take it seriously."

The doctor glanced at him, proud.

管 The dilemma of the steward is related to his man's heroism, where dare to neglect.

Fortunately, the apprentice next to him resolved his predicament.

"You don't need to worry. Although my husband is a bit irritable, he is not an unreasonable person. In this way, you can allow my husband to go to the clinic for treatment. I can help you with other things."

I sold one's favor. Although the other party wasn't called Thanksgiving Ded, at least it was more pleasing to the eye.

He was just one more apprentice, and everything was under the supervision of the steward, and he couldn't find any tricks, so he stopped barging.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Seeing people being released, the people following the Ma family also showed a flattering smile.

Beneath Lin Mengya's eyelids, the Ma family took out a silver ticket and quietly shoved it to the steward.

It turned out that it was prepared.

A slight movement in her heart, it seems that Ma Beichen has used a lot of his mind.

I have money to take it, and maybe I can restore my masculinity. The manager suddenly smiled, and his attitude was much more kind.

The mouth of the man who followed the horse's family was like a lotus flower, and in a few words, he understood the preferences of the steward, and now they are very happy.

Lin Lin Mengya and the teacher gave a vague glance at each other, and the two walked to the courtyard where their great ancestor temporarily lived.

As soon as Ji knocked on the door, a voice of Gong Ping inquired.

"who is it?"

"Little brother, we are the divine doctors invited by the Ma family to diagnose the masters of the palace family."

Her voice has been covered up, Miyahira may not recognize it.

I saw the door open, revealing Gong Ping's suspicious face.

"Ma's house? Which horse's house?"

It seems that Gong Tu didn't notify in advance.

有人 Someone stared outside, and she didn't dare to reveal too many flaws, so she had to raise her voice to answer.

"It's the horse family that has a close relationship with your young lady, oh, the one who invited us is the young master Ma family, Ma Beichen."

I heard that it was the Ma family and Gong Ping's alert, but there was no half-cut.

I was just an attitude, not as if I had been rigid.

"Because it is the kindness of Master Ma, then you can come in. Just be careful, our master and master, Jin Gui."


After saying so, Gong Ping let open the door.

Lin Lin Mengya helped the teacher and went into the room.

She took a deep breath, but fortunately there was no one else in the room except the great ancestor of her great ancestor and her brothers.

In my opinion, the side of Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu was really assured of their means.

Wu Gongping kept staring at them. Lin Mengya didn't take the time to explain too much, she just lowered her voice and said something in her own voice.

"it's me."

Hei Gongping listened and recognized her instantly.

I could not help but be a little excited, but Lin Mengya immediately made him snor.

"This is the **** doctor I invited, you go to the door and look at it, don't let them find it."

Xi Gongping nodded and immediately went to the door with due diligence.

Teacher Nian also changed the old-fashioned dragon bell that was installed outside, and quickly reached the great ancestor's bed.

"This pulse is indeed strange."

After looking at the pulse of several people at a time, Teacher Biao frowned.

If you look at it from the pulse, a few people are indeed weak, but this imagination is not consumed, but faint, something is suppressed.

"Silver Post."

She immediately took out the silver needle in the medicine box, and the teacher didn't look at it. She just found out the silver needle he needed based on the touch.

I saw him quickly tear open the clothes of his second brother's chest and put needles on him.

Teacher Yun started, naturally, fast and accurate, which made her out of reach.

Twenty-five silver needles went down, but the position surrounded the heart faintly.

Teacher Yun stared at the brother's chest intently, but she did not dare to speak, and followed the teacher to stare at the brother's wide and strong chest.

Just now the bronze-colored chest muscles gradually swelled with purple lines.

The more and more of the lines gathered, the denser the chest filled with silver needles at last, the more strange and unpredictable.

At this time, the second brother also reacted.

下 Under the closed eyelids, the eyes could be seen rolling back and forth.

"Second Brother, Second Brother!"

She lay softly in the ears of the second brother, her eyes trembled, and she seemed to be open at any time.

Ecstatic in her heart, but at this moment, the purple lines on the brother's chest suddenly spread out.

For a moment, he disappeared all over his chest.

The second brother, again, had no sign of waking up.

"Lack of success!"

听到 She heard the hate of the teacher gritting her teeth.

The loss in Xun's heart couldn't be added, but she quickly thought that since the teacher could let the second brother have such a response, she wanted to come, she also had a clue.

As long as there is a little hope, she will also rescue her great-grandfather and a few brothers.

"It doesn't matter, teacher, it is difficult to start everything, and we will succeed."

Teacher Yun looked at her and sighed quietly.

But in the eyes, hope has never been annihilated.

"Miss, did you not wake up, Master Er?"

I saw it only when I was squared, and I was so excited.

He has waited so long, waited so long, and finally saw the dawn of hope, how can he not focus?

Unfortunately, in the end, the second master still couldn't wake up.

Can't help but feel downcast.

Lin Lin Mengya touched his head and said softly.

"It just failed temporarily, and soon we will find a way to save people."

No matter how bad I feel, there is hope.

The firmness in Xie Gongping's eyes made her more moving.

I presumably he is here, and he has suffered.

Teacher Meng is still thinking about the condition of several people, and Lin Mengya is doing the aftercare work.

Unplugged a few silver needles, and she wiped them with a clean cloth before putting them in a small box, ready to go back for disinfection.

But I didn't expect that there was a little bit of green left on the white cloth.

Strange, how could it be green?

She lifted the cloth towel and placed it in the sun, narrowed her eyes and looked carefully.

I'm right.

Even though the color is extremely pale, if the cloth towel is not pure white, this green color will definitely be ignored.

I put it under my nose and sniff gently. It is sensitive to ordinary people's smell and doesn't smell anything special.

Thallium is not blood or body fluids.

What is this thing?

"Teacher, what do you think this is?"

She gave the cloth towel to the teacher, and Barry Rui also worked hard to look at it for a while before seeing the touch of green.

"What's going on?"

Bali Rui also had a look of doubt, if she did not remind, I am afraid he would not notice.

But looking horizontally, they didn't understand the mystery.

And the quantity is too small for Shennong system to detect, only preliminary determination, this is not a poison.

"You put this thing away, I suddenly remembered one thing, maybe it had something to do with it."

She heard that she immediately put the towel on the bottom of the medicine box and hid it.

"Come here!"

才 As soon as they packed up, they heard Gong Ping's reminder.

The two masters and mentors cooperated tacitly. The teacher sat in a chair all of a sudden while she pretended to be organizing the medicine box.

As soon as they were done, the door suddenly opened.

Gong Ping was standing in the doorway, and almost hit the door.

After seeing the man, he could only be angry and stared at him.

"Where is the sacred doctor?"

Behind me, there was the overcast sound of Gong Tu.

Gao Linmengya suddenly became stiff, was it because they were showing something sloppy, so they attracted the palace slaughter?

Alas, fortunately, she has always been in danger.

I turned around and immediately returned with a smile.

"This master, my husband has just finished the diagnosis and is resting."

Teacher Wu also dressed up to make herself look at least 70 or 80 years old.

When Xu sat with his eyes down on a chair, it really matched the design of his old divine doctor.

The sight of Xun Gongtu swept around.

他 He rarely comes here, but it seems nothing unusual.

Finally, his eyes fell on the two outsiders.

"I don't know Mr. this time, what can you see?"

This is the temptation.

Well, they set the words before them, the teacher said slowly.

"It's not a big illness, it's just weird."

"Oh? In this case, the old man already knows how to diagnose and treat?"

Pu Gongtu's expression remained unchanged, but she felt his suffocation.

As long as the teacher said he could cure them, he would immediately take action against them.

But the teacher just raised his eyelids, as if he didn't notice it, he said slowly.

"This disease, I can't cure it. But if I can't cure the disease, you can search the world, and you can't find anyone who can cure it. Why? The old man thinks that he is not good at arts, and you still have to make me difficult?"

Suddenly suspicious Gong Tu, where would he believe it, he turned his mind and asked again.

"Sir, really can't be cured?"

"Government? Unless I am King Yan alive, go to the book of life and death, I'm afraid I can cure the disease."

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