Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1639: Detention temptation

After hearing this, Gong Tu apparently felt relieved.

But because of the presence of outsiders, he can only pretend to be worried.

I glanced at the people lying on the bed, and said sadly.

"I didn't expect that our palace would suffer a disaster. My ancestors are assured that I will look for famous doctors all over the world, and at all costs, I will let you recover."

"Master's mind will definitely move to heaven. The ancestors and a few sons will definitely miss your mind."

This is so true that it can't be false any more, it can't be any more false.

Lin Lin Mengya watched coldly, watching them play.

After a few words of emotion, Xie Gongtu looked at them both.

"It ’s a rare visit to the sacred doctor, and it ’s really hard for us to run around for our family affairs. It ’s better to just rest for a few days under the house, and then go for a walk."

Xiong Gong Tu's face was full of smiles, I'm afraid that even if they wanted to leave, it would be so easy.

"You, are you forcing us?"

Teacher Yun was rude, and asked bluntly.

Xia Gongtu was not angry, but his attitude did not change.

"I have heard about the prestige of the therapist for a long time, and I have a rare chance to meet. I just want to be close to the therapist and touch your light."

"My old bone, I can't stand the bumps."

不会 "No, I'm ready, as long as the sacred doctor stays here for a few days, let's do our best to help the landlord."

Speaking of this, I was obviously not prepared to let them go.

This unexpected situation, they had expected before, did not feel much urgency.

I should be Gong Tu afraid that they really see something, so I want to lock them up for a few more days.

Yeah, they came in under the name of Ma Beichen.

Xia Gongtu did not dare to treat them like that. She lived for a few days, but she was not afraid.

I just, Gong Tu don't regret it.

"Sir, I think so, I was blown away by the host's good intentions. You have worked hard and spent a lot of energy for a long time, so why don't you take a few days off here?"

Teacher Ning nodded when she saw her say so.

"There is a master Lao Gong."

哪里 "Where, the divine doctor is very kind. Come, take the divine doctor to rest."

Pu Gongtu narrowed his eyes and stared vigilantly at the two men.

After his own people led them all out, Gong Tu's expression suddenly cooled down.

"You all go out."

下 The servants immediately responded, and in the room, he and Gong Ping were two normal people.

With his back facing Gong Ping, Gong Tu's mouth sneered.

"What are these two people for?"

At this time, Gong Ping lowered her head and replied sternly.

"Isn't they the **** doctor invited by Ma Beichen? Isn't this much clearer than me?"

After hearing the impatience and ridicule in the words, Xun Gongtu turned and stared sharply at the young man in front of him.

"Did you just talk to your father like that?"

"My father? Didn't my father die long ago?"


With a crackling sound, Gong Tu's mercilessness gave Gong Ping a slap.

The slender young man took a step back where his opponent, a slap, was beaten.

He covered his face and stared angrily at the man in front of him.

"My father, it has never been you!"

He squeezed his horn tightly and yelled hard.

Even now, he still cannot accept such a cruel reality.

In the eyes of Gong Tu, there was no guilt or distress.

I just stared coldly, looking at the blood in front of me.

"Whether you admit it or not, all that flows on you is the blood from my palace. Don't forget your mission, don't think about getting close to the old things of Gong Qianfeng. If they wake up, know you are My son of the palace, what do you think they will do to you? At that time, you will be kicked out of them, like a bereavement dog! "

Xun Gong Tu Na pinched the thing he cared about the most.

When I was young, he accidentally broke through the scene of Gong Tu and his mother's private party.

Before the death of his wife, his mother also told him his life.

It turned out that the mother and Gong Tu were young children.

Even after their mother married their father, the two of them broke off their ties.

He is the son of Gong Tu and the blood testimony of his mother's infidelity.

I pity his simple mother, and never forget the sweet words of Gong Tu until his death.

I mentioned to him, begged him, and asked him to help Gong Tu and plot everything for the palace family.

He was extremely distressed, but he had no help.

I look forward to this day in my heart, and will never come.

I didn't expect that it was still the palace turk, and found an opportunity.

"No! I have never done anything I'm sorry about the palace family, they, they will certainly not drive me out!"

"Hum! Gong Ping, why are you as naive as that wreck? I have done so many things, but you are my biological son. Do you think they will still believe you?"

Xi Gongping bit his teeth tightly. He was not afraid of being misunderstood or kicked out of the house.

He was afraid that he would lose his family forever.

I lost his life in the past, trembling but extremely warm.

Xun Gongtu laughed at him, disdainful in his heart.

He never took this child to heart, but in the end, he is his own seed.

只要 "As long as you are obedient and obedient, until the day I master the palace family, I can let you live a peaceful life."

"You won't succeed! Miss is a terrific person, you can't fight her!"

"It's just a woman, even if she is in danger, how can it be? By the time she returns, the palace family is already in my pocket. Yeah, she or palace dance, but it's mine Alas. Gong Ping, you should recognize the reality earlier. "

I saw the determined tone in his mouth, but Gong Ping suppressed the resentment in his heart.

He can't give up and never give up.

Even if he is afraid of the consequences of his identity exposure, then what?

I'm the worst, but it's just the death of Huang Quan?

Even if he ended up like this, he felt happy.

After all, he didn't want to be a traitor to the palace with the blood of this sinner.

He must be patient, restrain, and protect his ancestors.

The young man who bears humiliation is extremely tough.

Miss Dao they are working hard, so should he.

Since these days, he keeps tumbling, burning his love and hate like flames. After the moment he figured it out, he calmed down slowly.

Xun Gong Tu also wanted to use him, so he would endure him.

In this case, he might as well make good use of it.

算 Even if he had redeemed a little bit for his sinful father and mother.

总 "In short, you can't hurt my ancestors and a few young masters! They have such a gracious regard for me. Even if you are my biological father, you can nourish your grace."

I saw that the rotten boy's attitude had finally softened, and Gong Tu couldn't help getting proud.

"As long as I grasp the lifeline of the palace family, their life and death are not so important. As long as you obediently, Gong Ping, I will let you have endless prosperity and wealth. After all, you are my biological son, although I cannot Call me a father in front of outsiders, but at least not worse than others. "

He is not rare at all, this ambitious and greedy father!

But he must restrain and endure.

He sighed deeply, and he straightened his face, trying to make himself disgusted, not to be so explicit.

好 "Okay, you have to remember what you say."

"Knowledgers are Junjie, not to mention we are biological fathers and sons. How can I treat you badly?"

"I know."

Xiong Gongping's coldness, Gong Tu didn't care.

Anyway, he just wants to use Miyahira.

"I ask you, those two really are"

"I said, they're just doctors invited by the Ma family. If you don't believe me, ask yourself!"

Xun Gongping interrupted his words politely, and Gong Tu's heart immediately burst into violent anger.

But he thought, pretending to be a loving father, so as to subdue this person for his own use, he could only bear it.

"Miyahei, pay attention to your attitude! I ask you, do they see anything?"

没有 "No, like the doctors before, there is nothing to say."

Then, Gong Tu was unbelievable.

He stared at Gong Ping coldly, trying to find the flaw from his face.

Suddenly, Gong Ping was always a little bit angry, but his eyes were not as bright as before, but a touch of dimness.

Obviously, he has already given his fate.

Humph! This little **** will help him sooner or later.

既然 "That being the case, then I'm relieved. Over there, who can you send these days?"

Xia Gongping's eyes flashed. Although he was trapped in the yard, he noticed a subtle relationship between the two.

Piss them, there is already a gap. Beware of each other, I'm afraid they are also calculating each other.

"I only sent the 嬷嬷 next to her a few times."

Xia Gongtu's eyes narrowed slightly, and what he was most afraid of now was the secret held by Gong Wu.

Kuimiya Mai said that as long as he is a family member, he will never escape.

It also made him a bit of a jerk, for fear of himself, and they became like Gong Qianfeng.

女人 The woman has become more daring by relying on this secret, so she doesn't take him seriously.

He needs this secret, so that no one can stop him anymore!

"What did she do when she came?"

"I don't know, every time she comes, she will be kicked out of me. After I came in, I didn't find anything abnormal."

Xu Gongtu still did not give up, but he did not have the patience to continue to ask.

He waved his hand impatiently, threatening.

"Even if you are not close to me, you should know that Gong Wu is our common enemy. This time the old trick is because of Gong Wu's conspiracy, you stopped her for me, lest you He also suffered. "

Hegong Ping's heart moved slightly, he couldn't help asking a question.

"On the basis of the palace dance, what made the ancestors recruit them?"

He is treacherous like palace slaughter, where can I tell him the truth.

"As long as you work for me, don't ask the rest, don't worry about it."

Gong Tu was too lazy to waste time with him after his cold reprimand had been criticized by Gong Ping.

He walked out of the small courtyard where the old immortal was closed, and his confidant immediately greeted him.

This book comes from wanting to chat with the like-minded poison doctor princess with more like-minded people.

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