Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1641: Two birds with one stone

Qi Lin Mengwu looked at her mother in doubt and asked tentatively.

"Mother means, let the Ma family deal with Gong Tu?"

"That's right. You saw that night, Ma Beichen was so lost by that little bitch. Baba sent someone over to the Gong family for treatment, and for this reason he did not hesitate to tear his face with Gong Tu. If something happened to his people, and it also affected the Gong family, what would he do according to the kid's practice? "

Qi Lin Mengwu thought about it in her mind carefully, and after she thought about the cause and effect, she sneered.

"Mother is right. By then, Ma Beichen will surely believe that the palace family is the one who has dealt with the palace, and that the therapist must have killed them. So, isn't he still upset?"

She Shangguan Qingxin comfortably touched her daughter's little face, yes, no one is smarter than her dancer.

"That's right, we will watch Ma Beichen turn upside down at that time. Gong Tu is suspected of murdering the ancestors of the palace family and can no longer be trusted by the family. The palace family saved their face, and when the palace family did not thank you, who would they thank? "

Lin Lin Mengwu smiled, and put her head in her mother's arms, just like she did before, spoiling wantonly.

"You still have a long-term vision, your daughter knows what to do."

"Wuer, you have to stay calm. No matter how bad Gong Tu is, he is also a Gong family. Without him, it will be difficult for you to master the Gong family."

女儿 "Daughter understands, thank you mother for teaching."

It is said on the pout, but Lin Mengwu has already been extremely disgusted with Gong Tu.

The last time she was wronged at Mu's house, she sent many people to seek palace slaughter, but the other party delayed it with immature timing.

Finally, if it wasn't for her almost tearing his face with Gong Tu, he would have got him back.

Namu ’s family is really not a good thing, especially Namu ’s city, with a somber face all day, that made her look frightened.

But when she came back, Gong Tu actually blamed her for not taking care of the overall situation?

If she delays further, Mu Yucheng will kill him!

Fortunately, in order to plug Gong Tu's mouth, she revealed her killer.

Huh, without her, I'm afraid Gong Tu wouldn't be able to enter the gate of the palace's old house.

Now, he wants to cross the river and break the bridge, dreaming!

After the mother-daughter and the daughter-in-law talked about each other, Lin Mengwu brought her confidant maid with her resentment against Gong Tu.

After Xun ordered to go down, she announced to the outside that she was in a bad mood and wanted to clean up.

I then condemned more than half of the servants to go out, and did not leave the door all day.

But everyone in the palace family saw it. So, if something happened to the palace family, it had nothing to do with her.

Dark tide, surging in the night.

After staying for a night, Lin Mengwu finally ushered in a guest.

"Excuse me, old gentleman?"

Early in the morning, Gong Tu's confidant, Zun Gu, carried a pack of things and knocked on the door.

Lin Lin Mengya pretended to yawn and welcomed people in.

"Sorry, my husband is not up yet, I wonder if this is you"

"Oh, yesterday I heard my husband talk about my illness. The more I went back, the more I became scared, so I came to ask you, it was anxious."

In my opinion, this man is greedy for fear of death.

Lin Lin Mengya gathered her mind and asked politely.

"I don't know what you call it?"

"In the Xia Gong Zhun, is the steward of this house"

"It turned out to be the housekeeper of the palace, disrespectful and disrespectful. I'm really sorry, my husband is lazy at home. This is not until noon, it means that he will not get up."

Hiromi's face shuddered unconsciously, looking a little displeased.

Gao Linmengya knows that they are all used to following Gong Tu. Where can they stand? Some people let them wait?

人 The man quickly turned his face, his tone slightly cold.

"The divine doctor is different, but if my illness is delayed, what's the matter?"

Do you really consider yourself an important person?

Lin Lin Mengya chuckled in her heart, but her face was distressed.

"It's true, my husband is old, and his body is always good and bad. The reason why he sleeps so long is to cultivate his body. In case of disturbing my husband, I am afraid that it will offend my heartbeat. But how is it good? "

I saw that she really didn't want to go in and call others. No matter how unhappy Gong Zhun was, she couldn't break in.

He rose suddenly, collapsed his features, and stared at her dissatisfied.

既然 "That being the case, then I won't bother and say goodbye."

"Walk slowly, I must tell my husband and let him treat you as soon as possible!"

She followed Gong Zhun and shouted intentionally.

I waited until the man had gone far, and then he walked briskly and returned to the house.

At this time, the teacher also came out neatly from the back room.



Bali Rui's eyes are clear, where is it like a awakened person?

In fact, he got up a long time ago, and it was all she did just now.

"That man should have been tested by the palace slaughter team. In that case, I will let him test enough."

Lin Lin Mengya said with a smile, she was obviously in the wolf's den, but she was still eating and sleeping well, without half the trouble.

I didn't even have Barry Rui infected with her, and there was no sorrow in the bitter wind and rain.

"What shall we do?"

"You eat first, and after a while, I'll take you out for a tour. The scenery of the old house in the palace is very good. You should come here and relax.

Bali Rui's face froze. How did he feel that what traps were always buried in the words of his students?

But soon, he was really pulled out of the yard by Lin Mengya.

"Sir, I have long heard that the palace's old house is different. Seeing today, it really is extraordinary!"

跟 She followed the teacher, and 叽叽喳喳 's drama was enough, and she performed herself as an elementary school student who had never seen the world before.

"Well, it's really good."

Bai Lirui was jealous of his cover, and could only pretend to be a little bit weaker.

He usually walks like a fly without feeling tired. After bending and humpback walking for a while today, he felt that his waist was a little sore.

Alas, I am old and I have n’t bent over.

Lin Lin Mengya also knew that she was distressed by the teacher, and soon found a gazebo to take the teacher to rest.

The people sent by the Xun Gong Tu to name them came to take care of them, but they came to monitor them.

I saw that they looked around and yelled. They really did come to visit the scenery, but they couldn't help but despise each other in their hearts. They had never seen earth buns.

In addition, Lin Mengya intentionally annoyed them, so when they saw something slightly more expensive, they grabbed them and asked the West.

These two also annoyed her, avoiding from a distance, and took advantage of the shade in the shade.

On Lin Mengya's side, she is enjoying the surrounding scenery. In fact, she is looking at some people.

"Teacher, how are you? Would you like me to rub it for you?"

She bent her eyes and asked with a few gloats.

Teacher Yun gave her a blank look, but nodded.

She immediately sat down next to the teacher, gently and gently, rubbing her waist.

"We've all been around for so long, what are you doing?"

不 "No matter, I just want to tell the people in this house that someone is here."

She knows that Lin Mengwu definitely knows this, and she knows that Lin Mengwu might get some things done by them.

So, the purpose of her coming out is to expose herself and her teacher to Lin Mengwu.

Look at how old and weak they are.

I also want to attract more people's attention. Only in this way, once they are in trouble, they will get into trouble.

The best is the one that can drag Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu into the water.

"Do what you want to do. Since I'm here with you, I must help you do what you want to do."

To be honest, she feels guilty about the teacher.

老师 The teacher has been protecting her and helping her. Numerous times in danger for her.

So she respects her teacher and regards her teacher as her biological father.

She is just like her and Qinghu. She has some feelings, and is not maintained by blood.

"Thank you teacher, let's go inside in a while."

After this time, she has one more thing to do.

Teacher Wu didn't ask why, but after rest for a while, he trembled out of the gazebo again.

"Let's go and see over there."

Teacher Yun took the initiative to point in one direction, and there was exactly where she was going.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that this was the teacher helping her.

I held the teacher's arm, two teachers and apprentices, and walked towards the inner backyard.

I soon arrived at the yard where she lived.

No surprise, she was blocked out.

"Who are you? How can you break into here?"

The person in charge of the gate is obviously the person who is Gong Tu or Lin Mengwu.

Lin Lin Mengya quickly said a few words of regret and left with her teacher.

知道 She knows that Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu will surely turn her yard upside down.

After all, the biggest secret here is the secret house full of the wealth of the palace family.

It's just that they can never find the key, and even if they find the key, they can't open the secret vault.

Alas, the purpose of her visit is not here.

路 Passing from the main courtyard, she went to the courtyard where Lin Mengwu now lives.

梦 Lin Mengwu, who was too inadequate to hold back in the past, had closed the door today, even missing a gatekeeper, which made her feel strange.

After a few more glances, I was scolded by those behind me.

"Don't look at it! This is the courtyard of Miss Er, which offends Miss Er, you can't take it for a walk!"

She nodded and promised, but her heart was sneer.

A good second lady, did Shangguan Qing and Lin Mengwu really think that the palace lady is so good?

But Lin Mengwu's closed door did not make her even more confirm a certain possibility in her heart.

Lin Lin Mengwu wanted to act, and now she did it just to let herself escape some suspicion.

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