Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1642: Fall into a pond

I heard that it was the courtyard of Miss Gongjia Er, and she looked at her teacher more closely.

Both of them knew the details of Lin Mengwu, and naturally felt that she was so dignified and truly shameless.

The two people did not continue to scold, they obeyed Gong Tu, and did not show much respect to the second lady.

咳 "Oh, I think we're walking far enough, too. My old bones, but I can't help it, let's go back."

"Yes, sir."

She helped the teacher to go back because the teacher was “weak” and took a rest in the gazebo when she came.

Opposite the desolate pavilion is a pond.

There were clusters of water lilies lying in the pond, dyed a pool of green.

Although no one took care of it, she also showed a sense of fun.

After two people had appreciated the water lilies for a while, they saw a man dressed as a maidservant who came to the pavilion.

The man Lin Mengya met a few times. Now he is waiting for Lin Mengwu.

When I saw them, my sister-in-law was calm and didn't even say hello, she scolded.

"Where's the old man, do you deserve the scenery here?"

She was so arrogant that she really looked like her master.

Gao Linmengya sank, but there was no easy fire.

"This girl, we are just here to admire the lotus, but we haven't bothered you, why should you speak so loudly?"

"The scenery here belongs to my lady. People like you, it is already a blessing to be repaired from previous lives. If you do n’t know how to do this, I will tell you to drive you out!"

The maid was on her hips, full of anger.

小姐 Miss has been in a bad mood in recent days. Her errands are not easy to do.

I now saw her as inferior to her, but it just happened to be smashed out.

"You, your junior, why are you so rude and barbaric!"

The old divine doctor must have never seen such a person. For a while, he pointed his finger at the other side with trembling anger, and even spoke incoherently.

When the apprentice saw this, he immediately passed over and rubbed his chest.

先生 "Mr. You can't be so angry, your body matters!"

The niece smiled even more wildly when she saw this.

"What's not useful, it's better to die!"

The apprentice was really provoked and went to the theory.

"How can you be so poisonous? My husband, but Mr. Magong deliberately invited me to give a diagnosis to your master. You do n’t have to be grateful. Why is it so bad!"

It's okay that she didn't mention this stubble. After mentioning it, the maidservant became even more angry.

If it wasn't for the nosy kid, why did the lady have such a big temper?

"Oh, **** doctor? If it is a **** doctor, why don't you see my old master? I see, it's an old scammer who cheats! Hey, even if you come out to do this kind of thing at such an old age, it's not shameful!"

Where is the old doctor who was pointed at the nose like this and scolded, the moment his eyes rolled, his body collapsed to the ground.

The apprentice yelled sir, and the two people resting outside the gazebo realized that something was wrong and immediately came over.

"You insult my husband so much, I must teach you a lesson!"

The apprentice did not wait for the two men to come over, set the husband on the ground, and then rushed forward.

Suddenly, two people scuffled together.

The maid screamed with tremor, making this place extremely lively.

The people outside were going to pull up immediately, but I did n’t know how the two did it. I saw that the apprentice and the maid went up the railing of the pavilion.

There was a "bang", the niece was down, the apprentice was up, and the two bumped into it.

Then the only thing that heard "wow" is that they both fell into the water.

"Save me! Ah! I can't get water!"

The maidservant went crazy for help, but she didn't see the elementary school student come ashore.

After the people in the pavilion stunned, they immediately asked for help.

"Ah! Someone caught me! Help"

The maidservant was panicked, but she didn't know when she had caught a cold hand on her ankle.

The hand pulled her down hard, she was caught off guard, and took a big sip of water.

Mouth and nose are completely blocked, and cold water is poured in at any time.

The maidservant had completely lost her ability to think, she just felt that the hands on her feet were getting closer and closer.

Fear made her even more panicked.

At this moment, she suddenly saw that a face appeared in front of herself.

His face was verdant, and it was a little unclear underwater.

But she can see the outline, she seems to see that green face is opening her mouth with blood, and she seems to eat her.

The maidservant was so scared that she stared at the green face, sliding her limbs desperately, trying to get rid of the cold hand.

But unfortunately, she can only sink deeper and deeper.

I soon passed out.

Humph! Grass bag!

Lin Lin Mengya threw away the hand leaf she just grabbed, blocked the lotus leaf on her face, and turned to swim to a position below the gazebo.

No one knows that the bottom of this small hall is actually built in the water.

At the same time, they are not clear. Here, there is a closed space where things are hidden.

Zhe Lin Mengya opened a loose green brick and, with one hand, drew a small paper bag wrapped in tarpaulin.

After hiding something in her clothes's sewn pocket in advance, she quickly swam to the place where she just fell into the water.

It was only a few minutes in total, and the oxygen in her mouth was exhausted.

With a last breath, she struggled to swim towards the lake.

Finally, she broke through the water like a dexterous mermaid, and then someone reached for a paddle.

"Here! People are here!"

Holding her oars, she took a big breath and made no secret.

Soon, the niece who was stunned by her was also rescued, but at this time, her breath was weak.

快 "Quick, press the water out of her belly!"

Her "weak" was taken to the boat, but she was very "good" to give each other support.

I have experience in the person responsible for saving people, immediately press the belly of my sister-in-law.

After waiting for the spit of the maidservant to spit out the water in which she was spitting in, the man suddenly screamed like a mad man.

有 "Yes, there are ghosts! Under the pool, there are ghosts! She pulled my feet and wanted to eat me!"

He said as he tugged at the rescuer's sleeve. Her body was sloppy, and she seemed to be terrified.

Suddenly, the faces of people around me were a little unsightly.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lin Mengya said weakly.

"She was probably scared by drowning. She can wake up with two slaps."

Everyone didn't understand what she meant, they saw that maid was crying and making noises, and even dragged their sleeves into the pool.

"Look, look, there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

I didn't notice any of that person, and I almost let my maid bring it to the pool.

Afraid of being on the bank, a clear-cut wife stepped forward, raised her arms, and gave the maid a few "mouths".

"Wake up your aging mother! Where there are ghosts, you think about it yourself!"

Maid, she was quiet for a moment.

She looked at those people indifferently, her eyes would not move.

I finally saw that everyone was quiet, and the people quickly dispersed, and someone left with the girl.

I only since then, I'm afraid she will never dare to approach the pond again.

"Du Zhong, are you okay?"

The old miracle doctor who was almost "angry" just poked his head out of the gazebo and asked with concern.

Lin Lin Mengya still kept her tenderness and weakness, and responded.

"Thank you, Mr. Thank you for your concern, Du Zhong is fine. Thanks also to a few big brothers, who can help each other by virtue. If not everyone, Du Zhong will be killed here."

She gave a deep ritual and said it with sincerity.

Compared with the mad woman who almost got into the water over there, it is obvious that she is like a man who fell into the water.

These people quickly said that it was all right, and after comforting her a few words, she sent her and the teacher back to Xiyuan.

But on the way, they already know the whole thing.

She also knew that the girl was rude in front of her, and she was so annoyed that the old mistress did not say, but also pulled her into the water.

"My husband came to cure the grandfathers and young masters. But she, but she cursed my husband to death. I don't know where we offended her."

He deliberately spoke pitifully and sadly, and several people who heard it immediately became angry.

Wu Yuguang spotted the two people sent by Gong Tu. After glancing at each other in faint glance, one of them was a few steps behind and disappeared.

I presumably went to report to his owner.

When I reached the yard, she thanked the teacher for a few more words, and closed the door on the grounds that she was shocked by falling water.

As soon as she became quiet, the teacher pressed quickly.

"Go and change your clothes so you don't get cold!"

She returned to the room immediately, changed her clean clothes, and then took a bath in hot water.

I waited until she returned to the teacher in a refreshing manner, but saw Gong Tu, who was sitting in the teacher's room.

Seeing her coming, Gong Tu asked immediately.

"I don't know little brother, how is your health now? I'm really sorry, because I am not strict enough to treat you, so you have been scared in vain."

She has heard movement in the room, so there is no flaw.

He was just a pair of eyes but he was a little disturbed, much like he was frightened.

Seeing Gong Tu asking this, he said timidly: "I have no problem, thank you for your concern."

"Well, it's okay, and I'm ashamed to say it. That niece is a rude girl serving next to my niece, and I'm usually not accustomed to it. I don't know what happened today, but dare to run into my noble guest. Looking back, I must be heavy Punish her! "

In addition to clarifying the relationship, Xie Gongtu's words are also testing her, why the niece did not mess with others, but provoked them.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya had a countermeasure, she bowed her head, and there was some injustice in her words.

"Du Zhong didn't know why she was doing this, even if we just entered the government and didn't understand the rules in this government, it shouldn't be so. Besides, I have said repeatedly that my husband is treating the old man in the palace. But, That woman was crazy, it was puzzling. "

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