Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1643: Secretly dissatisfied

知道 She knows that Lin Mengwu has a habit, and she likes to eat sharp goods.

Is the most demanding, delicate and expensive food in the four seasons of the year.

In order to show that she is elegant, she has made a seasonal flower.

吃 Eat plum tea in winter, cherry-sweetened cakes in spring, lotus dew steamed dew in summer, and chrysanthemum-wrapped sugar in autumn.

In fact, the lotus root is to smash the petals or flowers into it, and then make the appearance of the flower.

I can give birth to Lin Mengwu's temperament, big frame, and the whole thing, it's not troublesome.

Like this lotus flower, you have to open a few new flowers at noon. They must be newly opened on the same day. They cannot be defeated or shrunk.

When she came all the way, she saw that there were so many flowers in the pond, which leaned on the water under the pavilion.

When I walked to Lin Mengwu's door, I also smelled the seemingly sweetness.

Janaru is made from precious things such as rock sugar, honey, white fungus, bird's nest and so on.

花瓣 As for the petals, it must be freshly picked, washed and cut into filaments, and then immediately dropped into the inside.

At the same time, Lin Mengwu can't believe anyone else.

She picking flowers must be the people around her.

So she stayed with the teacher in the pavilion.

As for the next thing, that's what everyone sees.

I was Lin Mengwu's sister-in-law who spoke well and almost angrily killed her teacher, and then she couldn't get upset to discuss justice before they both fell into the lake.

Her words, in fact, told his servants to the palace Tu, there is no difference.

When she had previously identified her identity, the two people did not want to come in when they saw the dispute, so they were not too far away and they heard it clearly.

Suddenly, her suspicion had abated slightly.

"Little brother means, she heard you say that you are a theologian who treats our ancestors, and still hasn't stopped?"

Sure enough, she knew that the focus of Gong Tu's attention must be this.

Now, he bit his lip and made an angry look, but still nodded.

"Tuye, my husband and I also went north and south, and the dignitaries I met were not a few. For my husband, those people have never dare to neglect, even if they are not honored guests. Anyway, we are also cures and save people. It ’s not good, isn't that maidservant trying to make the palace master be nice? ”

"Du Zhong, don't make nonsense."

At this moment, the divine doctor spoke and intercepted the injustice of elementary school students.

After that, a lot of dispirited theologians were added, martyrdom.

"Master Tu, we don't want to investigate today's affairs. But I'm afraid we can't stay here anymore. Please also ask Tu Ye to be kind and let go."

Xun Gongtu turned around, but he was still reluctant to let people go out.

I had to pull down and say, "How can this be done? Originally, the divine doctor came to the clinic for treatment, and it was very tiring. I never thought of such a thing, but I was really sad. It would be better for the divine doctor to stay in the house for a few more days. It is also my apology. You two rest assured that this matter will never be reborn. Gong Zhun, from now on, throughout the government, you must be respectful to the divine doctor, and you must not be arrogant! "

Hiromi Gong promised to stay immediately.

I have talked about this part, if they insist on going, they will lose the face of Gong Tu.

Seeing that the two finally agreed, Gong Tu also got up and gave her a few words of comfort, saying that she would send someone to present her atonement.

The standard of living of two people has risen a lot, but these are not what she is most interested in.

这样 "So, can the two of them doubt each other?"

As soon as the palace palace was gone, the teacher resumed the liveliness of the past.

Pretending to be weak is really uncomfortable, especially the half-dead that is going to be pretended, which is more tiring than trying the drug in person.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced out the window, and the protection outside the yard was more.

In my opinion, Gong Tu really accepted the key points she intentionally exposed.

The people of Zhe Lin Mengwu went to the doctor who healed the ancestors of the palace.

what does this mean?

I mean Lin Mengwu is afraid that this **** heals the ancestor of the palace.

"Maybe not yet, but maybe in a few days. Lin Mengwu is afraid that the great ancestors will be okay, so we need to add another fire."


Bian Lirui looked at his students in doubt. There was always a feeling that his students had dug a big pit, waiting for the two people to jump.

"That's confidential!"

I bought Guanzi deliberately, and after evoking the curiosity of the teacher, she closed the door to the truth with a smile.

Bali Rui was irritable, but he always knew his naughty temperament.

"Dead girl, you know you're playing!"

"Hey, you wo n’t have any unexpected surprises after speaking. But the teacher is assured that your credit will be indispensable during this period."

Bari Rui looked at the students who laughed extremely deep and couldn't help shaking his heart.

Isn't she going to pit teacher?

This is how I want to clean up the portal!

But after a short while, Barry Rui suppressed this idea.

I saw Lin Mengya pull out a small oily paper bag from her clothes, and after unraveling a few moments, she revealed several keys.

Yes, this is the secret key of Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu who went through the whole house, and couldn't find it.

After she was sure, she put it in the inner mezzanine of the teacher's medicine chest.

He put the silver needles wrapped with the green liquid in one place.

After a while, she locked the mezzanine.

This way, if you want to get things, you must destroy the medicine box.

As long as the medicine box is not broken, the contents inside can be guaranteed to be safe.

Naturally, she would not break the rules of the medicine box.

"You girl, really a disciple under my door."

Bai Lirui was a little proud.

He was like this when he was young, and he likes to make poisons that no one can solve. After turning around the medical guys, he is proud of himself.

Nowadays, his students are also ordinary temperament. How can he not make him happy?

Squinting his eyes, Lin Mengya looked outside.

Xun Gong Tu, Lin Meng Wu, this is only the first step.

What they did was not so easy to pay back clearly.

At this moment, Gong Tu, who just returned to the study, just feels that today's matter is a bit confusing.

Hei Palace Dance did poorly and secretly in secret, in fact, he also knew.

So, the maidservant went to pick flowers, but there was nothing suspicious.

But why did she go to insult the doctor?

"Gong Zhun, what exactly is the situation, can you all ask clearly?"

Xun always followed him, and Gong Zhun, who was watching the color, immediately returned to him.

"Things are like Du Zhong said, Ye is skeptical"

"Are they aware of it?"

In Xuan Gongtu's eyes, he quickly swiped a savage swipe.

It is true that he is also recruiting soldiers secretly, trying to get the secrets of the palace dance.

In this way, he can completely get rid of the control of the palace dance.

I did not expect that today the **** doctor almost happened.

Misfortune can't be achieved. Is Gong Wu trying to give him a warning so that he doesn't try to do it again?

Humph! Gong Wu is so arrogant, isn't it when he is really afraid of her?

"Probably not. Besides, when those of us came here, they were also quiet people. The hand on the side of the palace dance, wasn't it so long?"

Zangong Zhun couldn't figure it out either, he could only test it.

But Gong Tu, the more he recognized this possibility.

"If she really can't detect it, why did she become so much worse after Du Zhong's identity. I think she clearly came for me!"

A burst of suffocation filled the heart of Gong Tu.

He can indulge 傀儡, or he can let the palace dance spend the silver money of the palace family forever.

However, he absolutely does not allow each other to challenge his own bottom line.

In the final analysis, when Lin Mengwu took the condition to beat him, he had already angered him.

I just, he has been suppressed, never done.

Now, it's because of this incident that he has stirred up.

Gong Gongzhun also felt the coldness in Gong Tu's body and couldn't help becoming more respectful, trying to say.

"Tomorrow, the little go to the palace dance?"

"Don't act rashly, tell them, don't enter the palace again these few days. I'd like to see what the palace dance is doing."


In the quiet night, the conspiracy is like a dark cloud, covering up all the tranquility.

After a long day of tossing, Lin Mengya couldn't help even if she was a sturdy body.

There was a little drowsiness in her head, and she yawned and prepared to go to bed.

Outside the courtyard, there was a small movement suddenly.

She got up immediately and stood behind the door vigilantly.

"Miss, please open the door."

Only she could hear the sound coming from the knock door.

But hearing that title made Lin Mengya hesitant.

Apart from Gong Ping, no one at the palace knows her true identity.

But the people outside are not Gong Ping.

I was hesitant, but the system gave her a hint.

"Unknown visitors have a familiar source of information!"

Subsequently, the three words of Long Tianyu made her wary, and immediately put it to the lowest point.

After opening the door quickly, after letting the man in, she looked around cautiously.

I was sure that no one was present, and she closed the door quietly immediately.

"The younger is His Royal Highness arranged to Nei Ying of the palace, and I have seen the lady."

The man was a face, and he was very respectful of her.

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but she easily believed the words of the other party.

Nine Dragons Tianyu knew her ability, so she must give the other party evidence that he was infected with his breath.

In this way, it became the safest secret code.

"No need to be polite, what are you doing here tonight?"

"Miss Hui, the young is the person who served in the palace courtyard. Your Highness ordered you to be too young before you come, and you must send it."

Is this the assistant that Yu gave her?

I could not help but soften my heart slightly, this person would never stop her, but also spoiled with such care.

Although she arranged some people for her, she was worried about her meaning without too much interference.

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