Xun Xin comforted his compromise, and his heart was surging, and his urge to meet him became stronger and stronger.

Their love is long and new.

The tone of the unconsciousness provoked a warm arc.

"How do you call it?"

"The little name is Ning Liang."

I meditated on the name several times in my heart, Lin Mengya began to ask Ning Liang what she wanted to know.

"Go home today, what's wrong with it?"

"It's almost the same as before, except that his confidant, who stays in his study for a long time. Want to come, what do you want?"

Although the palace palace has begun to have doubts, this old fox will certainly not be easily hooked.

What's more, the biggest trouble of the palace family hasn't been solved yet, they must not tear their faces.

She can't be too explicit, lest Gong Tu notice anything.

She wants to go, she has to find a good starting point.

"How much do you know about this palace?"

After thinking for a while, Ning Liang only whispered back: "This man is greedy for money and is very good at yingying horses. He is cruel and unscrupulous for his purpose. But he has one thing: he is very loyal to Gong Tu. He used to take Gong Wu before The beauty of money came to seduce him, but he never succeeded. Regardless of what Gong Tu does, Gong Zhun will always help him.

This palace slaughter, but it will catch people.

"You said, Miya Wu, had you bought him before?"

"Exactly, Gongwu once gave him a girl ring and a lot of gold and silver. However, he changed hands and gave it to Gong Tu. However, not many people knew about this. Gong Tu did not want to go with Gong Tu Wu turned his face, so he kept Gong Zhun behind.

Gao Lin Mengya thought about it, and felt that Kung Fu still had to be laid on Gong Zhun's body.

"Thanks to you for telling me these things. I have nothing to do here. When you are working next to Gong Tu, pay attention to safety. Remember, you must take your own safety first."

"Thank you, Miss, for your concern. Miss, if there is nothing else, then the younger will retire."

She nodded and sent someone out.

Fortunately, Ning Liang was clever and secretly snatched the errand of Gong Zhun to send her things, so it did not attract much attention.

刚 On the second day, it was very bright, and she and the teacher had just stood up, and they heard the sound from the door.

He is responsible for keeping the yard for them, and it was specially allocated by Gong Zhun.

Being smart and sensible, the most important thing is that some work can be done to prevent such things from happening again.

I knocked on the door, and the man asked respectfully.

"I don't know the old doctor, but I'm up."

After looking at her teacher, Lin Mengya immediately opened the door.

"My husband is up, what is it, little brother?"

"Oh, it was my second lady who sent someone over and said it was here to apologize to you."

I came here to apologize. Where did I come to disturb someone in the morning?

Lin Lin Mengwu was afraid that his heart was also on fire.

既然 "Since this is the case, please come in quickly. My husband has already got up, but was frightened yesterday, and he is not feeling well today."

My dear person was very smart. After listening to the concerns in her voice, she immediately smiled and comforted: "You can rest assured that the presence of our master Tu will certainly not make you wrong.

She smiled and nodded, but her heart was sneer.

I am afraid that the reason for Lin Mengwu to have such a big response is also due to Gong Tu.

Presumably, what did he do to make Lin Mengwu come to her to please her teacher.

Old fox! Looking across the mountain, is it fun?

Her Majesty immediately opened the door. After a while, there were a few women who came in, carrying wooden dishes with food for use.

她 When she saw the woman headed by her, her eyes narrowed.

I didn't expect it, or her old acquaintance.

Take control of the fluctuating mood, Lin Mengya froze and looked at them coldly.

Shang Shangqing felt the discomfort of the two men long ago.

But her city is quite deep, naturally it will not let them see that she is impatient.

With a disguised kind of smile on her face, she said.

"I'm sorry, I'll bother you early in the morning. This is the kind of mind of our lady. What happened yesterday is really sorry."

Everyone came to take the initiative to apologize, they are not good for shame.

When Lin Mengya eased her look a little, she didn't see what they brought.

"Your apologies, both my husband and I have received these things, you should take them back."

I was so deceived that Shang Guanqing was a little unhappy.

Smile, a little more proud.

"This little brother just got into the water with that girl yesterday? Speaking of which, it was also the two of you who were careless. Poor that girl was so scared. The little brother was so broad-minded that it was not easy to care about a lunatic. Right? "

"It was she who pushed me into the water. She was crazy. It was also her fault. What does it matter to me?"

I treat Shangguan Qing, she has no way to calm down.

I was this woman, almost ruined her life.

If there was no such yin and yang error at first, I'm afraid of myself, already a ghost on Huang Quan Road.

Now, just by taking this opportunity, she doesn't have to be kind to Shangguan Qing too.

If Lin Mengwu did such a thing today, she must have an inseparable relationship with her education!

"Little brother, you may say so. How does she push you into the water at a girl's house? She is crazy now, of course, what do you say?"

"Listening to you means that I have wronged her? If I really want to push her, where does she have any life left? You may not know, at that time I reminded others to save her. I Ethereum complained, otherwise, you might not even have a lunatic. "

She Shangguan Qingpi smiled at the teenager in front of her with a smile. Somehow, from the moment she entered the door, she had an inexplicable hostility towards the teenager.

But the boy was also merciless, not even educated.

He Shangguan Qing snorted coldly, bypassed him, and looked at the old divine doctor.

"Old gentleman, he is young and I don't care about her. These things are specially prepared for you by my lady. Yesterday's incident was just an accident. Now people are crazy, and the lessons to be learned have been learned. , You do n’t want to be remembered by adults, forgive her. ”

He Baili Rui raised his eyelids, looked at the woman in disdain, and asked deafly.

咳 "Ahem, what are you talking about?"

He Shangguan Qingfu slandered him to be an old man, but he repeated what he said just now.

"Old man, why forgive her? But she almost angered the old man. If I die, can you go to Yin Cao Difu today to repay the old man? Then take the idea back, give it a few days ago Wang Tufu at the entrance to the village has doctored a dog and he has delivered more than you. "

"You-toasting without eating and drinking! Let's go!"

After being beaten by the apprentice and apprentice, Shangguan Qing resolutely chose to retreat.

"You come again next time, anyway, take some things that can be on the scene. As soon as the other master Tu shot, you can send me three old ginsengs yesterday. You still have something to enjoy!"

She stood at the door, deliberately angry at Shangguan Qing.

I watched the person disappear into sight, and closed the door leisurely.

I smiled at the teacher and wanted to get cheap from them and dream!

"Girl, why is that girl crazy?"

He was a little curious, after all, he was pretending to be weak, and many scenes were missed.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, but in fact she felt a little strange.

He said that if he was frightened in the water, as long as he took a few pairs of soothing medicines, people would slow down.

Now why are you crazy?

"I don't know. At that time, I just wrapped her ankle in the water, and then took a green leaf to scare her. After she went ashore, she really was holding a ghost under the lake, but definitely not To the point of being crazy. "

For students' consistent methods, Barry Rui is relatively familiar with it.

Yaer scared her at that time, too, in order to prevent the girl from seeing her process of picking things up.

I touched the white fake beard, and Bai Lirui felt that it was not that easy for them to come here today.

"According to your sister's temper, it has been a surprise to me that she didn't come to Xingshi to question her. But you also saw that she actually made an apology."

Lin Lin Mengya also had an idea with the teacher. It seems that the purpose of Lin Mengwu is not simple.

"Regardless of what she is, she will show her feet sooner or later."

What's more, after today's incident, she followed Guan Qing's mother and son, and officially formed Liang Zi.

They won't make her feel better.

Angrily, he took someone back to his daughter, and Shang Guanqing dismissed the mother-in-law with a gloomy look, and then went to her daughter's room.

As soon as I entered the door, a strong **** smell made her look change.

After three steps and two steps, she ran to her daughter's bedroom. Sure enough, she saw her daughter's white and tender little face. At this moment, the flesh and blood became fuzzy and scary.

"I said, don't use these things for the time being?"

She has a harsher tone, but Lin Mengwu, who is enjoying with her eyes closed, finds her mother too fussed.

I looked in the mirror and looked at the **** face, but she felt very happy.

"Relax, mother, I only use it occasionally."

He said, Yushou lifted the clear water in the copper basin, and washed his flesh a little bit.

Looking at the mirror, her face became a little bit clean, Lin Mengwu couldn't help but feel happy.

Looking at her, she was a lot more tender.

Maybe if she continues like this, maybe she can really stay young forever.

"This thing is good, but it is too rare. Thanks to that girl who is crazy, otherwise, you will not need such a good thing."

"It's useless, and I've caused such trouble to come back. What should I keep her for? Mother, let her do my medicine. When it's useless, you can drive her out and save yourself any trouble."

The **** smell, combined with the sweet aroma of fat powder, blended into an extravagant flavor.

Qi Lin Mengwu has been nauseated from the beginning, but now she is intoxicated for only a few months.

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