Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1645: Illusion improvement

She squinted her eyes, admiring herself who was getting more and more beautiful in the mirror, only feeling that everything was worth it.

Lin Lin Mengya, where can I compare with her?

She Shangguan Qing knew the benefits of this medicine for her daughter.

She doesn't have to stop, but recently, Gong Tu has become more and more prepared for them.

If Gong Tu finds Wuer and uses human flesh to make medicine, I'm afraid it will be bad for her daughter.

Hurriedly took out the spices that had been prepared long ago and poured them into the water to neutralize the **** smell. After making sure that there was no smell of blood left on her daughter, she cleaned everything up.

"Okay, you can use this thing once a month. You obedient, there will be opportunities in the future."

But Lin Mengwu turned her head and looked at her mother coldly.

机会 "Opportunity? What did the palace come to me yesterday to tell me? Look at his arrogant look, it is clearly his master, he didn't put me in his eyes!"

Last night, she was furious because she had not eaten lotus dew, but did not expect that Gong Zhun came with the meaning of Gong Tu, so she must make an apology to the two **** people.


She hasn't dealt with the crime that they disturbed her?

I wouldn't have been ashamed if my mother hadn't persuaded her, and she couldn't bear it.

"Huh! It's not because they colluded. Gong Tu and the divine doctor were originally a group!"

After hearing this, Lin Mengwu was a little calm.

Xue Xue's pink face passed a bit of venomous hatred.

"He still hasn't lost his mind, he wants something in my hands! Okay, annoy me, I even let him down!"

不 "No hurry, that old thing, we will take him back sooner or later."

"But mother, can you say that the old immortal doctor can cure those people?"

Shang Shangqing thought for a moment, but her face became increasingly ugly.

"The man at Gong Tu is cunning. If he really values ​​the old doctor, he probably won't be so brazen and put pressure on us."

Sure, they are partners.

But maybe now and after, maybe they are the enemy.

I was above Guan Qing's understanding of Gong Tu.

"So, what shall we do? Otherwise, let's find a reason and drive them out!"

Lin Lin Mengwu frowned, only feeling upset.

After thinking about it for a while, Shang Shangqing thought about a smile.

"How easy it is to get out. Since they dare to hang out with this muddy water, they have to let them stay and order something. Exactly, I should give them medicine today, but this time, I will make the medicine lighter."

"How can this be done, mother? In case, if they wake up?"

Shang Shangqing nodded his daughter's forehead lovingly and pampered: "How can it be so easy to wake up, but if they get better, isn't it the credit of the divine doctor?"

Gao Linmengwu quickly understood the meaning of his mother's words, and immediately showed a touch of Mori cold smile.

"Yes, my mother is smart."

Zhe Lin Meng Ya Yue touched the storm in the morning, and Gong Tu should probably know.

But I thought that the palace slaughterhouse would take the opportunity to appease them with a false heart, by the way, a word or something.

I didn't expect that when they just wanted to sleep at night, the people who were slaughtered by the palace hurriedly invited the great ancestor to the small courtyard where they lived.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a happy face Gong Zhun.

"Oh, my old **** doctor, you are really rejuvenating, the medicine king is alive!"

What happened?

Lin Lin Mengya and her teacher looked at each other, and they were a little bit confused.

Until they arrived in the room, they found that the few people who had been lying there silently now all have different degrees of reaction.

Especially last time, the second brother who was the subject of the experiment.

He frowned and clenched his fists, it seemed that he could wake up at any time.

Xi Gongping was so happy that he wiped a few people with sweat. Lin Mengya looked around briefly and looked after everyone like Gong Ping.

Teacher Tong frowned, sitting at the table, and hurriedly wrote a recipe.

"Go, follow this recipe and grab the medicine, and then serve them while hot!"

Jun Gongzhun immediately took over the prescription and sent someone to do it.

Soon, Gong Tu also hurried to arrive.

The expression looked a little excited.

"Old doctor, what's the situation now?"

But Baili Rui shook his head, to be honest, he also saw this for the first time.

But he knew it was a symptom of their symptoms alleviating.

He really didn't know, but Gong Tu didn't believe it.

After secretly exchanging a look with Gong Zhun, the latter gave him a look towards him.

He could not help but be a little impatient, after all, this is what he dreamed of.

But Gong Tu is Gong Tu in the end, and he quickly controlled himself.

He intentionally or unintentionally, in the words of the divine doctor.

"Father, are they really waking up?"

Wu Gongping whispered and asked Lin Mengya.

The latter looked dizzy after checking their physical condition.

On the surface, they do show signs of improvement.

实际上 But in reality, the fundamental problem has not been solved.

After she glanced at Gong Tu and Gong Jun who were attracted by the teacher, she asked quietly.

"Who has been to this house today?"

"One of the people around Gongwu came here, and she usually comes every few days. It is said that Gongwu wants to know the situation of her ancestors and several young masters. But every time, she has to kick me out."

Gao Lin Mengya flashed the look of Shang Guanqing, and Gong Ping also confirmed her conjecture.

I really was her!

"The next time she comes again, you will find a way to keep her out and not allow her to come in!"

I was pretty much the same as she had guessed before, starting with Lin Mengwu's mother and daughter.

I was afraid of the secret, it was on that mysterious powder.

"OK, I try my best."

Xun Gongping wrote down her order in her heart, and Lin Mengya's side was mixed.

If it is confirmed that the powder is really, will the powder stop and the great ancestors will wake up?

But in case, if there is any other concern, she acted so rashly, I'm afraid it would hurt everyone.

It seems that I can only go one step at a time.

难 A rare change here, the yard is full of people.

I continued to toss until dawn, and their great ancestors were only slightly stabilized.

But the palace slaughter was a bit dissatisfied.

He felt that this **** doctor was afraid of something hiding himself.

As soon as I thought the other party was from the Ma family, my suspicions grew deeper.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard all night. Let's break up earlier. Old **** doctor, ancestor them, I have to entrust you."

Barry Rui couldn't guess what he thought, but today it is really strange.

He is not even the slightest of his mind.

When he just wanted to talk about two things in the past, he heard Lin Mengya say.

"Compared to my husband's acupuncture, right? Sir?"

Her sudden move made the teacher startled.

Then, in response to her, she responded, "Maybe, so I want to do another needle tonight. I don't know Tu Tu, what do you think?"

Xie Gongtu's brows were slightly relaxed.

Although he is still wary of them, he is more concerned about the so-called acupuncture.

Obviously, the little one can't hold his breath more than the old one.

"Little brother, do you say acupuncture?"

嗯 "Well, my husband has a unique method, he"

"Eu Zhong!"

The words were cut off by the divine doctor.

After hesitated, the therapist quickly shifted the subject.

"Actually, this is just guesswork. You must confirm it before you can judge."

Obviously, the old doctor does not want to let him know.

Xun Gong Tu's mind turned, and he immediately understood the intention of the other party.

也是 "Also, the divine doctor is the divine doctor, which is really different. Gong Zhun, you stay here to wait for the divine doctor's assignment."

I left Gong Zhun under surveillance, Gong Tu naturally would not be like them, and continue to wait here.

He gave great-grandmothers tens of thousands of nourishing medicines, and seeing their condition repeated, Lin Mengya felt only anxious.

"Don't worry."

Jun Gongzhun was instructed to go out, and the teacher secretly stepped forward and patted her shoulder to comfort him.

But now she has calmed down.

She asked Gong Ping that this has never happened before.

Hun Ke happened after they came, and there was Shang Guanqing's participation in it.

So it is clear that this is what Lin Mengwu tinkered with to calculate her.

I'm afraid since then, Gong Tu didn't want to let them go.

But, secretly calculated, more than Lin Mengwu their mother?

"Do you want to expose the matter of Shangguan Qing's medicine?"

In Xixiyuan, the teacher asked with a low voice.


"But Shangguan Qing will never betray her daughter, not to mention that even Gong Tu can't openly ask the source of the powder in her hands, right?"

"Then, let Gong Zhun help me."

Bari Rui only feels confused, but in this kind of matter, he has no student's mind.

Soon, Lin Mengya approached the other party once according to the contact method left by Ning Liang.

At the same time, the news passed to Long Tianyu's hands without delay.

He looked blankly at the note passed by his men, and then carefully and carefully, he put the news about her in the blank book.

Xue Hua looked at the thick book and sighed.

If it hadn't been seen secretly, it was all related to that lady. He really thought that the most important decryption was the one caught here.

He squinted at His Highness Jane's heavy lock, and then carefully placed it in a dark grid separated from the bookcase, and then he sighed.

Heroes are sad about beauty!

I can't help but quickly, in the cold eyes of His Royal Highness, he reluctantly put away his sigh.

"According to the news from Ning Liang, if there is really a secret drug in Gong Wu's hands, then it means that the person behind her should be related to Xiancheng."

Chen Longtianyu knocked on the desk and said coldly, "Do you know?"

华 Xue Hua wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, it was bad, he seemed to be abandoned by His Highness.

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