Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1656: Two leave home

Ji is a long kiss that makes people blush and heartbeat, knowing that Lin Mengya feels that when she will suffocate and faint in this way, Long Tianyu finally let go of her.

"You're enough, don't come again"

She said panting, but she didn't know her voice was soft enough to drip water.

Chen Long Tianyu bowed her head and thin lips across her forehead.

He still used his extraordinary self-control to control his burning desires.

Lin Lin Mengya's cheeky face was hot.

I must have dealt with these inmate guys earlier, and

"You must be more careful, especially Lin Mengwu."

Xun Long Tian Yu really didn't want to let go of her, and exhorted carefully.

He wished to rub people into his bones and blood, and for a moment he could not separate.

Zhe Lin Mengya was uncomfortable in her heart, but the most important thing was that even if she thought of him again, she would have to hold back.

"I know, Lin Mengwu can pretend to be me, presumably because she has expert guidance behind her."

Zhe Lin Mengwu's temperament, vanity and publicity, and the longing for Ronghua's wealth and wealth, have made her no longer have the slightest limit.

She couldn't help but thank herself for the game she had done with Yu.

If she returns as "Gong Ya" now, I'm afraid the Lin Meng Prom will be even more brazen.

After all, there are some tricks that can be used for "Gong Ya", but not for others.

Xun Long Tian Yu stroked her back again and again, the ambiguous breath was intertwined, even if only one night of tranquility and warmth, he also felt like being ashamed.

Warm enough, Lin Mengya gently pushed his chest.

"You should go now, it's too late."

声音 Her soft voice made him more and more unable to let go.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was unmoved and still hugged her tightly.

Lin Lin Mengya pushed again, and she didn't know what she wanted to start with.

"What are you laughing at?"

He lowered his head and asked, looking at her in her arms.

Lin Lin Mengya put her chin on his chest, and her bright eyes squinted slightly, looking good.

"I'm thinking, we don't look like they said in the book, the little fairies and Qiaolangjun in the private party at night."

After she said that, her hands touched Long Tianyu's face, pretending to be a frivolous look, and said, "Little fairy, don't run fast now, do you want the young master to marry you home and be a little?"

I didn't expect it, but the man grabbed her hand, and frowned slightly, asking.

"Who is big?"

Attempt to pretend to be a big Shaolin Mengya, be!

After a lot of coquettishness, Zhi Tian vowed that he would be big, and after a deep kiss picked by Ren Jun, the little fairy finally slipped out of the door of Qiao Lang Jun before dawn.

Lin Mengya, whose hair was scattered on the bed and her breathing was short, felt that she had no love.

Huh! This was obviously not the case before!

I can handle it, but unconsciously put on my lips.

What to do, she seems to like him more and more.

The symptoms of vertigo are still there. After Long Tianyu left, she soon fell asleep.

Fortunately, there was a small medicine, and after a night, she was a lot better.

When she and the teacher came to the courtyard again, she found that there were a few more people at the door.

The master and apprentice looked at each other with doubts in their hearts.

I walked to the door, but stopped.

"Two people, from a few days, you can stop using it."

I was talking to her, a wife beside Lin Mengwu.

The mother-in-law often followed Shangguan Qing. Compared to Shangguan Qing, who could not conceal her vigor, this man had a face all day and was very serious.

Moreover, her attitude was not excessive.

I just talked sternly and felt impersonal.

Necked and looked inside, as if there were more people in it.

She asked, pointing at the door.

"This mother, my husband is a gentleman who came to heal your grandfathers, not just idle men and so on."

"I naturally know that, but you are not needed now. My lady has invited more powerful people to come, you, don't go in and get in the way."

This is too humiliating.

I just got a little better yesterday, today Lin Mengwu sent someone to guard.

In addition to guilty conscience, are there other things?

She sneered in her heart, but made a little embarrassment on her face.

"It is naturally good to have a better doctor, but we have previously ordered Master Tu. We will now go back, only to let Master Tu say we perfunctory."

"Master Tu, you must also listen to our lady. You just go back, no one dares to embarrass you."

After saying so, the wife entered the door.

I didn't drive out, just let people guard, let alone.

I couldn't hear anything inside, whether a new doctor came or not.

Lin Lin Mengya thought for a while and whispered to the teacher.

"Sir, since the host said so, then we are not good at breaking in, what do you say?"

Although the voice was not loud, it just happened to be heard by several people at the door.

Teacher Yun naturally understood her meaning, and nodded from the good to the flow. Both the master and apprentice returned to Xiyuan again.

As soon as she entered the yard, she closed the door.

Teacher Yun was also a little worried, her brows froze, her voice down.

"This Lin Mengwu, do you still want to start?"

To be honest, she was also a little worried.

Although the four elder brothers are awakening soon, if they succeed in Lin Mengwu's tricks again, they will lose all their achievements.

"We are also anxious here. I do n’t think Lin Mengwu would choose to start today even if he started. We just said that it is a little better. If her people leave, their great ancestors will be seriously ill again. Is it true? "

Bali Rui nodded and thought her guess made sense.

阳光 The sun was bright outside, but Lin Mengya's heart was a little gloomy.

Zhe Lin Meng Wu is simply a haunting soul, with her in the house, I'm afraid that there will never be peace.

In my opinion, she must start early and smuggle out her great ancestors.

"Teacher, let's pack up quickly. After a while, let's go to Gong Tu to quit."

Bali Rui did not expect that she was leaving.

"We just mixed in, it's you."

"If you don't take this opportunity, it will be difficult to want to leave in the future. Besides, if I don't leave, when the great ancestors suddenly disappear, the first one in the palace will doubt us."

She blinked, with a tone familiar to Baili Rui in her tone.

This is a sign that his students are ready to pit people.

At the moment, my mood is slightly better.

The two masters and apprentices worked together and quickly recovered the parcel.

When Xu Gang was carrying her back and was going to go to the side of Gong Tu, she saw Gong Zhun and greeted him from a distance.

Seeing them both, Gong Zhun took two steps and said hello.

"Old doctor, brother Du Zhong, where are you going?"

I used the house she had given, and Du Zhong's energy and spirit looked better than before.

But when I walk, my legs are a little too wide, and I even feel a bit of teeth.

It seems that the effect is really good.

Gao Lin Mengya took all these into her eyes, as long as Gong Zhun used it.

If I use it, he can believe his words.

Now, relieved his eyebrows, and responded very familiarly.

"It turned out to be Mr. Gong Zhun. Coincidentally, my husband is going to quit with Mr. Tu. Why are you here today?"

Hagi Miyazai was a little surprised.

He couldn't stand his sight, but he swept away from them quickly.

I saw the baggage on their backs. It was indeed all the family members who entered the house that day, before they believed that they really wanted to leave.

As soon as I narrowed my eyes, I understood the matter.

"Oh, I said little brother Eucommia. Actually, I blame me for this too, and I didn't say hello to you in advance."

"What did Brother Gong say?"

问 She asked knowingly, pretending to look incomprehensible.

He said that Gong Zhun smiled apologetically, and then whispered.

"You also know that the palace is headed by a woman. This woman is not as simple as our grandfather. Naturally, my master is not as thoughtful as I do. The person she invited is a famous doctor, but he is compared to a divine doctor. Take a fart. "

Lin Lin Mengya said silently in her heart, um, she is also a woman, and the one who speaks best in the palace.

But on the face, but continued to regret.

After looking left and right, he pulled Gong Zhun forward a few steps.

"I think it ’s because your brother Gong told me and my husband a good one. This is what I said. Brother Gong, that recipe was developed by my family. But we came to give it to the palace. The old and young masters of the family are treating the illness. As long as they are okay, those humorous people in my family don't care. But when it comes to other people's lips, this is not the case. "

Hagiya nodded his head and looked around.

"Brother Du Zhong, in fact, I have thought about this too. But after all, we are all one family, all the same."

Lin Lin Mengya secretly poked.

Still the same? The two of you are almost secretly cutting the knife. Where else can they be the same?

哪里 Where is she unclear? Gong Zhun is just talking.

Otherwise, why did he rush to comfort him after being stopped by his teacher and himself?

Wasn't he trying to please and betray him, and put down a personal relationship for his master?

"Although it is a family, it is good to have a long heart. But now they have to lose their ancestors. If there is something unexpected, my husband, but he jumped into the Yellow River and could not wash it. Maybe you have to take the reputation of Master Tu. "

She seems to say these words accidentally, but every word, Gong Zhun is in her heart.

Xu's eyes flashed with doubt quickly, and soon he hid.

"Brother Du makes sense, let's not stand here stupidly, I'll take two and see my master."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded slightly and went to see Gong Tu with her teacher.

I didn't expect that the process went unexpectedly smoothly.

I did n’t know what Gong Tu ’s idea was, but she was so happy that she agreed to leave the house.

When they were brought to Ma Beichen Mansion by the carriage, it was just time for lunch.

I watched the carriage going further and further, but Lin Mengya's heart sank.

Some things have just begun.

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