Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1657: Alien enemy

"Master, do we really let that old doctor do that?"

Gong Zhunzhen asked in doubt in the courtyard of the palace palace.

He has been with the master for more than ten years and has never seen him before. He will be so kind-hearted.

But Gong Tu, after looking at him deeply, waved him back.

Hagimiya was shocked.

Before the grandma, he didn't hide anything from him. Why does he always feel that he has been guarded by the grandfather recently?

But he came out, but someone came in.

He stood behind the door, looking at the back, and felt a little upset in his heart.

That person is also the confidant of Grandpa.

I just managed to do more things that I couldn't see.

Why are you here today?


In the room, Gong Tu asked his eyes coldly.


The man didn't talk much. After entering the room, he stood silently.

"How about the prescription?"

"Little incompetence, those quack doctors said they have never seen such a recipe, and they don't know if it will be useful."

A word of radon gas rose from Gong Tu's eyes.

He hates incompetent people the most, but he must be a group of people under his control.

He is also because of this, he can not easily remove the old divine doctor.

"Man, where are you now?"

"Just returned to Ma's house."

"Look, you can't let people slip."


He had expected that the two would leave, but although he had left, if the old man really had an accident, he would have a way to get them back.

I don't want to be here and use it for the woman in the palace dance.

I thought of palace dance, and he thought of another thing.

"What did Miss Er look for in it?"

The man still stood still and answered, not even one of his expressions.

"Miss Er's doctor was incompetent and didn't know how to heal Gong Qianfeng. Gong Ping was tightly guarded, and Xiao has already assigned him a few effective staffs as you ordered, and will not let Miss two have Opportunity to start. "

The corners of Xun Gong Tu's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer.

That girl, my mind was vicious enough, but unfortunately I was too angry.

At this time to come out to grab credit, in addition to guilty conscience, probably also want to earn a reputation for virtue and filial piety.

Alas, women are stupid.

"Where's Gong Zhun?"

"Gong Zhun did go to Miss Er's yard several times, but, specifically, what Xiao Xiao didn't hear."

When I heard this answer, Gong Tu's face was gloomy.

He rubbed his eyebrows, just like the divine doctor said. For the past two days, he obviously felt insane.

I inquired privately and waited for the servants of those young men.

He said that before they got sick, they also felt physically exhausted. They felt as if they couldn't wake up all day long, without any energy.

In my opinion, it is very likely that he was successful.

"Besides, what else is wrong with him?"

"Miss Er sent someone and gave Gong Zhun something. He didn't quit, but he was sent to his outer house secretly."

With a bang, Gong Tu shattered the armrest of the chair.

This thing that eats inside and outside, actually murdered him with the girl who should be inside and outside!

The man looked at him like this, his expression was still cold, as if the anger of the person in front of him had no influence on him at all.

"Give me a good look at him, don't let him find out. And, my business, you need to be more careful in the future."

"Yes, little obedience."

"Okay, you go down to work."

I left, but Gong Tu's expression gradually became stunned.

What a palace!

He is not too thin to him, but he did not expect that this person dared to blame him.

Soon, he calmed down and his face returned to normal.

既然 Since they want to harm him, this may be a good opportunity for him.

Zong Gongzhu, Gong Wu, these betrayers must die!

Inside the palace house, the wind is already surging.

The seeds that Bu Lin Mengya had buried before had already been nourished by conspiracy and quickly took root.

The development of the matter no longer needs her to contribute to the situation.

After all, if you pick yourself clean, you can better clear the suspicion.

Gao Ma Beichen got the news and hurried over immediately.

Since the two people entered the house, he was worried every day, for fear that something unexpected might damage his image of the magnificent shore in the palace.

Lin Shuya didn't know that Lin Mengya knew what he was doing.

"Oh my old doctor, you are finally back! I am worried about death during your absence!"

As soon as she saw Ma Beichen entering the door, she was as enthusiastic as seeing her dad. Lin Mengya could only glance at her mouth.

Have you had fun? Will it die a little bit?

Teacher Xun is indeed a teacher, staring at a fake company, her posture is full.

I was just acting, so a little less flexible.

She gave a careful glance, well, the teacher was obviously fooled by Ma Beichen, but did not respond for a moment.

"Old sage doctor, drink tea quickly, my ancestors, how are they now?"

Howling people got tea, Ma Beichen immediately asked with concern.

He didn't know who had participated in the master's book with him, and the master leaped wildly, so he sent him here to draw him.

He must seize this opportunity to appease the old man.

Otherwise, he would be miserable when he went back.

At this moment, this eagerness is really seven points.

这个 "Well, the condition of the ancestor of the palace family is a bit weird, but there has been improvement now. Only Miss Gongjia's enthusiasm is eager to stop us from seeing the disease."

With these things in mind, they have long been rhetoric.

Even though Ma Beichen is credible, it does not mean that everyone around him is credible.

What's more, this was a slippery one, and I could not say hello before, and suddenly said it was her fiance, and everyone knew it.

If he knew the real situation, what other moths could come out.

Suddenly, Ma Beichen's expression collapsed.

"I still think you can go to the horse to cure your ancestors. 唉, it seems that my marriage with Xiaoya will be wrong in the future."


She almost didn't spit out.

How can you say anything to Ma Beichen?

I heard her moving, but Ma Beichen looked a little bit resentful.

"Mr. Su Mei, do you feel sorry, right? Otherwise, tell Xiaoya, let me enter the door ahead of time. If I enter the gate of the palace, I will certainly not let the ancestors harm them again."

Zhe Lin Mengya put down the tea without changing her face.

No way, she'll choke if she drinks it.

Ma Beichen was aware of everything she had done before, so she didn't need to add another layer of camouflage.

"This matter, I will wait for my young lady to come back before making a decision. Ma Gongzi, I have a very important thing, and I want to discuss it with you."

Xu Wenyan said that Ma Beichen's two were serious.

He waved his hand and let people back down.

北 When only three of them were left in the living room, Ma Beichen asked cautiously.

"please say."

"Although the situation of the ancestors is still stable, the palace side is too dangerous. If this continues, I am afraid that it will be harmful to them."

On this point, Ma Beichen is also clear, but just nodded, but did not make a difference.

所以 "So I think, can you take someone out of the house. Whether you are here or me, it is better than the palace family."

Sure enough, she could use Long Tianyu's hand to smuggle people out.

But this way, the risk is too great, his people, there are more important things to do.

What's more, the palace house is her base camp. She can use more people than Long Tianyu.

She Ma Beichen agreed with it.

"It's too risky in the city. I still have a house outside, and then I can move people outside."

I did not expect, but she was rejected by shaking her head.

"It is not easy to get out of the city. If Gong Tu responds, the first one will block the gate. You and I are both stared to death. If we shot, they would have reacted as soon as possible."

This is not unreasonable.

After all, it's the palace family's place. Ma Beichen is doing something, and he's also a bit tied.

"Well, it's good if you have a better choice. But, what can I do for you?"

"You're here to help, but the biggest help."

Glittering her eyes, there was a trace of bad intentions under her eyes.

I can't help but Ma Beichen knows nothing.

"Mr. Sumei, please."

"I hope you can go to the palace every day to start troubles starting today."

This job is definitely suitable for Ma Beichen.

The latter thought for a moment, and immediately knew.

There was a smug smile between her lips, but soon, Ma Beichen collapsed again, and looked at her with some embarrassment.

"Mr. Ma, do you find any difficulties?"

"You will have to testify to me in the future. I went to the palace to make trouble because of business. Otherwise, I do n’t have such a hobby. What if Xiaoya misunderstand me?"

Lin Lin Mengya almost rolled her eyes.

Do n’t you pretend to be pure? She had a weak stomach and could not stand such a severe irritation.

"Mr. Ma rest assured, my lady is very discerning, she will never be blinded by appearances."

Immediately after that, Ma Beichen showed a reassuring look and patted his chest.

"I am also dedicated to her, and Mr. Su Mei is assured that even if I have little experience, I will definitely let that palace torture and restless home!"

Speaking is not good, but why is there a sense of justice?

Lin Lin Mengya said nothing, but looked at Ma Beichen with a reassuring look.

相信 She believes that as long as this horse is in trouble, Gong Tu will never be better.

In the next few days, the palace family has several humble cooks, miscellaneous servants, and the excluded family members, some family servants, running silently.

They are all loyal to the palace family and Gong Ya, so they entered the palace and became the most marginal figures in the palace.

The fat deficiency before I was held by Gong Tu and Gong Wu.

Rather, it was some dirty work, and people who were instructed to go round and round, but they couldn't get any good work, and they all came to the fight of these people.

Alas, few of them resisted.

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