There are many people brought to the palace palace and palace dance, but in the end there are not as many people as the house.

After the initial exclusion and Yaowu Yangwei, the original people of the house did not actually hurt the foundation.

Now, like workers, they keep coming and going in and out of this house, bringing all kinds of news.

Most importantly, no one notices them.

Early in the morning, Lin Mengya changed her clothes and dressed as a little girl ring in a horse house, heading into the largest rouge shop in Feicheng.

There are naturally tails behind her, but Ma Beichen has always acted arbitrarily, and it is not shabby to spend money on women.

I came here as someone from his house, but it didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

He walked into the shop, and a clever man came to welcome him.

"Girl is here, please here."

I saw that the God of Wealth was coming, and the man was naturally diligent.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't look inside the shop either. The guests in twos and twos just asked.

"My master had ordered a lot of goods with you before, but now they are all here?"

"How dare we neglect Maggie's business. Girl, please follow me and check the goods."

She nodded and followed the man to the backyard.

The guests in the front hall, at this moment, intentionally or unintentionally, looked at the curtain that blocked their eyes.

As soon as my buddy arrived in the backyard, he stood at the door automatically and let her out.

I walked down the stairs leading to the second floor, Lin Mengya arrived at the owner's room.

At this time, several people were already waiting in the room.

As soon as she entered the door, she immediately touched her face, peeled off the mask, and exposed a beautiful face underneath.

"Brother Li, long time no see."

She smiled and greeted, but the people inside seemed a little sluggish because of surprise.

Especially one of the men who was sitting on a chair and looked too serious, opened his eyes in shock.

"Little, miss!"

Li is stupid.

After He returned from the temple, he went back to the palace first.

I did not expect that soon after the news came that the lady was missing.

Later, it was Gong Tu and Gong Wu again.

He didn't even dream about it, the lady is in non-Yecheng!

"I'm not dreaming, are you really Miss you?"

Lin Mengya looked at Li Xian with a smile.

A tall and burly man, now like a child, stared straight at her, even struck his own thigh vigorously.

He seems to be determining whether he is in a dream.

She nodded and sat opposite Li Xian elegantly.

These are carefully selected and determined to be loyal to the palace family.

This incident is also a touchstone for the palace family.

From then on, I was afraid that the house of Miya's house would be as solid as gold soup, and no longer afraid of peeping by interested people.

"Don't be excited, I am indeed Gong Ya, like a fake replacement."

Her little joke.

Except for Li Xian's old acquaintance with her in the house, everyone else worked together for the first time, and naturally seemed somewhat restrained.

But after seeing the fairy tales of the palace princes, they were also a little excited.

The heart that was buried deep in sorrow before was like the clear sun after the rain.

The backbone of the house of the palace is finally back!

"It's really Miss! The Miss is back, and the palace family has been saved!"

After Xu identified her identity, these people seemed a little excited.

But Li Xian already reacted at this time, he was a little embarrassed, his face flushed.

I turned my head and roared low.

"Be quiet! Don't cause the grandchildren outside to doubt!"

A few young people suddenly turned off the fire, but still secretly looking at her, the young owner.

Miss Grandma looks so handsome!

I smiled apologetically at the big guy, and she turned to the business.

"To have the big guys come today is to discuss how to take the ancestors out of their house. Brother Li, what news has there been for the ancestors these days?"

She had the worst plan.

If Lin Mengwu really couldn't hold back and then prescribed medicine to his great ancestors, things would be equal to returning to the original point.

既然 Since she can enter the consciousness of her brother for the first time, she is not afraid to do it for the second time.

先 Li Xian heard the words, but shook his head with a look of frustration and said.

"Since the palace slaughtered them into the house, we have been rushed to the stables. Usually, we can do the work of rushing the horses. The news in the inner courtyard is basically difficult to detect. However, I listen to The mother said that the **** doctor that Gongwu had found these days didn't know what to stir up, and also said that the old lady would soon be able to wake up. I don't think it's that simple. "

Xun Gongtu was very cautious in doing things, and it was expected that she would block the news of the inner court.

But Lin Mengwu is absolutely impossible for the great ancestors to recover them. Now, I'm afraid that there is some friction between her and Gong Tu.

This is Lin Mengwu, warning Gong Tu.

Yeah, the harder they fight, the more successful her plan will be.

"Yes, where is she so kind. But this is good for us."

I thought about it, and she changed some details in her plan.

At the moment, I told them part of what I was going to do.

Everyone listened carefully and nodded.

"This plan, I temporarily arrange it this way. After you receive people, do not go out of the city, run directly to Sitai College, at that time, someone will answer you."

Don't look at what Li Xian is doing now as a groom's job, but in the end, the palace's carriage is in their hands.

However, Li Xian, holding the tea cup, frowned.

A few moments later, he said, "Although your arrangements are good, I feel a bit unsure. If they are found in the palace slaughter, they will be intercepted halfway. If they are injured, they will be troublesome."

At this point, Lin Mengya also considered.

She also thought about it before and made an illusion to lead Gong Tu to track them.

But this is too dangerous. Most people will do it, Gong Tu won't believe it.

But no matter who it was, it was a life of nine deaths, too dangerous.

I didn't expect that Li Xian took the initiative to ask me.

"Miss, my life for Li Xian was given by the palace family. So, let me do this."

"No! You know the means of the palace slaughter! Now, it is not appropriate for me to tear his face. What if I get caught if I get caught?"

She thought out without thinking.

先 But Li Xian clenched his teeth, and went ruthless.

"I know you have a good heart, but the palace torture and the palace dance will never go away. The palace family will never have peace. Miss, you will let me go. Even if I should now you, I will do that day. I'm tied up. "

This man is a temperament.

I spent so many years in the palace, but only sharpened his sharpness, but not his graciousness.

Looking at those eyes, she knew that unless she closed him, this person would do it.

But rather than let him come, she might as well control the situation.

After two hot stalemates for a long time, Lin Mengya shook her head helplessly.

"Okay, I promise you. But you have to make sure you all listen to me!"

先 Li Xian hesitated for a moment, afraid that the young lady would regret it.

In the end, he chose to believe her.

After Xun said such a conversation, Lin Mengya chose to leave first.

Behind him, the man had already prepared a box of rouge, followed behind her with a smile, and sent her away.

"Girl, take these things well and say hello to the little boy for the little one!"

She nodded and asked the rouge to be placed on the carriage, so she returned to the horse house.

For the past few days, she has been dressed as a descendant of the Ma family and went to meet people in the shop.

Of course, not every time I meet.

The first few times, she really went to buy things, and by the way, also paralyzed those who followed her.

Xun Gongtu never dreamed that the non-Yecheng he seemed to have in his hands had actually been activated by Lin Mengya's many dark lines.

之前 The arrangement she made with a few older brothers finally came in handy today.

There are people in every street or even alley in Feicheng.

It is either a street vendor selling on the street, or a restaurant with a wealth of customers.

Pick the skin and go inside, hiding a fiery and loyal heart belonging to the palace family.

They waited, looked forward, and reluctantly, just to one day, the palace family took off.

线 These lines, once ignited, will not go out.

Ye Feicheng has become a living city!

Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu who were arrogantly trying to confront the entire non-Yecheng city, they had already lost their foundation and advantages, but they were just killing themselves.

Quickly, Lin Mengya, who arranged everything, waited quietly for the day of action.

Early in the morning, Ma Beichen took people out.

A group of people swayed from the long street to the gate of the palace.

The two concierges responsible for keeping the door turned green when they saw the man coming.

They can't afford to mess with them, and they can't hide at the same time.

He could only bite his scalp, holding a cramped face, and greeted him.

"Ma Gongzi, this is you today"

Ma Beichen smiled and looked very good.

He touched the jade fingers on his thumb and said very familiarly.

"I'm here to visit my big brothers, you guys, let me go."

Visit Big Brother?

The concierge's face twitched.

This product is a mess, and every time I come, I can make the chicken jump in the house.

On the first day, he said that he should bring some things to support his elder brothers, and make a noise to meet people.

No matter how he stopped Master Tu, the master insisted on seeing people.

In the end, Master Tu couldn't bear it, so he just put him in.

I didn't expect that when the man entered the house, he beat the doctor whom Miss Er invited.

The reason is particularly speechless. He said that he saw the doctor and touched the hand of his little sister who was serving his elder brother.

What happened to a girl ring?

He may have just said the son-in-law, this doctor's intentions are not correct, if it is not good for his elder brother, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

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