The doctor shouted injustice and cried for mercy, saying that he would never dare in the future, and he must be cured.

I did not expect that from that day on, the young master would see the sky.

The reason I said was that I was not assured of this quack-hearted quack doctor, so I had to come and see it myself.

Master Tu Tu was afraid he would kill someone, but Ma Gongzi said that he would not beat anyone.

He just sat in the room with a golden knife, staring at a pair of bull's eyes, staring at the doctor to see the sick.

不 He is not troublesome, but instead sends some precious medicine to the body to help the body.

So even if Tu Tu is bored, he can only bear it for the time being.

I talked a lot, and I just ignored them.

Finally, Master Tu could not bear it, and he was ordered not to answer the door.

I didn't expect this grandfather to be even better.

I found a few non-leaf city, the most wonderful grass show team to perform.

The gate was so blocked that it was more lively than the vegetable market.

When the housekeeper was desperate to find someone, Ma Gongzi said that these were all he had come to perform for his ancestors.

不 If you can't get in, you can make people lively outside, so that the ancestors will be happy when they listen.

What's more, he used his own silver, which did not hinder the palace family. How could Tu Tu master even prevent him from being filial?

With all the words of the grand court, these words almost made Gong Zhun cover his mouth.

But when he came again the next day, Master Tu had no choice but to let him in.

As soon as the grandfather saw them, the grandfather could only get mad.

People who can't figure it out, what can they do?

Squinting at the grandfather with a smile, he walked in with a big swing, and the two porters looked at each other and decided to go back and continue to die.

At this moment, the news of Ma Beichen's returning star, like a plague, exploded across the palace.

"Here again! Why is he here again!"

The first to bear the brunt was the doctor who was invited by the palace dance in the courtyard.

当 He really wants to cry without tears.

He swears that he just watched these girls who were waiting for the patient, so they didn't control his claws.

Besides, he just touched his little hand and didn't want to do anything excessive.

Why did I happen to let this man grasp the current.

Hey guy, this beating has killed him.

角 The corners of his mouth twitching unconsciously, with a piece of bruise at the moment, his teeth grinning at the touch.

Why are people here today?

Lin Lin Mengwu heard it, but almost exploded on the spot.

"Damn Ma Beichen! What does he do!"

She thought that two obstructive people sent by Ma Beichen would be sent away, and she could smoothly implement her plan.

Anyway, the recipe left by the so-called old divine doctor, she has already sent it to others to see, it is useless at all.

The reason why she is so anxious to make substitutions is to want to confuse Gong Tu and make the other person think that she is panicked.

At that time, the people in Gongtu will be eager to try the medicine.

As long as there is something wrong with Gong Qianfeng, then everything will be a disaster for the recipe.

废物 And the waste she found became the best testimony.

I conspired to murder the ancestors of the palace. If this matter is spread, even if the palace has great patience, he will not have the qualification to become the master of the house.

She can keep him for a while, but when the power of the palace is in her hands, the evidence she holds in her hand is the rope that is always around the neck of the palace.

It's not just obedient obedience to a locked evil dog.

I didn't expect that everything was mixed up by this guy Ma Beichen!

She burned in anger, turned her hand over the hot tea on the table, and snapped it to the maid.

"Waste! Drive me out!"

The tea splashed and the cup fell into a sharp porcelain piece.

But the servant girl didn't dare to pick it up, and even knelt on the broken porcelain piece.

The shards pierced into the flesh, and the maid's face was white and trembling with pain.

But if she doesn't, she will be the target of Miss Er's anger.

At the end of the day, her ending will be even more miserable.

"OK, you go down."

Ying Shangguan Qing came in from the door, glanced at the fairly sensible maid, and said coldly.

Immediately, the servant girl was pardoned and ran away.

In the air, there was a slight **** breath.

Qi Lin Mengwu took a deep breath, but with a look of evil spirit in her eyes.

"Mother, that Ma Beichen is a disaster!"

She scolded her teeth and said that the face was pretty, but at the moment, she was distorted by jealousy.

She just didn't think there was anything wrong with her daughter. On the contrary, she felt the same as her daughter.

Like Ma Gongtu, Ma Machen came to hinder them.

I touched her daughter's face, she was much calmer.

"It's really not the way to go, I think about it."


She Shangguan Qing raised her lips, with a little sneer and disdain in her smile.

"Isn't that the majestic guy who likes to mess with flowers the most? He came here to do nothing but to be diligent with that little bitch. But if he is here to do something shameful, you think he still Is there a face? "

Lin Lin Mengwu suddenly understood her mother's thoughts.

Sure enough, this is the best way.

A little smile gradually appeared on his face.

She really wanted to see what Lin Mengya's self-assertive **** would look like when she learned that her fiance was engaged with other women.

"It makes sense, I think the little **** named Liu is just fine. If it wasn't for her willingness to seduce the doctor, how could she be caught by Ma Beichen. Since it was caused by her, she was responsible for cleaning up the mess All right."

What's more, she tried to buy the little **** several times, but she was blocked by her.

She can be regarded as fulfilling her. After all, isn't it better to follow Ma Beichen than to be a waitress?

Shang Shangqing nodded, but with a little cold in his eyes.

Whoever doesn't make her feel good with her daughter, she won't make them feel good.

I turned and walked out of the room, she beckoned.

Immediately, a woman came over.

"Go and bring your nephew's friends to the backyard. I have a beautiful job and let them do it."


Today, Liu Qianrong reminded her courage, looking forward to that horse boy.

After getting the certain news, she finally hung a heart.

After she entered the room holding a hot tub and a hot towel, she took a clean and soft cloth towel and wiped Gong Bin's face with her hands.

Gong Ping, who was aside, showed a touch of thought.

柳 This girl Liu always seems to be a little different to the young master.

It wasn't that she was bad to others.

Conversely, even in some respects, the willow girl's attentiveness far surpassed him.

Since she came, the ancestor and several young masters have been clean every day, and their faces have become ruddy.

However, she seems to be more attentive to the young master.

I look away, always staying with the young master and not saying, she'll be sitting next to the fire, and rubbing the legs and arms for the young master.

He said that he was waiting for his master, but he felt more like his mother was waiting for his father.

I thought of his parents, Gong Ping's eyes, dim a lot.

His mother and his father were very loving.

What a pity, all this is false, and my mood can't help lowering.

After Qiang Gong Bin wiped it out, Liu Qianrong arranged his clothes for him again.

人 This man is notoriously neat. Even before his downfall, his clothes were clean and tidy.

She has also been on the street and met him several times.

On his face, I never saw the marketplace of a businessman. Instead, he was like a gentle scholar, always with a soft smile.

I thought this day they would never meet again, but did not expect that she still has such a close time with him today.

Just after he woke up, did they owe each other the same?

Xun gently smoothed the folds on his clothes, and she blew herself up into a wave of hearts and gathered them up.

When he stood up to take care of the second master next to him, he saw Gong Ping, and seemed to be absent-minded.

"If you continue this way, Master Five will drown you."

She joked softly at Gong Ping, who immediately looked like a rabbit, startled.

The wet cloth towel in my hand had dripped Master Five's collar wet.

He Gongping immediately put down the cloth towel and rubbed his sleeves with his hands.

Seeing this, Qiu Liuqianrong handed him the dry cloth at hand.

瞧 "Look at your young adult's strength every day, I did not expect to have such a side. Next time I meet, I have to tell the lady."

Although Lin Mengya did not indicate her identity, how could she not guess with Liu Qianrong's intelligence?

She was surprised at the style of the young lady in the palace, but she thought of what happened to Gongya these days.

I couldn't help but was a little curious about this young lady.

In her impression, a woman of her family, like her, is a thousand and noble, and she is somewhat proud and indifferent.

But this young lady is like a scorching sun.

Tong Ming was clear, brilliant and warm, and people couldn't help but want to approach.

Now, she also understands a little, why the people in the palace family follow Gong Ya.

Who doesn't want to, there is a living, humane homeowner?

If there is such a person in the palace family, then Gong Bin must find a virtuous and gentle wife.

I thought of this, and she let go of her mind.

After everything is over, she should retire.

He Gongping listened to her joke, but took it seriously.

I immediately looked at her nervously, anxiously.

"Mrs. Liu, can you please tell the lady?"

Qian Liurong was interrupted by his thoughts, with a slight smile, and continued to laugh: "Why?"

Xia Gongping bowed his head and looked a little heavy.

"I don't want to let the lady down to me."

Originally only a few jokes, I did not expect this child, but he seemed to take it seriously.

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