Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1660: Set up a trap

Qiu Liuqianrong felt a little sorry, always felt like this, a little sorry for the child's red heart, and immediately shifted the topic.

哪 "Why? I see the lady especially admiring you. Alright, don't think about it so much. Today's medicine should be done. Would you help me bring it?"

He Gongping rubbed his face and immediately went out to get the medicine.

The doctor did not prescribe any serious medicine, and now he is given to a few people in the family by some prescriptions left by Lin Mengya.

After Liu Qianrong cleaned up for Master Five, she heard someone calling her in the yard.

"Where is Miss Liu?"

小姐 Since the lady left, she and Gong Ping have both been trapped in the courtyard.

Apart from the doctor who is smoky, there is usually no one to embarrass her.

I wiped her hands and she went outside.

He saw a **** woman standing in the yard.

"What are you doing to me, this mom?"

The mother-in-law smiled and looked her up and down, and stepped forward and kindly pulled her hand.

"It's such a smart and pretty girl. It's like this. I heard people in your yard say that you are usually the most competent. I happen to be a little busy here. I hope you can help me."

Tadpole Liu Qianrong looked slightly for a moment.

虽然 Although she pretended to be a well-behaved and meek all day, but in her bones, she is the first flower maid Liu Qianrong who can operate a huge Wen Yuge.

There are so many people in the palace family who are not looking for this wife, but they came to her.

Obviously, there is no good intention.

But if people are under the roof, she also has a bad attitude and is too tough, so she smiles and answers.

"Everyone upholds me. Mom, wait a minute, I'll come and settle."

After hearing that, the mother-in-law showed a rescued expression, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up and go back early."

She glanced at her mother-in-law, and couldn't hide her pride.

Such a clumsy lie was placed in their Wen Yuge, and no bones were left.

Gong Ping urged Gong Ping carefully, so that he must look at those people before the son-in-law came, and Liu Qianrong followed the wife to an inconspicuous side hall.

She had observed it on her way to here. It was a place with few people and the most remote place in the palace.

婆 This woman brought her here, afraid that she didn't pretend to have any kind intentions.

The grandmother stood at the door, pretending to look around casually before she said.

"Look at my mind. I was originally asking you to help me draw the flowers. I'm so confused that I left everything behind the kitchen. If you wait for me here, I'll go back. Don't go far. "

Snatched something?

Qianliu Qianrong sneered, but pretended to be kind: "Let ’s go together and get a picture of it in the kitchen when you get it. There are a few sons and daughters, but they can't live without their hands."

Mother-in-law thought she had noticed something, but saw the girl named Liu with innocence between her eyebrows.

I could not help but scold her stupidly, but pushed her hand away with a smile.

"How can this be, the kitchen is sooty, dirty and messy. You are here waiting for me, and I will be right back."

Squinting at Liu girl before letting go, the woman was a little annoyed.

She had to do what Miss Ji told her, but Miss also said that she must not expose herself.

So she must go ahead so she can clear the suspicion.

If this girl is tangled, she will have to use some means.

When Xun was thinking of being polite to Girl Liu, who knew, the man suddenly let go of his hand.

"Mom is really thoughtful. So, I see people coming and going here. If you see me here, you should think I'm lazy. So, I go into the room and wait. If my mother comes back, Just call me, how? "

She blinked and looked extremely sincere.

The mother-in-law smiled, and she felt a little lucky.

This time, but she wanted to drill into the tiger's mouth, then, no wonder others.

好 "Okay, there aren't many people here. You can wait for me there. But don't run around, our palace family, the rules are big."

Qiu Liuqianrong smiled, and she stunned, and walked in under the watchful eye of her mother-in-law.

I just felt like something had just entered the door.

He turned sharply to cover up the door of the room, and saw the woman hurried away through the crack.

Sure enough, that was not the way to the kitchen.

I want to count her!

With this knowledge, Liu Qianrong was careful everywhere, cautiously.

The small hall is not big, it should be just a place for people to rest temporarily.

Circling around the screen, she heard something moving inside.

Isn't this the person lying in ambush here with that woman?

Qianliu Qianrong touched her waist. Here was a pointed wooden awl.

I didn't know where the lady was found, but a wooden awl with a long arm was very light.

The material is very hard, but this wooden awl can be used as a self-defense tool.

This is also brought by the lady, secretly stuffed for her.

She clenched the wooden cone, and Liu Qianrong quietly moved inside.

He didn't want to, and before he took her shot, he was restrained by a pair of fiery iron arms.

"let me go!"

She did not hesitate to pierce the wooden awl at the man behind him.

She was fierce and fast, and the man didn't expect it, but she really stabbed her thigh.

The strength around the neck loosened, and Liu Qianrong immediately seized the opportunity to break free.

I was thinking of escaping and shouting, but I could hear a little familiar voice behind me.

"who are you?"

I heard the man's questioning, and she turned back immediately, but her eyes widened in surprise and she cried out.

"why you?"

The person who blew a lot of blood with her wooden cone in front of her eyes, isn't it Ma Dashi who comes to help them stare at people together every day?

Qiu Liuqianrong only hesitated for a while, then immediately noticed his abnormality.

The situation of the little boy is very wrong!

His face was flushed, and even his eyes were red.

A tadpole is like a beast in the mountain, with a wild urge to bite its prey at any time.

Now, he was gritting his teeth tightly, and the sweat was dripping over his forehead.

He seemed to be enduring severe pain.

"Mr. Ma, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that it was Ma Beichen, she did not escape, and immediately went to check his condition, but did not expect that she was pushed away by Ma Beichen.

"Go out!"

He yelled in a rough voice, turned, but leaned against the wall, slowly slipping off.

He knew he was hit.

Originally thought that it would be a woman who came to the door.

It is indeed a woman, but unfortunately, it is a familiar person.

Qiu Liuqianrong gave him a shiver, but couldn't help worrying.

She wanted to go out for help, but as soon as she walked to the door of the small hall, she heard a sound flowing inside.

"Your aunt said, that little girl is here, and who will get us first?"

"Of course I am Lao Tzu! Would you have such a good blessing without me? I'll wait for Lat Tzu and wait for Lat Tzu to have enough fun to make you enjoyable!"

Damn it!

Qiu Liuqianrong secretly scolded the wife for poison, but now, she is hard to beat with four fists.

I thought about it, she turned around and returned to Ma Beichen.

"Don't I let you go?"

At this time, Ma Beichen was almost unable to control his body.

In addition to the strong tanning medicine, there are also some drugs in it.

So he is now in a state of weakness, as if in a sea of ​​fire.

He even made him think that the woman had come to him without knowing it, and fell to his ear and said softly.

"Ma Gongzi, we have been counted. There are a few tadpoles outside, who want to insult me. Let's not make any noise, so as not to alarm them."

The fragrant incense of the woman rushed into Ma Beichen's breath.

But like a drop of water dripping on the oil, it stabbed and scorched hot.

He couldn't control himself, a pair of arms hung tightly around the woman's thin waist.

With her breath, both fell to the ground.

He Ma Beichen's mind was completely muddled, and he felt that only the woman in his arms was the medicine to save him and destroy his water.

He opened the woman's placket in a random manner and touched her delicate skin.

Her waist is much thinner than that of ordinary women. It's really unprofitable and can't help making people play.

Yan Liu Qianrong did not expect this person to be frivolous to her!

But soon, she knew that Ma Beichen had taken the medicine.

She Bei bit her teeth tightly, and while supporting the man with her elbow, she tried to prevent his intrusion without letting go.

After hesitated, he fumbled around his waist.

Finally, he touched the hard wood cone.

She did not hesitate to pull out the awl.

Suddenly, Ma Beichen snorted in pain.

Qiu Liuqianrong was afraid he would yell for it, and immediately blocked it with the other hand.

The sting caused Ma Beichen to retrieve a little bit of Qingming.

He only saw the girl who had just been pressed under him. Although he had been frivolous, he only looked at the situation outside.

At the moment, there was a ripple in my heart.

It was the first time he saw such a woman.

Lin Linmeng gave Liu Qianrong the tip of the wooden cone with a small barb.

He was not fatal, but it made him bleed a lot of blood.

The unbearable scorching heat of the brace gradually faded away at this moment.

After sighing for a moment, Bei Ma Beichen sighed heavily, struggling to stand up.

"Sorry, I was just now"

He wanted to apologize, but the girl took a look at him and made him snor.

Ma Ma Beichen could not help but be angry and happy, this girl, why don't you care about your own name?

放在 If you put it on someone, at least you have to fan his two mouths to defuse it?

But this girl knows his identity, and probably think he won't be irresponsible, right?

"Girl, if you don't dislike it, you can do it later"

"Don't I shut you up, doesn't it hurt, right? If you don't, then poke twice more!"

Alas, the girl really annoyed him.

After he politely flung him, Ma Beichen was completely honest.

Why is this girl so fierce?

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