Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1661: Fake come true

The people outside did not know why. They just rummaged in the yard and not in the back.

Mingming they should have heard the news just now. Why not just not come here and take it seriously?

Stuck in the building, she watched these tricks a lot, and came to understand them three or two times.

Huh, this is to treat her as dirty water, ready to splash on Ma Beichen's body.

No wonder they didn't dare to come in. It must have been known early on that Gongzi had a secret move.

After the people outside tossing for a while, they finally became impatient.

"I said Cai Gouzi, didn't your aunt say, people are here, people?"

的 The young man named Cai Gouzi apparently felt that he couldn't hold his face, and he hurriedly told his partner.

"I do not know either."

"No, are you running away?"

几个 The few rogues scolded a few more words, and then mentioned what happened behind the screen.

"I said, would that little lady run in? Or else, let's go in and see?"

Yan Liu Qianrong's heart suddenly raised.

Holding the wooden awl tightly in her hand, her heart lifted.

She still has a wounded person here, and I don't know if it will be possible in the future.

If she couldn't, she yelled desperately.

Anyway, they can't see this light, they must be guilty!

Ahead of time, Cai Gouzi was in trouble.

He was afraid of his aunt since he was a child. Just now his aunt twisted his ears and told him that no matter what happened, he couldn't go behind the screen.

If he goes, interrupt his dog legs.

I thought for a while, fear still prevailed.

"Forget it, let's go first. My aunt said, the palace rule is very big, and if something goes wrong, we won't cut our heads enough."

Qiu Liuqianrong's heart all referred to her throat.

She was motionless. After listening to those rogues leaving, she found her feet were numb.

I stepped back a few steps and almost fell.

He was held up by his waist and held in his arms.

"All right?"

Qian Liu Qianrong shook her head subconsciously, then jumped out immediately.

She walked before she reacted.

Just now, I almost let this Ma Beichen infringe.

Although he was in the shadow of others, but

Forget it, now is not the time to take care of these things.

He lowered his head, wiped the wooden awl, and held it in his palm.

"Ma Gongzi, we shouldn't stay here for a long time, let's leave first."

She Ma Beichen nodded seriously.

There was a rush of anger in my heart, and he dared to count him!

Regardless of whether it was done by Gong Tu or Gong Wu, after all, it was his taboo.

He is not that easy, someone who can turn the film!

Qian Liu Qianrong bypassed the screen, but saw Ma Beichen walking only limping.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu actually walked over.

"Mr. Ma, let me help you."

"Thank you girl."

Bian Ma Beichen was a little embarrassed. After all, just now, he was a big man and he didn't help anything.

I let a little girl save him.

While two people were holding each other out, the mother-in-law who came to look at the news received a collision.

As soon as she saw that the man and the woman were not well-dressed, the wife smiled immediately.

After yelling, he opened his throat and shouted.

"It's awesome, let's see it soon. Mr. Magong is hooking up with a girl in our family, they"

No word, before the yell, the wife hung in the air.

Because at this moment, a sharp wooden awl still standing on the flesh had already reached her neck.

Qianliu Qianrong narrowed her eyes and said lightly.

"If you say one more word, I will let you die in my hands."

The woman's voice, as if carrying Bing Ling, severely pierced the mother's fear.

The **** smell, where could a woman's family resist it.

He looked at the wooden awl in horror, and his body shook with it.

"Aunt, girl, what are you doing? Me, I'm here to be the master!"

"Do it for me? Didn't you lie to me here in an attempt to insult me? I asked you, who made you do this?"

Suddenly, the woman's eyes turned round, and she grew stronger.

"You are less bloody! I just want to ask you for a favor. Who knows how shameless you are?"

With the scream of the woman, Ma Beichen saw that the wooden awl in the girl's hand had not hesitated into the woman's shoulder.

"Say or not!"

Cold and clear voice, without any ups and downs.

As if what she did just now is not a big deal at all.

But the woman was afraid, and she cried immediately.

"Yes, it was Miss Er who asked me to do it! She said, let me find some ** to hurt you and plant it on Mengzi!"

It really is the case!

I have a good second lady, and actually use this method.

Alas, now is not the time to settle accounts.

The sound of beating the wife must have shocked the people around.

When Qianliu Qianrong got the answer, she was not vague at all, and immediately took out the wooden awl on the woman's shoulder, her eyes closed, and she pierced her shoulder.

She Ma Beichen was shocked by her decisive and decisive means.

This woman is a savage man.

Who knows, after the girl pulled out the wooden awl, she threw it into the grass.

Miao, with a pale face, came to them.

"Just now, it was a few thieves who were hit by us and wanted to kill someone."

声音 Her voice was trembling, not pain, but forbearance.

刚 As soon as this was said, someone could hear the sound at the end.

Yan Liu Qianrong took a few steps forward and called out for help.

"Come, come on! Kill, kill!"

Her weak call for help, just like the sentence just now.

Alas, the man was not the guard who knew the dirty trap.

I saw the girl running over with blood, but I didn't think much about it, so I shouted loudly.

"Come on, someone is hurt here!"

Qiu Liuqianrong fell at the man's feet, grabbed the man's trouser legs, and said intermittently.

"Yes, a thief came in, they, they want to kill, kill us"

After I finished speaking, she closed her eyes and pretended to faint.

Suddenly, there was a mass around him.

Liu Qianrong, who was rescued back to the courtyard, squinted and dragged Gongping's sleeve secretly.

The man was anxious for her and Magong's injuries. As soon as she felt her movements, she immediately got ridiculous and kicked out the extra people.

"Mrs. Willow, Mrs. Willow, how are you?"

Qiu Liuqianrong opened her eyes immediately, shook her head, and whispered.

"I'm fine, just some skin trauma. Do you remember someone said yesterday that the lady is going to act today? Prepare quickly, maybe it's ahead of time!"

Last night, the person who had been in charge of communicating with the outside passed the news.

I said that Ma Beichen was going to make a big event today, and then let them cooperate and take the opportunity to transport them all away.

So she had a clever idea and used this bitter plan.

Now, I'm afraid they've rummaged inside and outside.

Suddenly, Ms. Ma will cooperate with her to make this happen.

This time, it was fake, and it became true.

"Oh, okay, I'll prepare it. This is the medicine left by the lady, you need to use it first. Wait until the outside, the lady will definitely cure you!"

Wu Gongping was just scared by her injury, and did not respond for a moment.

Tamarix Qianrong hastily wrapped his wound, and in accordance with Lin Mengya's instructions, lit the incense hidden in the small kitchen.

After a while, the two girls on duty today fell down.

Xun Gongping had already packed everything up, but only gave it to her.

"When I was outside, I asked Liu to take care of my ancestors and young masters."

Qian Liu Qianrong was a bit surprised. Originally, Gong Ping should have left with her. Why?

Xi Gongping looked at her with a puzzled expression and could only laugh at her self-deprecating bitter smile.

"I stay here to prevent Gong Tu and Gong Wu from doubting the lady's head. You can rest assured that Gong Tu will not kill me. Maybe I will stay here for other purposes. Girl Liu, please is you."

Xun Gongping's heart has been decided, not to mention the time is tight, but can not afford such a mother-in-law.

As soon as they have packed up, outside, they knocked on the door three times as agreed.

Li Gongping lay on the door, glanced through the gap, determined that it was the lady who arranged, and immediately opened the door and let people in.

"Miyahira, are you ready?"

Li was not assured and came in person to pick up someone.

Hiromi nodded and took the person into the room.

Li first confirmed that everyone was okay, and signaled some strong young men, either carrying their backs or carrying them, to move them out.

Qiu Liuqianrong followed, but she looked at Gong Ping rather uneasily.

In just a few days, she was loyal and reliable to the child.

"Are you really not leaving with us?"

Xi Gongping knew that she was worried about herself, and her heart warmed, but she shook her head firmly.

After pushing her a step further, she said softly.

"Miss said that everyone has their own mission. I know what I should do, rest assured, I will keep this home and wait for Miss to come back!"

Looking at the hope in the child's eyes, she was relieved a lot.

As long as people have a hope in their hearts, even the hardest days can survive.

She said nothing more, followed Li Xian and they quietly moved outside the yard.

Behind them, Gong Ping was sure they left safely, returned to the house, and swallowed a drug.

He shouted "Dangdang", and he fell to the hard ground.

At this moment, he was so ruthless that he felt his teeth grin.

No one would doubt him now, right?

The effect of the peony gradually started, and he lost his consciousness.

I ancestors, they will escape safely.

Hit him, believe me.

I don't know Lin Mengya, who has changed a lot at the old house. At this time, she has changed her face. After dropping those eyeliners, she stood looking at the intersection.

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