Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1676: Strong alliance

Gao Linmengwu's eyes were full of resentment.

Since she cannot inherit the position of the owner, she will never let Lin Mengya be better!

When the people around her heard her words, her face could not help but change slightly.

Especially the elders of those palace families showed a little sneer.

Letting an unfounded girl doll be a joke!

But they all forgot that it was Lin Mengya's return that gave them a decent look, and they were able to rely on the old and sell old.

With a crackling sound, Lin Mengya gave him a slap with no mercy.


四个 Single four words, but it is like ice.

The hair combed by Gao Linmengwu's high hair was scattered by the shabby beads, and that slap completely stirred her fierceness.

But when she saw Su Mei's eyes, she seemed to be poured down by a basin of cold water.

That look is too familiar, Lin Mengya!

This entangled in the depths of her soul, from the moment she was born, has been pressing her everywhere, making her unstoppable!

Even a slut's dog rides on her head like a **** to do well!

"Palace dance, the following offenders, slander the homeowner, from now on, imprisoned in the palace home, you must not step out of the door half a step!"

Zhe Lin Mengya stood proudly under the watchful eyes of everyone.

As for the previous words, she did not bother to explain.

Because these people misunderstand or do not misunderstand, to her, it has no meaning.

She just acted so arrogantly, which caused some dissatisfaction.

"Sumei, even if the owner is here today, it is necessary to give us a satisfactory answer, you are this"

"When the old house of the palace family was occupied by Yu Jia, why didn't you go and ask Yu Jia for an explanation?"

When she froze her eyes, she could not say anything polite.

"You, you are overdue! What about the palace family, it's not enough for you to be a stranger!"

I had a testy, and tore his face on the spot.

Ke Kereng Mengya had been prepared for a long time, glanced at the man dismissively, and then spoke calmly.

"You are a family, but you are too incompetent, so you have to go through the hands of my foreigner. If you have an opinion, go to the housekeeper. I only act as instructed, and my six relatives do n’t recognize it, not to mention you Which relative? "

I was ssed by her, and several old guys around her had crooked noses.

Alas, when they still wanted to say something, Miyaji did not give them this opportunity.

"The palace family has always been dominated by the clan family. Why is it your turn to speak? I think you forgot the rules?"

这 Before that, the feelings that Gong Si always gave people were all gentlemen, gentle and gentle.

However, they never knew that they had been reckless in recent years, and they had already learned the decision in Gongsi's heart.

What's more, before the illness, Gong Si and Gong Bin had a vague tendency to take charge.

He was in front of him, and these old things naturally lost a lot of confidence.

After Xun turned around and looked at the younger sister, Gong Si gathered her three-point coldness and walked out of the hall.

"Let everyone see the joke today, Gong is really ashamed."

In fact, today's changes in the palace family are an opportunity in the eyes of some people.

As long as the palace's internal fighting is not endless, if there is a little carelessness, it will immediately subvert.

It will not necessarily be a good time for those of them.

Sumiya Gong swept around a little, and knew that there were not a few people holding such ideas.

However, Ma Beichen, who was standing in front, laughed heartily at this moment.

"What are the four sons saying, where are we, the jumping clowns, seeing less?"

"Brother Beichen said."

At the entrance of the gate, at this moment, a cold and cold echo sounded.

Even Lin Mengya was a bit surprised. Next, Ma Beichen should have represented the Ma family and formed an alliance with the palace family on the spot, so as to deter the people with heart.

But who is this person?

She asked her elder brother with her eyes, and the latter was obviously sullen.

After a while, Gong Shi's eyes were bright.

"Cheng Su?"

I saw a few people coming in from the door.

Lu is headed by a thin, serious young man.

The old man was about the same age as his elder brother, but between walking, he had his own firmness and stability.

Looking at the slightly familiar face, Lin Mengya suddenly remembered the identity of the other party!

I am from the Cheng family. I heard that this is the most respected youngest son of Mr. Cheng.

Like her brother Lin Nansheng, she has been in the army since she was a child, and she has followed the army outside for many years.

I did not expect that the man sent by Father Cheng was actually him.

Cheng Chengsu saw Gong Si, his face tightened slightly.

Xiong Gongsi also greeted him with a smile. How he didn't know, this is Mr. Cheng, who is supporting him.

"It's been a long time since I saw him. Brother Cheng has made a lot of military achievements, which is really gratifying."

Cheng Cheng was used to the army and was not good at greeting others.

After I nodded, Lou Sheng said.

"My father specially asked me to come over here to congratulate the establishment of Sitai College. The father said that among the owners, the most important thing is the owner of the palace. The young and promising is really a role model for my generation . "

Who is Father Cheng?

In the past fifty years, he has also been a famous figure.

I am even more obsessed with Father Cheng in the family where they are here.

But now, the Cheng family is here to support the palace.

Some thoughts that have just risen, and under the impact of this matter, the turtle shrinks.

Bian Ma Beichen looked at the two people and understood it.

He strode in front of Cheng Su. The two of them were old friends for many years.

"Uncle Cheng has always had a good eye. Before he came, the old man in my family also said that in recent years, only the younger generation, Gong Ya, could get his blue eyes. Although you and I are men, now, I am afraid that a woman will give them Than it passed. "

However, Cheng Su only glanced at Ma Beichen.

"Good men do not fight with women."

Suddenly, the smile on Ma Beichen's face shook.

This wood 疙瘩, I really don't understand anything!

"Hum, play on the cow!"

Two people look tired of each other, from childhood to growth.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two fathers raised their lives and knew the importance of the palace family, how could they be connected with one another?

Fortunately, Gongsi was a wink, and he smelled a little.

In addition, people are their own helpers, naturally it is not easy to neglect the two, and had to lose a smile and said.

"Cheng Gongzi has had a long journey, wait a moment in the room, wait for me to finish my family, and thank you."

Cheng Chengsu had another attitude towards Gongsi. After greeting him, he followed the person designated by Gongsi and went to the palace's reception room.

"Mr. Son, is your injury even more critical?"

Qiongongsi whispered a question, and Ma Beichen immediately shook his head with a smile.

In the end Cheng Su is a guest, and he is a friend of the palace family.

Whatever I say, he has to accompany them, only after this game.

He turned, and Da Ma Jin Dao sat in the chair, his eyes squeaked from time to time.

I have him with Cheng Su, who dares to think again?

此时 At this moment, Gong Tu and others were already ashamed.

The general trend has gone, what if they bought a part secretly?

With the help of the Ma family and the Cheng family, those small families also had to weigh a few pounds or two.

Those big families are even more cunning than foxes.

Such a scene, they flatly refused to easily open their sins.

"You are here today, and I also ask you to make a forensics."

Gong Gong's four residences gave a high-level inspection, and finally his eyes fell on Gong Tu's body.

"My palace family only accepts Gongya as the homeowner, and everyone else must listen to the homeowner's order. The homeowner is clever and wise, and the housekeeper is kind. He never expected that such a group of rebellious people would raise the mind of the abandoned homeowner. So , The owner decided to deprive all family members of the ancestors from their family names and expel the family from now on. From then on, they have no more relationship with the family members! "

As soon as this remark was announced, it was not only Gong Tu, but those by-laws who had seized the poor family of Gong family were all silly.

这 "This, this is impossible! How can the homeowner do such a terrific thing?"

In the puppet crowd, someone suddenly shouted.

Lin Lin Mengya snorted and said.

"You can all do things like imprison your ancestors and abolish your homeowner. Why can't the homeowner be allowed to drive you out of the family? Really think that the surname of the palace means that the homeowner has to pamper you?"

Some people in the neighbourhood still refused to accept it. Even under the instigation of a caring person, they even wanted to make trouble.

What a pity, how could Lin Mengya give them this.

"I have one more thing here. I was thinking about giving you some affection. It seems I have to say it."

Then she took out a small book.

There are a lot of things in it that are densely packed.

These are all evidences of being caught in this short period of time, and those who are greedy with ink and silver, are full of private money.

From Gong Tu to those old guys, and even those in charge of compradors in the house, all have a share.

After she finished reading them one by one, she threw the ledger to the ground.

"In your eyes, there was a bit of a house! What should you do according to family rules?"

This group of people were dissatisfied, and someone immediately jumped out and said.

"We just took some small money. Besides, these are the money of the palace family. Even if we take it, we will not be driven out of the palace family, right?"

"Besides, we have been mistreated for so long, and now the family is flourishing again, we can never let us live the hardships we had before?"

Such a statement is simply shameless.

However, Lin Mengya was not very angry. She squinted her eyes, and the corners of her lips did not linger.

"Really? How did the palace family decline, do I need to say it in detail?"

She said this to Gong Tu and the old guys.

Suddenly, after a slight change in Gong Tu's complexion, his head, which had been stiffened, had to be lowered.

"No need, since we are no longer family members, there is no point in here anymore, goodbye."

No one at the side of the palace family expected that Gong Tu would concede so quickly.

At the moment, he was going to go with him, but some still wanted to get another one in the end, actually noisy to go back to pack things.

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