But Lin Mengya ordered the palace, except for the clothes on them, they were not allowed to take them out.

All of a sudden, the group of people dared not be angry.

Xia Gongtu walked this way, but Shang Guanqing and Lin Mengwu panicked.

"Bring me, I want to follow you!"

Lin Lin Mengwu is not stupid, because she has the support of Gong Tu, she can enjoy it at the palace.

If Gong Tu was gone, wouldn't she and her mother only be slaughtered?

Alas, she was stopped just after she jumped over.

"Miss Er, where are you going?"

Lin Haoya, Lin Mengya, looked at Lin Mengwu with a smile.

Fear the latter, shouting in panic.

"I'm not from the palace family, I will go too! You let me go, let me go!"

"Miss Er is the sister of the owner. This is an irrefutable fact. You have now entered the genealogy and paid homage to the shrine. From then on, you will always be the second lady of the palace."

Talking to her word by word, while affirming Lin Mengwu's identity, she also put on a shackle.

From the second lady of the Lin family to the second lady of the palace family, although it looks similar, the life of Lin Mengwu is in her hands.

She Shangguan Qing was also frightened, and she knelt down in front of Su Mei, begging again and again.

"Mr. Su Mei, Miss Er is used by others! It is Gong Tu's clever words, otherwise how can Miss Er murder her sister?"

Lin Lin Mengya snorted in her heart.

Since Shangguan Qing entered the door of their Lin's house, it has not been a day, not counting her and her brother's names.

I ca n’t help them from now on.

"Where are you from the slaves, is there a place for you to talk? Take me down Miss II, and this evil slave, give me good punishment!"

She gave an order, and immediately a few strong women came to arrest.

Gao Linmengwu was so anxious that she wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, someone took her step first and grabbed her dress.

With a bang, the dress was ripped off.

Suddenly, Lin Mengwu didn't restrain this energy, and was immediately thrown out, and then he was firmly grasped.

"Sir, dress."

Wu Baisu didn't look at Lin Mengwu who fell on the ground, but folded the dress carefully, and then put it into Lin Mengya's hands.

Although the material of the dress is special, it has been so disturbed by Lin Mengwu, and in some places, it has been opened.

She was distressed because it was a tradition of the palace family, but was humiliated by Lin Mengwu.

"Lin Mengwu, you don't deserve it."

She threw this sentence coldly, but suddenly, poked Lin Mengwu's pain.


She Mingming is so noble from her birth, she should have got everything, but she has everything, but it all belongs to Lin Mengya?

"That's mine! It's mine! Lin Mengya is just a bitch, her mother is a bitch, and she too"

With a crackling sound, Bai Su's sword handle slammed into Lin Mengwu fiercely.

Suddenly, she was full of blood, and her teeth were broken.

Suffering pain and anger made her features twisted, her eyes staring at Bai Su as if she were going to peel and cramp each other.

But where Bai Su cares about her threats, she only looked at her in disgust, wiped her hilt with a handkerchief, and then dropped to the ground without hesitation.

It was Lin Mengya who sighed after seeing Lin Mengwu's unrepentant look.

"Lin Mengwu, the owner said, has she ever argued with you? It was you and your mother who forced her to trick her into the sedan chair, didn't you?"

Lin Lin Mengwu is no longer struggling.

She looks like a fish out of the water, staring at Su Mei with a blank stare.

On that day, she covered Lin Mengya's red hijab with her own hands and stuffed Lin Mengya a poisoned red date.

Prince Yu Yu was prominent when she said, but she knew better than anyone that it was a grave that Lin Mengya had dug by her mother.

Taking advantage of Lin Mengwu's strength, Lin Mengya waved her hand and asked people to drag their mother and daughter down.

"Master, are you okay?"

Tong Baisu looked at her and asked in a low voice.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, but her eyes were a little complicated.

"They get such a result, they are full of evil, you don't have to be burdened in your heart."

"Silly girl, do you look like I am a kind-hearted person?"

"Then you are this"

我 "I just think of things when I was young."

Since her soul left the body, in fact, those memories are a bit fuzzy.

But she remembered that when they were not sensible, Lin Mengwu had treated her sincerely.

There was a thunderous rain that night.

She was so scared that she shrank into the bed, but the nursing mother and the girls who took care of her were called out by Shangguan Qing.

哭 She wept so darkly that she felt that the rainy night outside was the most terrible existence.

He, however, had a pair of small hands and opened her tent.

She will always remember that little girl, who was shorter than herself, blinked a pair of big eyes, and then asked timidly.

"Sister, are you afraid?"

She was frightened and unresponsive at the time.

The little girl was actually scared, but she still bravely crawled in front of her, hugging her with a thin little chest.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," said the grandmother, so you won't be afraid.

That rainy night, because of fear, was engraved in the depths of her muddy memory.

I am also because of this, she has always been sensitive to the herbs, she would actually stupid eat Lin Mengwu's dates.

It's just that the poisonous dead is the little girl who will endure the will on rainy night and can comfort her sister.

Between them, and from then on, the sister's affection is exhausted.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know why she thought about it, probably because she didn't want to let her have any sense of concealment from the subconscious.

"Let's go, things at home, and we have to be busy."

She sighed, but her memory was gradually blurred at this moment.

Tong Baisu relaxed her mind when she saw her recovery as usual.

In fact, she also knew that before the master, he did not kill Lin Mengwu.

But from now on, the master and son will not be holding on to the mother and daughter.

The troublemakers were dealt with, and Ma Beichen sang with Gong Shiyi, beating those who did not have good intentions.

Dan Gongsi also knows the truth of a relaxation, so now in order to express his apologies to everyone, he invited everyone to the hall.

Those four brothers will be able to do a good job.

At this time, the palace's old house was obviously still in shock.

As she came along, many people made a special trip to see her.

Especially Gong Ping, she kept watching her.

的 The gloom of the past was gone, and it disappeared.

"Miyahei, tell the big guy, come to Dongyuan in a while."

Wu Dongyuan is not far from the homeowner's yard. Under normal circumstances, the people who live here are the most trusted and powerful people.

However, most of the time, Dongyuan was left empty or was taken back by the owner to use.

This time she returned to the house of the palace as a close friend, and living here is naturally the best.

Xi Gongping went to do it immediately, and Lin Mengya and Bai Su walked to Dongyuan, and saw that it was also magnificent.

I want to come, was re-decorated by Lin Mengwu.

"Master, should I ask someone to arrange it for you?"

Wu Baisu frowned, looking at the threshold and looking forward to the exaggerated courtyard covered with gold foil, suggested.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, but refused.

"Forget it, there is nothing unaccustomed to, we will change it later. Right now, the business is important."

Wu Dongyuan is not large, but there is nothing missing in the study, bedroom and small stove.

She just sat down in the study, Gong Ping was outside and knocked on the door.

"Sir, all the supervisors of the courts have arrived."

"Please come in."

After Xing Gongping answered outside, he opened the door and rushed in.

Soon, many people stood before her.

I watched these people's thin but energetic faces, and raised the corners of their lips sincerely.

"I know you have suffered a lot of grievances before. All these things are remembered by our owners."

This is the truth.

I said that real gold is to be refined by fire. Now this trip, I really got the palace family up and down.

I was a man or a ghost, and it became clear all of a sudden.

Everyone heard this, but a little bitterness was revealed on their faces.

Lin Mengya also knows that these loyal people cannot be wronged.

Then she came up with something that was already prepared.

这里 "Here is the betrayal of some of you. From now on, your betrayal will have no effect, that is, you will be restored to freedom."

This matter, she actually mentioned it once before.

But those people are used to doing it in the palace, after all, it is not serious.

Now after Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu are so troubled, they realize that freedom is precious.

If you really do n’t do it right, just walk away, why bother to stay here and suffer?

同时 But at the same time, they are also a little flustered. Is it the owner who wants them?

Soon, Lin Mengya dispelled their doubts.

还有 "Also, these are gifts from the owner."

She raised her hand and motioned to Bai Su and Gong Ping to distribute all these things.

Among these subordinates, there is no lack of literacy.

I saw the thing in my hand, but screamed in surprise.

"It's a land and land lease!"

"My mother, how much is this? Is it correct?"

After seeing everyone's surprised expression, Lin Mengya stood up and bowed deeply towards everyone.

"Mr. Sumei, what are you doing?"

"Oh, you can't do it!"

This is the dissolution of the deeds, but also for the things. These upright and loyal people have been panicking.

"I am the owner, thank you everyone. This time, if there is no patience and sacrifice for everyone, whether it is the ancestors, or a few young masters, and those children, I am afraid they have been suffered by the palace slaughter and the palace dance. A poisoned hand. The owner has something to do with her, so I ca n’t come here in person, so I will do it for her. If the owner returns, she will thank everyone for their kindness again in person! "

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