Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1678: Split power

Everyone was a little bit flustered, and this was the first time I wanted to come across this situation.

"Don't say that, it really hurts us."

"Yeah, the host is not bad for us. Besides, the host said that this is also our home! Gong Tu and Miss Er want to take our home, we will never agree!"

"Yes! That's right!"

I heard the big guy's answer, and the smile on Lin Mengya's face became brighter.

This is the true meaning of a family, not just a tool for money and power.

"The big guy ’s intentions, I will tell the owner one by fifteen to ten. As for the big guys, please be sure to accept them. In addition, the owner has one more thing, and I hope to get your support."

At this moment, there is only one thought in these people's hearts, and that is to repay the graciousness of the homeowner.

This matter was also formulated by Lin Mengya after thinking about it for a long time, combining with the current situation of the palace family.

"The incident of seizure of power by the side branch made the homeowner distressed. Gong Tu, a group of thieves, not only did evil in the family, but was still outside, doing many evil things that corrupted the reputation of the homeowner. In non-Yecheng, and even in the entire palace home, there must be strict systems for management. "

Generally speaking, in the fiefdom of a certain family, it is this family that naturally holds the highest power.

Before that, the royal family did not send officials to manage, but most of the officials were suspended or directly abolished.

But if non-Yecheng had managers at that time, even if Gong Tu had mastered the entire palace family, he would not be able to monopolize power and issue orders in non-Yecheng.

So, she decided to divide the power out.

The entire land is composed of large and small cities.

A large part of what happened before was because the rights of the palace family were too large, which led to the fact that those who won the title of the family could almost become the tyrants in the fiefdoms.

Perhaps this will be beneficial to the control and management of the family, but in the long run, it will only increase the struggle and confusion of the family for power.

一旦 Once the managers are caught in an internal struggle, the people in the fiefdom will be caught in aquatic fires.

Her proposal has also been unanimously approved by Miyaji.

It's just a bit difficult to implement.

But at least, you can start with the family.

"I need you to name a few capable and moral people to manage everything in the family. Except for the big housekeeper in the palace's old house, everything in the family will be responsible for these things."

Before the grandfather, his ancestors always hindered his feelings, and he was not really strict with the people in the family.

But after this incident, I am afraid that even my ancestors must have been disheartened.

No one wants to repeat the story of the farmer and the snake.

However, after hearing her say this, these people think it very well.

But they are still worried, what if the steward chosen later can't help tempting?

"Don't worry about this, this stewardship is not a life-long system. When you are in stewardship, there will be an assessment every year. It will be changed every three years. After more than two consecutive terms, moral excellence will be transferred from the original post Continue to be in charge. "

If you have power, you must have supervision.

Only in this way can we eliminate the source of abuse as much as possible.

Lin Lin Mengya's words made these people feel relieved temporarily.

After a while, she walked in front of Gong Ping.

After only a few days, Gong Ping lost a lot of weight.

But this child is the one who grows the most. Within a few days, everything in the house can be arranged properly, and even before the leak, it is rare.

If it wasn't for his proper arrangement, I'm afraid Gong Tu could really fight against Georgia.

I heard that the people in the house had misunderstood him before, but the child was able to withstand the pressure to do her inner response, and his mind was very comparable.

"Gong Ping, this time, you made a great contribution. In addition to the reward given to you by the owner, what else do you want? As long as you ask, the owner will definitely promise you."

She was relieved in her eyes and looked at the younger and more stable boy.

The latter, however, froze, clenched his lips, and there was a bit of pain in his look.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little puzzled, but she also knew that the child had a serious heart and must be hiding something from him.

After Qi Sui had sent everyone away, he asked softly.

"Can you tell me anything? Rest assured, we won, and no one can bully you in the future. You can tell me anything you have."

Around her, except for her and Bai Su, there was no one else.

After the palace opened his mouth flat, he sighed quietly.

"Miss, I don't deserve it."

Alas, this made her a little bit puzzled.

"Silly boy, what do you say?"

"Gong Tu is my biological father. Miss, you can drive me out of the palace, too. I don't deserve to stay at the palace again."

Xiong Gongping's voice became weaker and weaker, and finally turned into a painful whisper.

But this news, but Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed.

She knows the history of Xun Gongping. How did she become the son of Gong Tu?

"Who did you listen to?"

I was tortured by this incident, and it made Gong Ping extremely uncomfortable.

He blamed himself, fear, and resentment, almost becoming his demon.

Suddenly, the whole brain was spoken.

"He and my mother are childhood sweethearts. Also, he is holding my mother's handwritten letter. I have read that it was indeed written by my mother and cannot be forged. The letter said that Gong Tu was mine My biological father. So, after he occupied the old house, he let me alone and allowed me to stay in the small courtyard to take care of the ancestors. Miss, Gong Tu is a sinner of the Gong family. As his son, I It's hard to escape the blame. Ms. Gong Ping misses the grace of Miss, and she will never forget it in this life. She also asked Miss to be able to keep secrets for Gong Ping and save my last face. "

孩子 The child smashed something down, and Lin Mengya had made it clear.

No wonder, this child always showed a look of indifferent life and death. It turned out that he was hiding so much pain.

In my heart, I couldn't help feeling distressed.

Zhuan pulled the child's hand, Lin Mengya touched his head.

"Stupid child, Gong Tu is Gong Tu, you are you. It's like Gong Wu has a relationship with me, shouldn't I be like her?"

Ye Ke Gong Ping came up, even if he had red eyes, he also said loudly that he wanted to leave.

"Why are you so stupid? Not to mention if Gong Tu is your real biological father, I ask you, who is the father in your heart?"

Xia Gongping looked up and said word by word.

"I'm Miyahira, always my father's Miyahira."

"That's right, sometimes blood relationship can't represent everything. You know who your father is, and whose son you are. This will never change. Think about what Gong Tu is. I care about you, do you ruin your life for this selfish person? How can you live up to your father's expectations of you? "

Her heartfelt consolation, and Gong Ping, who had drilled into the horns of the horns, gradually calmed down.

Yes, Miss is right.

He clearly did not want to admit that Gong Tu was his father, but he lived up to the expectations of his true family for that sinner.

Isn't he better to do something for the lady to prove that he is completely different from Gong Tu?

而且 "And, if you go out now, what are you going to do? Advise Gong Tu and let him get lost? Silly child, you and I all know that there is no cure for that kind of person."

Lin Lin Mengya could not guess Gong Ping's plan.

In fact, when the palace slaughtered them at the beginning, Zengzu gave him the corresponding power.

Except for the old house, the ancestor did not distinguish between the lineage and the lineage.

To this point in the Xionggu Tu, he has fallen into a quagmire step by step. It is his own fault and he cannot blame others.

So no matter what he ended up with, it was all he deserved.

What does all this have to do with Gong Ping?

"But what if the ancestors knew my relationship with Gong Tu? Miss, I'm not afraid of being known, I'm just afraid, ancestors, they are sad."

Wu Gongping was still hesitating. In fact, what he feared was that if the ancestors knew his relationship with Gong Tu, they would misunderstand him and even hate him.

This is human, not to mention that he is just a young man.

I heard him say this, but Lin Mengya smiled and rubbed his little head.

"You, what do you think so much about this little head? Do you think that the great old man of the great ancestor really didn't know anything about it? Otherwise, why did he send everyone away, leaving him alone? Off you? "

I listened to her, and Gong Ping's face looked like she was struck by lightning, looking at her stupidly.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed and shook her head.

"Actually, the great ancestors left you in the hope that you could face this incident. If you choose to recognize the palace torture, the great ancestors will not blame you. This matter is inescapable. But if the ancestors wake up Then, knowing that you are doing these people, he will certainly be proud of you. "

The fading light in the eyes of the young boy, because her words gradually brightened again.

The family he valued most did not abandon him from beginning to end.

This recognition finally made him hang in the air for a long time and landed.

"Miss, is that true?"

Xi Gongping looked at her expectantly, Lin Mengya nodded gently.

"Wait until Zengzu asks, you will know him by asking him yourself. Silly boy, get up your mind. You are the great steward I have personally selected, but don't let me down."

One surprise, one, made Gong Ping thoroughly dizzy.

大 "Big, big housekeeper? I can't do it, I absolutely can't do it!"

I watched him shake his head like a rattle, and Lin Mengya couldn't help but want to poke his hair.

The juvenile's hair was thin and soft, just like a half-large cub, soft and well-behaved, and he was satisfied.

She also wanted to be a person who wouldn't be wronged.

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