Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1679: Eliminate hidden dangers

I touched the soft hair of two Gong Ping, she said with a smile.

"No way, you see, you just arranged it properly, but I heard that this succession ceremony was made by you. Well, yes, it's a plastic talent."

Xiong Gongping blushed for a moment. Usually, he was always a steady little old man, which only added a little bit of timidity to young people.

"However, I didn't say that you should be the great steward now. You are still young and need to be trained. So, I invited you a good master. After that, you follow him and learn the skills of this steward. Our family, we will all depend on you in the future. "

What she faces is definitely not something the palace family can handle.

As a result, she may even say goodbye to the palace family again in the unknown and erratic future.

I can be here, but it is always her root.

She will not forget this place, and will also plan for the palace family and give the palace family a more secure future.

I heard her say that Gong Ping was relieved.

However, he was still immersed in surprises one after another, unable to return to God for a long time.

"Bai Su, please come in."

Seeing Gong Ping figured out, Lin Mengya was relieved.

Soon Ning Liang came in and saluted him.

"Little met Mr."

"Thanks to Mr. Ning for this time."

In fact, I am afraid that until now, Gong Tu has no idea who he lost to.

Since this time, Gong Tu has already grasped all parts of the old house.

In key positions, I replaced people I can trust.

I was in front of the shrine that day, but rushed out of a few nursing homes.

What's more, after he left, almost at the same time, all those he buried were arrested.

I was led to those bad tricks that they thought about, and were driven out of the house before they were used.

The most important hero is the person Long Tianyu arranged for her.

"This is all small things that should be done, sir is over."

I am all my own, so Lin Mengya will not go around.

"Things have come to an end. I wonder if Mr. Ning would have any plans in the future?"

She asked about the origin of Ning Liang.

Xun Yu said that he used to be in charge of a certain family. Although capable, he was kicked out because he offended the family.

This person is capable and loyal, so he was arranged to come in and lurk beside Gong Tu.

虽然 Although this matter is already over, she has raised a love of talent.

There are a lot of things at home, and it's time to find someone with the ability to be a steward.

"The little one listens to the arrangement made by His Highness and Sir."

Su Ningliang bowed his head and said with a glance.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and said softly.

"I have heard about Mr. Ning's ability for a long time, so I have the intention to hire Mr. Ning as our first housekeeper. I wonder if you are interested?"

Wu Ningliang looked up at her in disbelief.

As for the housekeeper who set up a housekeeper, he heard the clan talk with his servants just now.

In fact, he agreed with this matter, but thought that he had a relationship with himself.

But after a short while, he responded and said after a fake cough.

"Small incompetent and unethical, can not afford such a heavy responsibility"

"Xinzhou Huang Family, the second year after he left, it has fallen. Do you know this?"

I heard Ning Liang's brow wrinkle invisible, but she didn't speak.

"The owner of the Huang family only knew gambling and enjoyment all day. It was not enough to empty the house and sell the real estate. He actually wanted to **** the ancestral house. If it wasn't for the husband's trouble, he would still have nine years. Have a good life? "

She does not value Ning Liang because of his stewardship.

He is also quite successful in business.

There are many industries in the palace family, and the business sector is also very important.

So if you want to be a big housekeeper, this one is also indispensable.

It is not easy to manage this home.

Su Ningliang looked up and looked at her.

"What do you want to say?"

"Ning Liang, the palace family is different from the Huang family. All your ambitions and ideals, the palace family can make you realize. What I want is not a slave who has a sloppy face and knees. What I want is a house that can manage for me. Business people. "

She wants to separate the power of the homeowner. This big steward exists for this purpose.

Of course, the power of a housekeeper is also limited, and he can never replace the owner.

So this person's choice is very important.

Although Ning Liang was capable, he had no ambitions for power.

What he asked for was nothing more than stability.

In this regard, it can be seen from the many years he has worked hard to maintain the Huang family.

Sui Ningliang had no choice but to listen to her.

He is an idle man, and he is not suitable to fight and kill outside.

He instead managed things at home and talked about business, which fit his temperament.


"As the host, I will sign a contract with you. Even if you are not the big housekeeper, you will be able to get the dividends given to you by the palace every year. But after this, I hope you can stay in the palace forever As the assessment and teaching of the next big steward. "

Putting rewards at the end is indeed a good strategy.

In this way, Ning Liang's idea was completely settled.

He sighed for a long time before bowing towards her.

"Ning Liang is willing to go to the fire for his husband to report his trust."

I heard Ning Liang agree, and Lin Mengya was relieved.

"I want to thank you, sir, the palace family will entrust you to you."

Su Ning nodded brightly, but he was clearer. Apart from this young lady, the other five boys were also very smart and capable people.

I do things under such people, although tired, but never get less.

He drifted for so many years, and finally had a place to live, in the end, he broke his longing.

"Later, I will let my four elder brothers introduce Ning butler to the clan. The palace business and the clan are both suffered by the palace slaughter and the palace dance. The scourge is very bad, and it may not be easy to recover in a short time. But if my husband needs me to do something with my fourth brother, just speak. "

Pu Ningliang frowned after thinking for a moment before he said.

"Things outside can be slowed down first, but inside the house. Sir and the four masters, still have to be careful. Although I have touched a lot of things, Gong Tu did not fully trust me before, so now, it ca n’t be completely rest assured."

With this in mind, Lin Mengya also thought about it.

She beckoned and called Gong Ping, who had been watching curiously, to Ning Liang.

"This child is the little apprentice I'm looking for. He knows more about the family than I do. So let him assist you."

Hagimiya was also clever and immediately saluted his master.

Wu Ningliang had heard of this child and also felt that he was of good qualifications and accorded his own temperament and eyesight, and received his courtesy.

好 "Okay, with the help of Miyahira, I can do more with less. I'll send someone right away to monitor the whereabouts of the palace slaughter day and night. Also, what are you going to do with Miss Er?"

Lin Lin Mengwu can't die yet.

But she is absolutely not going to make Lin Mengwu better.

"Chill first, yes, you have to separate her from the confidant beside her."

Although Lin Lin Mengwu is cruel and hot, but when it comes to means, her mother is even better.

So, as long as they are separated, they are not afraid of what moths they can play.

Wu Ningliang responded immediately.

还有 "Also, go find someone and pass on the little tricks that the palace has used in the shrine. I don't want him to let me do things under the banner of the old ancestor."

That's a simple method.

The so-called blood and tears are just the wax oil of a red candle.

Before that, Gong Tu had privately placed the solidified red candles in the shrine. When the incense burned and the temperature rose, it would naturally melt.

Although Gong Tu was expelled from the house of the palace, she will never lose her mind of wanting to return.

This point must not be used by him.

Wu Ningliang had already seen it through, and he knew exactly who even arranged it.

This is not difficult to do.

At the same time, he thought of another thing.

"Sir, that palace has been detained by me. Do you want to try him carefully?"

Speaking of Gong Jun, she also thought of some anomalies today.

"Still you want to be thoughtful and give me a good trial. But the wife beside Gong Wu, you can't spare her. Just one thing, she ca n’t believe a word and understand what I mean. What? "

Wu Ningliang immediately noticed. It seemed that the lady's plan was to torture the woman, and to stop by the scene.

Gao Linmengya ordered him a few more words, and let him go out with Gong Ping to do business.

It wasn't long before the Tatars left, and the four brothers arrived.

"Sir, Master Four invites you to come."

Wu Yuemo At this time, the elder brother should be with Ma Beichen and Cheng Su.

I just don't know what to do with her.

After Hyun and Bai Su dressed up slightly, they followed the man to the front hall.

At this point, they have used their meals and are chatting in the lobby.

Hei Gong Shi heard the next person say that she had arrived, and immediately stood up with a smile.

"Mr. Laofan is here. Actually, they are two distinguished guests who want to see you."

He turned his back to the two people, and his elder brother looked a little helpless.

I want to come, he stopped before, just didn't stop.

"Where is it? Today, two distinguished guests helped our palace family a lot, and Su Mei should thank him for it."

I have four elder brothers, and I'm sure they won't eat it.

But these two people are not simple, she has to deal with it carefully.

"Sumei, I have seen two sons."

She greeted her generously, facing the two men's examination, but still changed her face.

Nonsense, the older generation who are several times better than them, she can handle it with ease.

What's more, they are not as good as the two old seniors.

Seeing her generous behavior, Ma Beichen and Cheng Su had their own thoughts.

At least, she represents, but the owner of the palace.

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