Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1680: Found corpse

She Ma Beichen turned her mind and waved at her with a smile.

"This is all I should do."

Cheng Chengsu glanced at this guy, but on the way back, he heard it all.

This boy works so hard, I'm afraid the picture is not small.

Wu Sumei didn't make any mistakes and took a seat with his four elder brothers.

The two also felt that she now represents the head of the palace family. Since it is an alliance, she should be present.

The fourth house of the imperial palace was again served with tea, but the atmosphere at this time was a little dull.

She and her elder brother secretly looked at each other. In the end, the elder brother opened his mouth first.

"Today's things, thanks to the presence of two people, we have saved a lot of trouble. In the past few days, please stay with the two for the time being, so that we can make the best of the landlord's friendship."

Many people came to congratulate, but they were all arranged by the palace family in non-Yecheng.

For the real distinguished guests, they naturally want to live in the palace.

After a little thought, the two men agreed.

Cheng Chengsu looked at the two of them and asked Shen Sheng.

"Two, my father ordered me to come here this time. In addition to helping two of them, I also hope that I can send some of the descendants of Cheng family to Sitai College. I wonder, when will the completion ceremony be held?"

Cheng Chengsu couldn't stay too long, which is why the Cheng family sent someone over.

He only needs to show up at the most critical time, and then he has to rush back to the army.

Gong Shi replied immediately: "Originally we set the date on July 27, but after this storm, I am afraid that it will be postponed. However, it will not exceed August 15 at the latest. I wonder if it is convenient for Brother Cheng? "

Today is the second day of July. The completion ceremony of the academy is also the opening ceremony of the academy, and the library building that was previously built is also being built with the support of Long Tianyu.

So this series of celebrations come down, it is estimated that it will be good to end at the end of August.

Xu Wenyan, Cheng Su frowned slightly.

He looked at Ma Beichen aside, and laughed.

"A reckless husband like you is afraid that it doesn't fit well with an elegant place like the college. I think you might as well hurry up to avoid making a joke and losing your grandfather Cheng."

"No shame, you have your pockets."

Cheng Chengsu was impassive in all directions, but the words he spoke were piercing.

When he arrived, Ma Beichen turned black.

"Cheng, you mean me?"

Cheng Cheng sighed coldly, glanced at Ma Beichen, and if he was looking at an intellectual disability.

"I tell you, don't think you are at the palace, I dare not greet you!"

Bian Ma Beichen became angry and savagely warned Cheng Su.

No one expected the latter to be nothing, but he threw his sword across his waist and dropped it on the table.

The meaning of contempt is quite obvious.

These two people have been in contact with each other, but it makes her and the elder brother extremely embarrassed.

咳 "Cough, two of you are working hard today, I will let you take the two of them to rest."

Cheng Chengsu nodded to his elder brother and greeted him, then left with his own people.

Ma Beichen was unwilling, staring at Cheng Su's back, scolding his mother in his heart.

Lin Lin Mengya drank tea cleverly. The Ma family and the Cheng family had a great friendship. At first glance, the two grew up together.

Some things, she can't be a fool to mediate.

"This Cheng nerd, from idiot to big. By the way, Mr. Su Mei, can you tell me the current situation of Gong Ya?"

This person, is it possible to remember the design of the former infatuated man again?

After Lin Mengya smiled politely, she persuaded.

"She is very good at home."

"Oh, that's good. I still have some discomfort in the wound, so I will retreat first."

I was not tangled, which surprised her.

Xun originally thought that this person would ask Dong Wenxi not to listen, but did not expect that it was just a sentence that was more perfunctory than her.

I said good love is not regrettable? No more?

"Little girl, in fact, Ma Beichen is not as simple as it looks."

Sakura Miyako whispered, watching her dreamy look.

Lin Lin Mengya turned back immediately, smiling gently.

"I know, otherwise how could the Ma family be relieved to release him. But now, the Ma family and the Cheng family are allies with us. After that, it is necessary to cooperate with them."

The situation of the palace family was not good before, but the Ma family and the Cheng family still chose to stand up at this time, and have shown their sincerity.

After that, the three must move forward together.

"Yes, but the burden on you and me is even heavier."

Seeing that the younger sister was not confused by Ma Beichen, Gong Si's heart was a little relieved.

Zhe Lin Mengya turned her mind and thought of another thing.

"Where can you send someone to watch Gong Tu?"

I mentioned this traitor, Miyaji's face, full of resentment.

"This is nature. He is ambitious. How could he give up so easily?"

"It's better to pay close attention to it. The palace slaughter means is ruthless. If I don't prepare well in advance, I'm afraid that the future will be endless."

Even though she and her elder brother once again mastered the palace family, in the end, there is nowhere to go. There are many places that leave no omissions.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Brother Sisi immediately arranged for it. She had just returned to Dongyuan and saw Gong Ping. She hurried in.

大 "Large, in the lake in the yard, a corpse was salvaged, you should go and see."

Zhe Lin Mengya did not sit hot, so she took Bai Su and came to the edge of the lake in the yard.

By the time they arrived, a lot of people were already here.

I watched her come over and make way.

"Sir, please, please."

Wu Ningliang has basically controlled the situation, and the dead body he picked up was also covered by a sheet.

Lin Lin Mengya squatted down and raised her corner slightly, but her brows frowned deeply.

让 "Let everyone disperse, today's things are not allowed to spread."

Su Ningliang and Gong Ping immediately dispelled the crowd, while Lin Mengya carried the body to the gazebo by the lake.

After she was sure that there were no people around, she lifted the sheets a little.

That was a corpse that had been run white and swollen and started to rot.

Xun Gongping was young and hadn't seen such a scene. All of a sudden, he couldn't stand it, and his face became pale.

Even Ning Liang changed her face instantly, but Lin Mengya and Bai Su who had relied on each other seemed to have no reaction at all.

"People were thrown in after they died. It has been soaked for a few days. How did you find out?"

Su Ning spit out a sigh of relief, and tried not to look at him before she had the strength to speak.

"It was discovered by the men responsible for sweeping the bottom of the lake. The body was floated up by itself, just under the rock below this pavilion."

嗯 "Well, that man must be terrified. Give me some bounty on my behalf, and ask the doctor to prescribe some tranquilizers."

Suddenly, when I saw such a corpse, I was scared a lot.

Zhe Lin Mengya glanced over the extremities of the corpse again, and found that there were many wounds on the woman's body.

Wu Baisu also found out and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

这些 "Is this bitten by a fish in the lake?"

She looked at it but shook her head.

"Even though the fish can eat carrion, she didn't get any bite out of her body. Before she died, she was infused with a lot of medicinal materials, but"

Although has been soaked in water for so long, it has had a big impact on her sense of smell.

But the smell of medicine on this corpse is a little light.

It ’s just that fish and shrimp do n’t eat, obviously because of these medicines.

似乎 She seemed to think of something and pressed the belly of the corpse.

I didn't expect it, but it collapsed all at once, as if my stomach was empty.

She immediately lifted off the corpse's clothes, but saw a terrible scene.

这 "Here, what kind of beast bite?"

Wu Baisu couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw a big hole in the abdomen of the corpse.

The viscera inside has disappeared.

Ke Kereng Mengya shook her head solemnly after examining the edge of the wound.

"It wasn't a trace of a beast bite, but it was cut by a knife, and the wound was flat."

Then she looked at the face of the corpse. Although she was beyond recognition, there was a little medicine to help her recover in the system. Soon, she put together a beautiful face.

"It turned out to be her!"

She said lowly, but Bai Su had a look of doubt.

"Master, do you know this person?"

She nodded, her expression a bit inexplicable.

"Ning Liang, do you two still remember, was the woman scared because of seeing the water ghost before?"

For a moment the two of them were surprised, of course they remember.

Hey, didn't you hear that girl ring was kicked out of the house?

Could it be that

"Yes, this person is her."

Speaking of them, even though this girl ring is abominable, she is also wrong and helped her.

So after that, the trustee quietly gave her some soothing medicine, and it will never leave any sequelae.

I did not expect that people actually died here, still in such a miserable appearance.

Sui Ningliang heard what she said, and suddenly seemed to remember something.

"I heard before that Er didn't seem to embarrass her and gave her family a lot of money. I will inquire about this."


She has some bad feelings.

If it is really Lin Mengwu doing, I am afraid to kill people.

Well, why did she kill people in such a cruel way?

She inspected it again and found that there were many small wounds on the body.

The wound was small, but bone was deeply visible.

Even the face of the corpse has a lot.

It is also because of me that it is so difficult to recognize.

After the inspection, she sorted out the corpse herself, covered her sheets, and asked Gong Ping to find a place to bury her.

一 Ning Liang brought another news early the next morning.

The family of this girl ring disappeared.

I heard my neighbors say that before they got a large amount of bounty, but somehow they moved away overnight.

No one knows where they went, just know that they were in a hurry when they left.

Superb Poison Doctor

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