Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1681: Pretend to be stupid

"Shall we follow up?"

"No need, I know where they are. You can ask people to go to the nearby cliffs or to find mass graves."

With a look of coldness in her expression.

Ning Ningliang didn't dare to ask more, but had to do it immediately.

In the evening, Ning Liang finally returned to life.

Only this time, his face was even more ugly.

"When we followed, we found the carriage of their family under the nearby cliff. Everyone was dead, and the belongings in the carriage were also ransacked. It seems that it was made by a nearby bandit.

I was using Miyaji for dinner with her, but felt a little weird.

"This is impossible! I dare not say anywhere else, but there is absolutely no such brutal bandit near Feicheng!"

Lin Lin Mengya is naturally clear. After all, there were two brothers and five brothers before, which mountain bandit group, dare to be so crazy.

"It's not a bandit."

"Who is that?"

Xiong Gongsi and Ning Liang both doubted that I looked at her.

After Lin Mengya sneered, she slowly spit out two words.

"Gong Mai."

Qi Lin Mengwu was sitting in the room, she kept looking into the mirror, but every time she looked, her heart became irritable.

Now, she just wanted to take a knife herself and kill all those who blocked her.

"My mine is mine! You guys, I will never let you go!"

She is like a beast that has completely lost her mind, roaring recklessly in an empty room left unattended.

Soon, someone came in and pushed the door.

"Second, you should eat."

That was the ring that Lin Mengya sent to give her meals.

This girl is very fit, but when she looks at Lin Mengwu, she will inevitably "giggle" in her heart.

I'm too ghostly!

She had seen Er before, but it wasn't like she is now, she was like a maid yoke who crawled out of hell.

"Take it away, I won't eat these things!"

Gao Linmengwu raised her head high, a proud look.

Nianhuan didn't bother to care about her, only that Er really didn't seem to be a normal person.

Put down the plate and turn around and go out.

"Did you not hear me? Throw things out for me!"

Qi Lin Mengwu is like a poisonous snake, staring at the girl ring.

The latter soon became impatient, this so-called two, but even they were not as good.

I think so, that girl ring will be impatient and said impatiently.

二 "Two, today is different, Jinyiyushi, don't think about it. If you don't eat it now, you can only be hungry."

"What the **** do you dare to talk to me like this? Are you dead? Come, kick her out!"

Gao Linmeng danced with red eyes and growled angry.

虽然 Although the girl ring was scared, but in the end I felt that this two had lost power, and I even looked down on her previous actions and couldn't help but curse.

"Do you think you are the former two? What stinky frame is in front of me? That is, our family owner is kind and can recognize you as a sister, otherwise, what are you doing? Dare to compete with us for the family owner Location, my aunt, you deserve it too! "

The insults of Ji Yahuan aroused the scarlet desire in Lin Mengwu's heart.

She stared viciously at the woman, but with a **** hatred in her heart.

Mai Yahuan didn't notice it, but she also felt that the other person's eyes were a little scary, but in the end, it was not a big deal, and she couldn't help but get a little more daring.

"If I were you, I would have been dying, but where would I be?"

Xun Yahuan continued to say, but Ke Lin Mengwu had long been unable to hold back his bloodthirsty thirst, and flung towards her.

"Wow," Yahuan hurriedly dodged, lost the plate on the table, and the two also scuffled into a ball.

"I will kill you, kill you!"

Qi Lin Mengwu was completely mad, with sharp five fingers, grabbing at Yahuan one after another.

Some of the girls didn't respond. Coupled with their strength, they were indeed inferior to Lin Mengwu. Soon, Lin Mengwu was scratched with blood on his face, neck, and arms.

"Help, help!"

Ji Yahuan shouted for help, but fortunately someone was guarding at any time, and soon someone rushed in and separated them.

"You dog slaves, let go of me, let go of me! I will kill her, and I will use her flesh to make me look young! I am the housekeeper of the palace, and I am the housekeeper of the palace!"

Lin Lin Mengwu looks like a madwoman, and her blood-stained hands are claw-shaped, and she wants to scratch the girl's body.

Though those people separated them, there was nothing they could do to take her for a while.

After all, she is still two.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya and his team rushed over at this time.

"Here comes the butler!"

Someone shouted at the door, and immediately, the people in the room seemed to see the savior.

Su Ningliang took a few steps and advanced the house.

After seeing the messy eyes, she also had a little discomfort on her face.

"What's going on?"

Immediately, someone told him the whole story.

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