Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1689: Good things come in pairs

I mentioned this, Long Tianyu remembered one thing.

Before she was injured and unconscious, the famous doctors said that it might take a long time for her to recover.

But not only did she wake up fast, but she really had no effect at all.

Is it really the credit of that little fairy?

Seeing the looseness in his eyes, Lin Mengya persisted.

"Xiaoyao is very intimate with Guai. People with him who want to harm me are not so easy to handle. He is always protecting me day and night."

I listened to the words and sentences of my daughter-in-law, all praised the little fairy, Long Tianyu's mood, a little bit unhappy.

But when she heard it was good for her, she felt that it was not so difficult to accept.

But soon enough, he thought of another problem.

"You said that he could see everything in your head. Then, when you changed your clothes and bathed, wouldn't you also be humming!"

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but covered Long Tianyu's mouth.

Lin Mengya couldn't help crying when she looked at the man's eyes staring and rounding.

"Who are you talking about? Xiaoyao is not a voyeur. I don't want him to see and hear things. He never knows."

She was not very proficient in the control system before, but since the last time she treated her fourth brother, she has become more proficient in the control of the system.

For example, she can build a separation wall between her consciousness and the little medicine.

This way, unless she wants the little medicine to know, the little medicine cannot read her consciousness at all.

And after the awakening of artificial intelligence, this part has been strengthened to some extent.

For example, she cut off the contact in time at this moment, so Xiaoyao didn't let such a shameful scene.

不 "No, we still want a way to get the little fairy out!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was still uneasy, Lin Mengya was helpless.

In fact, you can't blame her man for this. After all, it is not difficult for an ancient person to accept modern technology.

But fortunately, this person was so coquettish, she sent a few sweet kisses again and again, and said a good car sweetly, and this stabilized.

After Lin Mengya's mouth was dry and her mouth was red and swollen, she didn't react.

Wrong, Long Tianyu never believed in ghosts and gods, and she asked a lot of questions about the system when she talked.

He simply believes in the existence of the system!

She covered her face, Lin Mengya hated her teeth.

Md, tricked her into taking advantage of her!

I thought to myself that I must teach each other a lesson, and the next day she went to college.

But as soon as she arrived at the college, she was hurriedly pulled by the teacher to Ruxinyuan.

"Come on, those people in the palace family, wake up!"

I heard this news, Lin Mengya could not care about revenge.

Xu hurried to the room, just to see that Zengzu and several brothers had some movement.

After careful inspections one by one, she found that their brains had become more active than before.

This is the symptom to be awakened!

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the teacher in surprise, and the other person also had the same expression as her.

没 "I didn't expect that the point of the matter was that little hole!"

When I saw the only person who could understand him, Barry Rui couldn't wait to share his findings with the students.

In fact, before several consecutive experiments, they have roughly figured out the relationship between that part of the back neck and the coma.

Actually, the more stimulated there, the more likely it is that people will wake up.

After I got the direction right, the teacher's progress was much smoother.

Finally, today is fruitful!

"Great, teacher, thank you!"

She gave the teacher a bear hug, thanking the teacher for her efforts.

I was a little embarrassed by the way students were grateful. After a moment's frustration, I was embarrassed to say.

"I have only you as a student, and it is mine as well as your loved ones. Well, you can rest assured. They will all wake up."

She is a good thing, and now this happy event has made her worry less because of the people in Xiancheng.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is also very happy.

He knows that Ya'er attaches great importance to these people. They can do well, and that's of course the best.

He told Xue Hua them that no matter what requirements Yaer asked her teacher, they must be satisfied. Immediately after going to the office, they quietly walked to the door of the room and stood there. No matter when she came over, she could see his smiling face.

What should I do, she and the teacher are done.

Next, there is only good news waiting.

He turned around and Lin Mengya plunged into Long Tianyu's arms. He looked up and said with a smile.

"Yu, Zengzu and his brothers are about to wake up, they are really about to wake up!"

Chen Long Tianyu gently touched her hair and gently dropped a kiss between her foreheads.

"Well, yeah. You don't have to worry about it in the future."

Zhe Lin Mengya only felt that her heart was full and tighter, and pinched his waist.

"I'm really happy, Yu, you don't know how afraid I am of my great ancestors that they would have trouble."

In fact, for her, the palace family is her loved ones besides Long Tianyu and Qinghu.

Because they never left her, even when she became the target of public criticism, the people in the palace did not abandon her.

This is the greatest comfort for her insecure person.

Even though she has a biological father and brother, there are some things that cannot be completely replaced by blood.

Xun Long Tianyu and she opened her hair covering her eyes and kissed her eyes.

别 "Don't cry, I feel bad."

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her eyes and stuck them in his arms with a smile.

"Fool, I'm crying with joy."

"Okay." Long Tianyu stepped back, but the next sentence revealed his mind. "But only when we are both of us."

Lin Lin Mengya blushed, but he didn't have to slap him hard.

The people around me turned away spontaneously, especially Xue Hua, jealous.

Is n’t he just a beloved one, wait and see, he can find it sooner or later!

The great news that their great ancestors were about to wake up, Lin Mengya didn't hide her four brothers, but she kept the others tight.

This time, the great ancestors have been in a coma for so long and have lost some of their bodies.

If you wake up, you have to take care of yourself first.

The second one came, just because some people were afraid, the dog jumped over the wall.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, she can only do it with the authority of the fourth house of the palace and the house's Yu Wei.

Dealing with two is much easier than dealing with seven.

What's more, Gong Tu also felt that he had grasped the secret of being able to conquer the palace family.

Soon after, the palace family announced the date of the ceremony for the establishment of the college.

初 Every eighth day of August, all good luck.

After receiving the accurate news, the family and scholars who wanted to come and listen to the truth and reality also successively rushed to Feicheng.

The previous depression was quickly replaced by liveliness.

Shigeru Miyako personally came forward to arrange the guests, and everything was well organized.

For a while, no matter Lin Mengya, Long Tianyu, or Gong Si, they were all too busy.

Especially Lin Mengya, as the first lady of the academy and the most valued righteous daughter of the palace family, she did not have a moment to relax.

"Miss, here is a list of gifts from various companies, please look over!"

A Xiu, who was sent to take refuge with her children, was also called back by Lin Mengya at this time.

She and Liu Qianrong were also requisitioned by her.

The two girls can eat well in the women's heap, Liu Qianrong is smart, and Axiu is smart.

I have two of them greeted these female relatives, but it allows her to let go of 120 hearts.

"Well, it's okay, but are you paying back?"

She went through it roughly, and she had counted it in her heart.

Wu Axiu immediately answered with a smile: "Miss, rest assured, Sister Liu thought very thoughtfully, and the list of gifts was prepared. If you look at it, it's no problem, I will send it to you."

Alas, she is no better than Liu Qianrong.

But after all, she still needs her approval, and everyone is good at it.

如何 How to arrange the female relatives, and how to express estrangement, some people need to draw attention, and some need to be careful

Things like that really made her dizzy.

Fortunately, there is a small medicine inside, and these three smart and capable girls outside, otherwise, she has to vomit blood.

"Master, let's have a sip of tea. From morning to now, you haven't had a sip of water."

Bai Su distressed his master and brought a cup of warm tea.

Gao Linmengya came over, drank a cow, and wiped her mouth, then continued to look down at the guest list.

While she was busy and unable to start business, Gong Ping came over in person.

"Sir, you have brought us to your attention, now it is here!"

As soon as Lin Mengya thought about it, she immediately remembered that before she let Ning Liang pay attention to them, the people of Longdu's family and Xiao Wangfu.

She already received the letter from Mrs. Lian and Wang Xiaofu, saying that Mrs. Lian would bring her daughter-in-law, that is, Shangguan Hui would come.

At the same time, Princess Xiao will also come with Gu Pan.

虽 Although she can't reveal her identity, but her old friend comes, she can't help but look at it.

"Well, you wait carefully, settle it, and then return to me."


Xi Gongping immediately ran to work.

When she took the time to visit her in person, it was already dark.

But she still couldn't hold back. Fortunately, Gong Ping was smart and arranged people in the house on the same street as the palace family.

It's just that she is gone, and the name available is Mr. Sumeisu.

惦 She remembered Mrs. Lian's physical condition and went to Lian's first.

"Mr. Please wait a moment, my wife and lady will come out immediately."

Xu Xu wasn't finished, but when she arrived, the servant gave her a cup of tea and said embarrassedly.

"Well, please, girl."

态度 Her attitude was mild and she was not displeased at all.

Suddenly, the maid left, leaving her alone, waiting in the hall.

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