Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1690: Please help

I was about to see Mrs. Lian and Sister Hui who hadn't seen each other for a long time. She was a little excited.

But soon she calmed down.

Even though 婶婶 and Sister Hui are reliable, she cannot take risks.

The water in the tea cup was gradually warm, but no one came.

She was about to feel if she was stuck on something, and when she wanted to get up to ask, she heard outside and heard footsteps.

"Mrs. Miss Yue, there are people inside."

Soon, several figures came in at the door.

She suppressed the rolling excitement in her heart, only showing the most appropriate sweet smile, and greeted it.

"Su Mei has seen Mrs. Lian, Miss Yue."

Mrs. Qilian followed Guanhui, and was slightly surprised when she saw the woman in front of her.

Before they came, they had heard of this woman who made the city of Ye Ye overwhelming.

She thought she was a brazen temper, and she certainly couldn't get along.

Mrs. Lin Lian was worried. The girl was afraid that it was not another white-eyed wolf, so it was so long that she wanted to see the girl's temperament.

She likes Gongya like her daughter, so she naturally has many plans.

But when I saw the girl, I felt very pleasing to the eye.

Looking at this girl, she has a gentle eyebrow, a thin figure, and speaks in a gentle and gentle way, and it doesn't look like a fox.

At the moment, the doubts in my heart let go of three points.

"Don't be so polite, I received a letter from Yaer, she said, you are the right girl she recognized?"

Yu Xin, of course, she sent it. She didn't say anything, but simply introduced the current situation of the palace family, and instructed them to pay attention to safety and the like on the road.

She lowered her head, she said extremely softly.


Mrs. Lin Lian was more satisfied with her response.

Although Mrs. Li has long been skeptical, maybe these things were caused by those unconscious things of the palace family.

But before she saw the girl, she was still a little suspicious.

When she saw someone, she was relieved.

After exchanging a look with Lianyue, the latter nodded slightly towards her.

"Okay, then we will be one family."

Mrs. Lin Lian's tone warmed a lot.

Lin Lin Mengya was aware of this afterwards. Before she dared, Lian Ling was examining her.

I couldn't help crying and laughing, but there was a touch of warmth in my heart.

The feeling of being favored is really good.

The three of them all took their seats, and Lian Ye called people to drink the new tea again.

茶 This tea is different from the previous ones, the mouth has some fresh sour and sweet fruit.

I tasted it carefully, there were several kinds of fruit in it.

"This is the new tea made by Yueer for me, which suits your taste?"

Mrs. Lin Lian asked with a smile, Lin Mengya nodded immediately, and took another sip to answer.

"Ms. Moon is really clever. This tea will be loved by the owner. The owner, she, does not like to drink those bitter teas."

Mrs. Lin Lian's eyes flashed, and she was indeed Ya'er's close person.

Otherwise, how could she even know that she didn't like trivial matters like bitter tea?

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head and drank tea, hiding the smile on the corner of her mouth.

I'm afraid I'm afraid Lianyi will never doubt myself again, right?

"Wind meal and sleep on the road, I wonder if the lady here is used to it?"

Actually, when she came, she just wanted to see if Lian Ye and Sister Hui had any help.

Mrs. Lin Lian just thought it was Gong Ya's heart and said with a smile.

"Everything is fine here, so Ya'er don't worry about it. But, where the **** has this girl gone? Why haven't you seen her give me a letter for so long?"

"Oh, in fact, the owner has something else, so it is not convenient for us to contact us. However, the owner has an unwelcome request, and I hope my wife can answer."

She confused in the past.

Fortunately, Lian Ye is a person who knows the weight, and also knows that Gong Ya is different from these deep house women, so she no longer asks.

I was just curious, what would Yaer beg her for.

"Speak and listen?"

"That's right, you also saw that for the completion ceremony on the eighth day of August, many non-Yecheng guests came. You know the palace family, the male guest is fine, although the ancestor is ill, there are four The young master is holding on there. But the female guest will not do it. I am a foreigner and I have no qualifications. I am rushed to the destination, I'm afraid I can't hold back. "

She said it was sincere, but if a few people in Bai Su heard it, she would roll her eyes and despise her.

This person clearly wants to be lazy.

He could hear Mrs. Lian's ears, but she felt more distressed.

With a frown, he was still struggling.

"This is not very appropriate. After all, I am a family member. If I go to your house, I am afraid that I will not be righteous, and I will win the lord."

"No!" Lin Mengya explained immediately: "Who doesn't know the relationship between Mrs. Lian and my family? Since she called you a cry, our two families have such a close relationship. What's more, look at the whole country, and Who has such a reputation as you? "

After the exaggeration, she began to sell miserably.

He lowered his eyes, pretending to be like a little pitiful who had suffered.

"Palace family, indeed there are also senior female relatives. However, they did not take the owner with me in the eyes. Some time ago, when I was framed by them, they even wanted to sell me into the green house."

She even took a moment to choke on the next sentence.

Suddenly, Lien's brow frowned tightly. In addition to his anger, his eyes felt a little bit more distressed.

"These people are really horrible! You're right. Now there are many people, and the backyard is even stricter, so you can mix in some shameless ones. You can rest assured that this matter, I should go. There is me here , Never make a difference. "

"Really? Madam is due?"

立刻 She immediately looked up in surprise and asked.

At this time, Mrs. Lin Lian nodded more and more firmly, but Lin Mengya was afraid that she would regret it. She wiped her face in a random way, and took out the objects that had been in her arms.

That is the same sixteen emerald green jade cards, each of which is the size of a palm, with the same pattern on it. The realistic green plum pattern on the road is embossed with an ancient and awkward "Gong" character.

"This is what the owner asked me to hand over to you. Each of these sixteen jade cards can be divided into two. With this jade card, you can mobilize everyone in the palace. In addition to the small library in each room You can move everything in the warehouse. "

Mrs. Lin Lian was startled.

She thought that she was only in charge of controlling people in the past, and guarded the portal.

I did not want to, Gong Ya actually trusted her so much.

Mrs. Lin Lian sighed, but with a smile on her face.

She did not hurt this child, and this child treats her sincerely.

Wu Zhenzhong accepted the jade card, and Mrs. Lian handed it over to Lian Yue for safekeeping.

He turned to look at Su Mei, and felt that the child was not secretive, how he liked it.

The three of them talked for a while, and Lin Mengya got up and left.

I ca n’t wait for a month, but she offered to send her one.

Two men walked slowly, Lin Mengya looked at the sister Hui Hui who was lingering and couldn't help asking.

"Miss Yue has something to say?"

She Shangguanhui looked at her, and he hesitated again and again before she said softly.

"Trouble you to pass a word to Yaer, just say the previous thing, I remember it! Some things, I hope to tell her face to face!"

There was some urgency in Sister Hui's tone.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Sister Hui was thinking of something important.

After looking around, she lowered her voice.

"It's true, the owner is really unable to withdraw now. However, if the lady has something, she can write to inform me. I guarantee that this letter will never be seen by a third person except the owner."

After hearing the words, Shangguan Hui bit his lip, and he still hesitated.

But at this moment the two people have come to the door, she can't delay too long, she can only take the initiative to leave.

好 "Okay, I'll trouble you by then."

Sister Wu Hui said quickly in her ear, and then said some politely.

After gazing at each other unconsciously, Lin Mengya left.

After all, what did Sister Hui remember?

I missed some time from Lianyi, and when she arrived at the courtyard where King Xiao's house was temporarily located, she happened to catch up with lunch.

Princess Xiao was brought here this time, except that, in addition to Paner, the lord of Fanghua County, she had a few more daughters.

But there are also her old acquaintances, Qi Ranxin who made good with Yu Mingzhu.

I heard that in the past six months, Qi Ranxin was very restless, relying on the favor of King Xiao.

She dared not even look at her aunt, Princess Xiao.

Why not say that, Jiang Shan is easy to change his nature?

I heard that she would dare not mess with it.

I don't know what it has been like to see you for so long.

She was thinking about this, and as soon as she entered the door, she came in a few breaths.

让 "Get out, don't stop Miss Ben!"

Hehe, a big temper.

I eat and live with her, and dare to let her go.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at the girl who was not fourteen or five years old with a smile.

Looks bright and lovely, but unfortunately, she always makes people dislike.

The servant girl next to her is also a dog and is very aggressive.

Squinting at her, she couldn't help but scold again.

说 "Say you? Anyone, dare to come and scatter in our house? Come, drive me out!"

刚 As soon as she spoke, she heard a slight dissatisfaction behind the woman.

"Sir, what are you doing here? Let Ning Liang find it in the house, there are many things waiting for you in our house!"

Bring her out, Long Tianyu is naturally uneasy, so Ning Liang must follow her.

Before these people were Ning Liang who was in charge of making arrangements, Ning Liang also ordered that you can come to him for anything.

So when these maids saw the housekeeper's big steward, they were really respectful to the woman in front of them, they were dumbfounded.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at Ning Liang. This guy really resolutely implemented Long Tianyu's order and refused to let himself suffer.

I was embarrassed by the maids and the middle lady.

Temper temper to the head of others, shameful!

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