Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1695: Visit relatives

With Bai Su, Lin Mengya found the newly-built library.

No one is here now, but the layout is very grand.

I want to come, it is ready for the completion ceremony.

A few moments before she glanced, a breeze floated by.

Finally, an expressionless man appeared in front of her.

"Sir please."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded at the other side and followed him into the inner court.

人 This person must be Long Tianyu here to be responsible for keeping the gate, so she can be brought in.

The majestic Tibetan Pavilion is built to be majestic and simple, which is in line with the function of "collecting books".

But the man did not take them into the library, but instead walked around the building to the end.

At this time, she saw that there was still a small door in the backyard.

And this little door is actually an organ lock.

After the man opened the door, there was a winding path.

After the man took the lead in, he turned around and asked for them.

"Mr. please follow the girl, follow me closely, half step cannot be separated."

Seeing his face so serious, Lin Mengya and Bai Su immediately answered.

I followed the man, and after taking a few steps, she realized that something was wrong.

看 From the outside, it looks like a quiet mountain.

But every time the man took them, they would make a turn.

Strangely, the scenery changes slightly after every turn.

After observing several times, she determined that she was afraid of being covered with Qimen's armor.

It really is Long Tianyu's handwriting, most people are afraid that they can't do it.

"Sir, we are here."

Almost in a blink of an eye, an elegant and quiet courtyard appeared in front of her.

Gao Linmengya looked back, but found that from the door to here, but hundreds of meters away.

Even here, you can see the courtyard of the library building.

However, from the side of the library, I can't see here.

Seriously, it is extremely mysterious.

先生 Mr. Do n’t worry, only the apex of the library can be seen here. But on the top floor, only those you allow can go up. Bystanders, you ca n’t open the above organs anyway.

The man thought she was worried about safety and immediately explained.

Lin Lin Mengya retracted her gaze and smiled at the other side.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to be so polite, your subordinate is your court slave prepared by your Highness. From now on, here and the library are all under the care of your subordinates, you can rest easy."

I actually gave her a special yard.

Suddenly, Lin Mengya once again realized what it means to be tall.

Pu Yuan slave opened the door of the small courtyard, Lin Mengya and Bai Su walked in immediately.

In the courtyard, the sound of children reading aloud.

Lin Lin Mengya can't wait, even her footsteps have brought a little rush.

Her darlings, you have to kiss well for a while!

The small courtyard is very simple, the largest and the most spacious one, and now serves as a school for children.

She and Bai Su lightly walked, leaned against the door, and looked at the children in the room who were reading to the master.

Now several children are in the enlightenment period. Four children, big and small, all listen to the same seriously.

Xiao Yi, who was giving them a class, found her all of a sudden.

Lin Lin Mengya waved his hand immediately to let him continue.

Xiao Yi froze for a while, but Ning Er twitched his little nose, and seemed to be confirming something.

He quietly pulled aside Mo Yan's sleeve and asked quietly.

"Brother Mo Yan, do you smell anything?"

Mo Moyan was thinking about Master Xiao's question, but he didn't return to God for a moment.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at his brother in doubt.

"No, I didn't smell it"

"It's mother! Mother is here!"

Sui Ninger turned her face and saw her standing at the door.

Qi Linmengya wanted to hide, but was caught by the child, only to sneer and waved at them.

Sui Ning'er couldn't sit still immediately, and he got up and ran towards her and begged.

But Xiao Xiaozi gave a fake cough.

"Ninger, come back!"

The words of Master Xiao Xiao seemed to be a settling curse.

Nian Bai tendered a lot of Ning'er small buns, immediately stopped his movements, twisted his stubby body, and sat in aggrieved position.

Just four children are the same.

Although in the classroom, Ke Xin has grown like grass.

I especially Ning'er, turning around almost for a moment, for fear of which mother will disappear again.

"You go to class obediently, Ninger, twist your neck carefully."

Lin Lin Mengya was too reluctant.

I walked in, picked up the baby, and let him sit on his knees.

The three children are envious, but they know that Ning Er is the youngest, so they just move closer to her.

She, especially Mo Yan and Qiaoer, almost stuck to her.

Yun Yuanze is better, but he always peeks at her with only a pair of eyes.

"Oh, forget it, let's go up here today. But tomorrow we have to make up."

Xiao Yi is young and he really likes these four children.

"Thank you Master Xiao, you guys, don't hurry to apologize to the Master."

The four children immediately said crisply.

"I'm sorry Master Xiao!"

Xiao Xiao Yi was a little jealous. But he treats these children with sincerity, why can't he just miss half of Mengya?

The lost Master Xiao silently picked up his lesson plans, and then gave up space to these skin monkeys.

Su Ninger hugged her waist tightly, her small face buried in her arms, like a living fish, constantly twisting.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged him tightly, and some emotions in her heart were almost full.

"Mother, why do you hold your brother!"

Mo Moyan was a little bit savory, because he hadn't seen him for a long time and missed him so much that he even abandoned his usual little pride.

Where Lin Mengya was willing to take advantage of the others, immediately embraced his small body, and kissed his face fiercely.

"Aunt, Qiaoer also needs Xiangxiang!"

Xiu Jiao raised for so long, the little girl who almost starved to death at first, also became more and more watery and lovely.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately kissed Qiao Er, causing the girl to "giggle" and laughed.

"Yuan Ze, would you like to come over?"

She beckoned towards Yuan Ze, but this little man firmly rejected her.

"My mother said, I am already the elder brother, and can't be the same as my brothers and sisters. Take care of them!"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and touched Yuan Ze's little head, she was really a promising child.

The three little guys hung on her like monkeys, making her like each other.

"Mother, when can we go home?"

Mo Moyan was a little bigger in the end, and after sitting close to her for a while, she sat down next to her.

I only have Ning'er left, sticking to her.

After looking at the child's innocent looking eyes, Lin Mengya just felt guilty.

After all, she still owed a lot of company to the children.

I pinched Mo Yan's tender little face, and she said it carefully.

"There are still some bad guys in the family who haven't dealt with it, but in a few days, when your ancestors wake up, I will take you home.

Children, all cheered.

Even Ninger slaps in her arms, smiling with a smile.

She looked down at these little babies, she really looked more and more in love.

The four children are all well-behaved and clever, so they must be young in the future.

After kissing each other enough, she and Bai Su took the children and walked to the room where their great ancestors were sick.

When he reached the door, Qiaoer immediately ran and knocked.

"Shizu Shizu, aunt is here!"

Xiao Xiaoyin's voice is adorable, with childish eagerness.

The teacher opened the door immediately, and smiled and touched the little girl's head.

"Chaoer is here, come in!"

The four children did not admit birth, but what she did not expect was that after the four children ran into the house, they ran to the ears of the great ancestors and talked wryly.

"Old ancestors, the leaves outside are yellow, but they look good."

"There are still red!"

"Green green!"

"Fool, Master said it will turn yellow in the future!"

Such childlike words made Lin Mengya smile.

孩子 These children have their own personalities. Koji is the most lively and Yuan Ze is the most stable. The only two in his family are bad water in his stomach, especially Mo Yan. Now his mouth is getting more and more poisonous.

Alas, the thought of her two sons, one with black poisonous tongue and the other with black belly, could not help but worry a little, whether she could drink the bowl of tea and tea.

他们 "They help the condition like this."

The teacher looked at the children with a smile and went to her to explain.

"I have been transferred to you before, have you not been affected?"

That's what she cares about most. Fortunately, the teacher said that Long Tianyu's people were very careful and didn't make any mistakes before she let go of her heart.

I stepped forward and went with the teacher to do routine inspections for my brothers.

At the mysterious location behind my head, the bumps have become particularly small.

It seems that it won't be long before my brothers can wake up.

At this moment, she finally relaxed her mind.

"If I wake up, I'm afraid it will take me a while to recover. I heard from the brother who was waiting for him that he often feels tired recently. Presumably, it is because his physical strength has not recovered."

She made people tonic, and developed a physical exercise method for the fourth brother. I believe it won't be long before the fourth brother can fully recover.

"Well, this is natural. But you said it was safe to take the children back together?"

"Previously, the children were not allowed to go back. I was thinking of taking this opportunity to thoroughly clean the palace. After all, the relationship between the sidelines and the lineage is complicated. If we act rashly, we will definitely lose our minds. Now all are evil They made it themselves, and I'll clear it up, it's not too much. "

If it hadn't happened for the great ancestors, they would let the great ancestors fall asleep.

However, it ’s okay, Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu are both obsessed with their own back roads, but they are simply.

那就 "That's good, but you also need to find a good excuse. It is better not to disclose the true condition of the palace father."

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