Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1696: Assassination at midnight

Gao Linmengya's eyes flashed a bit of light, fortunately, some preparations were made before, in order to pull things back in a timely manner, to their advantage.

"Mother, can I sleep with mother tonight?"

Su Ninger grabbed her skirt softly, with **** eyes, full of expectations.

Gently touched the child's small face, no matter what, he refused to say anything.

"Okay, mother to sleep with you tonight."

"Great, brother Mo Yan, mother can sleep with us!"

Su Ning'er immediately showed a big sweet smile, turned around, and told his brothers this good news.

Wu Moyan also showed a surprised expression, and he looked at the sun outside with big eyes, and he could not wait for it to be dark immediately.

行 "Okay, there's nothing to be busy here, you go and take the kids for a while."

Teacher Tong smiled and smiled. He really hurt these children, especially the two at the student's house. He was extremely intelligent and painful than ordinary children.

Zhe Lin Mengya smiled sorry for the teacher, and then let the children pull her away.

The four children were so happy that they kept telling her what happened after coming here.

In the piecemeal narratives of the children, she also learned that the children are happy and worry-free since they came here.

In the end, Ning Er was trapped in her arms, and the three older children took her clothes and slept.

Lin Lin Mengya kissed the little faces of the children, and only felt that at this moment, no matter what she did, it was worth it.

"It's cold, I can help you carry your child in."

Xiao Xiao Yi came out of the room next to her.

In the afternoon, he saw her sitting with the children.

The sun is gentle, even if she wears a mask that is not eye-catching, but she also emits a holy light.

The noise of the children was mixed with her gentle response.

I don't know why, such a scene, but let him settle in front of the window, watching an afternoon.

Until the sunset, he gradually woke up from intoxication.

Confused, but could not help but swell a bitter regret.

After Qian Qianfan exhausted, he tasted what he wanted.

Even if it was the original Yaer, even if it was a fool, it was childish and cute.

If he was

I shook my head and shook this outdated thought out of my head.

这样 This way, it should be the best.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up, saw Xiao Yi, and nodded with a smile.

Hugging Ninger, carrying Mo Yan on her back.

The other two children are in Xiao Yi's arms.

I sent the children into the room, covered the quilts one by one, Xiao Yi 愣愣, looked at her busy.

After waiting for her to be properly placed, Xiao Yi quickly retracted her eyes and did not let her notice the slightest.

"Master Xiao, do you have something to say?"

For Xiao Yi, she always has a kind of closeness to her old hometown.

What's more, he did his best for the child.

Even Li Yu often praised Xiao Fu's teaching well.

As a student parent, she naturally respects the children's teachers.

Xiao Yi wasn't used to it, and after shaking him, he shook his head.

"The children are very good, occasionally naughty does not matter. This age is the right time to play. But you, how are you?

我 "I? I'm fine, everything outside is smooth."

After speaking, the two fell into silence again.

Xiao Xiaoyi didn't know what to say, and Lin Mengya was thinking about where to start.

"Your great ancestors, what's the situation now?"

I thought about it, Xiao Yi only thought of greeting his father.

But as soon as the words came out, he regretted a little.

He Mingming can see it every day, and sometimes he has to help and take care of him. Why on the contrary ask him?

Zhe Lin Mengya only thought that he was asking about the illness, and said softly, "It's going well, you should be waking up soon. After Xiao Xiaozi, what are your plans?"

What are you going to do? Xiao Yi glanced at her puzzledly.

He stayed here as a gentleman, and to gather and help those refugees in Jin Dynasty is what he will do in the future.

Alas, does she have other plans?

"I feel that the Master ’s Nest is a bit of a curiosity in this college. Of course, the future of the College is unlimited. Masters are here, and naturally they can achieve what they want. I want to ask the Master, but have the intention to help me ? "

The strength of a person is ultimately limited.

Lin Lin Mengya knows what she is about to face, so she can't help but plan.

Although Xiao Yi is a literary minister, he is intelligent and understands the people.

When he was in Dajin, he was reused by the brothers Long Tianyu and Long Qinghan.

She wants to build her own strength. Such a person is indispensable.

然 Otherwise, if she wants her to come up with an idea, even with the help of a small medicine, she will sooner or later die.

Xiao Yi is suitable for her identity and outstanding ability, so she has become the object of her appeal.

"it is good."

I barely thought about anything, Xiao Yi agreed to her.

Lin Lin Mengya was somewhat surprised by his completeness. He hadn't looked at this person before to see the world.

"How is it possible for me to survive alone in the storm? I'm willing to do everything for the people of the world."

For a moment, Lin Mengya seemed to see the former Xiao Xiaogong, who was full of spirits.

In my opinion, the ambition is unpaid, and the fire in my heart is not extinguished after all.

She raised her lips and showed a sincere smile.

"After that, we will be companions."

Mind her heart, was touched by her words.

Go forward together, that is to say, will they be involved in the future?

Even though it was only a little bit small, it was enough to make him willing.

"it is good!"

The candlelight shook, Xiao Yi seriously looked at the woman in front of him seriously. From then on, he will let go of all the feelings of men and women.

What you have is just the loyalty of those who die for their friends!

I wanted to accompany the children for another day, but when it was dark, the court slave knocked on her door.

"Sir, the palace is here, and it is important that you go back immediately."

Lin Lin Mengya woke up immediately, and after a low response, she gave the children a good quilt, and immediately packed herself up and went to the yard.

At this time, Bai Su also went out one step first.

She lowered her voice and asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know, but last night, it seemed that someone broke into Ru Xinyuan."

A frown frowned, and now living in that yard, Long Tianyu's fake princess.

Hey, not yet. What happened to her?

The sky was bright, and she and Bai Su followed the other way, only the kind that the court slaves could know.

I was just outside the wall, and the voices were one after another, very lively.

She and Bai Su quietly left the academy and still got into the sedan from the back door.

I was supposed to be quiet and robbery, but at this time many guards appeared.

If they weren't familiar with the path in the city, I'd be afraid to avoid the search of those people.

掀 She opened the car curtain and looked outside.

What the **** happened?

When I returned home, the house was still quiet.

I just Ning Liang and Gong Ping waited at the door.

一 As soon as she stepped out of the sedan chair, she asked, "What the **** happened?"

Compared with Gong Ping's uneasiness, Ning Liang is more calm.

"Mr. Hui, the princess was assassinated last night."

什么 "What? When did it happen and who did it?"

Wu Ningliang shook his head, and he had just received the news.

A few people rushed to his brother's study, presumably his brother was just up, so his face was a little pale.

As soon as I saw her, she kicked everyone out, leaving only a few reliable people.

"Sister, did you do that?"

我 "I? You mean, assassination of the princess?"

The four eyes of the palace are a little embarrassing, after all, the young girl behaves differently from them.

In terms of her relationship with His Highness Xi, it is really possible that she would do such a thing.

If it was really the little girl who did it, he would probably help her get it done.

Seeing the worries in the eyes of her four brothers, Lin Mengya almost laughed.

怎么 "How is it possible! I want to kill her. There are 10,000 ways to make her die silently. How could it be that such a movement would happen."

Sitai College, that's her place.

If she really wants the princess's life, naturally there is a way to remove her unconsciously, and she can completely clarify the relationship with herself and the palace family.

I heard that she didn't do it, and finally Gong Shi was relieved.

"As long as it's not you."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her brother's attitude and seemed a little bit wrong.

"Four brothers are afraid not to ask the teacher to plead guilty, but to help me destroy the body?"

I didn't expect, but the fourth brother really nodded.

"The princess took your husband in front and came to us to sway behind. If you really want to teach her a lesson, I also think it is appropriate. For others to know, our palace is not so bullying . "

No wonder, listen to Zeng Zu said that the women of the palace family have a very high status in the husband's family.

Just such a sturdy family, how many people are not afraid?

所以 "So, the fourth brother can't keep his door behind him, so he doesn't know?"

除此之外 "Besides that, I also want to avoid suspicion."

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes flickered, and she immediately understood the meaning of her four elder brothers.

They know that the news is so fast because someone in the academy has been monitoring the Ru Xinyuan.

But if the palace family reacts too quickly, it is suspected that the thief shouted to catch the thief.

I'd rather wait until the right time to pretend.

"It's all up to the elder brother. This princess, we have to deal with it carefully. But rest assured, your highness has nothing to do with her, and even wait to pull her down."

After she expressed her position on behalf of Long Tianyu, she could let her brother know how to grasp this scale.

Niangong raised her eyes, and her face was a bit cold.

原来 "That's the case, no wonder she is so fanatical, everyone wants to know that she is Her Royal Highness Princess Xi. For a long time, she wanted three people to become tigers, and the fake drama was really done."

Seeing his elder brother understand, Lin Mengya knew that she didn't need to say too much.

After a while, Gong Shi seemed to remember something, and immediately ordered.

"Ning Liang, Gong Ping, the two of you, go find a few good people, and head up and down the house, and look for everything that can hide things. Especially in these few days, there is a connection with the outside People's room. "

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